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1 IntroductionAfter many years of relative Obscurity,three-dimensional displays have recently become bothincreasingly pOPular and practical in the computerethics community. One way of shmulating 3Dperception is tO use a stereo paid, tWo images of the same.scene acquired horn different perspectives[']. There is ahigh degree of cross-correlation between the right and leftimages. For stereo images/video, the data cO~ssion isalso necessary, and the coding efficiency can be furtherimproved by ex…  相似文献   

在对河北省地区间财力差异进行实证分析的基础上,对现行转移支付制度平衡河北省地区间财力差异的效应进行了实证性评估,最后提出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

An estimation approach is proposed in this paper based on the binocular stereovision to collect the degree of crowdedness in public transports. The proposed method combines the disparity with frame differences to extract the foreground object. An adaptive window normalized cross correlation (NCC) matching and interpolated method is applied to get the sub-pixel image disparity value. Then, the foreground object is projected to the horizontal plane to eliminate the influence of the occlusion and perspective effect. Finally the degree of crowdedness is calculated from the area and the perimeter of the foreground objects. Experimental results show that the proposed method can obtain good estimation results in the simulated scenes in the laboratory and on parking or moving buses. This approach is effective to illumination changes, shadows and occlusion of passengers.  相似文献   

This study sets up to test the extent to which gender variety moderates the impact of power disparity on group cognitive complexity (GCC) and satisfaction with the group in a collaborative learning setting. Using insights from gender differences in perceptions, orientations and conflict handling behavior in negotiation, as well as gender differences in exerting social influence in small group settings we hypothesize that gender variety alleviates the negative impact of power disparity on GCC and satisfaction. We test this hypothesis in a sample of 110 student groups and our results show that for high gender variety, power disparity has a small positive effect on GCC, while for low gender variety power disparity has a negative effect on GCC. In a similar vein we show that in gender homogeneous groups, power disparity has a negative association with satisfaction, while for mixed-gender groups the association between the two is not significant. We discuss (1) the implications of these results for the management of diversity in educational and organizational settings and (2) the use of cognitive mapping as a comprehensive evaluation tool for collaborative learning effectiveness.  相似文献   

用人均GDP的标准差、变异系数、基尼系数、σ系数及经济增长率的标准差分别测算了1999年至2007年西部地区12省内部经济发展的总体差异,发现西部大开发政策实施以来,西部地区内部差距逐渐拉大,这不但表现在西部12省(市、区)的总体差异,而且表现在地理位置相近的西南地区各省份之间、西北地区各省份之间,以及收入水平相当的高收入省份之间、低收入省份之间。借用马尔可夫链方法考察单个省份的经济发展行为变化,发现西部地区已经形成了两个分别向高水平和低水平演进的趋同集团,且稳定性很高。  相似文献   

通过对科尔曼、布迪厄资本理论的综合与扩展,本文分析了城乡家庭经济、文化、社会资本的差异对子女学业成就的影响,得出的结论是:家庭经济、文化、社会资本与子女的学业成就有很强的相关性;城乡间家庭资本存在的较大差距是形成城乡家庭子女学业成就差异的重要因素。本文最后提出了几点关于缩小城乡教育差距的政策建议。  相似文献   

贫富差距及其对社会稳定的影响论析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贫富差距程度与社会稳定状况基本呈正相关关系。近年来,中国急剧扩大的贫富差距,已经并可能继续威胁社会稳定。促进经济的快速增长,加大公平优先的二次分配力度;完善社会保障体系,强化“社会安全阀”:畅通社会各阶层之间流动的通道;降低因“寻租”和“共谋”等滥用权力的行为造成的贫富差距对弱势群体的心理带来的消极影响。这不仅是社会稳定的需要和全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观的要求,也是保证经济快速增长的前提和基础。  相似文献   

贫富差距是影响社会和谐的重要因素,但是贫富差距的状态并不直接影响社会的和谐.而是通过人们的主观公平感这一中介环节影响社会和谐.文章通过衡量贫富差距的两个指标--基尼系数和最高收入阶层与最低收入阶层的对比数据,描述我国社会当前的贫富差距状态,分析贫富差距对社会的影响以及现阶段人们的公平感,进而探讨缩小贫富差距、增进人们的公平感、促进和谐社会建设的措施.  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课教学承担着对大学生进行系统的马克思主义理论教育的任务,属于社会主义意识形态范畴,必须坚持马克思主义的指导地位。然而,在理想与现实之间、理论与实践之间差别依然巨大的情况下,惟有找准教学视域,从政治、经济、文化、社会等层面来阐述问题,凸显和抓住理论中的关键领域,才能提升教学的实效性,实现预期教学目标。  相似文献   

Variable size motion estimation (ME) and disparity estimation (DE) are employed to select the best coding mode for each macroblock (MB) in the current joint multiview video model (JMVM).This technique achieves the highest possible coding efficiency,but it results in extremely large computation complexity which obstructs the multiview video coding (MVC) from practical application.This paper proposes an adaptive early termination of fast mode decision algorithm for MVC.It makes use of the coding information o...  相似文献   

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