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现代信息社会中,知识的组织和管理策略将直接关系到个人的工作和学习效率。实施个人知识的管理能够有效提升个人的能力和竞争力,对个人发展有重大意义。个人知识管理能力是个人知识管理的基础与保障,所以个人知识管理的能力也逐渐成为高校学生必备的能力。通过调查问卷的方式,了解高校学生的个人知识管理能力现状。研究表明,高校学生应加强对个人知识管理的重视程度,提高整理个人知识的频率,对即时灵感应予以关注和记录,同时,还应注重对个人知识管理能力的培养。  相似文献   

文章以知识服务及相关理论为研究基础,引入“能力理论”并将其嵌入到数字图书馆知识服务能力的研究中,系统分析了数字图书馆知识服务能力的现存问题、研究的重要性和知识服务能力的内涵、特征、形成机制、组成要素载体层和不同功能层等内容,提出了研究的指导框架.  相似文献   

邱琼 《档案管理》2004,(4):42-42
档案工作本身就是一项“今世赖之以知古,后世赖之以知今”的万年百世之事。传统档案都是用语言字记载的,档案工作时时刻刻都在跟字材料打交道。档案是历史的记录,每一时期的档案都与当时的社会历史有一定的联系,只有懂得历史,了解档案产生的历史背景,才能够准确鉴别档案真伪,准确鉴定档案价值,并管好和用好档案。这就要求档案工  相似文献   

21世纪是知识经济时代,知识成为重要的资源。开展知识服务,是图书馆构建核心竞争力的关键。加强图书馆员知识服务能力的培养是图书馆有效开展知识服务的基础。分析了馆员知识服务能力的构成要素,并从馆员培训、自主学习、隐性知识共享等方面论述了提升馆员知识服务能力的途径。  相似文献   

能力与知识既有联系又有区别,纠正概念理解上的偏差,有助于我们努力学习理论知识、注重培养业务能力.做好图书馆业务工作既需要知识更需要能力,所以应重视培养应用型人才,在倡导学术研究的同时也给予应用研究相应的关注.  相似文献   

试论21世纪医学图书馆员的继续教育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对医学院校图书馆现状的分析,论述了21世纪医学院校图书馆员继续教育的重要性和紧迫性,以及继续教育的措施。  相似文献   

电视文艺节目编辑是节目具体创作的核心人物,是一个充满挑战的职业,因此,文艺编导应具备有一定的素质和能力。本文对电视文艺编辑需要具备素质和知识结构两方面进行了简要论述。  相似文献   

企业知识网络能力及其模型建构初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
知识网络是一种获取、共享根植于组织内外社会网络中的知识与情报资源,以创造知识,提升组织知识竞争力和情报能力为目的的网络结构.从本质上讲,知识网络是一种社会网络,它是企业知识管理和竞争情报工作的一个重要的社会平台,同时,也是企业实现知识管理人本化战略的一项基本能力.企业知识网络能力是建立在企业内外社会网络基础上,充分挖掘和利用企业知识和情报资源,主要是隐性知识和战略情报资源的能力.本文试图深入剖析知识网络能力,构建企业知识网络能力模型.  相似文献   

信息检索教学中的知识传授与能力培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识传授是能力培养的基础,能力培养是知识传授的目的。依照这种逻辑关系,信息检索课应寓能力的培养于基础理论知识传授之中;选择适当的知识传授方法;还应处理好的理论与实践等几种关系,从而培养学生的信息研究能力。  相似文献   

人们常说“知识改变命运”,说得更准确、更科学、更直接的应该是“能力改变命运”。知识不等于能力,从知识到能力还有一个转化的过程。知识只有转化成了实际能力,才能改变命运。  相似文献   

