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Current literature indicates that in addition to academic ability, counselor educators must also assess students' personal characteristics and clinical skills. Given the increased awareness of the possible damage caused by counselors who do not possess the personal qualities and requisite skills, faculty may be expected to serve as gatekeepers for the profession. This article reviews the ethical and legal mandates relevant to developing and implementing a gatekeeping model. It presents a model endorsed, in principle, by the Texas Association of Counselor Educators that uses a behaviorally specific student evaluation instrument developed in accordance with competencies outlined in the American Counseling Association (1995) Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a model to guide the process of designing and evaluating study abroad programs, addressing particular stages and influential factors. The main purpose of the model is to serve as a basic structure for those who want to develop their own program or evaluate previous cultural immersion experiences. The model is based on the existing literature, actual experience in designing short-term programs, and on the theoretical evaluation principles of Appreciative Inquiry (Dunlap 2008) and Logic Models (Renger and Titcomb 2002).  相似文献   

How can the enterprise of looking at the consequences of testing in America be moved forward? What are the responsibilities of the key actors? How can we accumulate the evidence that we need?  相似文献   

'High stakes testing' is to be understood as testing with serious consequences for students, their teachers and their educational institutions. It plays a central role in holding teachers and educational institutions to account. In a recent article Randall Curren seeks to refute a number of philosophical arguments developed in my The Limits of Educational Assessment against the legitimacy of high stakes testing. In this reply I contend that some of the arguments he identifies are not mine, and that others survive his critique.  相似文献   

The following paper provides a case study of the resistance of the New York Performance Standards Consortium to the state’s unitary high stakes testing policy from 1998 to 2006. After detailing the history of the grass roots actions undertaken by the group of alternative high schools called ‘The Consortium’, the analysis seeks to apply sociological and philosophical theory of, among others, John Rawls and Charles Willie to explain: (1) the success of the subdominant people of power in fighting the implementation of the battery of high stakes graduation tests; and (2) the failures of the dominant state authority to uniformly enforce its policy, with particular regard to the decisions of New York’s Commissioner of Education. Implications of the case are then discussed to place this little known educational struggle in a broader social, political and historical context.
Doug KnechtEmail:

测量理论的新进展:规则空间模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
规则空间模型是一种基于统计模式识别和分类取向的认知诊断理论,该模型可用于识别学生的知识结构及诊断学生解题中所犯的错误,它克服了CTT和IRT在教学评价中的缺陷,开创了心理测量领域新的里程碑。该文首先介绍了规则空间模型的基本原理及阶段过程,然后对模型的理论进展及应用进行举例说明,最后对模型进行了评价和展望。  相似文献   

Recommended approaches to promoting children’s physical activity through schools call for physical education teachers to serve as champions for, and leaders of, Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAPs). Little evidence, however, exists to suggest that physical education teachers are ideally prepared or supported to assume CSPAP leadership roles. The purpose of this article is to consider expectations that must be met for physical education teachers to serve as central protagonists in CSPAP implementation efforts, and to propose a conceptual model aimed at increasing both effectiveness and sustainability of CSPAPs through key external-internal partnerships. Specifically, community-based participatory research, communities of practice, and service-learning are presented as possible strategies to expand the support system for growing and sustaining CSPAPs. In sum, this article offers some reasons for rethinking current recommendations for CSPAP implementation.  相似文献   

This Monte Carlo simulation study compares methods to estimate the effects of programs with multiple versions when assignment of individuals to program version is not random. These methods use generalized propensity scores, which are predicted probabilities of receiving a particular level of the treatment conditional on covariates, to remove selection bias. The results indicate that inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) removes the most bias, followed by optimal full matching (OFM), and marginal mean weighting through stratification (MMWTS). The study also compared standard error estimation with Taylor series linearization, bootstrapping and the jackknife across propensity score methods. With IPTW, these standard error estimation methods performed adequately, but standard errors estimates were biased in most conditions with OFM and MMWTS.  相似文献   

关注为本采纳模式是课程实施过程中比较重要的测量与促进的工具之一,它具有评价的功能,同时能较好地反映课程实施的水平与阶段.本文试图对关注为本采纳模式的本体内容、拓展研究及发展方向进行探析,以期为课程改革理论与实践提供启示.  相似文献   

Many public and private agencies lack a systematic process for evaluating the quality of counselor supervision. The Effective Supervision and Consultation (ESC) model is proposed as a guide for counselor educators who are helping agencies build effective supervision programs. The ESC model is presented with an emphasis on the assessment, training, and evaluation components of consultation services in counselor supervision.  相似文献   

近年来,欧盟的区域主义进一步强化,并进而促进政治和外交方面的合作,而东北亚各国只是在经济贸易领域进行了广泛的合作,在政治上的合作还是一片空白。作为世界上一体化程度最高的欧盟,它的发展为世界上其他的经济组织提供了发展经验。本文分析了东北亚地区和欧盟之间的差别,论述了东北亚地区的合作不能照搬欧盟的模式。  相似文献   

