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After completing the work on mapping chicken genome sequence and chicken genome variation in early March, 2004, two international research consortiums have made significant progress in reading the maps, shedding new light on the studies into the first bird as well as the first agricultural animal that has its genome sequenced and analyzed in the world.  相似文献   

The CAS Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) and the Danish Committee of Pig Breeding and Production (DCPBP) jointly announced recently the pub- lic release of pig genomic sequences. The released sequence data include 3.84 million pieces of the genomes of five different do- mestic pig breeds from Europe and China. The data are generated from the first large-scale pig genome se- quencing effort, the Sino-Danish Pig Genome Project, started in 2001 on the basis of a long-standing col- labor…  相似文献   

Adetailed analysis of the high-quality sequence of the rice genome was pub- lished in the August 11 issue of the journal Nature, marking the comple- tion of a six-year international col- laborative effort to unravel the ge- nome of the world’s most important food crop that feeds over half of the global population. The work unveils a genome consisting of roughly 400 million DNA bases holding 37,544 genes on rice’s 12 chromosomes, affirm scientists in the Nature article, of- fering an overvi…  相似文献   

Presently, the research on the origin of Chinese ancestors focuses on two issues,namely the origin of the first human populations in Asia and the origin of modern Chinese people. Up till now, all the fossils of Australopitheeus and Homo habilis, the earliest two stages ofhuman evolution, are from Africa,  相似文献   

Rice Genome Project for Oryza sativa L. ssp, IndicaAfter 17-month hard work, the scientists of the CAS Beijing Genomics Institute accomplished the draft sequence of the rice genome for Oryza sativa L. ssp. Indica in October, 2001, and the data were unconditionally shared by the whole world. About 270,000 people had visited Chinese rice genome website by May 2003. A fine map of the rice genome was finished a year later. The genome was 466 Mb in size, with estimated 46,022 to  相似文献   

Riceis astaple crop for more than half of the world's population, and it was hoped that the availability of its ge- nome sequence might enable scien- tists todevelop more productive and environment friendly rice strains. Furthermore, the rice genome might provide the key tounderstanding the genetics of other major cereal crops, as all of them have much larger genomes. After the completion of a draft sequence of the Chinese hybrid rice genome, which was published in the Journal Science in 2002…  相似文献   

<正>The grass carp(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)is an important farmed fish,accounting for about 16%of global freshwater aquaculture and possesses a vegetarian diet.However,the lack of a complete genome sequence has made it difficult to conduct in-depth investigation on grass carp biology and breeding for better quality fish.As the first step,researchers from the CAS Institute of Hydrobiology,the CAS National Center for Gene Research,Sun Yat-Sen University and other  相似文献   

Adetailed analysis of the high-quality sequence of the rice genome was published in the August 11 issue of the journal Nature, marking the completion of a six-year international collaborative effort to unravel the genome of the world's most important food crop that feeds over half of the global population.  相似文献   

<正>In our conversation with Prof.CHEN Lingling on the"dark mat ter"in the genome,namely the non-coding RNAs,we got to know two classes of long non-coding RNAs(lncRNAs)in close association with Prader-Willi syndrome(PWS).Each with a snoRNA cap on its either end,they fall in the sno-lncRNA family,a group of lncRNAs identified by CHEN’s group in their earlier research.Here we are meeting another member of the family,SLERT,a rescuer who  相似文献   

Genomic Research     
<正>To reveal an organism's genome sequence takes similarity in drawing a map. Resorting to such genomic maps would greatly help scientists understanding how genes work together properly and why diseases occur when things go wrong in the DNA. It radically changes many aspects of molecular biology and genetics. At the very least, the genome sequence will represent a valuable shortcut, helping scientists find genes much more easily and quickly, omitting the troublesome cloning and sequencing of genes of interests.In the field of genomic research, CAS scientists have made their contributions in revealing the genomic maps of many organisms, such the humans, rice and locusts.  相似文献   

