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William Whiteway (W.W.) Alexander (b.1852) was a prominent figure in Midlands athletics from the 1890s to the 1930s. Primarily, he is remembered for his impact upon Birmingham’s Birchfield Harriers Athletic Club, whose stadium in Perry Barr bears his name. Alexander’s involvement went far beyond the club, as he served as a prominent administrator of the sport and wrote a weekly column in the Birmingham sporting newspaper The Sporting Mail. This article will examine Alexander’s comments regarding the Olympic Games of London (1908) and Stockholm (1912), where he provides an alternative perspective on the British attitude at these Games and offers possible reasons as to why the British performance declined.  相似文献   

BackgroundLacrosse is one of the fastest-growing sports in the United States. Its rules regarding permitted contact differ by sex and age. There are no known studies using a nationally representative data set to analyze lacrosse injury patterns over several years by sex and age in the youth population.MethodsA retrospective analysis was performed using data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System for youth aged 11–18 years who were treated for lacrosse-related injuries in U.S. emergency departments from 2000 to 2016. Based on our review of the case narratives, we created and coded a new injury-mechanism variable. We generated national estimates from 6406 cases.ResultsAn estimated 206,274 lacrosse-related injuries to youths aged 11–18 years were treated in U.S. emergency departments from 2000 to 2016. The rate of injuries per 10,000 significantly increased from 1.9 in 2000 to a peak of 5.3 in 2012 (p < 0.0001), followed by a significant decrease to 3.4 in 2016 (p = 0.020). Injury mechanism, body part injured, and diagnosis differed by sex. Boys were 1.62 times (95% confidence interval (95%CI): 1.25–2.09) more likely than girls to be injured by player-to-player contact. Girls were 2.21 times (95%CI: 1.96–2.49) more likely than boys to have non-contact injuries. Overall, as age increased, the percentage of injuries from lacrosse sticks decreased and player-to-player contact increased.ConclusionDespite additional protective regulations in the sport, lacrosse is an important source of injury where we continue to see differences by sex and age. This study supports the continuation, modification, and addition of rules aimed at reducing lacrosse injury risk.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(3):405-425
This article examines the history of football, migration and industrial patronage in the counties of Ayrshire and Lanarkshire, Scotland, during the formative years of the Scottish Football Association (1870–1900). It begins with an overview on the formation of clubs and associations in the two counties up to 1900. The article focuses on two specific case studies: one investigates football's relationship to Irish migration in Larkhall, Lanarkshire; the other examines the patronage of football clubs by paternalist coalmasters Bairds of Gartsherrie. Throughout this article, local football is observed in the context of class and religious identity within the two counties, as well as analyses of both the significance and limits of elite patronage in early Scottish football.  相似文献   

This article examines the series of cricket reports that C. L. R. James wrote during the seasons of 1937 and 1938 for The Glasgow Herald newspaper. It demonstrates the degree to which James' later ideas concerning the sport are already discernible in these writings. The article provides a contextual account of these reports, seeking to relate them both to their historical moment and to James' later theories of cricketing aesthetics, and of the sport's social and political significance.  相似文献   

The origins of the modern football codes have attracted considerable attention from historians of sport over the past two decades, resulting in a vigorous debate between the self-described ‘revisionists’, led by Adrian Harvey, and the followers of Eric Dunning, dubbed by their opponents as the ‘orthodox’ view. However, this article argues that both sides commit the same methodological errors: an overestimation of the importance of written rules, an ahistoric view of culture and continuity, and a tendency to view the past through the lens of the present. By re-examining the historical record of early forms of football and presenting a broader contextual perspective for the emergence of the football codes in the 1840 to 1880 period, the article aims to address some of the key historiographical issues that confront historians of sport today.  相似文献   

生于欧洲的球迷是幸福的,生于欧洲的球迷也是痛苦的。幸福在于,即使你来自卢森堡和法罗群岛,也照样能在家门口欣赏到荷兰和法国球星的表演,痛苦在于,即使你来自意大利和英格兰,也必须要为能否出线担惊受怕。10月7日和11日,2008年欧洲杯预选赛又战罢两轮,场面照旧惨烈,局势照旧混沌,也许,作为旁观者的我们才敢于把生死置之度外。  相似文献   