Most current h-type indicators use only a single number to measure a scientist's productivity and impact of his/her published works. Although a single number is simple to calculate, it fails to outline his/her academic performance varying with time. We empirically study the basic h-index sequence for cumulative publications with consideration of the yearly citation performance (for convenience, referred as L-Sequence). L-Sequence consists of a series of L factors. Based on the citations received in the corresponding individual year, every factor along a scientist's career span is calculated by using the h index formula. Thus L-Sequence shows the scientist's dynamic research trajectory and provides insight into his/her scientific performance at different periods. Furthermore, L, summing up all factors of L-Sequence, is for the evaluation of the whole research career as alternative to other h-index variants. Importantly, the partial factors of the L-Sequence can be adapted for different evaluation tasks. Moreover, L-Sequence could be used to highlight outstanding scientists in a specific period whose research interests can be used to study the history and trends of a specific discipline.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new impact indicator for the research effort of a university, nh3. The number of documents or the number of citations obtained by an institution are used frequently in international ranking of institutions. However, these are very dependent on the size and this is inducing mergers with the apparent sole goal of improving the research ranking. The alternative is to use the ratio of the two measures, the mean citation rate, that is size independent but it has been shown to fluctuate along the time as a consequence of its dependence on a very small number of documents with an extremely good citation performance. In the last few years, the popularity of the Hirsch index as an indicator of the research performance of individual researchers led to its application to journals and institutions. However, the original aim of this h index of giving a mixed measure of the number of documents published and their impact as measured by the citations collected along the time is totally undesirable for institutions as the overall size may be considered irrelevant for the impact evaluation of research. Furthermore, the h index when applied to institutions tends to retain a very small number of documents making all other research production irrelevant for this indicator. The nh3 index proposed here is designed to measure solely the impact of research in a way that is independent of the size of the institution and is made relatively stable by making a 20-year estimate of the citations of the documents produced in a single year.  相似文献   

More than ten years ago, Peterson (1999, p. 3) warned that “[g]lobal aging, like a massive iceberg, looms ahead.” Government budgets have already been hit hard by a simultaneous increase in governmental spending and a decline in tax revenue related to a growing share of the elderly to the total population. While almost all industrialized countries can expect an aging population and resulting budget stress, the implications of the graying of society for a “graying of e-Government initiatives and budgets” are not readily apparent and therefore constitutes a subject worthy of investigation. Despite the increasing importance of this issue for e-Government in practice, there remains a clear need to assess our understanding and reflection of the phenomenon. Therefore, we examine (a) whether e-Government research presently provides adequate theory, vocabulary, and methods and (b) the extent to which future e-Government research is potentially able to contribute to tackling the substantial theoretical and practical challenges related to societal aging. Accordingly, we pursue a multi-method approach in terms of sequentially applying a retrospective literature review (12 journals, vol. 2000–2009) and a prospective Delphi study (involving 24 e-Government experts). The results suggest that there is currently a significant gap between actual and potential e-Government research on societal aging. We discuss the implications for future e-Government research and describe potentially fruitful ways of bridging the prevailing gap between theory and practice.  相似文献   


Course: Mixed-Method Communication Research Methods

Objective: The purpose of this semester-long activity is to provide students with opportunities to cultivate mixed-method communication research skills through a social justice-informed service-learning format. Completing this course, students will be able to: recognize the unique strengths of quantitative and qualitative research methods; locate, evaluate, and utilize scholarly literature for a literature review; conduct an original research project using quantitative and qualitative research methods to gather and analyze data; and raise self and community awareness about a social issue through collaboration with a community organization.  相似文献   

Conclusion  Convergence is a very exciting model and one that holds, unforeseen opportunities. However in the current economic environment, the investment community is hesitant to recommend that communications companies devote many resources in that area. The convergence mode must prove that it can generate revenue and profits. Yet, it is limited to an advertising-supported model—a part of the communications industry that has struggled during the past, year due to the recession. The increased advertising revenue that would be generated by the convergence model is tainted—most likely taking advertising share away from the traditional media segments that are supporting the model. Tied to the convergence model is a high dependency on the Internet. Internet advertising is not local. In addition, financial data clearly illustrates that the Internet has caused profit margins to decrease substantially, something that the traditional media company supporting the convergence model can not allow to happen. Finally, FCC deregulation with regards to television station cap restrictions, cable system operators owning broadcasters in the same market, and cross ownership of newspapers and television stations in the same market, will most likely have a negative impact on the convergence model. If a communications company should decide to go forward with convergence, there are five rules that should be followed:
1.  Use personnel and technology efficiently
2.  Extend brand awareness of pre-existing communications products
3.  Offer cross-media advertising packages
4.  Return users to traditional media outlets
The essay is based on a presentation made by Dr. Kivijarv at convergece: The Tour, a four-day conference sponsored by The American Press Institute. The purpose of the conference is to analyze the various issues that communications companies should consider before attempting to build multimedia news operations that consolidate newspaper, television, wired cable, and/or Internet divisions in a specific market. Dr. Kivijarv's presentation occurred on the final day of the conference and spoke to the investment community's financial concerns. Veronis Suhler Stevenson publishes, two of the leading annual reports on the communications industry—the Communications Industry Forecast and the Communications Industry Report. A majority of the data used in the presentation and this essay come from those reports and Dr. Kivijarv, as the Director of Research & Publications at Veronis Suhler Stevenson, serves as the editor of the two reports.  相似文献   

