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高校留级学生的成因及转化对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高校留级学生是成人学习不良的特例。在对武汉3所高校留级生进行访谈的基础上,分析了留级的成因,并据此提出留级生转化对策。学生留级的主要原因包括学习基础差、不适应高校学习、理想与现实的差距、任务和目标不明确、人格缺陷、突发事件、对学籍制度缺乏理解;学生自身的因素和社会支持状况都会影响留级生的转化。留级生的转化应该着重从完善留级制度、加强心理疏导和提供社会支持三个方面展开。  相似文献   

基于学生留级原因及现状分析,提出关于留级生管理的对策建议,即加大对留级生的帮助和关怀力度,加强制度管理;创建良好的学习环境;加强学校与家长的联系、充分发挥家长的作用。  相似文献   

周怀瑞 《广西教育》2014,(31):112-113
基于学生留级原因及现状分析,提出关于留级生管理的对策建议,即加大对留级生的帮助和关怀力度,加强制度管理;创建良好的学习环境;加强学校与家长的联系、充分发挥家长的作用。  相似文献   

段欢欢  杨涛 《教师》2021,(16):9-10
高校学籍管理直接贯穿整个大学教育全过程,近年来留级生数量逐步增加,关于留级生的管理转化及后期再培养极易成为学生日常管理工作中的盲点,如何第一时间在学生留级后有针对性地做好思想工作,激发学生学习兴趣,使学生振作精神正视学习生活,实现自我教育和自我管理,这是教育工作者需要解决的问题.文章重点剖析了留级生留级的原因,探讨了加...  相似文献   

彭振武同志耐心负责地对学习成绩落后的学生进行个别辅导是值得表扬的。但我们必须指出:如果在今天的学校中简单提出消滅留级现象的要求,显然是不符合实际的。有的教师过分放宽评分标准或过分抓紧学生的学习,使班上没有留级学生;有的县教育科通令全县小学不许留级,这些不合理的做法,是应该被否定的。我们应该要求教师认真负责地教好课、做好课外辅导工作,使学生留级现象逐渐减少而至消滅。不可有拔苗助长的想法和简单提出消滅留级现象的口号的做法。  相似文献   

本文就高校留级生管理工作提出了相关对策与建议,旨在为了全面提高学生整体素质,以期尽早帮助留级生的转化,减少高校留级学生人数,为构建和谐校园提供参考依据。  相似文献   

每当新学年开始时,总有一批小学生留级。学校领导和教师希望这些学生通过留级,成绩能有所提高。可是,多年的实践证明,除少数留级生在复读过程中有所进步外,大多数留级生都不见提高,有的甚至越来越差。所以,留级措施是教育的一个失误,其弊端是显而易见的,危害是很大的,下面略举主要的几点就足以证明。首先,留级是对学生的一种惩罚。学生学习差,只能耐心地教育和帮助,决不是制裁能够奏效的。留级只会伤害学生的自尊心和自信心,使他们在心理上产生压抑感和自卑感。在这种心理状态下,学生是学习不好的。其次,留级制度造成一些责任心不够强的教师对学习差的学生放任不管。有的教师认为,学习差的学生反正是要留级的,何必花大力气去管呢!有的教师甚至把留级当做“紧箍咒”,动辄以此来威吓学生,人为地造成学生的恐俱和紧张心理,在一定程度上影响学生的学习兴趣和学习效果。  相似文献   

高校留级学生教育管理措施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
留级学生已成为高校校园里的一个特殊群体,他们给高校学生教育管理工作带来了很大压力.如何做好他们的教育转化工作已经成为教育工作者必须解决的一个现实问题.文章针对高校留级学生大量存在的现象,对如何做好他们的教育转化工作提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

一、问题的提出长期以来,全日制普通高等学校学生管理规定里都有留级的条例,其目的是通过留级措施以刺激学生重修原不及格的课程而达到完成学业的补偿。从表面上看,留级制度可给学生最终有一个毕业的机会和实施带有治愈性质的教育措施。但是,却达不到提高教育质量。从严治校,优化办学环境,保证培养目标实现的要求。况且,仅靠留级手段,在大学阶段里对具有  相似文献   

本文阐述了当前高校在留级学生教育管理工作中存在的相关问题,结合高校教务管理和学生管理两个方面,提出了相应的完善建议。  相似文献   

The notion that parent involvement impacts student learning outcomes for children who are at risk for failing academically has been supported by prominent early childhood education experts. Recent attention has been given to specific ways parents can help increase student learning through their interactions with children as they complete home learning activities. It is important to note that the term parent is used interchangeably with the terms adult, guardian and family member. The term “at-risk reader” refers to readers who are at risk of failing school because of reading deficiencies. This report will examine whether parent training to increase parent–child interactions during the completion of second grade Interactive Homework Assignments (IHA) can facilitate increases in a student’s ability to draw inferences from reading selections, a skill closely aligned with proficiency in reading acquisition. The second grade level was chosen because these children were those whose teachers were concerned with preparing them to take the third grade SAT9. Third grade level was not selected because many of their professional development activities were prescribed due to their immediate concern with preparing students to take the SAT9. IHA, for the scope of this study, is homework designed to increase parent involvement and student achievement. The results indicate that specific parent training during a brief period of time, approximately four weeks, has the potential for improving academic performance for academically at-risk students.  相似文献   


Two studies examined college students' perceptions of professors' ethical responsibilities. Students agreed that professors must demonstrate respect for students, teach objectively, and grade honestly, and they should not tolerate cheating or plagiarism. Results indicate that students expect professors to act with professionalism, to employ a vast base of content knowledge, and to show concern for student welfare. Many view professors as exemplars of scholarship and professional behavior. Professors must be cognizant of student expectations and should reflect on their behavior both in and out of the classroom.  相似文献   

