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The  present paper embodies the results of a karyotypic analysis for the species Lycoris rosea Traub et Moldenke.  The voucher specimen, J. Z. Lin 004 is pre- served in the Herbarium of Hanchow Botanical Garden. The chromosome number in root tip cells is found for the first time to be 22, and the karyotype is shown to be an asymme- trical one with rod-shaped chromosomes. A photomicrograph, the karyotype and the idiog- ram are shown in Figs. 1-2. According to Levan et aL.[5], the karyotype formula of the species is 2n=22=22t. But based on the classification presented by Bose and Flory[1], the karyotype formula should be expressed as 2n=22 =C22, and the chromosomes are all with subterminal constrictions.       If regarding 11 as the basic number and centric fusion as the major tendency of karyo- type evolution as proposed by Inariyama[2], Stebbins[6], and Jones[3,4] in particular, L. rosea would be considered as one of the most primitive species in Lycoris from point of view of karyotype evolution. Reciprocal translocations and centric fusions would give rise to V-sha- ped chromosomes. Consequently, the successive decrease in chromosome number may have taken place in the speciation of the genus under discussion. Yet further evidence seems ne-cessary for the verification of the speculation.  相似文献   

石蒜属的核型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对石蒜属Lycoris的12个种(包括亚种)和2个人工杂种进行了核型分析。 结果表明,石蒜属植物在染色体数目和核型上存在着较大的变异,而罗伯逊变化、杂交与多倍化是引起染色体变异的主要原因。  相似文献   

Karyotype analysis for the species Reineckia carnea (Andr.) Kunth of the mo- notypic genus Reineckia Kunth is given for the first time. The number of chromosomes in root-tip cell was found to be 38, which is in accord with those reported by most of the pre- vious authors[5,7,8,9,11,12,]. The somatic complement shows a slight variation in size, i.e., the 2, 3, 5, 6, 7th pairs of the chromosomes have submedian constrictions, while the other pairs have median centromeres. The karyotype is therefore a rather symmetrical one, and accor- ding to the chromosomal terminology defined by Levan et al[4], the karyotype formula of the species is 2n=38=28 m+10 sm. In spite of the presence of two nucleoli in the te- lophase as observed by the authors and Noguchi[8] as well, the two corresponding Sat-chro- mosomes have not been found.  Photomicrograph of the chromosome complement and idiog- ram are given in Fig. 1 and 2 respectively.  相似文献   

本文报道了我国产水鳖科植物5属9种染色体数目和核型,发现所有种都是二倍体,它   们的核型大部分是由中部着丝点(m)和近中部着丝点(sm)组成,少数种具有近端着丝点  (st)。它可以区分为4种核型:1A,2A和1B,2B。水筛属是原始的,黑藻属是进化的。  相似文献   

本文首次报道了沙冬青的染色体数目及核型,沙冬青  Ammopiptanthus mongolicus (Maxim.)Cheng f.染色体基数目为x=9,其核型公式为  2n=18=4m十14sm(2SAT)。  相似文献   

 对我国木兰科Magnoliaceae含笑属Michelia 12个种的核型进行了研究,核型公式如下:火力楠 M.macclurei var.sublanea 2n=34m(2SAT)+4sm;白兰M.alba 2n=34m+4sm;多花含笑M.flori- bunda 2n=30m+8sm;黄兰M.champaca 2n=32m+6sm;石碌含笑M.shiluensis 2n=32m+6sm;阔 瓣含笑M . platypetala 2n=32m+6sm(2SAT);含笑M.figo 2n=32m+6sm;深山含笑M.maudiae 2n=32m+6sm;长蕊含笑M.  longistamina 2n=32m=6sm;金叶含笑M.foveolata 2n=34m=4sm; 野含笑M.skineriana 2n=30m+8sm;峨嵋含笑M.wilsonii 2n=30m+8sm(2SAT)。该属核型全部为 对称核型,除多花含笑为1A类型外,其他均为2A核型。含笑属种间核型具有很大相似性,核型资料对该属属以下的分类帮助不大。     相似文献   

