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不知从何处来,又不知向何处去。我来无影,去无踪,却能被感觉到、接触到。我是大自然中特殊的一员——风。我行走洒脱,时而快如迅雷,时而又慢如信步。满世界都存在着我那无形而透明的身影,我还可以随心所欲,想去哪里就去哪里,无  相似文献   

也许那只是一个回忆,而回忆不具有任何力量,一如如歌的行板,渐行渐远,欲语还休……李塔塔曾经是我最要好的朋友,好到我不知该用什么样的词来形容。我们俩同是英语课代表,坐前后桌,每天一起学习、去小  相似文献   

一向讨厌母鸡。不知怎样受了一点惊恐。听吧,它由前院嘎嘎到后院,由后院再嘎嘎到前院,没结没完,而并没有什么理由,讨厌!有的时候,它不这样乱叫,可是细声细气的,有什么心事似的,颤颤微微的,顺着墙根,或沿着田坝,那么扯长了声如怨如诉,使人心中立刻起个小疙瘩来。它永远不反抗公鸡。可是,有时候却欺侮那忠厚的鸭子。更可恶的是它遇到另一只母鸡的时候,它会下毒手,乘其不备,狠狠地咬一口,咬下一撮儿毛来。到下蛋的时候,它差不多是发了狂,恨不能使全世界都知道它这点成绩;就是聋子也会被它吵得受不下去。可是,现在我改变了心思,我看见一只孵出一…  相似文献   

生还 《中学生读写》2008,(10):36-46
<正>终于醒了来,因那一句话,你又不爱我。梦到他这样同我说,不是一次两次。每一次我都心虚,不知如何应对,全没有平日的伶牙俐齿。(一)我才煮好一锅红豆粥,便听到敲门声。不用看,一准是洛雅这个坏家伙。她一惯会这样子,踩着饭点上来蹭东西吃。我替她拉开门,转身进厨房。这家伙在小客厅里坐下,叫了我一声,犹犹豫豫地。我等她说话,她偏又没了声息。装神弄鬼的样子。  相似文献   

我一向讨厌母鸡。不知怎样受了一点惊恐,听吧,它由前院嘎嘎到后院,由后院再嘎嘎到前院,没完没了,而并没有什么理由,讨厌!有的时候,它不这样乱叫,而是细声细气的,有什么心事似的,颤巍巍的,顺着墙根,或沿着田坝,扯长了声如怨如诉,使人心中立刻结了个小疙瘩来。它永远不反抗公鸡。可是,有时候却欺侮那最忠厚的鸭子。更可悲的是它遇到另一只母鸡的时候,它会下毒手,乘其不备,狠狠地咬一口,咬下一撮(z uǒ)儿毛来。到下蛋的时候,它差不多是发了狂,恨不能使全世界都知道它这点成绩,就是聋子也会被它吵得受不了。可是,现在我改变了心思,我看见一只孵…  相似文献   

一向讨厌母鸡。不知怎样受了一点惊恐 ,听吧 ,它由前院嘎嘎到后院 ,由后院再嘎嘎到前院 ,没结没完 ,而并没有什么理由 ;讨厌 !有的时候 ,它不这样乱叫 ,可是细声细气的 ,有什么心事似的 ,颤颤微微的 ,顺着墙根 ,或沿着田坝 ,那么扯长了声如怨如诉 ,使人心中立刻结起个小疙瘩来。它永远不反抗公鸡。可是 ,有时候却欺侮那最忠厚的鸭子。更可恶的是它遇到另一只母鸡的时候 ,它会下毒手 ,乘其不备 ,狠狠地咬一口 ,咬下一撮儿毛来。到下蛋的时候 ,它差不多是发了狂 ,恨不能使全世界都知道它这点成绩 ;就是聋子也会被它吵得受不下去。可是 ,现在我…  相似文献   

一向讨厌母鸡。不知怎样受了一点惊恐。听吧,它由前院嘎嘎到后院,由后院再嘎嘎到前院,没结没完,而并没有什么理由,讨厌!有的时候,它不这样乱叫,可是细声细气的,有什么心事似的,颤颤微微的,顺着墙根,或沿着田坝,那么扯长了声如怨如诉,使人心中立刻结起个小疙瘩来。它永远不反抗公鸡。可是,有时候却欺侮那最忠厚的鸭子。更可恶的是它遇到另一只母鸡的时候,它会下毒手,乘其不备,狠狠的咬一口,咬下一撮儿毛来。到下蛋的时候,它差不多是发了狂,恨不能使全世界都知道它这点成绩,就是聋子也会被它吵得受不下去。可是,现在我改变了心思,我看见一只孵…  相似文献   

