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皮尔斯的符号学是认知的符号学,人们通常关注其认知方面的问题,而忽略了其与美学相关的问题。其实,皮尔斯符号过程中的不明推论这一认知步骤,就显现出了美学的维度,它是艺术表达的基础。皮尔斯从实用主义与其符号学的关联开始,美学维度在不明推论环节显现,其包含的本质要素是符号的冲突,进而以此为基础阐释艺术和艺术作品的表达,显示了皮尔斯符号学的美学价值,可以深化对其符号学的认识。  相似文献   

符号学是研究人类社会如何使用和理解符号的科学。从符号学理论角度来看,翻译本质上是两种符号系统的转换;等值是符号和解释项之间的关系。借用大量广告翻译实例来研究文本符号与其解释项之间对等的问题,可为翻译等值问题的研究开拓新的思路。  相似文献   

Social Semiotics, based on the work of the linguist Michael Halliday, emphasises the ways in which language functions in our construction and representation of our experience and of our social identities and relationships. In this paper, I provide an introduction to the theory and its analytic tools, considering how they can be applied in the field of mathematics education. Some research questions that may be raised and addressed from this perspective are identified. An illustrative example is offered, demonstrating a social semiotic approach to addressing questions related to construction of the nature of school mathematical activity in writing produced by secondary school students.  相似文献   

教育即教育符号的创制、释义、应用。教育与符号深切关联,符号学乃贯通人文、社会和自然科学的公分母。符号教育即通过充分、全面和深度挖掘符号以培养人的个性化、创造性发展的教育形态。以符号学理论为工具构建符号教育学是信息时代教育发展的必然。研究者结合自己2017在美国威斯康星大学访学经历,深度观察美国威斯康星州基础教育状况。并从符号学视角解析美国儿童学习成功的奥秘——符号教育。美国儿童学习中符号教育主要体现在六个方面:教育符号的泛在性;符号思维的可视性;符号意义的不确定性;符号运作的开放性;符号知识的经验性;符号学习的趣味性。  相似文献   

广告与符号学联系紧密,广告本身就是一种符号系统,借助多种多样的能指形式,如文字、图像、影像等物质媒介来传递广告主的意愿。以雪碧品牌广告为例,从符号学角度探究品牌广告是如何运用各种符号来实现意义的传播,完成广告神话的建构。  相似文献   

Semiotics has recently been used to support formalisms for software design. On the other hand, every program has a certain educational potential as it exposes the user to a world of entities with which to interact. In this paper, we present a group of semiotic principles for software design and use them to show how they explain different educational possibilities. Our approach is illustrated by Theatre in the Computer: a software environment for children to experience the theatre.  相似文献   

Semiotics is the study of signs addressing their action, usage, communication and signification (meaning). Edusemiotics—educational semiotics—is a recently developed direction in educational theory that takes semiotics as its foundational philosophy and explores the philosophical specifics of semiotics in educational contexts. As a novel theoretical field of inquiry, it is complemented by research known under the banner ‘semiotics in education’, which is largely an applied enterprise. In this respect edusemiotics is a new conceptual framework for both theoretical and empirical studies. Edusemiotics has also been given the status of being a new branch of theoretical semiotics and it was launched as such at the 12th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies in September 2014 at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia. The article presents ‘semiosis’ as the action of signs across culture AND nature and posits ‘learning’ in terms of developing semiotic consciousness and semiotic competence. Semiosis is a process and as such it defies the Cartesian philosophy of substance-dualism that still informs the culture of education. The paper focuses specifically on university education permeated by disciplinary boundaries and the fragmentation of knowledge grounded in objective science inherited from modernity. Where is semiotics as the science of signs (or relations) in the context of academic culture? The authors conclude by affirming the transdisciplinary character of semiotics and edusemiotics and specify the distinctive focal points of transdisciplinary knowledge afforded by edusemiotics.  相似文献   

