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Rebecca Luce-Kapler writes poetry and short fiction. She has been an English teacher for ten years and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Secondary Education, specializing in writing from the perspective of both writers and teachers  相似文献   

The centenary of the first performance of J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan was celebrated in December 2004. Taking account of the various events in Britain to mark the occasion—newspaper articles, radio and television programmes, retrospects in the original theatre—this article examines the status and popularity of Peter Pan after a hundred years. The article traces the double story of Peter Pan—the play itself, and the biographical narrative of those events in Barrie’s life that led to and succeeded its creation—and examines the two recent films, Peter Pan (2003) and Finding Neverland (2004) as examples of fresh approaches to both life and work in the centenary year.Peter Hollindale retired in 1999 as Reader in English at the University of York. He edited ‘Peter Pan and Other Plays’, and an edition of ‘Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens’ and ‘Peter and Wendy’, both for the Oxford University Press World’s Classics series He is author of the critical study ’Signs of Childness in Children’s Books’.  相似文献   

This article examines the reasons behind the long‐term appeal of Beatrix Potter's Tales, whilst focusing particularly on the phenomenon of commodification. This term will be used to describe the transition of literary characters from the page to commercial merchandise. The place of such classic texts, both in the primary classroom and in our wider society, is considered in light of Potter's stable popularity, the qualities her texts offer young readers and the ways the texts have lent themselves to careful commodification ‐ a process started by Beatrix Potter herself.  相似文献   

This article explores the particular problems of teaching ‘Children's Literature’. First, it is generally seen as marginal; secondly, and relatedly, it is seen as predominantly a women's subject; thirdly, it frequently involves texts to which students have deep attachments; and lastly, there is a reluctance to engage in the usual ‘LitCrit’. It is suggested that these problems are better viewed as opportunities, on the one hand to explore literature in a more committed and engaged way, and on the other, to relate experience meaningfully to the insights of recent critical theory.  相似文献   

马尔克斯的<百年孤独>和刘震云的<故乡相处流传>在创作方法和创作思想上面都有很多相似之处.在创作方法上,表现为结构布局,见证人的安插和象征运用的一致;在创作思想上又表现为对人物和历史体认的孤独感上.  相似文献   

Beatrix Potter's The Tale of Peter Rabbit (1902) is one of the top best-selling children's books of all time. In an attempt to account for its staggering success, this paper examines the dynamic processes through which meaning shapes itself out of fictional constructs. A study of Potter's tale presents insights into the psychic logic of the author's intentions and her uses of narrative to give order through form to desire. Drawing on the work of Freud, Brooks and Winnicott, concepts such as transference, masterplot and wish fulfilment are considered as ways of illuminating the symptomatic uses of Peter for Potter. Arguably, the little hero's enactments of ruthlessness, 'mouth love' and defiance function as symbolic containing devices through which the author expresses her capacity for self-knowledge. The story's symbolization of greed serves not only as a displacement of the psychic reality of hunger felt by a gifted, rigidly controlled Victorian female author, but equally important, as a transitional space for child readers through time to imagine the capacity to go to extreme limits in terms of satisfying psychic spaces left empty and angry by want.  相似文献   

以科学方法采录研究民间学的学术活动兴起于“五四”时期。新中国建立后将它纳入政府化工作范围。八九十年代在全国普查基础上编纂中国民间学三套集成、使采录和研究工作形成热潮,标志着中国民间艺学正走向成熟。开发利用民间艺资源的美好前景和民间艺学学科建设面临的危机均令人关注。  相似文献   

近百年的世界社会主义实践 ,经过“四次探索”形成了全新的社会主义改革开放的思想 ,创立了有中国特色的社会主义理论 ,把社会主义理论推进了一个新境界。在“一球两制”将长期存在的条件下 ,社会主义国家一方面要把社会主义建设好 ,用事实证明社会主义优于资本主义 ,另一方面又要与资本主义国家既矛盾斗争又借鉴合作 ,世界社会主义运动一定会是一番新景象  相似文献   

