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The wage and job satisfaction impacts for over-educated workers have been well-documented; yet little attention has been paid to the consequences for firms. In this paper we examine over-education from the perspective of the workplace. Using linked employer–employee data for the United Kingdom, we derive the standard worker-level penalties on wages and job satisfaction. We then show how over-education rates across workplaces adversely influence workplace pay and workplace labor relations. For individual workers who may be at-risk of over-education, we also distinguish between workforce composition effects and workplace labor practices, such as hiring. The effect of over-education on job satisfaction is particularly strong and its effects are evident at the workplace level. Our results suggest that investigations of over-education at the level of the firm are a promising area of inquiry.  相似文献   

We provide first evidence regarding the direct impact of educational mismatch on firm productivity. To do so, we rely on representative linked employer–employee panel data for Belgium covering the period 1999–2006. Controlling for simultaneity issues, time-invariant unobserved workplace characteristics, cohort effects and dynamics in the adjustment process of productivity, we find that: (i) a higher level of required education exerts a significantly positive influence on firm productivity, (ii) additional years of over-education (both among young and older workers) are beneficial for firm productivity, and (iii) additional years of under-education (among young workers) are detrimental for firm productivity.  相似文献   

人类工效学字面上的涵义是工人工作效率的学问,能最大限度地提高工人的工作效率是人类工效学研究的重点。然而在某些要求工人发挥自身创造力的工作中。追求过高的效率会限制工人创造力的发挥。20世纪80年代,日本生产对美国生产造成了最大的威胁,而当今的日本经济一蹶不振。究其原因,日本追求过高的效率抹煞了工人发挥创造力的余地,美国本能地顾及到长远利益没有与日本进行过于激烈的“效率战”。当时,美国汽车的成本是日本汽车成本的几倍,只有生产效率上的重大差别才会造成这种状况。目前国内人才受聘的最大激励是薪金水平的高低,但随着经济形势的不断好转,工作本身的吸引力将是激励工人工作的第一动力,而达到使工人满意水平的薪金退居为使第一动力发挥作用的手段。工作本身的吸引力得到了增强,工人的工作热情得到了提高,工人的工作效率也必将会得到大幅度提高,工人的创造力也会因此“活灵活现”。因此,工效学不但要考虑从环境方面、人机系统方面去提高工人的工作效率,更要着眼于工作本身吸引力对工人工作效率的重大影响。  相似文献   

在教育扩展时期,我国的过度教育伴随着知识失业出现。过度教育在行业和地区上都表现出分布不均衡的特征,这是由于在劳动力市场制度性分割条件下,不同行业和地区收入差距过大所致。随着时间推移,过度教育发生率有增长的趋势。用ORU模型估算发现,我国过度教育收益率小于工作所需教育收益率,说明发生过度教育会使个人收入受到损失。在政策选择上,现阶段应按照渐进、适度的原则扩展教育规模;加大调控不同行业和地区的收入分配,防止收入差距过大造成过度教育高度集中在高收入行业和地区,导致教育资源得不到优化配置;个人也需要理性投资教育,避免因过度教育的发生降低了教育的经济价值。  相似文献   

The Japanese higher education sector has seen increases in tuition with stagnant household incomes in a society where family support for university students has been the norm. Student loans from the government have grown rapidly to sustain the gradual increase in university enrolments. These time-based repayment loans (TBRLs) have created financial hardship for increasing numbers of loan recipients and their families. There is some evidence that prospective students from low-income households are forgoing a university education to avoid student loan debt. The Japanese government has introduced some measures including grants and a partial income-contingent loan (ICL) scheme to help alleviate these problems.While the ICL scheme is a positive development, this paper shows that it requires further refinement and broader coverage if it is to adequately address the challenges facing higher education financing in Japan. We show that an affordable and universal ICL system could be introduced in Japan that avoids problems with the current partial income-contingent loan scheme and would help alleviate access issues for those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Importantly, the unique features of the Japanese labor market have to be carefully considered, especially the large gender wage gap for married women. By introducing dynamics into modeling graduate earnings and using carefully selected parameters, we show that it is possible to have a universal ICL which achieves a balance between access and affordable repayment with minimal long-run costs to taxpayers.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the connection between education and wage inequality in Spain for the period 1994–2001. Drawing on quantile regression, we describe the conditional wage distribution of different populations groups. We find that higher education is associated with higher wage dispersion. A contribution of the paper is that we explicitly take into account the fact that workers who are and workers who are not in jobs commensurate with their qualifications have a different distribution of earnings. We differentiate between three different types of educational mismatch: ‘over-qualification’, ‘incorrect qualification’, and ‘strong mismatch’. We find that while over-qualification and incorrect qualification are not associated with lower wages, strong mismatch carries a pay penalty that ranges from 13% to 27%. Thus, by driving a wedge between matched and mismatched workers, the incidence of strong mismatch contributes to enlarge wage differences within education groups. We find that over the recent years, the proportion of strongly mismatched workers rose markedly in Spain, contributing toward further within-groups dispersion.  相似文献   

