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现行政治经济学及货币银行学将货币职能概括为价值尺度、流通手段、贮藏手段、支付手段和世界货币是不恰当的,应改为价格尺度(或交换价值尺度)、流通媒介、贮财手段、延付手段,且认为“世界货币”只是按货币发挥职能作用领域大小而划分的货币类型,不应认为是货币的职能。  相似文献   

对不同货币本位制度下信用货币的价值基础的比较分析可知,由构成信用货币的价值基础的商品在不同货币本位制度下的同质性与非同质性,决定了国际汇率制度的安排,在现代信用本位制下,信用货币的价值基础具有易变性,不稳定性等特征,而影响其价值基础的因素也是多元化的,所以可以把现代信用货币视为一个全息系统,并且不同的信用货币从本质上讲是不同质的,这种不同质性是国际浮动汇率制的根本决定因素。  相似文献   

四、对市场价值构成的深化认识 马克思在《资本论》等著作中虽然指出过企业管理者劳动和科技人员的劳动也是创造价值的生产劳动,但他主要分析的是生产商品的物质生产劳动,并从劳动耗费主要包括生产资料和生产劳动这两个要素出发,进而认为商品的市场价值是由物化劳动转移的价值和活劳动创造的补偿劳动力的价值和资本家无偿占有的剩余价值三部分构成,用公式表示是: W=C+V+M 然而根据我们上面的分析,在社会主义市场经济条件下,创造市场价值的劳动不仅包括生产有形商品的物质生产劳动,而且包括生产无形商品的服务劳动以及生产精神商品的科技劳动。而且这后两部分劳动创造的价值在市场价值总量中所占的比重越来越大,发达国家占60%~80%,我国已超过30%。因此,马克思的商品价值公式需要结合新的实际进行深化认识。那么在新的历史条件下怎样对马克思的商品价值公式进行深化认识呢?我们认为朱妙宽同志的研究成果具有很重要的启迪意义。笔者阐述的市场价值构成公式是在吸取朱妙宽同志的新价值构成公式(W=C+V+M+S=C_1+C_2+C_3+V_1+V_2+V_3+M_1+M_2+M_3+S_1+S_2+S_3)精华的基础上构建的。笔者构建的市场价值构成公式如下: W=C~*+V~*+M~* 式中,C~*=C_1+C_2;V~*=V_1+V_2;M~*=M_1+M_2。 本价值构成公式就是在马  相似文献   

This pilot study examined the vulnerability of older women with regard to their personal finances. It looked at what resources and coping skills they currentlyuse, and what strategies might be implemented to assist these women in maintaining or improving daily management of their money. Three tools were used to examine the current patterns of daily use of money of a sample of noninstitutionalized women (n=23): focus groups, individual interviews, and written surveys. Findings include the need for education in budgeting and planning, availability of resource people to answer questions regarding financial paperwork, and the value of networking for peer education. Reminiscence was found to be valuable in opening up the taboo topic of money and exploring early learned behavior regarding the daily use of money. Locus of control was found to be achieved with financial independence. Implications for future research and financial education are explored.  相似文献   

对郴州市中学生暑期体育活动的现状进行调查、研究,结果表明:暑期体育活动深受中学生的喜欢;他们的体育活动时间主要安排在下午,且每次的活动时间在1h左右;选择的活动项目主要以游泳、篮球、健美操和骑自行车为主;"花钱买健康"的消费理念已在中学生中初步形成;学习负担重、没时间、无人组织和指导、经济限制和家长不支持是影响他们暑期体育活动的主要因素.  相似文献   

Conclusions This country has the proven products, methods, and committed community resources to meet most of our career development program improvement and expansion needs. But career educators must be vigorous in keeping abreast of current resources and approaches. They also need to evaluate materials for effectiveness before committing time and money to their use. Career educators need to continue to spawn local innovation and creativity. Where outside resources are more practical or desirable, career educators should look to the ERIC Clearinghouse to identify new resources, and they should contact their state department of education career guidance and career education coordinators. These are often the best resources for identifying effective career development materials for use in your state.Mr. Harry N. Drier is the Associate Director, Special Programs Division, The National Center for Research in Vocational Education, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.  相似文献   

