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清人章学诚“辨章学术、考镜源流”的赋论,对于我们探究赋的源起、发展与学术的关联,具有启发意义。汉大赋博物有如史志与类书,以及唐以来科举考赋制度.客观上推动了赋体创作的学术化倾向。在赋学研究中,历代赋论更多地体现于实际批评的诠释与评价,注重的是赋家的才学与赋作的功用。这种思想形成的原因,则与学术传统、文化制度及赋体特征相关。  相似文献   

唐宋是中国赋学批评史上的中衰期,其理论成就上不及汉魏六朝,下不及元明清,然唐宋两代科举试赋(律体赋)也形成了自己鲜明的赋论特色:一是赋的本体论,即赋如何写的问题,亦是璺学古律之辩的一个重要方面:二是赋与科举的牵连,围绕着科举试赋,文学派与经义派展开了不断的论争,并备才学之辩发展到朋党之争,赋与政治的关联日益凸显。  相似文献   

历代赋论赋话对范仲淹赋作的评论主要集中在三个层面:一是探讨本事,比如对《灵乌赋》、《荠赋》的评论,即属此类;二是观察用意,比如对《金在熔赋》、《水车赋》、《用天下心为心赋》等的评论,即属此类;三是赏析佳句,比如对《自诚而明谓之性赋》、《天道益谦赋》等的评论,即属此类。范仲淹由于早年于赋体文学用功甚大,因而在其他文体尤其记序文类写作时常常带有赋体笔法,采用了首尾是文,中间是赋的结构方式。这一现象,应该引起跨文类研究学者的高度重视。  相似文献   

先秦辞赋并非如前人所述是辞赋的萌芽期。它结合了诗、文的特征走向完善与成熟,并具备了三大类赋体格式:以《赋篇》为代表,已露诗体赋之端倪;以《离骚》、《九章》(《桔颂》除外)为代表的骚,于抒情言志、哀怨讽谏与诗无异,而其句式、结构、韵式等与汉骚体赋一致,因而身兼诗、赋双重特质;而《高唐》、《神女》开散体赋之先河。同时,在此之前,《卜居》、《渔父》、“二招”等作品,初具赋体特征,称之为“准赋”  相似文献   

关于赋的归类问题历来众说纷纭,莫衷一是。而清末大学者刘熙载在他的著作《艺概》中则明确提出“诗为赋心,赋为诗体”的论断。本人认为此说甚为精当,可谓至论。本文从赋起源于诗歌、赋有诗之特质等方面对此进行了论证。  相似文献   

汉代是赋这一文学样式发展繁荣的时期。抒写隐逸题材的赋作,在众多的汉赋作品中,呈现出独特的风貌,而且汉代的隐逸赋从题材内容到风格,对魏晋六朝隐逸赋的创作有着不可忽视的影响。但研究者对汉代隐逸赋的研究还很不充分。因此,有必要对汉代隐逸赋的内容、风格特点,作进一步深入探讨。  相似文献   

前人有“文学地理”之说,就文体与地理的关系而言,则赋体文学与地理关系最为深密。赋与地理的关联,首先在历代大量的“地理赋”与“都邑赋”的创作,其最初体现于汉京都赋代志乘(帝国总志)之用,又与汉“天子礼”的构建相关。而对自然山川与方镇疆域的人文关怀,对区域人文礼俗的描写与礼赞,对大一统帝国德化政治的向往与颂扬,充分表现出赋家的地理情怀。考察赋家的史地观与历代方志编纂的共同文化取向,有三大显征,即重现实、明致用与观风俗。这也是赋家创作内涵的方志价值。  相似文献   

凤凰山十号汉墓中出土的竹简和木牍具有很高的史料价值。其中郑里廪簿是郑里贫民向政府借贷种粮的记录,牍文中的"口钱"并不是口赋。有关"算"的赋税项目就是"算赋",不是"杂税",并不存在另外数目为百二十钱的算赋;且算赋的征收是每月重新定算,每月征收一次。另外,该牍文所记算赋可能只是战争之际较大提高了赋额的算赋,文景时期的常规算赋并没有该简文记载的那么高。  相似文献   

