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In this article we argue that when university researchers engage in democratic participatory action research with schools the process requires a special type of attention to the ethical difficulties which can arise. We note how current professional standards of ethics are inadequate to fully address many of the dilemmas faced in collaborative research. We then share examples of ethical dilemmas that have arisen in our work with schools and demonstrate how each has contributed to the (developing) framework we have created to avoid or manage the kinds of messy ethical issues we describe. We argue that this framework reflects a continuous commitment to an ethics of practice. We believe that those engaged in this type of work must assume an ethical stance and view all decisions in the research process as ethical ones that potentially affect the lives of all of those involved.  相似文献   

能否恰当选用词汇,可看出作者驾驭语言的能力。有了丰富的词汇。才能表情达意。克服词汇贫乏的症结.最可行的办法是多读书、多摘录、多练笔;另一办法是注意口语。语言是随着社会发展而发展的。词汇相应地也会增多.所以我们也应该不断吸收新的词汇,用来丰富充实自己的语言“仓库”。同时应注意词汇的健康化和规范化。  相似文献   

The changes brought by the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) code of practice: 0 to 25 years, 2014, is an opportunity for educational psychologists (EPs) to reposition ourselves so that we can improve our contribution to the services for children and young people with special educational needs (SENs) or a disability. Underpinning such a repositioning is a reaffirmation of our core moral principles of promoting autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and social justice. Taking up a new position is difficult. However one way of thinking about it is reminding ourselves of our values. Values underpin our morality and interact with a person’s character (virtue). Socrates’ famous rhetorical questions remains unanswered for EPs “what sort of person ought I to be?” The purposes of this article is to draw attention to the moral principles that could underpin our work with the new code and lead us to build our practice around advocacy, practice based evidence and a social model of disability  相似文献   

探索教育规律破解教育难题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
党的十六大以来,我国教育科研取得了丰硕成果,科研队伍逐渐壮大,科研人员素质进一步提高,研究能力不断增强,但教育科研还存在着一些问题。要不断提高教育科研能力和水平,就必须立足创新,切实贯彻党的十七大精神,以科学发展观为指导,深入研究中国特色社会主义教育理论;坚持理论联系实际,切实回答国家和人民群众关心的教育问题;加强教育科研团队建设和合作研究;加强学术道德建设,倡导求真务实的学风;积极促进教育科研成果的转化。专门教育科研机构要加强能力建设,整体谋划,把研究方向调整到国家发展需要和教育改革与发展的重点工作上来。  相似文献   

Professionals serving as internal and external consultants, whether as performance technologists, human resource development facilitators, training specialists, organizational development change agents, or quality improvement engineers, are uniquely positioned to influence ethical awareness in the workplace. Understanding the basic underpinnings of ethical theory and empirical research in ethics will give professionals a grounding in the ethical implications of their interventions as they practice their craft. This is especially true for the practice of Human Performance Technology. This article is a review of the basic ethical theory and relevant empirical research. Further, the article serves as a reveille for HPT professionals. They know the systems and strategies of HPT. By examining these in the context of ethics, they may broaden their “vantage points” (Dean 1992b) on these systems and strategies so they can see more precisely how ethical issues influence performance and how what they do can influences the ethical climate of an organization.  相似文献   

非学术标准是国家与高等学校在学位授予活动中对学位申请人所提出的有关政治素质和道德品 行要求,可分为政治标准和品行标准。通过实证分析发现,目前《学位条例》《学位条例暂行实施办法》对学 位申请人的品行标准或未提出明确要求,或对各高校自主设定非学术标准授权不明,使得各高校自主设定 的非学术标准在设定权限与内容方面存在合法性与合理性危机,并由此导致学位管理实践中的若干诉讼纷 争。根据法治的一般原理,非学术标准在设定权限上需遵循高校自主设定权有限原则,在设定内容和设定 程序上需恪守比例原则和正当程序原则。建议《学位条例》在修订中明确非学术标准的具体内涵,增加与非 学术标准相关的拒绝授予学位条款,并为学位申请人提供相应救济机制,以维护学位申请人合法权利。  相似文献   

高等教育大众化与大学创业教育问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高等教育已经达到或接近大众化水平,正是开展创业教育的好时机。实施创业教育需要转变观念,重新认识高等教育的培养目标;需要廓清思路,大胆建构创业教育新体系;需要大胆改革,积极建构教育教学新模式;需要多管齐下,学校教育和社会教育、家庭教育相结合;需要激活内因,鼓励大学生开展自我教育。  相似文献   