In this article we analyze the effects of student work on academic performance for college students. In order to reduce the endogeneity bias due to selection into treatment, we use propensity score matching technique. This approach allows us to estimate the effects of student work separately for different years of study, which is not possible when inside instruments are used to deal with endogeneity of student work. We find predominantly negative effects of student work for all measures of academic performance (GPA, exam attempts, exams passed, and likelihood of passing a year), although many of these are economically and statistically insignificant. We supplement existing studies that do not estimate separate treatment effects for different years of study by showing that work while in college harms study outcomes mostly in the first year of study—by passing smaller number of exams and thereby increasing the likelihood of failing a year. Our results are consistent with evidence on difficulty with adjusting to college studies of first-year students, who face many uncertainties that affect finding the optimal allocation of time between studies, work and leisure.  相似文献   

We tested the effect of voluntary peer-facilitated study groups on student learning in large introductory biology lecture classes. The peer facilitators (preceptors) were trained as part of a Teaching Team (faculty, graduate assistants, and preceptors) by faculty and Learning Center staff. Each preceptor offered one weekly study group to all students in the class. All individual study groups were similar in that they applied active-learning strategies to the class material, but they differed in the actual topics or questions discussed, which were chosen by the individual study groups. Study group participation was correlated with reduced failing grades and course dropout rates in both semesters, and participants scored better on the final exam and earned higher course grades than nonparticipants. In the spring semester the higher scores were clearly due to a significant study group effect beyond ability (grade point average). In contrast, the fall study groups had a small but nonsignificant effect after accounting for student ability. We discuss the differences between the two semesters and offer suggestions on how to implement teaching teams to optimize learning outcomes, including student feedback on study groups.  相似文献   

Phenomenographic studies of student learning have shown that students learn in qualitatively different ways and have related qualitatively different learning outcomes. But phenomenography is not, and has never claimed to be, a theory of student learning. This is not to say, however, that there is not a view of student learning which is consistent with these studies. This paper outlines such a view and analyses a number of teaching and learning problems from this perspective. The paper argues that the students’ experiences of teaching and learning situations are fundamental to what they learn.  相似文献   

Graduates from initial teacher education institutions in New Zealand are assumed to be fit to take up positions as beginning teachers. To this end lecturers make judgements at various stages during the teacher education programme about the quality of student performance with regard to coursework and teaching practice. Findings from a field-based project at a large metropolitan college of education in New Zealand revealed that making such judgements was not a straightforward activity. In particular, there was a reluctance to award failing grades. The college's published guidelines referred to the passing and failing of courses and the programme as dependent on the quality of submitted work or demonstrated performance. The everyday discourse and observed practice of lecturers and student teachers suggested, however, that both groups construed a fail grade as a judgement of personal worth. This shift from judgements about performance to judgements about personal worth was associated with the utilisation of criteria other than those outlined in published documents. The use of 'other' criteria enabled positive judgements to be made about students who did not meet course requirements and/or whose work failed to meet the minimum standard. Lecturers thus appeared to be reluctant to act as gatekeepers to an initial beginning teacher position.  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to determine the degree of congruence of expectations between teacher and student within and among an innovative, process-oriented social studies program and conventional, content- oriented programs since congruence is theorized to be related to program satisfaction. The Watson Analysis Schedule (WAS) was designed to inventory the perceptions of seventy-one expectations for student behavior. It was administered in three similar suburban schools enrolling a total of 1,732 students taught by twenty-nine teachers in their eleventh grade social studies programs. The congruity of expectations for students and teachers was found to be greater for the two content-oriented programs than for the process-oriented program. However, on the basis of a previous phase of this investigation, the process-oriented program was characterized by positive responses of satisfaction by the students while the content-oriented programs were characterized by negative responses. Results lead the investigators to question the hypothesized relationship of satisfaction to congruence and to view satisfaction as more highly related to the nature of the role assigned to the learner.  相似文献   

针对高职学生中普遍存在的厌学现象,从学生年龄特征、学习过程及教育心理学出发,了解影响学生学习的诱因,有目的地对学生的学习进行调适、培养,实施有效的教育策略,提出了使学生进行更有效的学习的对策.  相似文献   

杨明 《襄樊学院学报》2006,27(2):114-117
对襄樊学院2003、2004年级学生实施《学生体质健康标准》测评,结果显示:学院学生体质的总体水平处于合格水平,身体形态指数中,正常体重等级的比例全院为38.07%,男生的比例比女生更低;身体机能和身体素质指数中不及格比例较高,特别是反映下肢肌肉爆发力的立定跳远成绩不及格率达到34.6%;2003级学生两个学年度各项成绩的u检验比较,除身高和立定跳远外, 其他各项成绩均有非常显著的提高.其原因:学生体质整体水平不高与饮食结构不合理和缺乏体育锻炼有关.  相似文献   

素质教育的对象是学生,因此,实施素质教育的关键就在于突破传统学生观的羁绊,确立适应素质教育要求的现代学生观.现代学生观承认学生是责权主体;相信学生是有巨大发展潜能的人;肯定学生是知识的积极接受者和能动创造者;正视学生是有着丰富个性的完整的人.要实施素质教育要求的现代学生观,必须确立"素质教育就是服务于每一个学生全面发展"的思想;建立以学生发展为本的课程体系;发展学生的个性,培养学生的独立性;建立交往互动的教学关系.  相似文献   

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