“赋”字源于社会劳动生活的实际需要,赋体亦是为了满足“赋政”这种社会政治生活需要而产生的一种形式。赋政促使了赋体的萌芽、形成与繁兴。赋字、赋政、赋体所具有的朝政实用性、铺陈体物性、宏观包容性则为后世文人从其身上发展和衍生出各种赋的类型提供了可能。  相似文献   

以赋论赋是一种独特的赋论形式,肇端于白居易《赋赋》,罕见于宋元明,直到清代才蔚为壮观。究其原因,根本在于清代“赋体观”的突破,推尊赋体,不以骈、律为鄙,自觉将赋体的“铺陈”用为赋论阐述。外在推力在于试赋政策,而文人争胜之心也起到推波助澜的作用。考察清代赋论的赋体书写,“论赋赋”在形式和理论两方面都有重要的开拓价值,彰显了清代赋论的独有特色,其在于极致铺陈、寓虚于实、融古入律及颂扬当朝。而在以赋论赋的背后,则是清代赋论研究的一个侧面,从而窥探清人对传统赋论的总结和超越。  相似文献   

研究生生均教育成本分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
依据高等学校职能和会计科目管理区分成本对象,根据配比原则可将高等学校成本分为教育成本、科研成本、社会服务成本和“杂项成本”四类。在确定“杂项成本”、科研成本和各类奖助学金不属于研究生教育成本之后,我们发现目前国内课程学习阶段的研究生生均教育成本与本科生接近,没有倍数差别,可以按1:1考虑;研究阶段研究生生均教育成本为0。如果采用成本补偿理论作为学费定价的理论基础,按同样补偿比例研究生和本科生学费应当基本接近。比较研究支持了这一结论。此外,成本分析表明生均教育成本并不一定随教育级别的提高而提高,研究生教育成本可能低于本科生教育成本。  相似文献   

Economic recessions impact higher education institutions in complex ways. Several analyses have examined the influence of the 2007–2009 recession on tuition, enrollments, revenues, and expenditures, but the connection of these resource allocation patterns to a student success outcome—namely, retention—is limited. This study examined relationships among institutional expenditures, tuition, and staffing patterns on first-year retention rates at private and public institutions in 2007, 2009 and 2011: before, during, and after the economic recession. Private and public institutions increased tuition during this time period and increased expenditures. Expenditures most directly educating students (i.e. instruction) and institutional selectivity were positively associated with retention. However, public and private institutions differed in how they allocated their expenditures. That the findings correspond with past research investigating relationships between resource allocation and retention illustrate principles of the resource dependency theory (Pfeffer and Salancik 1978): institutions impacted by external economic changes, adjust revenues, staffing, and expenditures during economic changes.  相似文献   

This study uses historical state-level schooling data, a direct measure of manufacturing productivity, and quantitative methods to examine the relationship between changes in the rate and distribution of public school expenditures, the organization of public schooling, and economic growth at state-level in the United States from 1880 to 1940. The determinants of public school expenditures at the state-level are examined and interstate differences in the growth and distribution of public school funds are detailed. The paper then explores if state differences in the growth of per student expenditures on teachers salaries and school infrastructure were related to later changes in manufacturing productivity. Significant and substantial effects for per student spending on school infrastructure are found.  相似文献   

以贵州省2011年各地区人均地方财政支出数据为基础,采用主成分聚类分析方法,分析各个地区地方财政支出能力,并按人均财政支出水平的高低对区域进行分类,从而反映各地居民享受公共服务的差异,得出贵州省各地区人均财政支出水平存在较大差距的结论,对存在的财政收入和支出不平衡问题提出相应的对策建议.  相似文献   

