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徐梅 《中国科技信息》2008,(5):157-158,160
树木与人类息息相关,不论自觉或不自觉。人们都意识到,这个世界用于呼吸的空气,环境地球的大气,以及培植未来生物的土壤,全都依赖于树木的存在。人们应该利用摄影去表现春.夏、秋、冬四季树木的形态,表达树木的个性,抒发对大自然热爱的情感,通过摄影活动唤起人们保护自然的意识。  相似文献   

基于技术引进、消化吸收的自主创新困境及消解对策   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
实现技术、经济的持续发展必须重视技术引进后的消化和吸收再创新.国家对于技术引进应有明确的战略目标,必须形成一套机制,有效地对国内企业实现激励、导向和制约的作用,促进企业技术引进后能够消化吸收进行自主创新.必须坚持制度创新,建立现代企业制度,使企业真正成为技术引进的主体、技术创新的主体.企业在引进技术时必须注重技术引进的先进性及本土化,技术引进后必须加大研发投入量并最终形成拥有自主知识产权的核心专利技术.  相似文献   

如今生活在都市里的人都渴望回归自然,希望更多地与大自然接触,但住宅建筑仅有绿色还不能说其具有生态性,住宅的生态型是以绿色为基础涵盖生态环保,可持续发展等多种理念。首先就绿色本身而言,要达到国家有关标准,并具有完整的包括设计,施工,物业管理等多个环节的生命周期评价,且要和所有城市的整体环境质量相结合。其次是垃圾处理,污冰处理的就地化,实现生态最统内部有秩序的循环转换。垃圾就地处理及时,避免了在清运中的撒泄现象和因垃圾堆放而造成的污染。  相似文献   

如果人类消失,地球上将欣欣向荣;如果蚂蚁消失,成千上万的生物将会跟着消失。20世纪初,著名的英国物理学家卢瑟福曾经骄傲地宣称:科学除了物理之外就是集邮。他的话语中显露出对科学中的博物学传统的轻蔑和不屑一顾。进入20世纪之后,各门科学的研究内容都越来越细致,从前那种"集邮"式的博物学者已经少之又少。但是,总有那么一些不合群的人,偏偏就喜欢研究那些别人不屑一顾的东西,当今的美国生物学家爱德华?威尔逊就是其中之一,他对一种小东西情有独钟。  相似文献   

警察局是一个严肃的地方,而目击证人描述犯罪分子头像的过程也是要平心静气、开不得半点玩笑的。然而,这样做真的能达到最好的效果吗?  相似文献   

刘江山  王红 《内江科技》2007,28(3):85-85,91
2008年第29届奥林匹克运动会将在我国首都北京举行,这将会对我国的体育事业产生强大的推动力.我国教练员、运动员职业道德水平的高低将直接影响举办奥运会的质量.因此,我们要加强对教练员、运动员职业道德的培养,以奥运的目标管理他们,在奥运会的赛场上展现出我们最为优秀的一面.  相似文献   

现在竞争激烈的社会需要的是综合性人才,本文从如何从工作生活中学习,如何提高面试成绩,如何面对应聘失败,如何做好工作,如何做一名优秀的员工等这几个方面进行详细的阐述。  相似文献   

了解各种遗传病的类型,掌握AD、AR、XD、XR、MF等各种遗传病的特点,初步学会看遗传系谱图.根据各种遗传系谱图的特点,结合实际来解决现实生活中的各种遗传问题,同时可用来阐明国家提倡优生优育的原因,解释《婚姻法》规定禁止近亲结婚的理由.  相似文献   

张树球,男,1 943年生,汉族,广西容县人,生化教授,1967年广西医科大学临床医学专业本科毕业.中国生物化学与分子生物学学会会员,广西生物化学与分子生物学会会员.毕业后从事临床医学(医生)工作十年,然后,在右江民族医学院执教生物化学专业.1984年开始主持课题研究工作.  相似文献   

