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Counseling faculty serve as gatekeepers to protect the public from trainees who demonstrate significant deficiencies in professional functioning. Two issues that have not been thoroughly examined are how different cultural values may intersect with the assessment of appropriate professional competencies and whether the multicultural environment of programs is considered when assessing potentially problematic students. The authors suggest a group systems intervention and provide implications and recommendations for counselor educators.  相似文献   

This article addresses challenges of multicultural education in the context of increasing transnational mobility and growing diversity in schools, and suggests ways to convert these challenges into new resources in education. We start with a brief overview of the contemporary transnationalism and new understanding of space and culture (Levitt & Glick-Schiller, 2004), and how they pose special challenges in multicultural pedagogy. Specifically, we examine the misleading conceptualizations and practices of culture and identity in multicultural education (Hoffman, 1996). Then, we redefine the culturally responsive, transformative pedagogy with focuses on its multidimensional and empowering aspects. Multiliteracy practices (New London Group, 1996) of students from culturally and linguistically diverse families are acknowledged as a new pathway to allow a wider range of learning opportunities, transform the interactive patterns between students and teachers, and empower students to critically reflect on, and share their identities.  相似文献   

This article offers a variety of culturally responsive approaches and activities so as to better know and understand our students' diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. These methods will not only help to make more equitable classrooms where we make meaningful connections with our students—but also yield useful data so as to inform our yearly curriculum and instruction.  相似文献   


This study utilizes the conceptual framework of culturally responsive pedagogy and theoretical suppositions about the culturally responsive teacher educator to examine the learning experiences of teacher candidates of color. Findings from the case study of a teacher educator’s and teacher candidates’ of color teaching and learning experiences in a semester-long course revealed the following: (a) The teacher educator’s culturally responsive content was characterized by resistance, revelation, and support and (b) culturally responsive teacher educator pedagogy involved instructional approaches of modeling change and building community. Implications for culturally responsive pedagogies in the teacher education classroom and professional development are explored.  相似文献   

Recent research on teacher diversity has highlighted the challenges new teachers of color face when they enter diverse school settings. In this study the pedagogy of three sociopolitically conscious teacher educators is investigated to understand how they tailor preparation for teachers of color. Findings revealed that teacher educators' pedagogy for teacher candidates of color was characterized by three mutually binding mindsets and practices: (a) teacher educators made an intentional choice to work as a change agent for communities of color; (b) teacher educators challenged sociocultural barriers to the academic and professional achievement of teachers of color; and (c) teacher educators implemented constructivist approaches as an instructional bridge to prepare teacher candidates of color to work with culturally and linguistically diverse students. Based on findings, the conceptual framework of culturally responsive pedagogy is reconstructed to generate suppositions about the culturally responsive teacher educator as a theoretical construct.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to synthesize empirical research conducted on culturally responsive mathematics teaching (CRMT) with culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) learners. Thirty-five published studies between 1993 and 2018 met the criteria for inclusion in this review. Criteria included: (a) the study was published in a peer-reviewed journal, (b) the study was conducted within a K-12 U.S. public school context with practicing teachers, (c) culturally responsive teaching or culturally relevant pedagogy was part of the study’s theoretical framework, and (d) information about methods was reported. Findings reveal the value of CRMT in fostering equitable and inclusive mathematics learning environments. More research on CRMT with CLD students in school settings is warranted. Implications for policy, practice, and research are discussed.


美国是一个以多元文化并存为特征的移民国家。文化会影响到教学、学习及学生和教师的行为,如何从教学上对学生种族与文化背景的多样性做出有效的回应,是美国教师面临的一项严峻的挑战。文化回应性教学是一种回应学习者社会文化背景和整合学习者的文化内容来塑造有效的学习环境的教学方式。在美国,文化回应性教学常用的教学策略有:探究式教学、批判式教学、对学生的学习进行多元化的评价、小组合作学习、加强教师和学生的教学交往、利用身体和直觉的方式进行教学等。  相似文献   

The influence of economic factors on socio‐cultural aspects in traditional, industrial, and “transitional” societies is explored through an examination of the socio‐economic structure and organisation in these societies. Transitional societies are defined as those that are moving from a traditional nature to an industrial one. India is used as an example of a transitional society. Links between the socio‐economic contexts of the three societies, their child rearing goals and practices, and features of early intervention programs are established. Key aspects of effective intervention identified in the United States are analysed with respect to their appropriateness for Indian society. It is proposed that the diverse child rearing goals and practices of the Indian culture are not compatible with Western conceptualisations of effective early intervention. In conclusion, issues and questions for research that would lay the foundations for developing culturally responsive early intervention programs in transitional societies are identified.  相似文献   


There has been strong advocacy for teacher educators to be culturally responsive in their teaching, but less attention has been focused on the process and journey of becoming more culturally responsive. In this self-study, two teacher educators enrolled in a year-long, foundation-level Māori language course to learn the indigenous language of their country. Putting themselves into roles as students in a bicultural context was a powerful way to learn about Māoritanga and culturally responsive pedagogy, which they then applied in their own teaching. Data were generated through regular reflective journal entries, with significant moments being identified, discussed, and shared with their critical friend. Discussion highlighted that interactions in a bicultural context generated a great deal more than rudimentary language skills. By incorporating aspects of their experiences into their teaching, Dawn and Alan were able to examine the rationale for their actions as an important commitment to modelling culturally appropriate pedagogy for their students. They acknowledge that their status will always be as “other” but they have respectfully navigated paths to ensure that they practice in ways that are sensitive and appropriate to their rich bicultural context.  相似文献   