none 《文物保护研究》2013,58(3):221-222

Furunori (aged paste) is a conservation material that is used for Japanese painting conservation. Furunori is a smoother and weaker adhesive than fresh paste, and it enables the surfaces to be easily peeled apart, with application of water, in a future conservation. Due to these characteristics, furunori has traditionally been used for attaching the backing paper to paintings in Japan, because it is considered that furunori causes less stress on the paintings than fresh paste. This study aims to clarify the characteristics of furunori based on chemical analysis and examination of the microorganisms involved in the early stage of furunori generation. Based on the results obtained, a polysaccharide similar to furunori was prepared.  相似文献   

This article analyses the review, acceptance and publication dates of a sample of 21,890 articles from 326 Ibero-American scientific journals from all subject areas and countries included in the Latindex Catalogue 2.0 and published between 2018 and 2020 (freely available as an open access dataset). The aim is to discover evaluation and publication times. The evaluation process takes a median of 110 days, the publication process, a median of 82 days, and the whole process, a median of 224 days. Statistical differences are found according to periodicity, subject areas, countries, existence of a printed version and article type (Call for Papers or General articles). From the data we find that the delay in publication is longer than publishers themselves report to the DOAJ. STEM areas present the most similarity in publication patterns, having a higher number of evaluation days (Ed) than publication days (Pd); Arts and Humanities present the opposite pattern, with a higher Pd than Ed. In the case of Social Sciences, the times are similar. General articles and Call for Papers articles differ in terms of Ed, but not Pd, indicating that Call for Papers revisions are faster.  相似文献   

Citation averages, and Impact Factors (IFs) in particular, are sensitive to sample size. Here, we apply the Central Limit Theorem to IFs to understand their scale-dependent behavior. For a journal of n randomly selected papers from a population of all papers, we expect from the Theorem that its IF fluctuates around the population average μ, and spans a range of values proportional to σ/n, where σ2 is the variance of the population's citation distribution. The 1/n dependence has profound implications for IF rankings: The larger a journal, the narrower the range around μ where its IF lies. IF rankings therefore allocate an unfair advantage to smaller journals in the high IF ranks, and to larger journals in the low IF ranks. As a result, we expect a scale-dependent stratification of journals in IF rankings, whereby small journals occupy the top, middle, and bottom ranks; mid-sized journals occupy the middle ranks; and very large journals have IFs that asymptotically approach μ. We obtain qualitative and quantitative confirmation of these predictions by analyzing (i) the complete set of 166,498 IF & journal-size data pairs in the 1997–2016 Journal Citation Reports of Clarivate Analytics, (ii) the top-cited portion of 276,000 physics papers published in 2014–2015, and (iii) the citation distributions of an arbitrarily sampled list of physics journals. We conclude that the Central Limit Theorem is a good predictor of the IF range of actual journals, while sustained deviations from its predictions are a mark of true, non-random, citation impact. IF rankings are thus misleading unless one compares like-sized journals or adjusts for these effects. We propose the Φ index, a rescaled IF that accounts for size effects, and which can be readily generalized to account also for different citation practices across research fields. Our methodology applies to other citation averages that are used to compare research fields, university departments or countries in various types of rankings.  相似文献   

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