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Corporate training strategies which seek to improve the performances of organisations and their employees are now likely to incorporate a number of open learning formats. Where training strategies are geared to improving skill performances, and where the productivity of organisations depends upon such improvements, the use of open learning becomes vital. In this article, Peter Bowen, Company Training Manager of W. H. Smith & Son Limited and a Director of Management Performance Limited, considers the practice and promise of open learning as an instrument of performance training. His argument is based upon recent experience with print and computer‐based learning systems in W. H. Smith.  相似文献   

弹性学习已成为世界高等教育改革的一种基本趋势。它的实施,对于学习者来说意味着更多的选择机会,并对自己的选择负责。对于教师而言,更多地意味着对学习者的选择作出回应,他们将面临更多的挑战。对于高等学校而言,它们虽然能够更好地承担服务社会的绩效责任,但其自主也更容易受到损害,内部管理也会遇到许多新问题。  相似文献   

This article reflects on the flexible learning concept through the eyes of the 19th-century industrial activists known as the Luddites. During a period of economic uncertainty, the Luddite perspective provides a sensitive justification for a change-free educational environment, and for a backlash in favour of ‘inflexible learning’ (IL). The article outlines institutional strategies for encouraging IL in the face of flexibility, including a five-step intervention programme helping teachers to resist flexible tendencies in their work, and to return to the naturally inflexible state of many of their colleagues.  相似文献   

A new approach to moral education using blended learning has been developed. This approach involves 10 scenarios that are designed as a web-based game and serves as a basis for group moral-consequence-based reasoning, which is developed based on a hypothetical-deductive model. The aim of the study was to examine the changes in students' blended learning interest and reasoning ability in a time series experimental design. After playing the game with the 10 initial scenarios during the first week of the study, participants were subjected to five blended learning sessions that required them to discuss the consequences of one of the 10 scenarios using hypothetical-deductive reasoning. After six weeks, the data from the 110 participants were analyzed using time series statistics. The results indicated that players were highly interested in the game, although their interest had a tendency to decrease slightly over time. Repetitive game play (i.e. practice) was positively associated with the players' moral reasoning performance. The study results may lend support to the design of a game with additional or more highly complex content for players to further develop students' consequential reasoning ability.  相似文献   

Valid, accessible, reusable methods for instructional video game design and embedded assessment can provide actionable information enhancing individual and collective achievement. Cyberlearning through game‐based, metaphor‐enhanced learning objects (CyGaMEs) design and embedded assessment quantify player behavior to study knowledge discovery and application. CyGaMEs is grounded by analogical reasoning theory, cognitive task analysis and knowledge representation. A construct representation argument for validity using evidence‐centered design warrants CyGaMEs, its web‐based learning environment, Selene: A Lunar Construction GaME, its embedded assessment, and a learning dynamics approach to student, measurement and statistical models. Two studies (US volunteers, Study 1: n = 267, mean (M)age = 15; Study 2: n = 90, Mage = 12) cross‐validate learning dynamics (learner progress, rate of progress and changes in that rate) for Selene's multidimensional goals while players learn and apply standard‐based science about fundamental geology and space science concepts. Gameplay data analyzed using regression, calculus and hierarchical linear modeling exhibit overall relatively high standardized rates of progress toward each goal statistically higher than zero. For example, adjusting for nesting within individual players, average rate of progress toward the goal of accreting lunar mass is a z‐score of 1.4 (99% confidence interval = 1.40lower, 1.48upper) or 1.4 standard deviations above zero.  相似文献   

The study examined the relationships between learning patterns and attitudes towards two assessment formats: open‐ended (OE) and multiple‐choice (MC), among students in higher education. Sixteen Semantic Differential scales measuring emotional reactions, intellectual reactions and appraisal of each assessment format, along with measures of learning processes, academic self‐concept and test anxiety, were administered to 58 students. Results indicated two patterns of relationships between the learning‐related variables and the assessment attitudes: high scores on the self‐concept measure and on the three measures of learning processes were related to positive attitudes towards the OE format but negative ones towards the MC format; low scores on the test anxiety measures were related to positive attitudes towards the OE format. In addition, significant gender differences emerged with respect to the MC format, with males having more favourable attitudes than females. Results were discussed in light of an adaptive assessment approach.  相似文献   