Rice Genome Project for Oryza sativa L. Ssp. Indica After 17-month hard work, the scientists of the CAS Beijing Genomics Institute accomplished the draft sequence of the rice genome for Oryza sativa L. Ssp. Indica in October, 2001, and the data were unconditionally shared by the whole world. About 270,000 people had visited Chinese rice genome website by May 2003.  相似文献   

Dr. YIN Hongming with the Dalian Institute CAS of Chemical Physics has discovered two main reaction paths of formaldehyde's photochemical decomposition. His latest research progress, which was published in the first issue of Chinese Science Bulletin in 2008, may shed new light on the reaction mechanism of its radical channel.  相似文献   

Following China's announcement of its completion of the draft genome sequence of the rice indica subspecies on October 12,2001 (page 126, Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Vol. 15 No.3), Chinese scientists published their findings in the April 5 issue of Science, the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). In the same issue, a team of scientists with the Switzerland-based Syngenta company reported a similar achievement for another major rice subspecies,japonica.  相似文献   

The following 14 researchgroups received 2001 2002awards for major innovationattribution at the CAS annual workconference held from March 26 to28 in Beijing:1.Nanostructure, thin filmgrowth and surface kinetics groupwith the Institute of Physics;2.Group for aggregation of or-ganic molecules and radical chemis-try with the Shanghai Institute ofOrganic Chemistry;3.Hybrid rice genome groupwith the Beijing Genomics Institute;4.Group for sequence and func-tional genome of rice chromosome4 wi…  相似文献   

<正>BAI Chunli,President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,will be leading TWAS(the World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries)for another two years from2016 to 2018.as was announced by the 26~(th)TWAS general meeting in Vienna,Austria in November 2015.Addressing the meeting's opening on November 18.BAI pointed out that 30 years after the first TWAS general meeting was convened to promote research capacity in developing nations,it is time to"build networks for  相似文献   

Researchers with the CAS Wuhan Institute of Virology (WHIOV) recently completed the genome sequencing of a mosquitocidal bacterium Bacillus sphaericus C3-41. The feat, first of its kind in China, is expected to further promote the bio-control studies of mosquitoes.  相似文献   

<正>Chinese scientists announced their first discovery of two new pulsars in the Southern Galactic plane using the Five hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST),the world’s largest single dish radio telescope,in Beijing on October 10.Two new pulsars,PSR J1859-01(FP1 or FAST pulsar#1)and PSR J1931-01(FP2 or FAST pulsar#2),have been confirmed by the Parkes telescope in  相似文献   

The National Supreme Science and Technology Award in 2006 goes to Prof. LI Zhensheng, a geneticist from the CAS Institute of Genetics & Developmental Biology. At the Awarding Ceremony held on 27 February in Beijing, Prof. Li, also a CAS member, received the certificate for the prestigious award, which comes with a five million yuan (about $650,000) prize, from Chinese President HU Jintao. Nationwide, 326 research projects were honored with the 2006 national S&T awards, including 29 with the National Award for Natural Sciences (two first prizes and 27 second ones); 56 with the National Award for Technological Invention (one first prize and 55 second ones) and 241 with the National Award for Science and Technology Progress (one special prize, 20 first prizes and 220 second ones). Among the 326 projects, 30 were headed by CAS scientists. They include 12 winning the second prize of the National Award for Natural Sciences, five winning the second prize of the National Award for Technological Invention and 13 winning the National Award for Science and Technology Progress (two first prizes and 11 second ones).  相似文献   

At a special ceremony held in Beijing on January 18, 2012, the first Scandinavian received the Award for International Scientific Cooperation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He is Prof. Flemming Besenbacher, one of the most influential researchers in Denmark and a leading nanoscientist in the world. From taking on the first Chinese doctoral student from the CAS Institute of Chemistry in the early 1990s to successfully advocating the launch of a Sino-Danish education center in 2011, Prof.  相似文献   

正The latest experiment results from China's S J-10 recoverable satellite have been sent back with some groundbreaking news.For the first time in human history,it has been proven that the early stages of embryos in mammals can be developed completely in a space environment.China launched the country's first microgravity satellite,the SJ-10,on April 6.The return capsule on  相似文献   

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