The Performance Assessment System (PAS) is a portfolio assessment mechanism used to evaluate beginning teacher performance as a function of the teachers approach and effectiveness at increasing student learning and growth. The PAS was originally developed by Teach For America, the national teacher corps, as an internal assessment tool for its teachers. The PAS has evolved in response to input from participants, administrators, and external evaluations over the course of four pilot implementations. Specifically, developers have streamlined requirements, focused efforts to incorporate measures of student performance, and clarified scoring rubrics. The PAS continues to be piloted as an assessment resource that eventually will help districts to retain only beginning teachers who are effective in the classroom and will empower states to license only teachers whose performance meets approved standards.  相似文献   

Based on Stoltenberg's developmental theory and the literature on supervision as a social influence process, a prediction model of trainees' general expectations for the supervisory process was tested. Beginning and advanced practicum students and interns completed a self-efficacy inventory and indicated their outcome expectancies for supervision with respect to their own and their clients' development. Dependent variables were expectations for supervisors' attributes (expertness, attractiveness, trustworthiness) and role (evaluation, support). All of these process dimensions were significantly predicted from trainees' self-efficacy and outcome expectancies, while level of training was of minimal predictive value. In general, trainees expected supervisors to be significantly more trustworthy than expert, more expert than attractive, and more evaluative than supportive.  相似文献   

Single subject (SS) designs are popular in educational and psychological research. There exist several statistical techniques designed to analyze such data and to address the question of whether an intervention has the desired impact. Recently, researchers have suggested that generalized additive models (GAMs) might be useful for modeling nonlinear effects that are common with SS designs. This study sought to extend the use of GAM from SS to a research design in which individuals may be placed in separate groups and receive different interventions. Results of the simulation study found that using a mixed model form of GAM (GAMM) resulted in higher power for detecting actual effects in the population than was true for either GAM or a Bayesian GAM estimator. Thus, GAMMs are recommended for use with SS designs when interventions are expected to induce nonlinear relationships between time and the outcome variable and individuals receive different treatments.  相似文献   

《Teaching Artist Journal》2013,11(4):212-226
The Young Audience 's National Network provides the first field-tested rubric to clarify the quality of Teaching Artist Classroom Residencies.  相似文献   

Interest in promoting positive development among children and adolescents has always been a focus of developmental science. Historically, many researchers framed this interest using a deficit model that sought to optimize positive development by reducing problems. In the context of the articles in this special section, the author discuss a different conception of positive youth development that has emerged across the past 25 years, one that capitalizes on human plasticity and tests a strength‐based model (instead of a deficit one). This model seeks to identify the process that could enhance the attributes of young people that are valued by them and others (e.g., parents, peers, teachers, mentors, coaches, and faith leaders), as compared to processes that reduce or prevent undesirable characteristics.  相似文献   

This article describes an exploratory evaluation of a rape prevention program targeted toward fraternity members. The program is based on the Men Against Violence (L. Hong, 2000a) model, which emphasizes the association between male role socialization and sexual aggression. Implications for college counselors who conduct rape prevention programs are provided.  相似文献   

The National Cancer Institute supports our research on the Goals for Health (GFH) program as a part of their priority to reduce cancer incidence. GFH consists of a 12-workshop 6th-grade program led by trained high-school leaders and a 10-workshop 7th-grade program taught by health instructors. The 6th-grade program occurs in small groups, and includes goal-setting activities, skits, videos, and healthy snacks. Challenges to program integrity are intensified due to the fact high-school volunteers implement the entire 6th-grade program. Strategies for optimizing program implementation of the peer-led component of GFH are presented in light of their feasibility at 6 rural middle schools in Virginia and New York. Modifications for future implementation of the 6th-grade component of GFH are presented as well as implications for peer-led community-based prevention efforts.  相似文献   

This article presents a model of assessment development integrating student characteristics with the conceptualization, design, and implementation of standardized achievement tests. The model extends the assessment triangle proposed by the National Research Council ( Pellegrino, Chudowsky, & Glaser, 2001 ) to consider the needs of students with disabilities and English learners on two dimensions: cognitive interaction and observation interaction. Specific steps in the test development cycle for including students with special needs are proposed following the guidelines provided by Downing (2006) . Because this model of test development considers the range of student needs before test development commences, student characteristics are supported by applying the principles of universal design and appropriately aligning accommodations to address student needs. Specific guidelines for test development are presented.  相似文献   

考试评价研究的科学、全面发展,对促进基础教育的均衡发展、减轻学生负担、提高教育教学质量都将产生重要影响。本文以设计和构建高中学业水平考试的评价标准为切入点,建立试卷评价量表,使评价过程标准化以及评价结果可量化,并展示了试卷定性评价与定量数据分析结果,形成试卷质量评价报告的过程,同时为开展个性化的学生诊断评价提供了参考依据。对高中学业水平考试评价标准体系的研究,可以解决招生考试评价标准不足的问题,以期促进新一轮考试招生制度改革顺利实施。  相似文献   

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