脚蹬"拖鞋式冰鞋",身穿"鲨鱼皮泳衣",头戴"蝙蝠侠面具",最好再配上一辆最新型场地自行车……如今的奥运会,俨然成了"新式武器"大显身手的舞台。当我们为现代科学促进奥运发展而欢呼的时候,是否也要看到科技在奥林匹克运动上所展现的另一面?  相似文献   

eterachopsis was proposed by the senior author as an independent genus of the family Aspleniaceae in 1940 with 2 species.  Since then much study on its morpho- logy,  anatomy,  gametophyte and palynology has been carried out by Nayar,  Bir,  Chan- dra & Nayar and Chang et al.,  and they are of the opinion that the genus like Ceterach, is a comparatively primitive element in the family Aspleniaceae.  The queer zigzag pa- tern of cutting of lanceolate fronds appears extraordinary in the family Aspleniaceae, and also suggests its antiquity in evolution. So far only 3 species  (C.  dalhousiae,  C. paucivenosa and C. magnifica) are recognized,  the former from W. Himalayas,  also known from Africa,  while the latter two from W. S. China (Yunnan).  However,  in the past forty years the Chinese botanists have discovered 2 more species as new in N. W. Yunnan,  thus bringing the total known species of the genus up to 5.  The present paper is a brief summary on the genus Ceterachopsis,  which will be published in detail in the Flora Sinica vol. 4.       Pteridologists are also divided in their views regarding the generic status of Cete- rachopsis with 5 well-defined species in Yunnan and the East Himalayas.  We prefer to mintain it as a genus separate from Asplenium on account of its distinct morpholo- gical features.  It is to be hoped that more species may come to light in the mountainsin N. W. Yunnan through further exploration now under way.  相似文献   

乌蒙杓兰及其近亲种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 In addition to describing a new species, Cypripedium wumengense, as well as a new variety, C. bardolphianum var. zhongdianense,  nomenclatural and taxonomic notes are made on its allies and the division to which they belong.  They are ltrge]y found in the Hengduan Mountains in southwestern China, characterized by the absence of bract, havirg lip more or less covered with small wart-like outgrowths, and that as the capsule matures the scape becomes much elongated.  Six species of this group have hitherto been reported, of which, however, C. ebracteatum and C. nutans are regarded here as conspecific with C. fargesii and C. bardolphianum respectively. Thus, including the new taxa described here, it composes five species and one variety: C. bardolphianum W. W. Sm. et Farrer (var. bardolphianum and var. zhongdianense S. C. Chen), C. mic- ranthum Franch., C. fargesii Franch., C. margaritaceum Franch. and C. wumengense S. C. Chen.  They are all grouped here into the same section, Sect.  Trigonopedium (Franch.) Pfitz., the oldest legitimate name of this group in the rank of section.  相似文献   

中国沙拐枣属新植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The karyotypes of 3 species of Ceratoides (C. arborescens,  C. ewersman- niana and C. latens) were studied. The results show that C. arborescens is a diploid, with karyotype formula 2n=2x=18=16m+2sm,  C. ewersmanniana is also a diploid,  with 2n=2x=18=14m+4sm,  while C. latens is a tetraploid,  with 2n=4x=36=24m+12sm. Ac- cording to the karyotypes,  the morphological features and geographical distribution,  C. arborescens seems to be a primitive species and it might have originated in northern China. C. arborescens and C. ewersmanniana are similar to each other,  not only in mor- phology but also in karyotype,  which shows that they are closely related and that C. ar- borescens might be the progenitor of C. ewersmanniana. The karyotypes of the 3 speciesof Ceratoides are basically identical,  with only minor differences.  相似文献   

In order to get a thorough understanding of the Characeae, the specime- ns collected from Guangxi and Gansu were identified.  The result shows  that  the two provinces, especially Guangxi, are abundant in this family.  In this paper,  ho- wever, reported are only new species, new varieties and new records of Chara in China. They are Chara vernicosa sp. nov. C. globularis var. inflata var. nov. and C. howe-ana var. subgymnophylla var. nov., C. brionica stapf and C. calveraensis comb. nov.  相似文献   

 One new species Coloniophora shanxiensis Y. J. Ling et S. L. Xie, is described,and one new record, C. spicata (Schmid.) Islam, is reported both from shanxi, China.  相似文献   

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