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文章介绍湛江市鉴江供水枢纽工程二期拦河闸坝工程中膜袋砂围堰的应用,阐述了围堰设计思路,并举出工程实例,就围堰施工进行详细的论述。  相似文献   

A major concern of the governments of industrialised nations is the basis for the allocation of public resources to the private sector of industry. One particular area of debate is the role governments should play in the support and direction of high technology. This paper examines the contribution of the British government to the establishment of a computer industry and, in particular, the attempts to stimulate the industry during the period 1959 to 1962 by supporting the development and production of a ‘supercomputer’.The history of the negotiations between the three major participants, the National Research and Development Corporation, Ferranti Ltd., and Manchester University, has been reconstructed in considerable detail in order to provide the basis for an analysis of the interaction of technical, financial, organisational and political constraints in the attempts to establish the project'.The failure of NRDC to achieve its broad aims of promoting the future health of the computer industry is traced to three major problems — their failure to formulate clear objectives, their concern to maintain technical control, and inadequate policies for risk-sharing. These were exacerbated by the technical uncertainty associated with novel technology, an inadequate market analysis by Ferranti, and de facto technical direction by the university department.On this basis broad conclusions are drawn on the conditions necessary for a satisfactory return on public investment in high technology.  相似文献   

针对南宁市武鸣县武鸣河整治工程的地质条件、场地条件等实际情况,如何通过对武鸣河重点河段进行疏浚整治,河势控制和河道清障等,如何采用工程措施与非工程措施相结合,提高河段内河道的防洪治涝能力,使流域内的重点地区洪涝灾害损失在一定设计标准以下能减轻或减免,构建防灾减灾基础设施体系等方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

在科技管理过程中,政府资助科技项目的立项选择是科技项目管理的基础,立项的好坏一定程度决定了项目能否顺利的实施和项目目标的完成.对科技项目特点与立项要求的分析,不同项目选择方式的对比分析,以及科技项目立项过程面临的问题与挑战的分析,将有助于完善国家科技项目立项工作,保证科技项目的顺利进行.  相似文献   

生态产业园是实现循环经济的重要组织形态.政府、企业及社区的正确定住在EIP项目中起着重要作用.在比较分析国内外若干EIP项目基础上,总结国外EIP项目发展成功的主要因素及我国EIP项目发展不成功的主要因素,并进一步对我国生态产业园发展中政府、企业及社区三者的定位提出建议.  相似文献   

余文胜 《青海科技》2000,7(4):46-48
介绍了黄河小浪底工程2^#导流洞中闸室基本情况,顶拱、中部台阶工挖及底部MS微差爆破技术,为高难度水利工程实施提供技术参考。  相似文献   

The river dolphins, of which there are now five species, are among the world's most endangered animals. This article describes the steps that have been taken — based on systematic study of its anatomy, ecology, and breeding and behavioural habits — to preserve the rare Chinese river dolphin. This is now limited to about 300 individuals in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River.  相似文献   

Dunn EC 《Endeavour》2011,35(2-3):107-115
In the late 1940s, Florence Sabin, a retired professor of medicine, returned to her home in Colorado to launch a massive public health campaign. Seeing "filthy milk" as an important vector of disease, she struggled not just pasteurized milk, but a pasteurized state government that was capable of regulating the milk industry. In the process, she brought managerialism into public health by fighting against the political machines and introducing Robert McNamara's systems analysis into government for the first time. Sabin's innovation, which united business, government and public health in new ways, transformed the way that public health is managed even today.  相似文献   

R&D consortia have been regarded as an effective means of promoting innovation. Several R&D consortia obtain public financial support, which may affect their governance structure and performance. This study investigates the governance mechanisms of publicly funded R&D consortia and their effects on innovation performance. Few studies have empirically addressed the effect of project monitoring by the government or the role of project leadership in R&D consortia. Focusing on a major support program for R&D consortia in Japan and using a sample of 251 firms that participated in publicly funded R&D consortia from 2004 to 2009, we empirically confirm that to enhance firms’ innovation performance, both project leadership as internal discipline and government monitoring as external discipline matter. Our results show that project leadership directly improves firms’ innovation performance, while firms’ commitment indirectly affects performance. Project leadership and government monitoring also promote commitment. Furthermore, both factors are complementary: consortia members are more willing to accept a project leader’s coordination under stricter government monitoring.  相似文献   