1.发展学生的快速奔跑及躲闪能力。2.发展学生的反应能力及投掷能力。3.培养学生勇往直前、克服困难、坚持到底及宏扬奥运的精神。  相似文献   

2011年3月23日,WE.TeD宣布,他正式将自己6年的职业生涯画上一个句号,从此退役。而此时的TeD,距离他在微博透露"自己想休息一段时间"仅仅过了半个月而已。事实上,本刊记者在得知小胖准备休息的消息后就第一时间采访了他,并且稿子已经写好,《小胖累了》等待发  相似文献   

Yes,Cool Map.     
WWI上ToD首轮淘汰Remind后,第二轮面对几年前曾经带给自己耻辱的Moon(熟悉war3的玩家不会忘记WEG第一赛季那场战斗,Moon在完全压倒性的比赛中用DR的大招召唤了ToD的农民,修建HUM基地和祭坛升级三本二发AM三发BMG,使用HUM英雄的冰火两重天令‘浪漫人族’饮辱失败。这件事也间接导致愤怒的ToD把怒火发泄在了APM70身上。于是APM70被打成死人——Deadman),又逢地图是曾经HUM的主战场LT,所以尽管几年来ToD也没少赢过Moon,法国人也绝不会放过任何一次清洗那次屈辱的机会。  相似文献   

1988年汉城奥运会早已淡出我们的视野.但时至今日.那一首激昂高亢的《手拉手》仍然牵动着我们每一个人的心。每一届奥运,除了中国队能夺多少块金牌.开幕式和主题歌恐怕就是我们最关注的东西了。盛大的开幕式. 在今天不只是体育迷的事情.它已成为一个城市乃至一个国家一个民族十分重要的文化展示。那么.北京奥运会我们又将能向世界呈现出何种"天籁之音"呢? 的氛围和  相似文献   

2008年北京奥运会将会是一次盛大的、充满高科技的体育盛会,北京将为其提供37个比赛场馆,其中32个在北京,19个是新建项目。计划招标的单项建筑包括7个:国家体育场、国家游泳中心、会议中心、国家体育馆和奥运村,五棵松文化体育中心、奥林匹克水上公园.北京乡村赛马场.其中作为举办奥运会开幕式和闭幕式以及所有田径比赛的奥运会主体育场——国家体育场将是展示中国的最重要的形象代表。  相似文献   

2006年4月18日,北京市海淀区中关村第三小学隆重举行“中关村三小‘迎2008奥运,扬中华文化’千盘围棋赛”。中关村三小奥林匹克运动场上,2008名学生,1004场棋盘组成“2008”巨型字样。2008名小棋手在赛场上激烈对弈,象征着三小师生以满腔的热情迎接2008年奥运会在北京的召开。  相似文献   

作为已经成功承办了3届年终大师杯的城市,今年原本是上海"大师之约"的最后一年。虽然由于2005年的退赛风波 ATP 延长了上海承办大师杯的合约,但是2008年以后上海在国际性专业网球赛事承办方面的动作,已经成为相关人士关注的话题。2009年开始,ATP 将与 WTA 展开合作,两大职网巡回赛将同时把一站顶级赛事放在中国的一个城市,借此进一步开发亚洲这个潜力市场。一向钟情于  相似文献   

中国射击队与某品牌合作签约的新闻发布会上,朱启南再次出现在我们的视线中。和三年前相比,这个大男孩似乎没有太多变化:嘴角边露出浅浅的笑意,平静的表情透露着不动声色的自信,很容易让人回想起三年前的那一幕:一个19岁的桀骜少年,十发灵光迸发的妙射,一枚来之不易的奥运金牌,十三亿中国人民的心潮澎湃。还有,不久前的一次采访……  相似文献   

随着北京市邮政局使用新的邮资已付戳(“T.P.”戳),全国又有不少省市邮政局从1993年1月开始使用这种中法文“邮资已付”戳。对于戳中的“T.P.”许多集邮爱好者在报刊杂志上撰文,把它解释成是法文“TAXE PERCUE”的缩写,笔者认为有误。我查阅了手  相似文献   

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