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男子职业足球运动员踝关节损伤原因及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
踝关节的损伤是足球运动员的职业病。笔者对陕西国力、山东鲁能、北京现代、深圳健力宝、青岛澳柯玛等8支中国甲A男子职业足球队134名运动员踝关节损伤进行了调查,分析我国男子职业足球运动员踝关节损伤的原因及损伤程度。  相似文献   

赵斌  徐金山 《体育科研》2011,32(3):88-91
对上海10~11岁年龄段的少儿足球运动员的训练状况调查分析的基础上,运用了文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、体育测量法、数理统计法等综合研究方法,确定了测试足球基本技术以及身体素质的5项指标和测试方法,形成了该年龄段运动员检验训练水平的身体素质、基本技术测试项目和评价标准。  相似文献   

踢球是决定比赛胜负的主要技术手段之一.其中,脚背内侧踢球、正脚背踢球、脚内侧踢球及脚背外侧踢球是4种最基本的踢球方法.4种踢球方法踢球腿的摆动具有相似性,运动生物力学手段对其进行研究比较发现,脚背内踢球摆动腿的大腿前摆角最大,脚内侧踢球小腿前摆角最小,脚触球时,正脚背踢球与脚背外侧踢球的小腿角速度最快,脚内侧最慢.摆动腿的摆动存在鞭打动作,但不仅仅局限于鞭打动作.  相似文献   

处于生长高峰期的女子足球运动员的身体素质变化迅速,由于缺少有效的测试评价手段,教练员往往难以制定个性化体能发展计划。方法:选取山西体育职业学院U13组(42人)和U15组(23人)女子足球运动员,确保无疲劳情况下进行下肢功能力量(单脚跳、跨步跳和侧向跨步跳)特征和运动表现(反应力量指数、下肢刚度、20 m冲刺和T测试)测试。结果: U13和U15组在单脚跳、跨步跳、侧向跨步跳、反应力量指数(RSI)、下肢刚度、20 m冲刺均存在统计学差异(P<0.05),而在T测试(12.53±0.72)、(12.45±1.06)未见统计学差异。U13和U15组在单脚跳相对值(0.91±0.10)、(0.89±0.10),跨步跳相对值(0.99±0.08)、(0.98±0.08),侧向跨步跳相对值(1.01±0.09)、(0.98±0.07),均未见统计学差异(P>0.05)。两组单脚跳相对值均达到89%,而相对跨步跳成绩两组均未达到109%。结论:U13和U15组女足运动员加速能力(单脚跳/身高值)普遍超过89%,而减速能力(跨步跳/对侧单脚跳)均未达到109%;U15组女子足球运动员的下肢功能、20 m冲刺和RSI成绩均有显著提高,但T测试成绩改善并不明显。  相似文献   

试论雪地足球技战术特点与训练指导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对雪地足球比赛的技战术特点进行了理论性的分析与研究 ,并对指导训练方面提出了自己的建议。其目的是使广大足球爱好者和教练员 ,认识雪地足球运动的基本规律 ,尽快掌握雪地足球比赛技巧和科学指导训练。仅供大家参考。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查、文献资料等方法对70名我国优秀青少年男子足球运动员运动损伤情况进行调查与分析,探讨其发生损伤的原因及特点,提出对策和建议。调查结果表明:优秀男子青少年足球运动员运动损伤发生率高,损伤程度也较为严重;发生损伤较多的部位分别为踝关节、膝关节、大腿和足部;几种主要的损伤类型分别为扭伤、拉伤和挫伤;导致运动损伤的几种主要原因依次是直接激烈对抗、运动负荷过大和场地等环境因素,准备活动不足和自我保护缺乏也引起了较多的运动损伤;运动损伤后未治愈的比例较高,有少数运动员没有经过损伤后的正规治疗。最后依据调查结果对防治运动损伤提出对策建议。  相似文献   

足球运动中9项指标与比赛成绩的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据文献资料,对足球赛场中出现的9项指标进行评价,确定参赛队的综合实力。同时对参赛球队的综合实力与运动成绩进行了相关分析。目的是想通过测评研究为我国足球训练提供一定的理论参考。结论:17届世界杯足球赛决赛球队的综合实力与运动成绩之间密切相关,相关系数高达0.0988,但综合实力的高低不完全决定运动成绩的高低;失球、犯规、越位和被抢断在32支球队中无显著差异。  相似文献   

我国青年女足运动员在比赛与训练中活动距离的比较分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对我国青年女足运动员在训练中的活动距离进行测试,将训练课的活动距离与比赛的活动距离加以对照和比较,结果表明,训练课的活动距离明显低于比赛的活动距离,说明训练课的活动距离不能满足比赛的需求,有待于改进和提高。  相似文献   