日本经济在第二次世界大战结束以后,尤其是60到90年代间取得了举世瞩目的成就。尽管90年代以后日本经济开始滑坡,然而它持续了四十年的经济繁荣的确是任何人也无法忽视的。中国改革开放以后获得了高速的发展,创造了又一个世界奇迹。对于长期高速增长的我国来说,日本的成功经验和教训,无疑具有重要的借鉴意义。本文通过回顾战后日本经济的发展历程和改革进程,分析日本经济高速增长的原因,探讨日本经济发展的经验、教训对我国的启示。  相似文献   

Studies examining the wage effect of overeducation have generated very consistent results. Their findings suggest that, for workers with similar educational attainment, workers who are overeducated for the job suffer from significant wage penalties. However, most studies use cross-sectional data, implicitly assuming that workers are randomly assigned to being overeducated. Using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics for the period 1979–2005, this study conducts a panel analysis to account for time-constant individual characteristics. It uses a numerical approach to provide the wage effects in the presence of non-classical measurement error in the educational mismatch variables. The results provide evidence that overeducated status does not cause lower earnings. Instead, the significant wage differential found in previous studies is simply a result of ignoring the non-random assignment of workers to jobs.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the transition from higher education to work among graduates with a master’s degree, with a particular focus on over-education. We relate to an ongoing debate on whether too many students undertake a master’s degree, and the consequences a surplus of graduates may have. Our data show that the transition from higher education to work has not become much more difficult during the period 1995–2013, despite a huge increase in the number of graduates. Unemployment rates fluctuate, but were lower at the end of the period than at the beginning. Regarding over-education, we find an increase at the beginning of the observation period, but a striking stability in years when the number of graduates rose sharply. When considering all educational groups together, we find no association between the number of graduates, business cycles and the prevalence of over-education. However, we find some exceptions when looking at different subject fields.  相似文献   

《日本天皇的阴谋》是美国学者贝尔加米尼撰写的长篇政治历史著作,该著以翔实的、令人信服的第一手史料,揭露了日本天皇裕仁及其臣属东条英机之流策划侵略战争及制造南京大屠杀的滔天罪行,对批判战后日本右翼分子一系列的翻案言行具有现实意义.  相似文献   

Inward foreign direct investment (IFDI) has often been considered to play a prominent role in the development of human capital in the host economy by introducing a foreign wage premium into the labour market. However, extant evidence on IFDI labour market effects is inconclusive, especially in emerging economies. We investigate for the case of Mexico whether foreign wage premia have an effect on educational outcomes of young cohorts that were 15 years old at the time of IFDI arrival in their municipality of residence. Results suggest that increasing foreign wage premium for unskilled jobs, both in manufacturing and services, has negative effects on a cohort's subsequent educational outcomes. The effects of foreign wage premium for skilled workers, however, are not significant but may lead to positive educational outcomes. The long-term implications of losses accruing from low investment in human capital do not only affect individuals but regions as well.  相似文献   

作为抗战时期的陪都。抗战改变了重庆的政治地位。也使得重庆的社会结构发生了巨大变化,工人群体逐渐壮大崛起并成为社会的重要阶层。论文通过对抗日战争期间陪都重庆工人工作强度、真实工资以及工人家庭生活消费状况的考察发现。高强度的工作并没有给工人高工资,表面上工人名义工资有所提高,但其真实工资是直线下降的,由于战时通货膨胀以及物价不断上涨等恶性因素的影响。重庆工人工酬的增加远远达不到生活指数上升的程度。论文认为其时重庆的工人工资水平相当的低下、消费水平低下,生活举步维艰。  相似文献   

主要采用"心理资本问卷"和"社会支持评定量表"等工具性量表,对163名新生代女性农民工进行问卷调查,探讨新生代女性农民工心理资本现状及其与社会支持之间的关系。结果表明:新生代女性农民工的心理资本水平处于中高水平;新生代女性农民工的学历对心理资本总体水平及自我效能、韧性和希望三个维度的影响显著;新生代女性农民工的工资对心理资本的自我效能和乐观等维度影响显著;新生代女性农民工的社会支持与心理资本之间呈显著正相关;新生代女性农民工的"对支持利用度"对其心理资本具有显著的预测作用。  相似文献   