人类的所有文化形式都是符号形式。人通过创造符号创造世界,建构意义体系。杨时作为文化符号,是由于理学而建构起来的,具有多重内涵,既是文化符号,更是资本符号。将乐与明溪两县关于杨时出生地的争论,其实质是关于文化资源的争论。当杨时作为文化符号在现代社会中成为地方经济建设的一种竞争性文化资源时,其符号意义就更加突显出来。  相似文献   

符号的分类问题是皮尔士符号学说的一个非常重要的组成部分。皮尔士一生有很大一部分时间消耗在对符号的繁琐分类上。虽然皮尔士对符号所作的各种细微的分类未必都能在实际生活里找到相应的符号现象与之对应,但是透过这些繁琐的分类,我们可以更清楚地看到,符号现象涉及到各种复杂的因素,即使对于同一符号现象,也可以从不同角度加以探讨,从不同方面去透视符号的本质特点。  相似文献   

Taking as its exegetic point of departure Peirce's outline of a semiotic theory of cognition from the mid 1890s, this paper explores the relevance of this outline to a theory of learning and also to a broader, normative vision of education. Firstly, besides providing for fallibilism in philosophical inquiry Peirce's outline accords with critical strategies of his fellow pragmatists, such as William James's detection of the ‘psychologist's fallacy’ and John Dewey's rejection of the ‘philosophical fallacy’. It is pointed out that this merit of Peirce's outline is due to his abstract and often neglected notion of a prespecialised scientific intelligence. Secondly, the paper shows that Peirce's semiotic approach to prescientific learning processes conditioning all kinds of theoretical activity may indeed complement James's and Dewey's contributions: giving careful attention to the work of linguistic and paralinguistic signs in such learning processes Peirce's analysis captures indexical and iconic aspects, as well as symbolic aspects of linguistic interaction and experientially constrained dialogue. Following Peirce's analysis the paper considers how the iconicity of linguistic structure, ostensive acts and the practical situatedness of language use are pre‐conditions of experiential learning in every day life as well as in scientific learning. It is also shown how this semiotic analysis is connected with Peirce's important notion of abduction. Finally, it is pointed out that a broader vision of education may issue from Peirce's semiotic analysis and that such a vision would emphasise that the life experience of individuals entering educational institutions should be made to bear on the objectives as well as the teaching practices of educational institutions.  相似文献   

从符号学角度审视电视广告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成功的广告创意应该使该广告成为标志某一产品个性的符号。在现代社会,商品竞争日益激烈,广告事业不断发展,利用符号学知识进行广告创意显得尤为重要。作为当代社会最活跃的消费文本之一,电视广告自然也倍受学者们的关注。本文结合对符号学研究产生深远影响的符号学家索绪尔、皮尔士、雅各布森、巴尔特等人提出的一些基本理论,包括能指与所指、组合与系统、外延与内涵、隐喻和转喻,分析了维系电视广告秩序的各个符号元素及其相互之间的关系、组合效果和受众可能对广告符号的理解以及广告符号将会对受众产生的影响。  相似文献   

This paper develops the thesis that the educational semiotic described by Cunningham offers an interesting perspective from which to view educational issues, but it offers little in the way of practical approaches to educational problems. After agreeing with Cunningham's argument that knowledge is constructed rather than received, the paper goes on to state three concerns about an educational semiotic: (a) The theory has the wrong architecture, (b) the theory is too powerful, and (c) the theory has no practical use. The paper closes with the observation that an educational semiotic must become more specific and it must provide empirical demonstrations of practical utility if it is to pose a challenge to currently prevailing theories.  相似文献   

马克思认为,精神消费活动本身成为统治阶级进行阶级统治的一种工具,成为统治阶级贯彻其意识形态的手段.波德里亚的"符号消费"理论是要揭示现代社会的经济结构、社会分层和社会心态,阐释出其中的社会学意义.因此,符号消费既具有促使社会结构化的功能,也具有强化社会阶层的作用,当然还具有促成社会阶层流动与整合的效用.但无论是精神消费还是符号消费都受制于物质生产.因此我们认为,马克思关于"精神消费"的观点与波德里亚的"符号消费"的论述是密切相关的.  相似文献   

