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This paper investigates the impact of publication pressure on the ethics and the scientific integrity in the domain of mathematics and of the arts. Both research fields are specific in their methodology, being that they do not start from a classical hypothesis and researchers in these areas are not knowing what the outcome will be. The research design is open, and creativity is a main part of the research investigation. Both research fields do not rely on empirical cases nor on data collection or data handling. This could be a reason why mathematics and arts seem to be less subject to scientific misconduct. After presenting the (inter)national regulations on ethics and integrity, we will investigate a philosophical analysis in which we consider possible influences from publication pressure that became widespread over all disciplines. We will clarify if and how mathematics and the arts are sensitive to scientific research misconduct or questionable research practices.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Computing shortest paths in directed graphs isa fundamental optimization problem with applica-tions to many areas of computer sciences and op-eration research (Bellman, 1958; Coremen, 1990;Cohen, 1993). Given a digraph G with non-negativeweights on its edges and two vertices s and t of G,the single-pair shortest path problem consists ofdetermining a directed path from s to t with mini-mum total weight. Among the well-known sequential algorithmsfor this problem is the classic…  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient parallel algorithm for the shortest path problem in planar layered digraphs that runs in O(log3n) time with n processors. The algorithms uses a divide and conquer approach and is based on the novel idea of a one-way separator, which has the property that any directed path can be crossed only once.  相似文献   

简述了历史上对第五公设的怀疑研究,进而介绍非欧几何的诞生、发展和确认,对非欧几何创立过程中所提出的重要方法论、历史意义作初步探讨。  相似文献   

弗洛伊德从心理动力学的角度剖析了文明对人的压抑,发现对本能的压抑是人类文明存在的基础,但也是人类痛苦的主要来源。马尔库塞则认为生产力的进步使人类可以从生存斗争中解放出来,在一种非压抑性文明中自由幸福地生活。然而在发达工业社会,伴随技术进步的反而是将压抑永恒化的趋势,代表统治利益的社会将其需要心力内投为个体自己的需要,使个体自愿地承受文明的压抑。因而将人类从压抑中解放出来的希望便在于个体主体意识的觉醒,将自身本能的真正需要与社会强加的虚假需要区分开来。艺术因其对现实的批判性和否定性,成为人类解放的希望之所在。  相似文献   

以5月19日"丸三药房事件"为界,安徽的五四运动大致可分为两个阶段。前期,安徽学生集会通电、游行示威、抵制日货,就运动形式与主要诉求而言,并无特殊之处。安徽军政当局虽积极加强防范,但总体上看,对待学生运动相对宽松。5月中旬,在群体氛围的互相感染下,抵制日货渐有弥漫化和暴力化的趋向。"丸三药房事件"后,安徽局势急转直下。面对外交压力和中央苛责,安徽军政当局加大了镇压反日运动力度。地方政府与学生的矛盾迅速激化,并直接引发了安徽的罢课风潮。迨至6月,受上海罢市风潮影响,芜湖、安庆等地亦开始罢市,但缺少了学生的支持,面对政府的高压,罢市昙花一现,安徽的五四运动渐渐走向了尾声。  相似文献   

社会的发展变化依靠生产力的推动,任何社会形式在当时的历史条件下都有其存在的依据。社会主义在其发展历程中也遭遇了巨大的困难,但是通过改革已经能够较好地适应社会生产力发展的要求。可以预见的是,在未来社会主义必将重现勃勃生机。  相似文献   

学习动机自我价值论是美国教育心理学家马丁·考温顿于1984年在成就动机与归因理论的基础上提出来的,它的基本假设是人天生具有维护自我价值的倾向.从性质上看,该理论是对前人理论的补充与发展;但在取向上它却从学习动机的负面着眼.因此,它对许多教育现象作出了独到的解释,同时也为激发学生学习动机提供了新的视角.  相似文献   

从大学生就业压力看高校"毕业生召回制"的推出   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
廖惠敏 《高教论坛》2006,(5):209-210,F0003
为应对日益严峻的就业形势,保证学生就业质量,近年来部分高校推出了类似企业产品召回制度的“毕业生召回制”。本文从这一制度出发,分析了该制度对高校建立“终身教育”体系、强化服务意识与责任意识、提高教育质量等方面的影响以及对高校毕业生确立“终身学习”理念的推动,以期待其从最初解决大学生就业难的初级目标上升到最终实现高校教育的优化以及毕业生的自我完善和能力提升的终极目标。  相似文献   


Spatial ability based on measures of mental rotation, and spatial experience based on self‐reported participation in visual‐arts as well as spatial‐orientation activities were assessed in a sample of 337 Chinese, gifted students. Consistent with past findings for the general population, there were gender differences in spatial ability favoring boys. However, other results provided little support for the idea that gender differences in spatial experience might foster gender differences in spatial ability; specifically, results showed modest gender differences in visual‐arts experience favoring girls, and variation in visual orientation experience favoring secondary‐school boys. Nonetheless, the role of spatial experience had a more marked effect on girls, suggesting that encouraging female students to gain spatial experience might help bridge the gap in spatial ability between the genders.  相似文献   

The topic method and the objectives approach to learning have each come in for increasing criticism. Will a synthesis of the two work better for pupils with learning difficulties in the new context of the National Curriculum? Richard Byers, a teacher seconded from Riverwalk School, Suffolk Education Authority, to the National Curriculum Development Team (SLD), Cambridge Institute of Education, describes the experimental introduction of 'integrated schemes of work' in special schools.  相似文献   