Roy Hay 《国际体育史杂志》2018,35(2-3):196-215

Two family stories shed some light on changes in the character and causes of corruption in football in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. My grandfather was a central figure in an alleged match-fixing episode in Association football in Scotland in the third decade of the twentieth century, while I was a peripheral figure in one in Australia in the last. I came across another one while researching the story of the Croatian soccer clubs in Victoria in the post-Second World War years. I also observed very closely an attempt to fix a series of matches by introducing a number of players into a team on behalf of overseas betting interests in the twenty-first century. Reflecting on these cases is a way of trying to understand how the forms and the drivers of match-fixing have changed in the twenty-first century. The three earlier episodes seem very old fashioned in the context of globalization, the commodification of sport, international gambling syndicates, and systematic corruption at the heart of the world game.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法对日本高中生足球锦标赛进行分析,其成功经验是:赛事包装宣传出色,重视与电视媒体的合作;赛事品牌效应显著,商务运营成熟;赛制残酷、赛程紧密、赛事质量高;“应援”文化极具特色;赛事的竞技性与教育并重。对我国打造代表性校园赛事的启示:加强与主流媒体合作,扩大赛事影响力;打造赛事品牌,完善自身造血功能;培育特色赛事文化;赛事开展要与校园体育文化建设相关联,要具有教育意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨青年男子排球运动员强攻扣球技术动作的关键;方法:使用两台高速摄像机和表面肌电仪对7名青年男子排球运动员强攻扣球手臂挥摆动作进行运动学和表面肌电学同步分析;结果:运动员在引臂后拉期主要由三角肌前束和三角肌后束完成,在甩臂击打期和击打作用期,肱三头肌、背阔肌、前臂屈腕的这些主动肌的电活动明显增强,起拮抗作用的肱二头肌和前臂伸腕肌群的电活动也非常强烈,而且,在各个阶段每对主动肌/拮抗肌表现为较好的协调性;背弓角为130.2°±4.7°、挥臂角为113.2°±6.1°、最后出手球速为23.5±0.7 m/s;背弓角,挥臂角与最后出手球速的相关系数r分别为-0.512(P<0.05)和0.484(P<0.05);结论:在强攻扣球手臂挥摆过程中,扣球臂的拮抗肌发挥着重要作用,起跳后挥臂的背弓角和挥臂角是影响最后出手球速的主要因素。  相似文献   


The throwing and prediction performances of first, third and fifth grade boys and girls were analyzed within the framework of a four-part taxonomy originally conceived by Fitts (1965). Throwing performance was assessed under task conditions which varied the motion states of the thrower's body and the target (stationary or moving) by use of a dual pendulum apparatus. Accuracy scores were highest in a condition where both body and target were stationary, and lowest where both body and target were moving. Task conditions requiring motion of only target or of body were of intermediate difficulty, and scores for these tasks were not significantly different from each other. There was evidence of learning across trial blocks for all tasks, but no indication that rates of acquisition differed for the task types. Likewise, significant main effects were observed for age levels but no age X task type interactions were disclosed. Boys were more accurate than girls across task conditions, most noticeably on the two most difficult tasks. Comparison of subjects' ability to predict, from a stationary body position, the coincidence of the moving target with a standard reference point, and their ability to predict the coincidence of their moving body with the same reference point revealed lower error scores on the former prediction task.  相似文献   


In the present study, we investigated the accuracy of offside judgements of assistant referees in the English Premier League. The moment in the match, the position and movement speed of the assistant referee, attacker and second-last defender, together with the angle of view for the assistant referee were all considered to underlie incorrect decisions. The error rate was 17.5% (868 of 4960 situations). As the English assistant referees tended not to signal in doubtful situations (c = 0.91), there was an overall bias towards non-flag errors (773 non-flag errors vs. 95 flag errors). The flash-lag hypothesis could explain all flag errors, whereas the optical-error hypothesis could explain a proportion of the non-flag errors (45.4%). Fatigue, movement speed, and angle of view did not have a detrimental effect on offside decision making. In conclusion, there were fewer flag errors than in the 2002 and 2006 FIFA World Cups, whereas the number of non-flag errors rose. The increased awareness of factors involved in offside decision making and the instructions to give the benefit of the doubt to attackers could have contributed to this situation.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s several Fijians have entered rugby union competitions in Japan, attracted predominantly by the financial incentives offered by large corporations who dominate Japanese rugby. In Japan, Fijians face numerous economic, demographic and sociocultural experiences that challenge the vaka i taukei (the ‘traditional’ Fijian way of life). Migration thus becomes a lens through which Fijians review their identity and place in the world. This paper discusses the sociocultural complexities that underpin critical migrant perspectives on the communal patterns that dominate the Fijian way of life. Based on research conducted in Fiji and Japan, this contribution provides an anthropological perspective on transnational Pacific Islander rugby mobility. It pays particular attention to aspects of sociocultural transformation – a theme previously neglected in scholarship on Pacific Islanders in professional rugby.  相似文献   

