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Emerging influences of information technology on school curriculum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Just as information technology has improved effectiveness in medicine, finance, manufacturing, and numerous other sectors of society, advanced computing and telecommunications have the potential to help students master complex 21st-century skills. Research-based curriculum projects are developing examples of technologies that enable online virtual communities of practice using advanced tools to solve realworld problems. Learners engage in guided, reflective inquiry through extended projects that inculcate sophisticated concepts and skills and generate complex products. Pupils act as partners in developing learning experiences and generating knowledge, and students' collaborative construction of meaning is enhanced via different perspectives on shared experiences. Simulation and visualization tools help students recognize patterns, reason qualitatively about physical processes, translate among frames of reference, and envision dynamic models. These curricular approaches improve success for all types of learners and may differentially enhance the performance of at-risk students.  相似文献   

从生成到涌现--以复杂思维看学校变革惰性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学校要素间关联和度不一,使有些学校具备生成机制,有些学校具备涌现机制。因为生成性的系统倾向于稳定,所以本文建议从增强学校要素间联系入手,通过涌现机制的建立.间接促进学校教育变革.达到消解学校变革惰性的目的。  相似文献   

学科的显著特征是对未知知识的“开垦”,是“自发性的化学反应”,专业是对“知识成品”进行的模块组合,是因人的定制引发的对知识定构的“他发性物理反应”。知识的有用本性决定了学科和专业被规训成为必然,但对学科来说规训是禁锢,对专业来说规训是助力。学术权力在行政权力制约下的“内卷”导致学科越分越细,与“交叉融合知识”的迫切需求形成偏差。立足在专业上的“新工科”依附于立足于学科的“交叉学科”,但二者又存在相互独立性,沿着“交叉融合知识”的产生和消费逻辑,交叉学科和新工科呈现上下游关系。弱化规训后的学科有利于知识的交叉融合,强化规训后的专业,能直接针对性对人塑形,交叉学科和新工科体现了对学科规训的超越与巩固。  相似文献   

Author ofRecurrent Education: Earnings and Well-being (1989) and several articles on the economics of education.  相似文献   

This paper examines the emerging trends in counselling, particularly career counselling, in relation to education, career and employment. It deals with the counselling issues associated with each of these emphases and with the comprehensive populations for whom education, career, and employment content may be different but important in various settings: schools, universities, business and industry, community. Particularly important are the counselling emphases associated with unemployment, underemployment, career and job change, and persons with disabilities. Major attention is given to emerging perspectives on the relationship of career counselling to mental health, stress and anger management, and behavioural health.  相似文献   

Three emerging technologies in physics education are evaluated from the interdisciplinary perspective of cognitive science and physics education research. The technologies—Physlet Physics, the Andes Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), and Microcomputer-Based Laboratory (MBL) Tools—are assessed particularly in terms of their potential at promoting conceptual change, developing expert-like problem-solving skills, and achieving the goals of the traditional physics laboratory. Pedagogical methods to maximize the potential of each educational technology are suggested.  相似文献   

<正>1.Introduction This essay talks about the new energy vehicle industry in the dominant market environment.It deals with four questions.Firstly,it depicts the new energy vehicle industry’s dominant economic characteristics.Secondly,it answers the question of what are the driving forces of industry’s change,and how these driving forces will affect the industry profitability.Thirdly,it  相似文献   

The "emerging educational institutional decision-making matrix" is developed to allow educational institutions to adopt a rigorous and consistent methodology of determining which of the myriad of emerging educational technologies will be the most compelling for the institution, particularly ensuring that it is the educational or pedagogical but not the technological imperative that drives the technology integration agenda. The matrix is designed to be used after some initial research into an emerging technology. Once a technology is put through the matrix, a member of options are available: (1) shelving the technology; (2) putting the technology on hold and maintaining a watching brief until the technology matures in the market; and (3) researching the product further by conducting a trial or placing in testing sandpit. After further research, the technology can be tested as a pilot to determine how well or otherwise, the technology works within the institution. If an emerging technology has more than one product associated with it, a second and third step in the matrix has been developed, and the second step assigns a rating to each of the categories within the matrix. With many products containing similar features, a third step has been developed to compare products on a feature level.  相似文献   

本科院校正在讨论"新工科"问题,关注的是如何培养应对新经济需求的高端工程技术人才;同理,职业教育应当讨论"新职教"问题,关注如何培养应对新经济、新业态、新技术需求的优秀产业大军。我国职业教育须加快从"世界工厂"背景下的职业教育转型升级成"中国创造""中国智造"背景下的职业教育;理清思路,完成八个方面的重新定义;采取有力措施,加快新职教的推进和建设。  相似文献   

目前电子杂志有两种,一种是有平面载体的杂志,另一种是没有平面载体的.前者是传统纸质杂志的电子版,后者则是一个全新的媒体形式.大量图片、音乐、Flash动画甚至视频的穿插应用,使得电子杂志与传统杂志相比具备了更多元的表现形式,并且省去了传统杂志巨大的纸张和印刷成本.这种新型出版物就其内容而言,也具有上述纸质杂志的属性,是有固定栏目、按顺序连续出版的刊物.  相似文献   

媒体批评是指由大众传媒主导、策划或参与展开的文学批评.它包括大众传媒刊发的文学报道和文学批评文章、大众传媒参与或主导制造的文学事件和文学活动等多个层面的意指.本文从20世纪90年代以来的社会文化背景切入文学及文学批评的生态现状,剖析媒体批评兴盛的文化语境,并展望媒体批评的发展之路.  相似文献   

"新工科"是世界高等工程教育领域的中国智慧和中国方案,是中国工程教育在新时代新作为的重要发力点。"新工科"的教育理念蕴含着中华民族优秀的传统文化底蕴和哲学内涵。在文化自信的语境下,文章试从中国传统哲学层面分析"新工科"的实践原则、方法论、面向未来的适应方略等内涵。通过哲学阐释,有助于我们更加认同新工科的教育理念,在认知与实践的辩证统一的关系中更好地把握新工科。  相似文献   

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