李颖 《海外英语》2012,(17):148-150
It is focused on the translation of neologism with a case study of the translation of spells in the Harry Potter series.The formation of spells are first analyzed.After a close analysis of the examples,the major methods of translating spells from English to Chinese is summarized as follows:transliteration,transliteration plus meaning,and form plus meaning,of which the last one is mostly used.In the end,two prominent factors that influence the translators’choice of translating spells are discussed,one of which is culture,and the other audience.  相似文献   

In this essay,I am going to do some research about the effect of the Domestication and Foreignization of the magic words' translation in Harry Potter.Harry Potter is my favorite book both in childhood and now.It is a series of fantasy novel written by British writer J.K.Rowling.It tells about the life of Harry Potter with his friend Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.Domestication and foreignization are two ways in translation,regarding the degree to which translators make a text conform to the target culture.It is the translation made me feel the charm of the book.This book was my favorite book in childhood,and I really appreciate the translator's skills to translate this book.The essay includes spells,magic animals,magic items and names four parts.Each part is divided into Domestication and Foreignization two aspects.The research method of this essay includes comparative analysis,exemplification,induction and literature summarization.  相似文献   

关于中国走什么道路的问题,百年前就在一些人中间开始争论。20世纪初,同盟会的《民报》和梁启超主编的《新民丛报》,在中国要不要、能不能实行社会主义和土地国有等问题上进行了激烈的争论。《民报》尽管在什么是社会主义问题上有模糊认识,但却反映了当时进步思想的主张。  相似文献   

福州船政局是我国近代史上第一个机器造船的专业制造局。根据研究深度的划分,可以将其分为开始起步、缓慢发展、初显成果三个阶段。百年来的研究中,学者们对福州船政局资料进行了整理,并对其兴衰原因、相关重要人物等进行了卓有成效的探索。但以往的研究尚有不足,如部分重要船政大臣研究相对薄弱,中外经济技术交流仍有深化研究的必要等。  相似文献   

本文分析了布恩蒂亚家族第二代的阿玛兰塔思想性格形成和发展的原因。揭示了其乖戾行为背后的思想情感逻辑,并论述了这一形象的意义与作用。  相似文献   

诚朴雄伟励学敦行--百年传统与南京大学校训   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
“诚朴雄伟,励学敦行”的校训,既继承和反映了南京大学百年办学的优良传统,又面向未来,体现了办学理念的更高追求,同时还阐明了实现远大目标的途径。  相似文献   

《百年孤独》是加西亚·马尔克斯的代表作。本文通过分析作者在《百年孤独》中夸张与象征相结合的艺术手法运用,体现出鲜明的魔幻现实主义特征。  相似文献   

中华民族近代以来的历史,是中华民族不屈斗争史,也是中华民族精神从封闭落后到现代化发展的历史,在这100多年里,中华民族精神现代化发展大致经历了三个阶段,即开放融合阶段、自主改造阶段和最终超越阶段,马克思主义传入中国并实现中国化,对中华民族精神发展具有划时代的意义,使之产生了质的飞跃,最终使中华民族在实现整个社会的现代化之前率先于精神上实现了现代化。  相似文献   

靳以是我国现代著名作家、编辑家,一生著述、编辑成果颇丰。学界目前的研究能够关注靳以作家和编辑家的双重身份,从整体上把握其创作风貌和编辑理念,并发现其在文学史上的典型意义,但对于靳以自身"独特性"的发掘仍有所欠缺,其各类文体创作以及编辑活动间的影响和关联,也有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

宣纸是我国劳动人民留下的宝贵精神财富和文化遗产,2009年被联合国教科文组织列入“人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录”。在推动文化大发展、大繁荣的背景下,对中国宣纸传统制作技艺进行抢救性挖掘整理研究刻不容缓。中国宣纸研究有将近百年的学术历史,对宣纸近百年学术研究和宣纸革新研究的状况进行梳理,是为抢救性挖掘整理研究的首要工作。  相似文献   

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