新时期大学生价值取向与价值观教育   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
通过对全国10省市13所高校2 650名大学生的问卷调查表明:大学生个人性目标可根据重要性依次排序为工作成就、自身修为、荣誉地位、金钱物质;社会性目标依次排序为合格公民、友谊爱情、婚姻家庭;超然性目标依次排序为回归自然、贡献国家、人类福祉。手段价值依次排序为知识努力、人格品质、智慧机遇,规则价值依次排序为道德良心、法律规范、舆论从众。对81名大学生的内隐联想测验结果也在一定程度上验证了上述结果。大学生的价值观教育应该根据其价值取向特点有针对性地进行。  相似文献   

Abu Dhabi Education Council’s new school model recognizes the value of play, although anecdotal evidence suggests that there are challenges to play in the preschool context. This article reports on challenges from the English Medium teacher perspective. Findings show that challenges are related to: (a) children meeting teacher expectations for play which may be limited by: real-life exposure, the nanny’s role, a desert climate for outdoor play, overuse of technology; and English as an additional language; (b) acquiring adequate resources for play, including open-access to Internet sites, meaning teachers have to use their own money to provide resources for play; (c) establishing boundaries and managing behaviour, especially for boys; (d) working with conflicting time pressures caused by academic performance benchmarking, accountability and workload; and (e) working with diversity, including meeting parental expectations, collaborating with colleagues and understanding the cultural and linguistic background of children. Recommendations to lessen the challenges of nurturing appropriate play experiences are made within the context of the findings.  相似文献   

关于抗战前中国农村合作金融的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文试图对战前南京国民政府倡导的农村合作运动中有关合作金融的几个问题做一初步探讨。作者认为这些农村合作社自集资金十分短绌,其独立经营能力十分单薄,贷予社员的款项多由外部借来;由于中国在抗战前始终没有形成全国规模的统一的农业合作金融体系,已设农业金融机关对农村合作金融着力不够,轨外操作也占相当比例。占主导地位的商业银行对农业合作社的投资虽功不可没,但同时也存在很多弊端和隐患。从根本上说,农村合作社应以农民资金为主,调剂余缺,合作互助共享,外来资金只能作为辅助借资。否则,它便不成为农民自己的组织,而成了农民用低利率从国家借钱的一种工具。  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,随着"花钱买健康"、"花钱做运动"的运动健身消费理念逐渐推广与普及,健身和运动在成为越来越多人日常生活不可或缺的一部分的同时,体育设施匮乏的矛盾也逐渐显现。作为体育设施资源相对丰富的高校有义务也有能力承担起居民健身资源供给的重任。在高校建立业余运动俱乐部既是大众体育不断发展的必然选择,也是体教结合背景下高校建立自己高水平运动队的内在要求。  相似文献   

作为一种组织,学校有其独特性。当代学校改革发展趋势使发展型组织成为学校改革的新主题。发展型学校组织的特征为:发展型的领导模式、发展型的组织形态、发展型的组织准备力和发展型的人力资源。因此,塑造发展型学校组织的具体塑造策略有:确定学校组织发展的领导者能力,挑选能适应和驾驭变化的校长;把主动成长和发展与学校组织战略性目标联系起来,创建专业学校文化;确定学校组织变革能力和准备程度,大量投资于培训和专业开发,让所有教师参与学校决策;树立学校人力资源理念,给予学校必要的预算控制权。  相似文献   

Defining Quality     
This paper addresses the nature of the concept of quality in relation to higher education. It analyses ways of thinking about quality, considers their relevance to higher education, explores their interrelationships and examines their philosophical and political underpinnings. The relative nature of quality is examined. First, quality means different things to different people. Second, quality is relative to ‘processes’ or ‘outcomes’. The widely differing conceptualisations of quality are grouped into five discrete but interrelated categories. Quality can be viewed as exception, as perfection, as fitness for purpose, as value for money and as transformative.