In several of his papers, Charles S. Peirce illustrates processes of interpreting and understanding signs by examples from second language vocabulary teaching and learning. The insights conveyed by means of these little pedagogical scenarios are not meant as contributions to the psychology of second language learning, but they aim at elucidating fundamental semiotic implications of knowledge acquisition in general. Peirce's semiotic premise that a well‐understood sign is one that represents an object and creates an interpretant is essential to the understanding of how new words and signs in general can be taught and learned. The article argues that Peirce's theory of the object of the sign, especially of the necessity of collateral experience of the object of a sign, can help to understand the riddle posed by of the Meno paradox of the impossibility of learning what we do not yet know. It examines the semiotic implications of the didactic methods of teaching and learning through translation, ostension, mental and real images, as well as metacognition, and it shows how icons, indices, and symbols are essential to learning new words.  相似文献   

Based on analyses of videos from language immersion classrooms in Colombia and the US, we examine how teachers manage the tension between how much attention to give to mathematics and to language. Consistent with previous research that regards mathematics and language as inseparable, findings suggest that teaching episodes fall along a continuum from mathematically intense to linguistically intense, with some balanced episodes in the middle of the continuum. Balanced episodes exhibited semiotic juxtaposition where multiple semiotic resources were used simultaneously. We discuss implications that the intentional use of semiotic juxtaposition may have for language immersion mathematics learners.  相似文献   

Research has identified the value of learners using technology to construct their own representations of science concepts. In this study, we investigate how learners, such as preservice elementary teachers, design and make a narrated animation to represent their science knowledge. The type of animation exemplified is called a “Slowmation” (abbreviated from “Slow Animation”), which is a simplified way for preservice teachers to make an animation that integrates features from claymation, object animation, and digital storytelling. Drawing on semiotic theory, a case study of three preservice elementary teachers, who were audio and video recorded as they created a slowmation, illustrates how the construction process enabled them to engage with a science concept in multiple ways. Findings suggest that when preservice teachers create a slowmation, they design and make a sequence of five representations, each being a semiotic system with particular affordances that link as a semiotic progression: (i) research notes; (ii) storyboard; (iii) models; and (iv) digital photographs, which culminate in (v) a narrated animation. In this study, the authors present their theoretical framework, explain how the preservice teachers created a slowmation using a sequence of representations to show their science knowledge and discuss the implications of these findings for learners in universities and schools. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 48: 985–1009, 2011  相似文献   

This year-long ethnographic case study examined high school teachers’ participation in technology-focused professional development. By pairing a dialogical perspective on teacher identity with a micro-level analysis of narratives, findings indicate that teachers use language and other semiotic resources to express their own identity as well as to acknowledge, expand on, and counter others’ identity claims. Moreover, technology integration may challenge teachers’ established identities or threaten their authority in the classroom. This analysis suggests that teacher educators need to value teachers’ established and emergent identities as well as create space for dialogic narratives in order to facilitate technology integration in schools.  相似文献   

This study is part of a project concerned with the analysis of how students work with two-variable functions. This is of fundamental importance given the role of multivariable functions in mathematics and its applications. The portion of the project we report here concentrates on investigating the relationship between students’ notion of subsets of Cartesian three-dimensional space and the understanding of graphs of two-variable functions. APOS theory and Duval’s theory of semiotic representations are used as theoretical framework. Nine students, who had taken a multivariable calculus course, were interviewed. Results show that students’ understanding can be related to the structure of their schema for R3 and to their flexibility in the use of different representations.  相似文献   

运用基于多模态符号理论的影视意义分析框架,考察87版电视剧中王熙凤在声音、语言和图像意义元素方面的布局.研究发现,在王熙凤首次出场的19个镜头中,她的身份无"实名"介绍,而是通过声音、图像和语言逐渐从"隐性推测"方式过渡到"显性推测"方式呈现;在前9个镜头中描述人物的意义元素以及人物所关联的过程类型凸显出王熙凤主要为说...  相似文献   

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