上海技术物理研究所(以下简称技物所)有着40多年的历史。中国科学院知识创新工程试点工作的启动,使我所空间红外光电遥感技术又跃上了新的台阶。新时期办院方针的确定以及知识创新工程试点工作的全面推进,使我们愈加清晰地感到“机遇与挑战、成绩与困难”共存的紧迫感。对此,我们进一步凝练和提升了我所未来5—10年的发展战略目标,面向国家战略需求,面向世界科学前沿,为我国经济建设、国家安全和社会可持续发展不断做出基础性、战略性、前瞻性的贡献。一瞄准国际前沿,凝练战略目标,满足国家需求技物所作为我国红外与光电技术研究…  相似文献   

本文以青藏铁路安多段为工程背景,总结了安多段深季节冻土的工程特性,阐述了深季节冻土的冻胀和融沉和主要特点,分析了深季节冻土对铁路路基影响,从季节冻土地区路堤最小高度和地基沉降控制角度提出了合理的工程措施。  相似文献   

政府、企业、金融机构科技金融投入的创新绩效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘娟  张玉喜 《科学学研究》2018,36(5):831-838
以2005-2015年中国省域的政府、企业与金融机构对科技创新的投入数据为支撑,构建区域科技金融投入创新绩效评价指标体系,运用数据包络分析方法(DEA)进行实证研究,深入探讨科技金融投入对科技创新绩效的影响,并从省域和东中西部地区等多个角度对我国区域科技金融投入创新绩效进行评价。实证研究结果表明我国科技金融投入创新绩效综合效率平均值历年呈稳步上升趋势;省份、区域间科技金融投入的创新绩效产出结果差距较大,东部地区明显优于其他区域;本研究针对区域科技金融投入创新绩效与地区经济发展水平间的相关性进行了分析,进一步探析了区域科技金融投入创新绩效差异的原因,并针对研究结果提出相关政策启示。  相似文献   

为全面反映地方政府建设用地供给行为对人口生活、生产活动地点选择的影响,明确建设用地供给结构变动影响人口流动的机理,本文通过构建包含地方政府、企业和居民三类主体的一般均衡模型,利用模型的求解和数值模拟,提出研究假设,在此基础上,利用2001-2013年山东省地级市层面的面板数据,运用门限回归分析方法,实证分析了地方政府建设用地供给结构对人口流动的影响方式。研究发现:①建设用地供给结构对人口流入呈现出特殊倒U型的影响方式,在(0,0.823]和(0.823,∞)两个区间内,建设用地供给结构对人口流入影响的偏回归系数分别为2.307 2、-2.133 1,处于不同区间时,建设用地供给结构对人口流入的影响方式存在明显差异;②建设用地供给结构对人口流入影响的偏回归系数的绝对值小于人口规模(26.617 3)和城市区位(11.445 5),但是大于基础设施投资水平(1.399 5),说明建设用地供给结构对人口流入的影响程度介于人口规模、城市区位与基础设施投资水平之间,其对人口流动具有较为重要的影响。地方政府可以利用建设用地供给结构作为工具,根据自身对人口流入的实际需求采取差别性的调控方式,吸引或引导人口流入或流出。  相似文献   

叶松勤  凌方  廖飞梅 《科研管理》2006,41(1):202-210
以当前我国国有企业混合所有制改革为背景,基于沪、深两市2009-2016年间国有制造业上市公司数据,运用最小二乘回归方法,实证考察了政府控制层级对企业费用粘性的影响。研究发现,央企的费用粘性比地方政府控制企业的费用粘性要弱;在此基础上,进一步考察混合所有制改革对不同政府控制层级下企业费用粘性的影响,研究表明,相对于央企,混合所有制改革对地方政府控制企业的费用粘性抑制作用更强。此外,对于进行混合所有制改革的央企而言,在其内外治理机制较差的情况下,混合所有制改革对费用粘性具有显著的抑制效果,而在内外治理机制较好的情况下抑制效果则不明显。本文的研究结论进一步拓宽了费用粘性的研究框架,在一定程度上表明了混合所有制改革对我国国有企业费用粘性居高不下的情况具有抑制作用,同时对市场化进程推进与高管持股比例提升在央企混合所有制改革中所引发的经济后果的认知亦具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

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