This paper examines the participatory approach used by a group of academic support staff in evaluating an academic professional development resource designed to support e‐learning and teaching. The resource, titled Designing Electronic Learning and Teaching Approaches (DELTA), showcases examples of electronic learning and teaching approaches developed at Monash University, Australia. The evaluation included individual and collective reflection, dialogue and action, drawing on the features of participatory action research. This paper explores the value of this critically reflective, participatory approach for evaluation to improve the use of new learning technologies, demonstrating how it provided a clear decision‐making framework for iterative improvement of the DELTA site by identifying consensus items for action and recording other items for later consideration, while also contributing to team members’ own professional development.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - In-game learning supports aim to help students solve game levels (i.e., game-related supports), and connect to underlying content (i.e.,...  相似文献   

Intergenerational learning (IGL) has been identified as a viable way to help organizations deal with the problems an ageing worker population brings with it. Information and communications technology (ICT) in its many forms can be utilized to support IGL. This paper investigates the requirements for a game that would help raise stakeholder awareness for IGL, and allow individuals to practice skills related to it. By interviewing members of the European Union (EU)-funded SILVER-project we aim to find out suitable contexts, interventions and mechanisms that allow us to design such a game. Based on the interviews we found out that the game should be easily contextualized so that it works in—or is easily adapted to—different countries and cultures. For example sports or nature could be such contexts. As for mechanisms and interventions we found out that there are many possibilities. We conclude that such a logical combination of mechanisms and interventions that support the selected context must be chosen.  相似文献   

This paper presents a game designed to support teaching and learning of Portuguese History to 6th grade students. Firstly, a state of the art of mobile game-based learning for History is presented. Then we describe shortly the research carried out which aimed at the analysis of the games most played by students, followed by the identification of the learning principles proposed by Paul Gee and the game mechanics to propose a game structure. Data was collected from students in the 2nd cycle of the Portuguese Educational System (n = 508) through a questionnaire. Finally, we describe the game, that was developed based on those findings, related to a Portuguese historical event - the Republic Implementation in 1910.  相似文献   

Concept maps have been widely employed for helping students organise their knowledge as well as evaluating their knowledge structures in a wide range of subject matters. Although researchers have recognised concept maps as being an important educational tool, past experiences have also revealed the difficulty of evaluating the correctness of a concept map. It usually takes days or weeks for teachers to manually evaluate the concept maps developed by students; consequently, the students cannot receive timely feedback from the teachers, which not only affects their learning schedules, but also significantly influences the students' learning achievements. In this paper, a computer‐based concept map‐oriented learning strategy with real‐time assessment and feedback is proposed in order to cope with the problems mentioned above. Our approach provides immediate evaluation of concept maps and gives also real‐time feedback to the students. An experiment has been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of this new strategy in comparison with the conventional computer‐based concept map approach. It is found that our innovative approach can be significantly beneficial to promote learning achievements as well as the learning attitudes of students.  相似文献   

The study investigated the effect on learning of four different instructional formats used to teach assembly procedures. Cognitive load and spatial information processing theories were used to generate the instructional material. The first group received a physical model to study, the second an isometric drawing, the third an isometric drawing plus a model and the fourth an orthographic drawing. Forty secondary school students were presented with the four different instructional formats and subsequently tested on an assembly task. The findings indicated that there may be evidence to argue that the model format which only required encoding of an already constructed three dimensional representation, caused less extraneous cognitive load compared to the isometric and the orthographic formats. No significant difference was found between the model and the isometric‐plus‐model formats on all measures because 80% of the students in the isometric‐plus‐model format chose to use the model format only. The model format also did not differ significantly from other groups in total time taken to complete the assembly, in number of correctly assembled pieces and in time spent on studying the tasks. However, the model group had significantly more correctly completed models and required fewer extra looks than the other groups.  相似文献   


