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The evolution of physics teaching and research in the two most important Romanian intellectual centers Bucharest and Jassy is discussed. Three stages of historical development are reported: 1860–1890: teaching process is predominant; period of first laboratories setting-up; sporadic researches in Physics Departments of Universities; 1890–1940: appearance of small dedicated research centers around Universities (Meteorological, Seismological, Electrotechnical Institutes); after the World War II: founding of contemporary Physics Institutes, e.g. Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest. The recognition role played by the Romanian Academy (Scientifical Sessions and Journals) is mentioned. Short biographies of the most important professors-physicists from 1860 to 1940 are presented. Celebrations, in 1996, of one century from the first atomic physics experiment in Romania (a X-ray radiography by D. Hurmuzescu) and of the 100th birthday of H. Hulubei, the founder of modern Romanian Physics are discussed.  相似文献   

From 1870 until the outbreak of the Second World War there were various attempts at educational reform in Greece, one of the most significant being the intention to establish a national technical–vocational education. The aim of this study is to examine why such a reform was deemed necessary and yet failed to be implemented. The first part examines how foreign influences played an important role in shaping the Greek educational system, both in the type of institution provided and by those Greek students who had studied abroad. Next, there is a close analysis of the official discourse on technical–vocational education, along with an examination of why it was felt that a segmented educational system constituted such a priority. Finally, a critical evaluation is provided to explain how the rhetoric and action of successive Greek governments inevitably failed as a result of ideological confusion and political patronage.  相似文献   

从媒介形态和发行渠道来看,东北抗联报刊①是“小报”样式;从文本内容来看,抗联报刊兼具新闻报道和理论宣传功能;从媒介属性来看,文字报刊属于党组织和军事机关报合二为一的性质,画报、“专号”发挥着启蒙受众作用;从传播效果来看,抗联报刊自始至终体现着党报党刊在抗战时期的党性、群众性、指导性、战斗性.抗联报刊作为武装斗争的精神力量和舆论支持居功厥伟,作为文化建设的重要组成部分显现着东北抗联精神.  相似文献   

The admission of women to the teaching field was conditioned by many different circumstances that varied depending on time and place. This article will examine the evolution of this process in Spain in an attempt to identify some of the contributing factors: a patriarchal mentality which held that women had a special aptitude for teaching; a segregationist and sexist conception of education; the intention of some of the reformist sectors to broaden work opportunities for women; and the struggle of women themselves to enter the workforce, owing to the lack of opportunities for study and work offered to them. I will also examine some of the resistance they had to overcome to gain access to this profession.  相似文献   

<正>当新冠肺炎疫情在2020年初突然袭来,导致学校不得不关门、线上教学仓促上马之际,来自澳大利亚的中学教师史蒂文·科尔伯(Steven Kolber)却显得十分笃定。在YouTube上一个名为“科尔伯先生的教学空间”(Mr.Kolber’s Teaching)的频道中,史蒂文已经为学生们准备了超过700节视频课程。  相似文献   

Educational Studies in Mathematics - In 1990, Dr. Jean Schmittau (1937–2015) traveled to Russia to study the Davydov elementary mathematics program. Later she worked closely with Davydov to...  相似文献   

<正>追踪幼教前沿展现南粤风格倡导教育创新推介教改成果家园共育精品繁荣教育科学《教育导刊杂志创刊于1983年,是《中国知网》及《维普网》全文收录期刊、《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》全文收录期刊和《中国学术期刊综合评价数据库》统计来源期刊。被评为中国人民大学"复印报刊资料"重要转载来源期刊。《教育导刊》(下半月)主要面向学前教育。她追踪理论前沿,贴近幼儿教育实践,关注幼  相似文献   

明代,名家杨升庵、兰茂等的音韵学研究打开了云南语言研究的山门。本世纪四十年代,西南联合大学的语言研究者由于战乱从城市走向山寨,开了云南方言和少数民族语言研究的先河。五十年代,云南语言研究冷静了一阵,六十年代由于大家所知的原因而被冷落。八十年代,改革的浪潮在云南语言学界激起了回响。这以后,出现了语言研究全方位的跃动。出版了《云南省志·汉语方言志》、《修辞探究》、《艺术语言学》和《语言学导论》等一批很有影响的专著和教材。同时,发表了大量有理论探索意义的论文。这些研究成果和发展的时代相合拍,显现了云南语言研究者的艰苦探索的历程。  相似文献   

This short paper outlines the emergence and achievements of the Science Education Research Unit at the University of Waikato over the period 1979–1985 under the leadership of the late Dr. Roger Osborne. Following his attendance at the ASERA meeting in Wagga Wagga in 1977, Roger Osborne rapidly built up a very productive team, which he led until his death in 1985. His legacy is tentatively evaluated. In conclusion, the cultural context in which this work took place is sketched.
John K. GilbertEmail:

美国对越南的政策经历了几次比较大的转变,从罗斯福支持越南脱离法国的殖民统治到允许法国重返越南承认法国对越南的主权,再到对法国进行经济、军事上的战争援助,随后在法国退出越南后取而代之,直接援助南越,最后对越南进行武装干涉彻底卷入越南战争.美国对越南政策的转变有错综复杂的国际、国内因素,既有美国理想主义的外交传统,又有对共产主义的遏制和惧怕,更有美国在印度支那的经济、政治利益.  相似文献   

沙汀创作上的收获期 ,创作风格的成熟期主要在 1 94 0年至 1 94 9年。他的讽刺暴露的系列小说击中时弊、发人深省 ,具有积极意义。他的另一类作品反映的是知识分子向往新生活的乐观及烦恼。沙汀还尝试创作了其他题材的作品 ,一般说不成功。沙汀的创作态度严谨 ,创作目的明确 ,他的文学成就为我国现代文学增添了光辉 ,赢得了“农民作家”的光荣称号  相似文献   

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