The few studies focusing on the relationships between higher education expenditures and student outcomes have produced contradictory results. This study hypothesized that the lack of consistent relationships is a function of the fact that the effects of expenditures on outcomes are mediated by student engagement. Furthermore, it is expected that the relationships between expenditures and outcomes are contingent on the characteristics of the students and institutions being studied. The present research examined the relationships between higher education expenditures and students’ engagement in educationally purposeful activities, after controlling for a variety of student and institutional characteristics. Using data from a nationally representative sample of colleges and universities, the findings indicated that the relationships between expenditures and student engagement are very complex. Relationships differed by institutional control, students’ year in school, and the type of engagement measure included in the analysis.  相似文献   

Within the research community, there is a vigorous debate over whether additional educational expenditures will lead to improved performance of schools. Some of the debate is an outgrowth of the lack of causal knowledge of the impacts of expenditures on student outcomes. To help fill this void, we examine the causal impact of capital expenditures on school district proficiency rates in Michigan. For the analysis, we employ a regression discontinuity design where we use the outcomes of bond elections as the forcing variable. Our results provide some evidence that capital expenditures can have positive effects on student proficiency levels.  相似文献   

In this exploratory study, the censored Tobit model is applied on primary data collected amongst parents of primary school students in Penang, Malaysia to examine the determinants of participation and expenditures on private tuition (PT). Results of the marginal effects indicate that socio-demographic characteristics – ethnicity, household income, level of schooling, and marital status – affect the probability of participation and its corresponding conditional (amongst those whose spending is positive) and unconditional (overall) expenditures. Specifically, compared to ethnic Malays, households of Chinese and Indian descent are more likely to send their children to PT, whilst spending more on conditional and unconditional expenditures, ceteris paribus. Low-income households have a lower likelihood to enrol their children in PT classes and spend less on conditional and unconditional expenditures than higher income households. Upper primary students are more likely to attend PT and spend more on conditional and unconditional expenditures than lower primary students. Single-parent households spend more on conditional and unconditional expenditures than households where both parents are together, all else equal. Based on these findings, several observations in terms of comparisons to other studies and policy implications are noted vis-à-vis the demand for PT amongst primary school students.  相似文献   

《管子·八观》篇提出了国侈则用费,用费则民贫;观台榭、量国费、粟行百里,稼禾盖积;用财毋已,用力毋休;民产有余,国之存也的思想,对中国会计文化建设的贡献在于审度量节、概算收支、基本建设、量力而行、观察生产、粮食安全、体察民情、安帮定国。  相似文献   

In an era dominated by issues of school finance adequacy, it seems particularly important to provide evidence that, despite a number of claims to the contrary, educational resources are indeed positively related to improved student achievement. One of the hypotheses of this article is that expenditures per pupil must be disaggregated into more meaningful categories to discern the relationship between resources and student achievement. To explore this question, this article uses data from the Washoe County School District in Reno, Nevada, which reports its school expenditures using a program called InSite. This program disaggregates expenditures into 4 categories: instruction, instructional support, leadership, and operations and maintenance. This school-level variable is the primary explanatory variable in this covariate adjustment model using a 3-level hierarchical linear modeling analysis of students (approximately 7,000) nested in classrooms (approximately 420) nested in schools (approximately 55). This model also includes a number of contextual and school compositional factors that research tells us affect student achievement, including student demographic characteristics and pretest score; teacher experience, education, and a measure of his or her instructional practice; and school size, school-level poverty, and expenditures broken out into 4 categories: instruction, instructional support, leadership, and operations and maintenance. The results show that expenditures for instruction and instructional support were positively related and statistically significant for the reading achievement of 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders in the 2002-03 school year.  相似文献   

Private tutoring has been a burgeoning phenomenon in Malaysia for decades. This study examines the determinants of private tutoring expenditures in Malaysia using the 2004/2005 Household Expenditures Survey and applies hurdle regression models to the data. The results indicate that total household expenditures, household head’s level of education, household head’s gender, number of school-age children, and home ownership are important determinants of private tutoring expenditures in Malaysia. In comparison with Malay households, Chinese and Indian households have a higher likelihood of enrolling their children in private tutoring and spending on private tutoring. Indigenous households are less likely to spend for tutoring, but once their children are enrolled, they spend more than their Malay counterparts. Regional characteristics are also important determinants of private tutoring expenditures.  相似文献   

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