As one of the countries in east-central Europe liberated in 1989 from Communist rule, Czechoslovakia is currently undergoing profound social, political, and economic changes. This article presents both the positive outcomes of the velvet revolution and a variety of problems that the country has to cope with. Of particular concern are three problem areas: the legacy of Communist rule, the unsettled relationship between Czechs and Slovaks, and the ruined national economy. Of the three problem areas, the latter is considered most painful, since it involves layoffs and thus directly affects the lives of individuals and families. The article reviews administrative initiatives undertaken by the government to modernize production and minimize unemployment. It also focuses on the changing role of helping professionals in Czechoslovakia. By reasserting their true mission-assist people rather than manipulate them-helping professionals can promote significant attitudinal changes in their society.  相似文献   

王蒙的创作之路 ,总体上可概括为从单纯到“杂色”。从他的创作中 ,不仅可以看到一代人的成长之路 ,而且可以看到中国当代一个有代表性作家的心路历程 ,其创作从单纯到“杂色”的发展 ,也在一定程度上折射出了 2 0世纪下半叶中国文学发展的总体趋势。  相似文献   

Vishwesha Guttal 《Resonance》2014,19(4):368-375
Common people and even scientists think of ecology as a discipline that exclusively studies wildlife and topics related to environmental pollution. My friends both within and outside the scientific community are often ba2ed when they hear that I am a physicist doing research in ecology. The aim of this series of articles is to emphasize the less known fact that theory and mathematics have been central to ecology since the inception of this relatively young scientific field. In this first article, I will talk about the following three points. First, I will discuss how the emphasis of the basic science of ecology is much broader than its applied aspects involving the conservation of natural ecosystems. Second, I will discuss a fundamental parallel between statistical physics and ecology that arises because both disciplines emphasize macroscopic systems (e.g., magnetic materials in physics or flocks of birds in ecology) as collectives of interacting units that are more than the sum of their constituents. What makes them fascinating is that interactions at small scales typically give rise to unexpected properties at larger scales. Finally, I will discuss how ecology offrs a new and rich set of challenges to mathematically trained scientists because of variations among biological organisms and the role of natural selection in shaping ecological systems, both of which have no parallels in the physical sciences.  相似文献   

Correlation is introduced intuitively early in the school curriculum by considering patterns in scatter diagrams. Later on, various formulae are used for calculating correlation coefficients. This article suggests ways in which the formulae can be related to the scatter diagrams.  相似文献   

P. H. Keskar 《Resonance》2012,17(5):476-486
The ancient Greek mathematician Thales of Miletus devised a method to make large measurements like the heights of pyramids. The straightedge or ruler construction of multiplication can be traced back to this method of Thales. The ruler construction also exists for addition. In this article, we indicate how the comparison between these two constructions leads to Lie theory, a device created by Lie to reduce the multiplicative problems to the additive ones. It is hoped that this enhances the interest in these two themes.  相似文献   


This article describes and analyzes actors' experiences of distance learning systems in a wide variety of cultural and organizational contexts. In line with the project of this special series of issues, results of research, much of which is longitudinal, allow us to suggest answers to the following questions: Who are the actors of distance learning? How has their experience of learning systems evolved over the last thirty years? What roles have information and communication technologies (ICTs) played in this evolution? How do actors assess the effects of these learning systems on themselves, on the system itself, or on the organization? What are the future perspectives?  相似文献   

This paper considers the tracking of physical activity during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood in the context of issues relaled to adherence. Based upon two comprehensive literature reviewers and allowing ihr differences in measures of physical activity, the available data are generally consistent in showing moderate tracking of physical activity during childhood and adolescence and more variable but lower levels of tracking across longer intervals within adolescence and horn adolescence into young adulthood. Data relating childhood and adolescent activity to activity at older apes in adulthood are not extensive but suggest a relatively weak association. Factors that influence physical activity are many, and studies of tracking do not include these correlates or covariates. Adherence to a program of physical activity on a regular basis is viewed as important for the health of individuals and the population. Adherence research tends to focus on the adoption of physical activity, the maintenance of regular activity, and barriers to activity or an active lifestyle. This research is based almost exclusively on adults given the association between physical in activity, i.e., a sedentary lifestyle. on the risk of morbidity and mortality from several diseases, and the beneficial effects of a lifestyle of regular physical activity on the efficient function of various bodily systenls. weiaht maintenance, reduced risk of several degenerative diseases. reduced risk of mortality, and overall improvement of quality of life (Bouchard, Shephard & Stephens. 1994).  相似文献   

从认知语言学看名词临时作量词的语义演变规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以先秦至明清时期具体的语言事实为基础,从语义方面对名词临时作量词现象进行了全面、深入地考察,发现名词作量词的语义演变具有规律性:1.名词临时作物量词的优先顺序为:[+可容性][-人体器官]名词>[+可容性][+人体器官]名词>[+可附性][+人体器官]名词>[+可附性][-人体器官]名词(“>”表示“优先”);2.名词临时作动量词的优先顺序为:[+工具]名词>[+人体器官]名词。这种规律背后的动因是人类的认知观。并从认知语言学角度对其进行了一定的解释。  相似文献   

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