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Turkey has a distinctive position with regard to its geography and history among Muslim countries. Particular features are its secular system and far reaching modernization processes particularly with respect to the ‘emancipation’ of women. The aim of this paper is to describe and analyze sport and body politics as part of the modernization processes in Turkey and to explore in particular the multiple roles of different groups of women in the reforms initiated by the Turkish Governments. A focus will be on the intersecting influences of gender and social class. The famous archaeologist Halet Çambel will be used as an example of the ‘modern’ woman who embodied reformist ideologies. Çambel was the daughter of an elite family; she was born in Berlin where her father was an attaché at the Turkey embassy. She studied in France and participated in the Olympic Games in 1936. She and another Turkish fencer were the first women from a Muslim country to participate in the Olympic Games. Later she became the most famous archaeologist in Turkey and she stayed physically active all her life. In particular, horse riding became a favourite activity as she travelled to archaeological sites on horseback.  相似文献   

This essay explores the evolution of modern sporting goods retailing through the development of Gamage's (A.W. Gamage Holborn Ltd.) before the First World War. The essay examines how Gamage's exploited new models of fashionable consumerism to create a unique retail environment that directly targeted young male consumers enjoying modern forms of sporting and recreational activities. By the end of the nineteenth century, the so-called ‘People's Popular Emporium’ purported to be the ‘world's largest sport and athletic outfitter’. The essay considers Gamage's rise to prominence in a crucial period in the development of commodity culture. It examines the changing cultural form of shops and shopping in relation to the desires of a burgeoning mass market that sought to express and visibly display its economic, sporting, and social status.  相似文献   


The sport industry is an emerging industry in China. The aims of this paper are to explore the history of China’s sport industry policies and to reveal existing problems and their causes in these policies. In this qualitative research, documentary analysis and in-depth interviews of 15 interviewees were conducted. It is concluded that the history of sport industry polices in China has undergone roughly four stages: budding (1978–1992), exploration (1992–1998), integration (1998–2008), and developing (2008 onwards). The Chinese sport industry policies have experienced numerous problems. First, the policy goals are hollow, unspecific, and undefined. Second, the policies lack pertinence. Third, their value standard deviates from the constraint condition. Fourth, they lack continuity and stability. The complicated reasons for these problems include factors related to the sport management system, the policy value orientation of government, and the interest game between stakeholders throughout the policy process. This paper, therefore, presents suggestions for China’s sport industry policies. First, the sports market should be opened gradually. Second, the government should increase policy support. Third, the government should support and regulate the development of professional sports. Fourth, the government should promote the construction of a national and local sport industry base.  相似文献   

Intrinsic motivation (IM) is an important predictor of children’s physical activity participation. The present 3-year longitudinal study examined changes in IM toward physical activity among a group of at-risk boys (N = 92) at a summer sports camp. Results showed the boys were intrinsically motivated in their first camp year, but their IM levels declined throughout 3 years of participation. This decline might be due to insufficient instructor support and repetitively scheduled activities at the camp. There were no ethnic differences in the initial IM mean scores or rates of IM change. Such homogeneity might be attributable to the boys’ similar demographic characteristics. Future research should identify possible causes of declined IM for camp coordinators and instructors to better design and implement sports and physical activities to sustain the boys’ IM.  相似文献   


In the 1970s, women’s sport underwent significant change in the United States resulting in an increase of participation opportunities and funding at the interscholastic, intercollegiate, professional and international levels. Yet, media outlets continued to ignore women and, at best, portray them in gender stereotypical ways. Considering the lack of progress for women in sports media coverage, this study employs sport historian Jaime Schultz’s ‘points of change’ framework in order to identify those moments that constituted an ideological shift in the process of covering women’s sport. Drawing upon oral history interviews with journalists who wrote about women’s sport in the 1970s and 1980s, this research provides a deeper look into how journalists experienced and addressed the shifting gender ideologies of the time period. Journalists’ memories, accompanied by their articles, reveal how media practitioners negotiated meanings about femininity and athleticism in response to events that challenged deeply embedded assumptions about gender and its intersections with ethnicity, race and sexuality. This exploratory research, thus, identifies several ‘points of change’ – or points of struggle, conflict and resistance – and calls for a re-periodization of the history of women’s sports coverage.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(1):98-115
This paper examines the life and career of James Catton, one-time editor of The Athletic News and a hugely influential figure in the development of British sports reporting from the late-Victorian period through to the inter-war years. 1 1. The paper is based on one I presented at the British Society of Sports History annual conference in April 2003 at the University of Southampton, and arises from work on my PhD. thesis on the professionalization of sports journalism from 1850 to 1939.   相似文献   

While seductive details are enjoyable, they are unimportant content or activities intentionally inserted to make class fun and interesting. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of seductive details on students' learning of net games in physical education. Participants were 240 middle school students. A videotaped lesson example named “outfox your opponent” was used as the stimulus, and a 2 x 3 (condition x grade) factorial analysis was designed. The results showed that seductive details directly interrupted students' recall of important learning content and transferring problem solving in learning net games. It is suggested that the function of seductive details on learning should be reconsidered when designing effective motivational strategies in physical education.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the changes in the role of government in Chinese elite sport development during three stages between 1949 and 2012. By analyzing the literature in terms of value orientation, governance scope and resource allocation methods, the study shows that the government functioned differently in each of the three stages. The changes to the government's involvement in Chinese elite sport development occurred in tandem with economic and social development in China.  相似文献   