以德治教是中国特色社会主义先进文化建设的重要组成部分,是培养全面发展的人的必然要求,是当今中国教育发展的基本方略。新时期的以德治教贯彻以人为本的理念,以干部道德建设为龙头,以师德建设为核心,以学生道德素质的提高为目的,以建设良好的教学、科研、管理、服务道德为内容,弘扬校园道德文化,注重教育与管理相结合、岗位实践与行为养成相结合,建立高起点、高定位的目标体系,提高教育的整体道德水平,是一项创新性系统工程。  相似文献   

论培养世界公民的文化包容与自信品格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济全球化和技术的同一性,使得各国越来越注重培养自己国民作为世界公民的素质。在多元文化的视域中,我们培养中国的世界公民,应当坚持文化多元化和文化拒绝全球化的立场,顺应全球文化多元共生的发展趋势;必须树立文化“和而不同”的思想,具有对全球多元文化包容的普世性品格;同时,必须树立自己的文化主体意识,具有对中华民族文化充满自信的独特性品格。为此,也必须涵育网络文化,提高公民的网络素养,使之具有便捷地进行文化交流与对话的技术品格。  相似文献   

There is a growing realization that many of our social systems and organizations are out-of-sync with the new realities of the recently emerged post-industrial, information/knowledge age. These new realities are touching the lives of every individual, every family and community, the host of organizations of our public and private sectors, and our overall society. They affect the future of humanity as a whole. Questions arise. What are these new realities? What are the meanings of societal transformations? What is our role in facing the massive changes that confront us today? Are we only spectators of these changes? Are we their victims? Are we at the mercy of others who control these changes and the experts who design systems for us? Or is it up to us to shape our future and create and recreate the systems to which we belong? What kind of capacities and capabilities should we develop that will allow us to design our own lives, shape our systems, and give direction to the evolution of our communities, our organizations, and our society? I have struggled and worked with these questions over the last three decades. They have been the focus of my research and teaching. I explore these questions in this paper in order to define an approach—the systems design approach—by which we can individually and collectively create a better future for ourselves, our families, our communities and our society while enhancing human performance, adding value to our organizations, and most importantly, creating just and ethical systems for future generations.  相似文献   

There is a growing realization that many of our social systems and organizations are out-of-syne with the new realities of the recently emerged post-industrial, information/knowledge age. These new realities are touching the lives of every individual, every family and community, the host of organizations of our public and private sectors. and our overall society. They affect the future of humanity as a whole. Questions arise. What are these new realities? What are the meanings of societal transformations? What is our role in facing the massive changes that confront us today? Are we only spectators of these changes? Are we their victims? Are we at the mercy of others who control these changes and the experts who design systems for us? Or is it up to us to shape; our future and create and recreate the systems to which we belong? What kind of capacities and capabilities should we develop that will allow us to design our own lives, shape our systems, and give direction to the evolution of our communities. our organizations, and our society? I have struggled and worked with these questions over the last three decades. They have been the focus of my research and teaching. I explore these questions in this paper in order to define an approach–the systems design approach–by which we can individually and collectively create a better future for ourselves, our families, our communities and our society while enhancing human performance, adding value to our organizations, and most importantly, creating just and ethical systems for future generations.  相似文献   

王霞 《职业技术教育》2001,22(16):11-13
不同经济发展水平地区的职教发展规模不能整齐划一,农村职业教育体系必须尽快完善,我国在相当长的时期内,应该大力发展中等职业教育,进一步完善高职教育。必须深入分析问题存在的原因并采取相应的措施,才能促进我国农村职业教育的发展,进一步完善职业教育体系。  相似文献   


Kant argues that we have a duty to perfect ourselves morally and promote the happiness of others. He also argues that we have an innate propensity to evil. Our duty to perfect ourselves suggests that we struggle with our innate propensity to wilfully deviate from doing our duty. And we do this when we struggle against the depravation of our heart, namely our propensity to reverse ‘the ethical order as regards the incentives of a free power of choice’, namely, our propensity to wilfully comply with the principle of self-love and override the moral law. It seems, however, that education does not enable those concerned to fulfil their duties. It seems, instead, that education basically makes them efficacious with regard to desired ends and with the devised means. It seems, too, that education does not necessarily make it possible for those concerned with duty to perfect themselves morally and help others to do the same, which in turn suggests that those concerned are not being enabled to make themselves ‘as conscientious as possible in [their] moral self-examination’. I argue that education ought to enable those concerned to cultivate their moral strength to do so and enable others to do the same.  相似文献   