本文报道了我国沙棘属植物4种5亚种的核型,对各种之间进行了比较,它们的染色体   数目都是2n=24,全由中部着丝点和近中部着丝点染色体组成,所有种类,只有Hippophae   thibetana第8对染色体有随体,H.rhamnoidea ssp.sinensis和H.rhamnoides ssp.  mongo-  lica臂比大于2的染色体比例为0,为2A型,其余各种均为2B型。  相似文献   

本文首次报道特产于我国青藏高原披碱草属Elymus的6种植物的染色体数目和核型。6个种的染色体数目为2n=42,都是6倍体。它们的核型是:黑药鹅观草,2n=6x=42=32m+10sm;糙毛鹅观草,2n=6x=42=34m+8sm;大颖鹅观草,2n=6x=42=30m+12sm;疏花鹅观,2n=6x=42=32m+10sm;青海鹅观草,2n=6x= 42=34m十8sm;长颖鹅观草,2n=6x=42=34m十8sm。它们的核型属1B或2B型,染色体中均未发现随体。  相似文献   

藏药船盔乌头的染色体数目和核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道藏药船盔乌头(Aconitum naviculare(Brfihi)stapf)的染色体数目和核型,研究结果表明:核型公式为2n=2x=16=4m+8sm+4st,不对称性核型属“2B”型。  相似文献   

本文对国产7种甘草属植物的核型进行了研究,其结果为:乌拉尔甘草2n=16=   6m+10sm;黄甘草2n=16=8m+6sm十2st;光果甘草2n=16=14m+2sm;胀果甘   草2n=16=6m十10sm;粗毛甘草2n=16=12m十4sm;云南甘草20=16=12m十   4sm;刺果甘草2n=16=12m十4sm。基于对现有资料的分析,确认该属的染色体基数为   x=8,  且核型对称性程度较高。  通过对不同种核型进行比较,发现刺果甘草是本文所研究   7个种中最原始的,而黄甘草的进化程度相对较高。  相似文献   

 This paper reports chromosome  number  and karyotype  analysis  of Cycas panzhihuaensis endemic to China.  The material was collected from Dukou, Si- chuan. It is a diploid species, with 2n=22=2m+4sm+4st+l2t. The karyotype of Cycas panzhihuaensis is different from that of the other species of the genus Cycas, which was known to be 2n=4m+8st+10t.  The former is a new karyotype in the genus.  The authors briefly discuss karyotype evolution of the genus Cycas in this papar.  相似文献   

利用火焰干燥涂片方法制备染色体玻片标本。  比较了栽培一粒小麦和野生一粒小麦     10个不同材料的核型。细胞学观察表明,它们的核型很相似,可能同属小麦的A染色体组。它     们都具有7对染色体(2n=14),  即5对中部着丝点染色体和两对亚中部着丝点染色体。所有材料的第5对染色体都带有随体。  相似文献   

本文以根尖细胞为材料,观察了黑藻属Hydrilla植物的染色体核型。  它由两群染   色体组成:1—5 为长染色体,6—8 为短染色体。  染色体基数x=8。轮叶黑藻Hydrilla   verticillata(L. f.)Royle为二倍体;染色体数目为2n=2x=16;  雌雄之间既无染色体数   目的差别,也无异型染色体存在;核型公式为2n=2x=16=6m+6Sm十4St。  罗氏轮叶   黑藻Hydrilla verticillata var.roxburgbii Casp系同源三倍体;  染色体数目为2n=3x=24;   核型公式为2n=3x=24=9m+9Sm+6St。  相似文献   

本文研究了黄枝油杉Keteleeria calcarea Cheng et L.K.Fu.和矩鳞油杉Keteleeria   oblonga Cheng et L. K. Fu. 的核型。  并与江南油杉 K.cyclolepis Flous.和台湾油杉  K.   formosana Mast. 的核型比较,讨论四种油杉核型进化趋势。  黄枝油杉核型公式K(2n)=   24=16m+8sm;矩鳞油杉核型公式K(2n)=24=18m+6sm。  黄枝油杉在第1、3、6号   染色体短臂上具次缢痕;而矩鳞油杉在第2、4、6号染色体短臂上具次缢痕。二者均属较对称  的“2A“核型。  四种油杉核型进化趋势是江南油杉→矩鳞油杉→黄枝油杉→台湾油杉。  相似文献   

