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The former Director of the Frankfurt Book Fair presents a concise history of what today is the largest international book fair including the key publishers, booksellers and authors who are part of the amazing global event. The interesting initial development and challenges of post World War II and related relocated German publishers are described. The initial efforts as a national book fair from 1949 to the present international event are traced. The turmoil and confrontation of political groups during the 1968 and subsequent years with actions taken was a difficult period for the fair but it survived to grow into a global event.  相似文献   

《中国版本文化丛书》是我国第一套以图书版本为主题的丛书。本篇书评在分析版本概念涵义和讲述图书版本研究历史的基础上,对该套丛书的内容、体例、价值和作者构成作了评介。  相似文献   

Book Studies is an emerging field, which encompasses Book History and Book Arts. Because of this duality it is not always clear whether it is a free-standing discipline or merely an interdisciplinary academic program. This article attempts to investigates its disciplinary identity through an in-depth analysis of Book Studies' history, discursive field, major stakeholders, and scholarly communications. In addition, the article identifies and explores a few major academic programs in Book Studies in the United States and abroad. Based on the evidence gathered from the syllabi of the academic programs and the scholarly communication of the participants, some of the implications of the article are: the discursive field of Book Studies is developing around two very different centers, Book History and Book Arts; Book Studies’ acquired dual disciplinary identity is not a “birth defect” but rather a goal of including sociocultural, historic and aesthetic aspects of the book. The potential future of Book Studies as a field is also discussed.  相似文献   

This article introduces a selection of presentations from the 21st International Rights Directors Meeting held at the 2007 Frankfurt Book Fair It offers an overview of a variety of issues related to negotiating digital rights, in particular, and the development of digital publishing, in general. Topics covered include current business models, opportunities for licensing, and methods for negotiating contracts. Publishers are sanguine about the possibilities; though acknowledge that the digital rights business is still in its formative stages. Agents and author advocates are concerned that digital advances may lead to devaluation of writer’s works. Downloadable audiobooks have already created a new market, though e-books have yet to gain traction and are awaiting a device or software application that make them available to a wide audience.  相似文献   

徐雁(秋禾)是当代中国著名的书话书评家。2007年初,中国图书评论学会首次联合27家媒体,在全国范围内评选出四位优秀书评人,他位列其中。二十余年来,他在书话书评写作过程中形成了自己独特的文体特色。该文首次梳理了他在文体上做过的探索,总结了他在成熟的书评观形成以后,书话书评文章在题材、立意、文章结构等方面的特色。  相似文献   

The paper was first presented during the International Booksellers and Librarians Center Symposium, “Wissenstransfer und Wissensorganisation im 21. Jahrhunderd” during the Frankfurt Book Fair, Germany on October 22, 2000.  相似文献   

郑小强 《出版科学》2011,19(6):49-52
盗版一直是制约我国出版业发展的瓶颈,图书盗版贯穿于出版产业链的各个环节,盗版者、出版社和作者三个利益主体之间在图书市场竞合,形成典型的三方博弈。政府的介入改变原有均衡,且政府在打击盗版力度上的差异会达到三种不同的均衡状态。只有当政府打击盗版的力度足够大时,图书盗版三方博弈才能达到最佳均衡。  相似文献   

This article summarizes published documents on metadata provided by Google for books scanned as part of the Google Book Search (GBS) project and provides suggestions for improvement. The faulty, misleading, and confusing metadata in current Google records can pose potentially serious problems for users of GBS. Google admits that it took data, which proved to be inaccurate, from many sources and is attempting to correct errors. Some argue that metadata is not needed with keyword searching; but optical character recognition (OCR) errors, synonym control, and materials in foreign languages make reliable metadata a requirement for academic researchers. The authors recommend that users should be able to submit error reports to Google to correct faulty metadata.  相似文献   