张雯 《初中生》2013,(20):36-37
距离小学毕业不知有多久了。不知怎的,我想念起他们那幼稚纯真的模样来了。找了许久却找不到那曾经风靡一时的同学录,问母亲,她说:你都不看,我放到仓库里去了。"于是我便到仓库里将它找出来,拍了拍,腾起的灰尘直往我的鼻孔里钻。抿着嘴,翻阅着,忽地停在了其中一页上——我看到了他,儿时的那个男孩。那时的我,总是远远地看着他。阳光在他的笔头跳跃,  相似文献   

一向讨厌母鸡。不知怎样受了一点惊恐。听吧,它由前院嘎嘎到后院,由后院再到前院,没结没完,而并没有什么理由。讨厌!有时候,它不这样乱叫,可是细声细气的,有什么心事似的,颤颤巍巍的,顺着墙根,或沿着田坝,那么扯长了声如怨如诉,使人心中立刻结起个小疙瘩来。它永远不反抗公鸡。可是,有时候却欺侮那最忠厚的鸭子。更可恶的是它遇到另一只母鸡的时候,它会下毒手,乘其不备,狠狠地咬一口,咬下一撮儿毛来。到下蛋的时候,它差不多是发了狂,恨不能使全世界都知道它这点成绩,就是聋子也会被它吵得受不了。可是,现在我改变了心思,我看见一只孵出一群…  相似文献   

不知什么原因,一种时尚正在快速地扩张,那就是同学聚会。儿子与同伴们十来岁已常有聚会;母亲,七十多了,一回老家,最盼的也是老同学聚会。而我,也经历过,  相似文献   

Developing holistic practice through reflection,action and theorising   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article outlines how I, as a primary teacher engaging with a self-study action research process, have come to a deeper understanding of my practice. It explains how I have also come to an understanding of why I work in the way I do; of how this understanding influences my work, and the significance of this new understanding. My work as a teacher frequently includes doing collaborative digital projects with my class. As I engaged in research on my practice, I initially experienced difficulties problematising this work. I struggled to achieve clarity not only with engaging in critical thinking but also with articulating my educational values. I found Mellor’s idea about ‘the struggle’ helpful as he explains how ‘the struggle’ is at the heart of the research process. My new understanding around these collaborative projects emerged in terms of holistic practice; clarifying my ontological values and learning to think critically. I am now generating an educational theory from my practice as I see my work as a process for developing spiritual and holistic approaches to learning and teaching. I conclude by outlining what I perceive to be the significance of my work and its potential implications for education.  相似文献   

Because of Professor Cooley's prosecutorial review, I want to make clear at the outset that my rejoinder is not a codefendant's answer to a plaintiff's replication. Instead, I first attempt to provide an “immanent” analysis of Cooley's indictment, in the sense of dealing with what dwells within his reasoning. A specific philosophical definition of “immanent” reads: taking place within the mind of the subject, but having no effect outside (this does not apply to me as an outsider). I intend to battle with Cooley up close—no “dancing”—my defense against his offense. In the second part, the focus will be on what I think is missing from Cooley's attempt to discredit McLaren and Farahmandpur's book. His decision or failure to deal with what Marx and the most effective Marxists have written, and how some of this provided analyses that could be and/or was acted upon, may be more serious than his beating up on the book's authors.  相似文献   

一想到自己明天就没命了,不禁陷入极端的惶恐。我翻遍了口袋,终于找到一支没被他们搜走的香烟,但我的手紧张得不停发抖,连将烟送进嘴里都成问题,而我的火柴也在搜身时被拿走了。我透过铁栏望着外面的警卫,他并没有注意到我在看他,我叫了他一声:“能跟你借个火吗?”他转头望着我,耸了耸肩,然后走了过来,点燃我的香烟。  相似文献   

兰姆 《新读写》2008,(6):62-62
我呢,冒着丢面子的危险,却只好老实承认:我把相当大一部分时间用来读书了。我的生活,可以说是在与别人思想的深交中度过的。我情愿让自己淹没在别人的思想之中。除了走路,我便读书,我不会坐在那里空想——自有书本替我去想。  相似文献   

