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赵玉亮 《中国科技信息》2007,(13):265-265,267
本文中,我们证明了算子T具有属性(β)当且仅当其广义Aluthge变换具有(β)属性,T具有(β)ε属性当且仅当具有(β)ε属性,T是次可分解算子当且仅当是次可分解算子。  相似文献   

卓飞 《青海科技》2012,(3):92-94
农业文明进步的最大的一个特点,从农业的本身来说,是种植品种的扩大和改良,这是农业文明泛滥的表象;而新科技革命之后,农作物品种的品种改良已经被新科技手段的革命性转变所替代,它所带来的危机在没有被充分认识之前,已经足够影响到所从业者和社会结构的变化了。  相似文献   

Safety officers, managers, and designers face a constant dilemma. Some accidents are unlikely to occur, and are unlikely to kill or injure anyone if they do occur. Nevertheless, they might happen, and so they feel they must do something about them lest they be partly responsible for someone's death or injury. But to remove every possible risk, however slight, is impossible. How do we decide which risks should be dealt with first, and which can be left, at least for the time being? In short, how do we allocate our resources?  相似文献   

纤维素是地球上分布最广、产量最大的可再生的、可生物降解的、生物相容的和可衍生化的天然高分子物质,对它的利用符合可持续发展的要求。它也是人类第一个利用的天然材料,本文通过对纤维素及其衍生物发现和利用的科学史的回顾,阐述了纤维素对人类文明和社会发展的推动作用。  相似文献   

民族文化生态与企业文化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近几年,企业文化成为企业最流行的词语之一,许多企业纷纷构建自己的企业文化,有些企业甚至不惜重金移植国外所谓成功企业的企业文化,希望它能给本企业带来新的发展。但是,企业文化是根植于本土民族文化生态上的,即只有与民族文化生态相融合的企业文化,企业才能获得更大的成功。通过分析不同企业文化产生的历史根源,具体对企业文化和民族文化生态的关系进行了阐述。  相似文献   

从动态能力的角度出发,以中国的国际新创企业作为研究对象,采用纵向的多案例研究设计,揭示了国际创业能力的形成机理、演变过程及其对国际新创企业绩效的影响机制:(1)创业导向有利于国际新创企业创业能力的形成,而创业导向对国际创业能力形成的促进作用则取决于制度距离。(2)随着国际创业企业生命周期的变化,国际创业能力将发生动态演化。国际新创企业在孕育期以国际机会创造能力为主,在初创期以国际机会发现能力为主,而在成长期又以国际机会创造能力为主;当国际新创企业从初创期进入到成长期,国际机会利用能力将从价值性机会利用能力向系统性机会利用能力转化。(3)国际机会识别能力通过影响国际目标市场范围的确定从而对国际新创企业的生存绩效产生积极正面作用;而国际机会利用能力则通过影响国际市场进入方式的选择从而对国际新创企业的成长绩效产生积极正面作用。  相似文献   

美国低碳经济发展取得积极进展。在布什政府期间,美国低碳经济的发展主要采取提供立法保障、开发和利用新能源技术等措施;在奥巴马政府期间,美国低碳经济的发展主要采取确定合理的长远目标、推动政策法规的颁布与执行、采取一系列的经济激励政策等措施。通过研究福建生态文明发展中产业、技术、消费、制度、能源和生态存在的问题,提出低碳发展整体框架,建议采取加快新能源的寻找与开发、推动产业结构优化升级、加强技术创新、建设低碳城市、提供强有力的政策保障和改变消费观念等方法推动福建生态文明的发展。  相似文献   

1.  The present paper describes the observations of chromosome  numbers  and karyomorphology of 2 species of 2 endemic genera and I endemic species of Chinese Ranunculaceae: Asteropyrum peltatum (Franch.)  Drumm et Hutch. 2n=16, x=8; Kingdonia unifolia Balf. f. et W. W. Sm. 2n=18, x=9 and Calathodes oxycarpa Spra- gue 2n=16, x=8.  The chromosome counts of three ranunculaceous genera are repor- ted for the first time.       2.  The morphylogical, palynological and cytological date in relation to the syste- matic postition of Asteropyrum, Kingdonia and Calathodes within the family Ranun- culaceae are diseussed and resulted in following conclusions:       (1).  On the basis of the basic number x=8 in Asteropyrum, it is further con- firmed that this genus is distinct from the r elated genera such as Isopyrum, Dichocarp- um and other allied taxa.       The comparison of Asteropyrum with Coptis shows that they are identical in short chromosomes, with magnoflorina and benzylisaquinodine type of alkaloides, but dif- ferent from coptis in the chromosome numbers (T-type), pantocolpate pollens, united carpels and the dorsi-ventral type of petioles.  In view of these fundamental morpho- logical and cytological differences, Asterop yrum is better raised to the level of Tribe. However Asteropyrum and Coptis may represent two divaricate evolutional lines of Thalictroideae.       (2).  The systematic position of the genus Kingdonia has been much disputed in the past.  We support the view of Sinnote (1914), namely, the trilacunar in leaf traces “the ancient type”, appeared in the angiosperm line very early, while the uni- lacunar of Kingdonia may be derived from the trilacunar.  On the basis of the chromo- some numbers and morphylogical observation, the present writer accept Tamura’s and Wang’s treatment by keeping Kingdonia in Ranunculaceae instead of raising it to a family rank as has been been done by Forster  (1961).  Kingdonia and  Coptis are similar in having short chromosome with x=9, but with one-seeded fruits; therefore it is suggested that placed into Thalictroideae as an independent tribe, indicating its close relationship with Coptideae.        (3).  Comparing with its allies, Calathodes being with out petals, seems to be more  primitive than Trollius. But Calathodes differs from Trollius with R-type chromosomes in having T-type chromosome with x=8 and subterminal centromere.  Those charac- teristics show that it is very similar to the related genera of Thalictroideae.  But as Kurita already pointed out that most speci es of Ranunculus have usually large long chromosomes but some species have compar ativelly short chromosomes, therefore we regard T-type and R-type chromosomes appear independently in different subfamilies of Ranunculaceae. According to Tamura, G alathodes seems to be  closely related  to Megaleranthis, because of the resemblance in follicles.  But due to lack of cytological data of the latter genus, the relationship between the two genera still is not clear pen- ding further studies. From the fact that the  morphology and  chromosomes  of  the Calathodes differs from that of all other genera of the Helleboroideae, we consider Calathodes may form an independent tribe of its own with a closer relationship withTrollieae.  相似文献   

创业力的内涵及提升途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据经济学、管理学、社会学、心理学、创业学的有关理论和方法,对创业力问题进行了初步探索,提出了创业力的概念、明确了创业力的涵义和创业力的构成要素,提出提升创业力的思路,期望对我国的创业实践起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

正如一位西方哲人所说:“人们可能永远也无法做到在危机爆发之际就对它未来的程度和意义,特别是它的传播能量有一个正确的估计。”迄今为止,肆虐全球的国际金融危机尚未见底,所以对其影响进行准确评估不太可能,但就目前态势和逻辑推判而言,它已经深刻影响到世界文明格局的变迁,这是毫无疑义的。  相似文献   

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