Determining criteria for assessing quality in higher education requires an understanding of different conceptions of quality that inform the preferences of stakeholders.  相似文献   

Conclusion Educational technology will remain on the periphery without resources unless educational administrators—and the civilian administrators above them, for example, school boards— give it top-level commitment. Without top-level commitment there will be no favorable climate in which change can happen and no favorable organization of time, space, and money inside which the teacher may be able to make the change. Educational technology will begin to have a significant, and hopefully beneficial, impact on education only when all the many interlocking problems of change have been squarely faced. Much more is needed than odd bursts of enthusiasm for a piece of technology here or an innovative idea there. The piecemeal approach must be discarded. As Julius Stratton (1964) has said, “We indulge excessively in uncoordinated conferences, surveys, and studies that on the whole are highly unproductive. Our ailments are vast and complex, and they will yield only to planned, collaborative attacks focussed on clear objectives and leading to concerted action [pp. 20–21].”  相似文献   

The activities of teaching staff members in universities have changed considerably over the last few years. The interests of the latter in some of these activities have also changed. This article analyzes the difficulties facing university teachers in their efforts to meet the demands made on them in modern universities. The proportional increase in resources means that teachers tend to devote them‐selves to activities that are more productive from a professional or a personal point of view while neglecting others. Universities should make changes in their organization and everyday functioning which would permit a more rational division of the necessary tasks. In addition, university administrations should increase the resources available to their universities in order to bring about such changes.  相似文献   

Experience in the workplace represents a significant domain for the analysis of learning. Based on many years of research on high-school and college interns, the article proposes a set of interdisciplinary ideas and strategies for conducting such an analysis. The core argument is that learning is the construction, enhancement or reorganization of knowledge and knowledge-use in an activity system, and that it happens through an interactional process involving participants, their joint actions and their material and informational resources. Understanding learning as a situated process requires an investigation of the way activities are established, accomplished, and processed, and of the social, cultural, political, and technological factors that shape them. The analyst must examine the ways knowledge is defined, distributed and used in the setting; learning, or the ways that knowledge-use changes over time; and pedagogy, or the social organization of the process by which learning is made possible.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的不断发展,人民生活水平的日益提高,个股投资理财已成为日益重要的问题,个股投资理财是针对风险进行个人资财的有效投资,以使财富保值、增值。本文通过对我国股市的研究,分析个人投资股票的策略与方法,探讨个人投资理财如何获取收益及风险的规避,希望对个人投资理财有所帮助。  相似文献   

企业在生产经营活动中 ,由于应收账款的增加 ,造成流动资金使用效率下降。因此 ,要从应收账款周转率和保本保利期等货币时间价值指标分析中加以解决  相似文献   


The notion of “resources” is often framed in an economic sense: money, time, equipment and the like. The authors reconceptualise this notion, situating resources as embedded in curricular frameworks, teacher practice and student experience. This leads them to define resources as “the potential to participate in socio-cultural action” which is illustrated in this article through a series of reflections on the part of the authors, all within the context of engineering education. First, they demonstrate that curriculum can be productively thought of as a route marker for the development of resources that students need in order to enact their role as professional engineers. Thereafter, they show that lecturers bring tacit resources of trust, care, creativity and credibility to the teaching and learning space, and that these are necessary to overcome the inertia that often resists the transformation of teaching and learning practice. Finally, they reflect on how students’ prior learning experiences can be harnessed as a resource for teaching and learning. In so doing, they present resources as tied to sociocultural practices and personal and institutional histories, and encourage others to take up these ideas so as to consider how resources, viewed in the authors’ sense, are valued within (engineering) education.  相似文献   

在对贵州省三都水族自治县苗草村开展的个案调查中发现:家庭内部教育资源分配差异是导致女童失辍学的主要原因。这种分配差异主要表现在教育投资等物质资源以及家长对男女童的教育观念等人文资源的分配差异。家庭的社会经济地位、家庭内部男女地位结构等因素与教育资源分配的性别差异形成有极大关系。  相似文献   

农村纠纷调解机制嵌入在乡村治理实践的结构性变迁之中,并随着乡村治理逻辑的演变而发生相应变化。对浙东先锋村纠纷调解实践变迁的政治人类学考察表明,20世纪90年代中后期以来,受日益彰显的乡村治理性危机的影响,农村基层组织逐步开始更多地使用策略性调解手段,放弃了对地方性文化共识中纠纷调解规范的严格遵守,而且纠纷调解越来越重视暂时性"息讼"协议的达成,其实践呈现出越来越复杂的发展态势。后税费时代,富人当政之后的农村纠纷调解仍然存在类似的问题,治理权力严重受限的农村基层组织不得不采取以现代法律为内在基准,以面子、人情和金钱等可控资源为策略性调解手段的办法来解决村民纠纷。而农村纠纷调解的依附性对当前农村基层组织的发展提出了重要挑战。  相似文献   

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