黄精属5种植物的核型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 本文报道了安徽省黄精属Polygonatum Mill.5种植物的染色体数目和核型。玉竹P. odoratum (Mill.)Druce黄山材料2n=16=10m(3sc)+6sm,滁县琅琊山材料2n=18=10m(1sc) +2sm+6st(2sc),二者均属2B核型. 长梗黄精P.filipes Mirr. 黄山材料2n=22=8m+8sm(2sc)+6st,属3B核型,安徽繁昌材料2n=14=10m+4sm和2n=16=8m +4sm+4st,二者均属2B核型。多花黄精(P.cyrtonema Hua)安徽黄山材料2n=20=8m+6sm+6st和2n=22=6m+8sm +4st+4t,二者均属3B核型,安徽滁县琅琊山材料2n=18=8m(2sc)+6sm+4st,属2B核型。长苞黄精(P.desoulayi kom.) 2n=22=10m(2sc)+6sm(1sc)+6st,属3B核型;轮叶黄精(P.verticillatum(L.)All.)2n=18=2m+2sm+10st+2t+2T和2n=24=6m+4sm+12st+2T,二者均属3B核型。其中玉竹2n=16,长梗黄精2n=14和2n=22,长苞黄精2n=22,轮叶黄精2n=18的染色体数目和核型均为首次报道。  相似文献   

本文研究了四川黄精属Polygonatum 8个种的染色体数目和结构,玉竹n=10,   2n=20=4st十6sm十10m;  多花黄精2n=20=6sm十14m;  点花黄精n=16,2n=   32=2t十8st+2sm十20m;滇黄精n=13,2n=26=8st (2SAT)+14sm+4m;互卷黄   精2n=32=6st+8sm+18m (2SAT);  湖北黄精n=15,  2n=30=2t+6st十6sm+   16m(2SAT);黄精2n=24=2t十14st(2SAT)+6sm十2m;卷叶黄精n=28,2n=56=   18st+10sm十28m。     黄精属植物染色体数目和结构的变异类型多样,8种黄精的核型可以区分为3种类型:2   B、3B、2C。核型不对称性的加强与染色体数目的递增有相关性。本文就染色体方面的资料对  前人关于该属分类群的亲缘关系的论述进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The present paper describes for the first time the karyotype of Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen,  a medicinal tree endemic to Hainan (Guang dong),  China. The plant is shown to have 20 somatic chromosomes (2n=20),  two of which (the third pair) are sub- metacentric (sm),  and all the others are metacentric (m) (Fig. 1-2). The voucher andits conservation are given.  相似文献   

本文对贵州大树茶7种1变种11类型的核型进行了分析。结果表明,这些种类均为二倍体2n=30。五室茶Camellia quinquelocularis 2n=30=24m+6sm;四球茶C.tetracocca 2n=30=22m+8sm;大理茶C.taliensis 2n=30=22m+8sm;秃房茶C.gymnogyna 2n=30=22m+6sm+2st与2n=30=20m+8sm+2st;假秃房茶C. gymnogynoides 2n=30=22m+6sm+2st与2n=30=20m+8sm+2st;榕江茶C. jungkiangensis 2n=30+20m+8sm+2st;茶C.sinensis 2n=30=20m+8sm+2st以及变种淡红花茶C.sinensis var.ruolla 2n=30=20m+8sm+2st;均属2A核型。染色体结构变异在茶组植物演化中起了重要作用。所划分的两大类核型,即m和sm类与m,sm,和st类是与其子房室数,即5室和3室相一致的。根据核型的不对称性程度、外部形态及生化分析,探讨了各种类的亲缘关系与系统演化途径,论证了茶组植物的原产地是位于滇、桂、黔毗邻交汇处的云贵高原,探讨了茶组植物的分类学问题。  相似文献   

本文报道了国产头蕊兰属植物银兰和金兰的核型:  (1)银兰为  2n=34=10m十   14sm+10st。金兰有两种细胞型,A型为2n=34=8m+16sm十10st;B型为2n=34=   8m+22sm十4st。  后者为一个由染色体结构变异所产生的易位同型纯合子  (translocation   homozygote),是由A型通过第1对染色体的短臂与第3对染色体的长臂之间的易位所产生。   在植株外部形态上未见明显差异。  (2)按Stebbins(1971)的标准,三种核型均属不对称的  “3C”型。  相似文献   

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