生存发展问题与可持续发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生存与发展是同一个问题,人的生存方式的特点就在于用发展求生存。近代以来的现代化发展无疑产生了消极后果,但这并不是天人相分观念的恶果。人类中心主义需要反思并赋予更合理的内涵,但否定人类中心主义是不可能的。实现可持续发展需要反思人类既有的实践与生产方式,建立生产与需要之间合理的辩证关系,提高生活质量与生活品位,实现人与自然的和谐发展。  相似文献   

Ethical concerns are rising in the business world. With this in mind, training and performance improvement practitioners, especially during evaluation projects, should be aware of principles and codes of ethics, and their behaviors and decisions should reflect the standards recognized by members of the professional society. A study was conducted with 108 training and performance improvement practitioners to reveal the reasoning behind their judgments of ethically challenging evaluation situations and to understand their rationales through the lens of existing guiding principles. Participants read three scenarios and judged the ethicality of the evaluator's actions in each scenario. Results revealed that participants who were aware of both the International Society for Performance Improvement's Code of Ethics and American Evaluation Association's Guiding Principles for Evaluators were stricter in their judgments about the ethicality of one scenario than those who were not. This article discusses implications of the results and higher education's role in reinforcing an ethical culture and ethical practice by employees.  相似文献   

高校学生思想政治工作实施创新教育探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
创新教育是深化教育改革和全面推进素质教育的具体举措;是一次教育理念的创新,更是一次以培养创新精神和创新能力为核心的教育实践;既是高校人才培养的方向,也是我国高校教育改革的重点.如何在学生工作中把创新教育落实到实处,保持思想政治工作的生机和活力,这是我们今后工作的重点和难点,我们应以创新的精神投入到创新教育这一伟大的事业中去.  相似文献   

在演唱中应当准确地把握情感,深入理解作品的内容,找到切身的感受,把对作品的处理化为真情的体现,并且丰富作品的情感。同时应该正确处理演唱前不良的心理状态,对自己要充满信心,让自己进入角色中,调节演唱心理,达到声情并茂、以声传情。  相似文献   


Although frequently challenging, faculty advising continues to be a crucial component of social work education. Yet the current diversity of students, educational programs, and field placements present many ethical dilemmas to the faculty advisor. This paper explores the administrative, educational, and supportive roles of the faculty advisor, the inherent conflicts which develop and the effects of these conflicts on the ethical advising of social work students.

Similar to the classroom teacher, the faculty advisor can positively model ethical social work practice to students. Case examples from faculty advisors are used to study ethical dilemmas which arise in promoting social work values of self-determination and confidentiality. Recommendations are made to promote ethical practice among faculty advisors.  相似文献   

这里从给“古翻译”正名开始,通过对古翻译的历史和现状的观照,从而认为“古翻译”应该成为一门独立的学科——古翻译学。古翻译的实践呼唤着理论的探索。古翻译所研究的对象包括语言学各个方面。它所研究的意义不单是使译语能力有所提高,对建设精神明,振兴中华有重要意义。进而对古翻译的理论基础、原则、方法、标准提出了个人的看法。  相似文献   


North American academic developers continue to grapple with a myriad of concerns about setting standards, credentialing, and/or creating a PhD track for developers in higher education. While we might agree on the need for credibility in our work, status in our institutions sufficient to succeed in our mission to improve teaching and learning, and to advance ourselves in our careers, we do not agree about assuming a role of gatekeeper for the profession. Our reasons go to the heart of some of the fundamental issues in the North American academic enterprise. A subcommittee of the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD) has been charged by its board of directors to devise guidelines for academic developers. In this paper, couched against the backdrop of a POD survey of its members, I present the positions expressed by the committee in response to this charge and I highlight the values and cultural characteristics which define the ambivalences towards adopting standards. Finally, I examine the opinions expressed in the discussion with the findings from a pilot questionnaire among POD members on self‐perception and professional growth. I compare the issues preoccupying the committee with the comments made by the participants in the questionnaire in order to determine whether together they can illuminate a direction for POD as it reexamines its role leading into the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

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