The Book Culture Club at Hong Kong Baptist University goes beyond the traditional book talk format. Its vision is to nurture a culture that values reading, writing, and publishing books through a synergistic approach among the library, authors, potential authors, and publishers. Since its inauguration in early 2009, the club has offered eighteen programs and has attracted more than 1,200 attendees by March 2013. In this article, the author will describe how the Book Culture Club was formed, present a series of activities conducted, describe how events are prepared and implemented, discuss successful outcomes and offer reflections thereon, and demonstrate how good outreach initiatives for connecting many various parties can produce a long-lasting impact in an academic setting.  相似文献   

图书质量:出版宏观管理的一个重要范畴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何皓 《出版科学》2010,18(1):31-36
研究出版改革新形势下图书质量宏观管理问题。图书质量管理是出版宏观管理的一项重要任务,应致力于图书质量评价体系的研究,建立和完善图书质量管理体系。对图书质量管理的实施及策略问题也进行了阐述。  相似文献   

维系网络传播与公共利益的协调   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
合理使用是我国著作权法律制度的一项重要原则,维系网络传播与公共利益的协调依赖完善的合理使用制度。信息网络传播权制度不应偏离自己的立法目标。2005年国家公布了《信息网络传播权保护条例(草案)》,规范了数字环境下的合理使用制度,《条例》关于合理使用规定的方向是正确的,对协调网络传播与公共利益的平衡,促进社会信息资源的广泛交流与社会文化产业的整体进步有着重要意义。  相似文献   

The article refers to the current status of the book publishing industry in South Korea in 2016. Observations at Seoul International Book Fair and in Paju Book City are complemented with current data. A special focus lies on the consequences of the handling of rebates and the fixed book price and how the government and several organizations are trying to stabilize the book market.  相似文献   

以相关史料记载为依据,对《扬州州学藏书楼记》进行了详细解读,着重分析了文章中所涉及的有关人物及其与扬州州学藏书楼之间的关系,考察了扬州州学藏书楼修建的原因、结局与战后的重建,探讨了该文撰写的缘由及其流传情况。认为"藏书楼"一词并非近代术语,早在南宋就已出现。图1。参考文献18。  相似文献   

徐雁是各种书话内容与体式的创新实践者,从<秋禾书话>到<苍茫书城>载录其读万卷书的成果,网络版<秋禾话书>又记录其行万里路的收获,他以多彩的书话精品、诸种新书话体式引导阅读.  相似文献   

关于中图分类号在科技期刊论文中应用的商榷   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从科学发展的现实分析、从检索的途径分析、从分类的标引角度分析以及与国外医学期刊的对照分析等方面论述科技期刊论文无必要标注中图分类号.  相似文献   

2009年,广东图书馆学会策划并举办了国内首次图书车舞艺术表演比赛,迄今为止已成功举办了两届。图书车舞艺术表演比赛对增强图书馆员活力、提升图书馆形象、推动图书馆事业发展具有积极的作用。图书车舞艺术表演比赛应以中国图书馆学会为主办单位,各省图书馆学会为协办单位,委托中央电视台某频道为授权录播媒体,从各省进行海选,再进入第二轮复选,最后在电视上直播决赛情况。这是其持续发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

邹蕊  刘永坚 《出版科学》2008,16(1):45-48
图书衍生品是围绕图书相关方面进行周边开发制造的产品。它是依托图书品牌在文化、创意、经济等社会生活各个领域进行产业化开发的结果。图书衍生品的品牌塑造可以从三个方面开展:打造角色品牌、经营作家品牌和形成品牌系列。  相似文献   

着意改革类书的研究方法,深入揭示类书的本质特征,客观描绘了类书的发展轨迹,系统构建了类书的理论框架,《类书通论》给类书研究开辟了全新的途径。该书承类书研究之传统,谱类书研究之新篇,探赜索隐,撷英集萃,新见叠出,是类书研究的又一力作。  相似文献   

《山东大学图书馆古籍善本书目》是一部质量上乘的善本书目。它著录完备,使读者读提要如见书之全貌;编有多种索引,极便读者,且富有开创意义;考订精严,行文简明,具有较高的学术性和可读性。  相似文献   

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