In the following article, it will be argued that there are at least four clusters of arguments generally proposed to justify banning doping in sport and that Simon’s contribution has been of a seminal nature to at least two of the clusters.  相似文献   

Chronic fatigue in the athletic population is a common but difficult diagnostic challenge for the sports physician. While a degree of fatigue may be normal for any athlete during periods of high-volume training, the clinician must be able to differentiate between this physiological fatigue and more prolonged, severe fatigue which may be due to a pathological condition. As chronic fatigue can be the presenting symptom of many curable and harmful diseases, medical conditions which cause chronic fatigue have to be excluded. The clinician must then be able to differentiate between chronic fatigue associated with training or chronic fatigue from other medical causes, and also between the chronic fatigue syndrome and the overtraining syndrome. Once the clinician has excluded all of the above medical conditions which cause chronic fatigue in athletes, a significant proportion of fatigued athletes remain without a diagnosis. Novel data indicate that skeletal muscle disorders may play a role in the development of symptoms experienced by the athlete with chronic fatigue. The histological findings from muscle biopsies of athletes suffering from the ‘fatigued athlete myopathic syndrome’ are presented. We have designed a clinical approach to the diagnosis and work-up of the athlete presenting with chronic fatigue. The strength of this approach is that it hinges on the participation of a multidisciplinary team in the diagnosis and management of the athlete with chronic fatigue. The athlete, coach, dietician, exercise physiologist and sport psychologist all play an important role in enabling the physician to make the correct diagnosis.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(1):23-33
This paper is a continuation of my ongoing efforts to wrestle ‘With the theoretical implications of the mass of empirical work’ I have done on sport in the mining communities of East Northumberland during the nineteenth century. The paper attempts to bring some coherence to the histories of tenty two sports by focusing on a unifying theme. In fact, there were several themes that emerged from the data; the central importance of the 1870s, the increasing importance of various social institutions, the impact of economic conditions on sport and the role of several individuals in contouring the social life of the mining communities. However, there was one theme that was more important than any other; ownership, control and actual use of space. The paper will not examine the complex relationships between these elements except to say that the relationships between ownership, control and actual use were a contested domain. Rather I will use the actual control of space as my unifying theme and consider the different roles of those who controlled space had on the development of sport.  相似文献   


The power output achieved at peak oxygen consumption (VO 2Peak) and the time this power can be maintained (i. e., Tmax) have been used in prescribing high-intensity interval training. In this context, the present study examined temporal aspects of the VO2 response to exercise at the cycling power that output well trained cyclists achieve their VO 2peak (i. e., Pmax). Following a progressive exercise test to determine VO 2peak, 43 well trained male cyclists (M age = 25 years, SD = 6; M mass = 75 kg, SD = 7; M VO2 peak = 64.8 ml-kg1 min?1, SD = 5.2) performed two Tmax tests 1 week apart. Values expressed for each participant are means and standard deviations of these two tests. Participants achieved a mean VO 2peak during the Tmax test after 176 s (SD = 40; M = 74% of Tmax, SD = 12) and maintained it for 66 s (SD = 39; M = 26% of Tmax, SD = 12). Additionally, they obtained mean 95% of VO 2peak after 147 s (SD = 31; M = 62% of Tmax, SD = 8) and maintained it for 95 s (SD = 38; M = 38 % of Tmax, SD = 8). These results suggest that 60–70 % of Tmax is an appropriate exercise duration for a population of well trained cyclists to attain VO 2peak during exercise at Pmax. However, due to intraparticipant variability in the temporal aspects of the VO2 response to exercise at Pmax, future research is needed to examine whether individual high-intensity interval training programs for well trained endurance athletes might best be prescribed according to an athlete's individual VO2 response to exercise at Pmax.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2017,20(5):510-521
Poverty and social exclusion are ‘wicked issues’ and require a joint approach from a wide array of policy fields. As practicing sport has become a customary activity, it has a part to play in fighting social exclusion. But to what extent is this a realistic expectation? Drawing on qualitative data gathered from semi-structured interviews at twenty local sport authorities in Flanders (Belgium), the aim of this study is to gain insight in the experiences of local sport authorities with people in poverty, and to identify barriers and facilitators for investing in the inclusion of this social group. Results indicate that facilitating inclusion for people in poverty is a challenging task for local sport managers. Policy initiatives, if any, often remain limited to providing financial discounts. Only a minority of local sport managers reported more comprehensive policies, involving different strategies. A major problem is the limited understanding and expertise of local sport managers with regard to poverty. Therefore, cooperation between sport managers and organisations from the social sector is crucial. Recommendations as to how the role of local sport authorities as a facilitator of social inclusion can be strengthened are formulated.  相似文献   

While the politicisation of high-performance sport is perceived to represent one of the driving forces behind doping, we know not much how exactly the cold war in sports has affected sporting misconduct in western societies. Therefore, we propose here to distinguish between ideological and institutional politicisation and explicit and implicit acceptance of dubious practices. We apply our framework to analyse the West German ‘air clyster’ affair of 1976 in order to examine to what extent the politicisation of high-performance sport during the cold war affected the search for innovation in performance enhancement. We find that political pressure for improved competitiveness in West German sport had served to create a semi-autonomous high-performance sport sector in West Germany where blurred lines of accountability allowed questionable practices to prosper. While the public despised the use of questionable methods, sportive nationalism served to eclipse dubious practices. West German sport leaders adopted insofar a permissive attitude towards questionable practices as sporting misconduct was not sanctioned. Thus, our results strongly suggest that sport's politicisation during the cold war facilitated the search for performance-increasing methods in western societies.  相似文献   

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