近年来,随着中国养老社会保险制度的逐步确立,基本养老保险中的替代率问题受到了人们越来越多的关注。本文根据中国现行基本养老保险的规定,提出并建立了测算养老保险替代率的模型和方法,并运用实际数据进行了初步的测算,最后由测算的结果得出以下结论:一、中国基本养老保险中由于男女职工退休年龄的不同,直接导致女性职工退休后替代率低于男性职工替代率;二、保险替代率随着工资增长率的增加将随之下降,且收入越高者,其退休后的替代率越低。随着中国经济的不断发展,工资水平的不断提高,原先高替代率低保障的养老保险,必将为低替代率高保障的养老保险所取代。  相似文献   

日本教师资格更新制浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日本是世界上较早实行教师资格证书的国家,也是世界上教师进修体系比较完善的国家.随着日本人民对教育以及教师的要求日益高涨,特别是为了全面提高教师的素养,确保教师的适应性和专业性,日本中央教育审议会等对教师资格证书提出了改革方案.本文试图对日本的教师资格制度与教师资格证更新制的背景、内容以及意义等进行解析,以期对正处于改革和发展进程中的我国的教师教育提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

新疆推进职业技术教育实现科学发展,必须坚持把加强高技能人才队伍建设作为贯彻落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会的头等大事来抓紧抓好;坚持把高技能人才培养工作摆到战略位置上来,加强统筹规划、综合协调和统一领导;坚持深入推进职业教育体制创新,不断提高技能型人才的总量与素质;坚持以就业为导向,着力构建全覆盖的大职教体系;优化整合职业技术教育资源,充分发挥各类职业教育和培训主体的作用;在具体工作上下功夫,着力提高职业教育的办学水平和质量;大力加强企业职工技能培训,加快高技能人才队伍建设,为加快新型工业化进程提供人才支撑;大规模开展农村致富技能培训和转移就业培训,提高农民增收致富的能力。  相似文献   

The basic pattern of contemporary secondary education in Japan was laid down in the years immediately after the Second World War. Secondary education is divided into a lower and an upper stage. The main characteristic of the lower stage is the combination of compulsory subjects and elective subjects. This article shows how the attempt to organise upper secondary education along American lines with comprehensive high schools controlled by elected school boards has given way to a structure more in keeping with Japanese needs. However, co-education in upper secondary schools has taken firm root in Japan. The article concludes with a list of major policy issues in Japanese secondary education today.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between overeducation and enterprise-related schooling. If overeducation and enterprise-related schooling are substitutes the social costs of Overeducation are less. We find that correctly allocated workers have the highest probability of participation in enterprise-related schooling, while undereducated workers have the lowest probability of participation. There is no evidence of overeducation and enterprise-related schooling being either substitutes or complements. If we do not correct for self-selection, the average return on a year of education for correctly allocated workers is higher than the average rate of return to education for under- and overeducated workers. If we correct for self-selection in the participation in enterprise-related schooling the rate of return to education increases. The rates of return to under- and overeducation increase as well. If we correct for self-selection the rate of return to a year of undereducation becomes higher than the rate of return to a year of actual education. For undereducated workers the wage gain of participation in enterprise-related schooling is higher than for a correctly allocated worker. A year of Overeducation decreases the wage gain of participation in enterprise-related schooling for participants.  相似文献   

20世纪 70年代以来 ,美国生产工人实际工资呈下降趋势。主流经济学采用传统的供求关系分析框架对此现象加以解释 ,他们提出两个观点 :一种观点是将工资下降和收入分配不平等的增长归因于经济对技能要求的变化 ,形成了一种“技能错配” ;另一种观点将工资下降和收入分配增长的不平等归因于全球化。但这两种观点对解释美国生产工人实际工资的下降存在明显的局限性。而激进经济学派提出的制度因素能够更合理地解释美国生产工人实际工资的下降。本文认为 ,制度因素是造成美国生产工人实际工资下降的主要原因。  相似文献   

今年是世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年,战争过去60年后的今天,我们看到,在东亚,互不信任的局面正在再度形成。2004年以来,中日之间不和谐的阴影正在扩散。历史问题方面,日本政要接连参拜靖国神社,通过右翼历史教科书,驳回战争受害者要求谢罪和赔偿的请求。在钓鱼岛问题上,日本日益强硬,东海油气田成为中日之间新的争议点。日本甚至公开宣布以中国为假想敌。总之,展望中日关系前景,无法乐观;处理不好,“政冷经热”会逐渐走向“政冷经冷”,甚至走向局部冷战。  相似文献   

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