In this review, we discuss (1) how the notion of conceptual change has developed over the past three decades, (2) giving rise to alternative approaches for analysing conceptual change, (3) leading towards a multiperspective view of science learning and instruction that (4) can be used to examine scientific literacy and (5) lead to a powerful framework for improving science teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Providing local communities with the authority to manage school grants is a popular education policy in the developing world. However, recent studies suggest that this type of intervention has limited impact on student learning outcomes as such communities do not have adequate capacity to utilize resources. To investigate how communities can effectively utilize school resources, we conducted a randomized experiment in Niger. Communities and parents were provided with information about student learning together with school grants. They also participated in discussions about how communities and schools can work together utilizing the grants and communities’ own resources. After the intervention, the communities increased activities that enhanced student effort, and parents increased their contribution to school activities and engagement in children's learning at home. As a result, student test scores improved by 0.43 standard deviations in math and 0.20 standard deviations in French. The impact was largest for the lowest-performing children.  相似文献   

Background: Research findings indicate that developing good relationships with pupils, managing classroom processes adequately and developing confidence and trust with other teachers are among the aspects of teaching that are found to be challenging. Although many studies conclude that collaborative reflection is a crucial activity for supporting teachers’ professional development in school, studies that focus on what teachers reflect on and how they reflect are more limited.

Purpose: The purpose of the study was to improve our understanding of what situations teachers experience as challenging in their teaching, what types of help they seek when trying to manage such situations and, furthermore, how teachers reflect together on how to develop as teachers, when they have time to collaborate.

Sources of information and method: The study aimed to explore these areas theoretically by bringing together data from, and discussing the implications of (1) an interview study and (2) a formative intervention study which involved teachers from lower secondary schools in Norway working with a researcher–participant. The data were analysed by using the constant comparative method of analyses. By discussing aspects of these two studies together, the research aimed to identify and address some of the theoretical questions pertinent to teacher development.

Findings and conclusions: The analysis and discussion of the data from the two studies illuminates teachers’ recognition of the value of having time to reflect together. It also indicates, however, that it is not only a matter of teachers having time to observe, reflect together and focus on their development processes: the types of discourse used during collaborative reflection must also be suitable. The researcher–participant’s role highlighted the untapped potential to be found by looking into how language is used in dialogues aimed at supporting teacher development. Helping teachers to develop the skills to reflect collaboratively and constructively, in a way that ultimately improves teaching and learning, is therefore an important challenge for teacher education and the education of teachers and school leaders.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the problem of designing flexible learning and instruction. Flexibility is considered both from the learner's and the designer's perspective. The potential of telematics in the design, development and implementation of flexible and distance learning is discussed. A Method for flexible instructional modules development is presented which aims at assisting the educational designers in the development of flexible instructional modules, ie, modules, which are easily adaptable to different learner's needs, allow learner's choices and different delivery platforms, including distance delivery. Examples of Method applications and current development of a software system to facilitate the Method's implementation are reported.  相似文献   

Digital games have the potential of being a transformative tool for applying constructionist principles to learning within formal and informal learning settings. Unfortunately, most recent attention has focused on instructionist games. Connected gaming provides a tantalizing alternative approach by calling for the development of games that are both instructive and modifiable by learners. If game design is to be used as a pedagogical tool in this manner, emphasis should be placed on the concurrent development of critical makers. In this paper, we advance the notion of connected gaming through positing a conception of a critical maker. To accomplish this, we look to the arts as a domain where pedagogical approaches are in place from which the game-based learning community can draw insights from, along with an overview of the potential challenges and opportunities that may accompany any attempt to develop critical makers.  相似文献   

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