文化回应性教学强调教学内容的生成,注重学生情感需求的满足以及家、校、社区之间的合作.在教学主体观方面,文化回应性教学主张尊重人格,承担责任;在教学文化观方面,主张文化平等,注重多元;在教学实施观方面,强调探究,注重生成.文化回应性教学的目标在于促进学生教育机会均等化,培养学生的多元文化意识,发展学生的潜能.文化回应性教学对于学生个人文化经验的处理、培养学生的文化平等意识以及保持与家长和社区的紧密联系不无启迪.  相似文献   

Korean Americans are a growing subgroup of the U.S. population with distinct characteristics and counseling needs. These characteristics and needs are considered and implications for counselor training are explored.  相似文献   


School-based consultation has garnered increasing attention relevant to culturally responsive practice in school psychology. Although prior research has investigated school psychologists’ experiences with supporting culturally diverse youth through school-based consultation, few studies have utilized an established framework to understand school psychologists’ experiences. We utilized specific components of Ingraham’s Multicultural School Consultation framework to examine fifteen school psychologists’ experiences with providing culturally responsive consultation. Constant comparative analysis revealed the various strategies used by practitioners to support culturally diverse students throughout the consultation process (e.g., involving multiple people in decision-making, using non-confrontational approaches to educate school personnel about cultural dynamics, providing messages of support and encouragement to diverse students and families) and the socio-contextual barriers to their practice (e.g., cultural minimization, lack of administrative support). Implications for research, training, and school-based practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Culturally responsive teaching and design practices flip the online classroom by creating an environment that acknowledges, celebrates, and builds upon the cultural capital that learners and teachers bring to the online classroom. Challenges exist in all phases of online course design, including the ability to create online courses that reflect the instructor’s commitment to inclusive excellence, diversity, and social justice. Designing an online environment that supports all learners regardless of their backgrounds is important in their future success as professionals; thus, it is important for faculty to design courses with all students in mind. The purpose of this article is to share best practices in the design of culturally and linguistically responsive online courses that support the culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students we serve. Based on Gay’s (2010) culturally responsive teaching practices, this article provides examples of online activities that are validating; comprehensive; multi-dimensional; empowering; transformative, and emancipatory.  相似文献   

In this article we discuss findings from a collaborative self-study of how seven teacher educators define, enact, and navigate their roles as culturally responsive educators across various programs within a higher education institution. All participants conducted an individual interview with another team member and engaged in prolonged team meetings in order to understand and conceptualize culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP). Findings include the participants' difficulty with defining CRP in higher education; the importance of modeling and building relationships with students when enacting CRP; tensions related to students and institutions; and professional and personal opportunities to continuously evolve. The findings begin to fill in a void for an articulated framework of CRP beyond P-12 classrooms and illustrate the type of support and professional development higher education institutions need to provide for teacher educators to actualize this work.  相似文献   


Implicit in the open-door mission of the community college is the mandate that every learning experience should offer full equity and inclusion for all learners, including those of diverse cultural backgrounds. This mission is paramount, given the cultural diversity represented among learners served by the globalized community college. This paper presents a cross-section of research, practice, and discourse focused on expanding our knowledge and understanding of the diverse learning needs of community college learners. The relevance of the literature to the planning, design, and implementation of distance-learning is discussed. In the end, the authors offer distance-learning instructional strategies that may accommodate the unique needs of Hispanic/Latino learners. Implications for community college educators are discussed.  相似文献   


With the rapidly changing demography of the United States, there is a need for greater attention to expanding opportunities and reducing barriers to education for all. This article focuses on one of the nation's fastest-growing immigrant groups—Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs). A case study of a program at a community college shows the importance of developing educational practices and policies that support the unique needs and challenges of low-income AAPI students.  相似文献   

本文认为,当前外语课程教学在文化教育方面存在着片面强调语言知识教学,忽视中西方文化背景、文化价值观导入、缺乏文化理解力培养的局限性。语言与文化具有发生学的关系,语言是文化的载体,文化的任何内容都可通过语言来反映。外语教学中要注重文化背景、文化价值观念、文化差异的导入,以培养学生的跨文化交际能力和文化理解力。文化回应是基于语言学立场与文化立场整合的外语教学策略。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to examine a cross-cultural field experience initiative that placed preservice teacher candidates in Alaska Native Village schools. The qualitative study explored 53 candidates' experiences and perceptions of schooling to construct a portrait of the sociocultural context of education in Alaska Native Villages and consider implications for designing a culturally responsive teacher education program. Findings revealed two major themes: (1) schools were spaces for teaching Alaska Native cultural traditions and languages and (2) schools were sites of separation where many White teachers were separated from the communities, applied a deficit orientation to student learning, and implemented curriculum disconnected from the local culture. Based on these findings, three key components for designing a culturally responsive teacher education curriculum were identified: (1) culturally responsive conceptual framework, (2) critical sociocultural consciousness, and (3) engagement with culturally relevant epistemology and knowledge.  相似文献   

文化应答式教育是利用学生的语言文化背景进行教学,促进学生在学业上获得成功的一种教育模式,主要针对少数民族学生的教育。我国的教育研究在这个方面尚处于起始阶段。借鉴美国的教育模式对我国这样一个多民族国家的教育有着极其重大的指导意义。  相似文献   

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