中国足球制度的逻辑与悖论——以足球市场化阶段为视角   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
运用文献资料和逻辑分析法,以足球市场化阶段为分析视角,对我国足球制度的逻辑与悖论进行理性的论证。分析认为:我国市场化阶段的足球制度逻辑应是政府管理+公共财政+市场机制+私人财政。但现实中我国足球制度逻辑存在制度悖论,形成原因主要是政府权力控制和体制转型所致。政府管制、市场机制为辅的制度安排使我国足球管理者既没实现足球运动的开展、普及和提高的历史责任;又没严格地监管控制足球联赛产品市场的生产和交换。要消解足球制度悖论,一要改革足协与足管中心"两权合一"为"两权分离";二要建立由法律控制和依法律善治的足球政府;三要建立控权与分权的责任型政府。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the influence of level of skill and swimming speed on inter-limb coordination of freestyle swimming movements. Five elite (2 males, 3 females; age 18.9?±?1.0 years, height 1.71?±?0.04?m, body mass 62.1?±?7.0?kg) and seven novice (age 22.0?±?2.0 years, height 1.77?±?0.04?m, body mass 74.8?±?9.0?kg) swimmers swam a sprint and a self-paced 25?m freestyle trial. The swimming trials were recorded by four digital cameras operating at 50 Hz. The digitized frames underwent a three-dimensional direct linear transformation to yield the three-dimensional endpoint kinematic trajectories. The spatio-temporal relationship between the upper limbs was quantified by means of the peak amplitude and time lag of the cross-correlation function between the right and left arm's endpoint trajectories. A strong anti-phase coupling between the two arms, as confirmed by peak amplitudes greater than 0.8, was noted for both groups and swimming speeds. Significantly higher (P <?0.05) peak amplitudes were observed for the sprint compared with self-paced swimming. No significant differences in the strength of inter-limb coupling were noted between the elite and novice swimmers (P >?0.05). Time lags were very close to 0?ms and did not differ between groups or swimming speeds. We conclude that in freestyle swimming, the intrinsic anti-phase (180° phase difference) inter-limb relationship is strongly preserved despite the physically powerful environmental influence of the water and this “preferred” pattern is not affected by level of skill. In contrast, increasing movement speed results in stronger inter-limb coupling that is closer to the anti-phase inter-limb relationship.  相似文献   


An international football-soccer tournament was initiated for socially excluded homeless individuals in July 2003 and has been held ever since, growing annually in terms of size, competing delegations, media attention and corporate involvement. The aim of the paper is to analyze the initial, historical, journey of this World Cup from its conceptual formation until the end of its first decade (2003–2012). The paper looks particularly at the efforts involved in bringing the concept to life and the challenges the organizers faced before achieving the annual frequency of an event dedicated for wider social purposes. However, also discussed is the use of competitive football formats and the organization of the competition for male and female players. As the tournament has become more successful, it is argued that its overall aim of proposing tools beyond sport for homeless people has been displaced in certain ways. The management orientations, the focus on the trophies, images of excitement, and the corporate agendas have brought sensitive contradictions to its principles of inclusion.  相似文献   

研究足球运动员动作预测过程中对当前信息和先验信息的认知加工机制。选取28名足球运动员(专家组)和29名普通大学生(对照组)作为研究对象,以守门员的视角,完成足球射门的动作预测任务。根据指导语描述的动作视频中射门方向信息(先验信息),设置三种实验条件:无先验信息、无偏向信息和有偏向信息。结果发现:(1)相比于其他条件,有偏向的先验信息显著提高了动作预测表现;(2)相比于无先验信息,无偏向的先验信息和有偏向的先验信息显著提升了专家组的动作预测速度,降低了N2波幅。研究证实了先验信息对足球运动员动作预测表现的促进作用,并进一步发现了足球运动员通过利用先验信息降低对当前信息的认知控制过程,提高了对当前信息的利用效率。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate gross motor competence and growth spurt in Canadian youth. Eighty-two children (38 boys, 44 girls) were assessed over a time period of five years. Growth rate was measured quarterly; motor competence was evaluated once per year using the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency. Peak height velocity (PHV) occurred at a significantly younger age in the girls (11.3 ± 0.4 years) than the boys (13.4 ± 0.3 years; < .001), and growth rate during PHV was significantly greater in the boys than the girls (2.8 ± 1.3 vs. 2.0 ± 0.7 cm/quarter; = .003). Gross motor competence outcomes were significantly above the North American normative scores (< .05) over the measured time period. After the occurrence of PHV, strength, strength/agility, and gross motor skill significantly decreased in girls (< .01), and running speed/agility significantly decreased in boys (< .05). This finding emphasizes that motor competence in pre-adolescent children may suddenly decrease after their growth spurt.  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法、文献资料法、实地考察法、访谈法及数理统计法,对圭亚那群众足球开展现状进行了调查,结果显示:圭亚那群众足球比较普及、文化氛围浓厚,有较好的群众基础,但受主客观因素影响,存在着缺乏有效的组织管理机制,体育设施缺乏或开放力度不够,群众足球经费短缺等问题。  相似文献   

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