My original paper, “Toward a Post-Modern Agenda in Instructional Technology” (Solomon, 2000), was an interdisciplinary review of the literature and offered multiple perspectives of the subject, a post-modern approach sometimes referred to as multivocality. I found several themes inherent in the literature, which I presented as eight general assumptions about post-modernism for consideration, discussion, and adoption. Then, I concluded the paper with a discussion about the potential contributions of post-modern concepts in instructional technology. In a reaction to my paper, Voithofer and Foley (this issue) misinterpreted some of the purposes and assumptions expressed, by seeing my view as an effort to construct a model of a post-modern agenda, which could not be further from my original purpose. This paper serves to clarify my position as a sequel to their response. David L. Solomon is Creative Director in Training Operations at PentaMark Worldwide. He is also Research Fellow at the Learning Development Institute Author's note: I was introduced to post-modernism during a group project in one of Rita Richey's graduate classes at Wayne State University. My interest in the subject flourished, and post-modernism became the focus of my dissertation research. Clearly, I found a problem to solve: No one I knew could explain post-modernism, and almost everyone I encountered in the field had no idea what it was. Gary Morrison was a member of my doctoral committee and introduced me to the classic works of Morris (1946), Knowlton (1964;1966), Stevens (1969; 1970), and Cassidy (1982). Under his guidance, I submitted my work to the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) and was awarded the 2000 ETR&D Young Scholar Award. Richey and Morrison encouraged me to explore this topic with rigor and clarity and I am grateful for their support.  相似文献   

If I recall my first teaching experience, it is only to suggest that perhaps, in many congregations, the situation has not materially improved. It was the season of 1923–1924. I was a freshman student at Columbia College, and I was invited to assist the backward students at Temple Anshe Chesed (in Harlem, New York) in their reading of Hebrew, and to serve as substitute for any teachers who might be absent on any particular day. I had as much right to serve as anything at all in any classroom as I had to perform surgery in a hospital. But to Cantor Marcel Katz z”I who doubled as principal of the school (Dr. Jacob Kohn was the Rabbi) no further credentials were necessary besides my willingness to do my best — which was not, clearly, very good.  相似文献   

In my search for my identity as an online teacher, I did an informal self-study to determine if my online classes are equivalent to my face-toface classes. I compared student work and student evaluations from 14 courses: seven online and seven face-to-face. When I compared the quality of student work from both formats, I found it indistinguishable. When I compared the type of comments on student evaluations, they were indistinguishable as well. There seemed to be no discernible difference between me as a face-toface teacher and me as an online teacher. Based on the students’ perceptions and coursework, their learning and enjoyment of learning did not seem to be tied to whether I was in the room with them or not.  相似文献   

A personal inquiry into an experience of adult learning on-line   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Mann  Sarah J. 《Instructional Science》2003,31(1-2):111-125
In this paper, I offer a reflection on mypersonal experience of networked learning usingthe approach of personal inquiry. I addressthe issue of identity and my experience ofpresenting myself on-line; my experience ofparticipating in the formation of the learninggroup; and what I describe as the `weight ofthe words', my experience of using this newmedium of communication. I follow this with atheoretical exploration which attempts tounderstand these aspects of my experience. Iargue that in the networked learningenvironment, the taken-for-granted processes ofidentity work and group formation aredisturbed. The unease provoked by this requiresgreater effort towards the establishment ofidentity and group, whilst at the same timeopening up the possibility for more fluidityand openness to the other. In my experienceas a learner, the newness and uncertainty ofthe experience compelled me towards seekingcertainty and closure. I was not able to makebest use of the opportunity for the greaterfluidity and openness offered by the networkedlearning environment. I close the paper bysuggesting how teachers may be able to supportthe conditions that would enable learners tomake best use of this opportunity. I argue thatthe learning community has to be seen asfundamentally an ethical one based onresponsibility to the other and that thisrequires the opening up of conversationsbetween learners and teachers for the sharingand negotiation of experiences and ways ofworking.  相似文献   

My father and I did not have a close relationship when I was growing up. That doesn' t mean that we didn' t love one another, because we did. However, we were both so busy with our personal lives that we hardly ever had time for one another-we were both at fault (感到困惑)  相似文献   

In this essay I explore the constraints and opportunities confronting me as a newly qualified teacher and how these affect my pedagogy. I have reflected on my own development from beginning to newly qualified teacher and considered how such forces have shaped my identity as a teacher, my values and my approach to the job. As part of my exploration of my practice and the values I hold, I have revisited ‘The Place of English’, an essay I wrote midway through my Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) year; I have reconsidered how the current climate of educational reform and my subsequent experience have altered or strengthened these initial perceptions. In what follows I have reflected critically on two episodes of teaching and learning with my Year 10 class, my most challenging group, in order to further understand the way in which I have responded to the responsibilities and pressures placed on a classroom teacher. These pressures, I suggest, are intensified by the preconceptions of age and gender within my school and implicit more widely in the traditional values of our culture. The fragments of my practice that I have explored reveal tensions that gesture at a gap between educational theory, first-hand professional experience and governmental policy. They present an argument to resist the temptations of oversimplified, linear conceptions of teaching and learning, and maintain the place of English as a subject of creativity, exploration and expression that, at its heart, values both individual and collective student voices and identities.  相似文献   

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