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An experiment examined the impact of a procedure designed to prevent response or extinction strain occurring on random interval schedules with a linear feedback loop (i.e., an RI+ schedule). Rats lever-pressed for food reinforcement on either a RI+ or a random interval (RI) schedule that was matched to the RI+ schedule in terms of reinforcement rate. Two groups of rats responded on an RI+ and two on an RI schedule matched for rate of reinforcement. One group on each schedule also received response-independent food if there had been no response for 60 s, and response-independent food continued to be delivered on an RT-60 schedule until a response was made. Rats on the RI and RI+ obtained similar rates of reinforcement and had similar reinforced inter-response times to one another. On the schedules without response-independent food, rats had similar rates of response to one another. However, while the delivery of response-independent food reduced rates of response on an RI schedule, they enhanced response rates on an RI+ schedule. These results suggest that rats can display sensitivity to the molar aspects of the free-operant contingency, when procedures are implemented to reduce the impact of factors such as extinction-strain.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we examined the effect on the patterns of responding noted on fixed interval (FI) schedules of prior exposure to a range of interval and ratio schedules. Rats leverpressed for food reinforcement on random ratio (RR), random interval (RI), or variable interval (VI) schedules prior to transfer to FI schedules. In Experiment 1, prior exposure to an RR schedule retarded the development of typical FI patterns of responding. Exposure to a yoked RI schedule produced even greater retardation of typical FI performance. This effect was replicated in Experiment 2, using a within-subjects design. Rats responded on a multiple RR-RI schedule prior to a multiple FI-FI schedule. Typical FI performance emerged more slowly in the component previously associated with the RI than with that associated with the RR. In Experiment 3, exposure to an RR schedule retarded the development of FI performance to a greater extent than did exposure to a VR schedule. The latter schedule was programmed to allow the possibility that inhibitory control would develop after reinforcement. These results confirm that ratio schedules independently result in the disruption of FI responding. This effect was not long lasting and cannot be used plausibly to explain species differences in responding to FI schedules. However, it does suggest that temporal control—as manifested by the transfer of inhibitory control from one schedule to another—could facilitate movement between interval schedules.  相似文献   

Gender differences in response to computers have been widely reported. This study addresses the question of how far the context in which a computer task is presented can affect girls' and boys' on-task performance. In an experimental study involving 60 ten and eleven year-olds, we examine the effects of differential contextualisation on girls' and boys' performance on a computer-based perceptual-motor skills task. Our findings illustrate that even with a single, standard piece of software, children's performance can be substantially affected by the context in which that software is presented. The results suggest that gender differences in children's responses to computer tasks are relatively labile, and highly context sensitive. The implications and possible explanations for these findings are considered.  相似文献   

This study investigated the proportional reasoning abilities of 35 college science students. Using a projection of shadows problem, proportional reasoning was assessed under one of two experimental conditions corresponding to the type of information presented: (a) relevant only, or (b) relevant and irrelevant. Subjects were also measured on the cognitive style of field independence. Results showed that subjects in the relevant only condition performed significantly better than those in the relevant-irrelevant condition. Degree of field independence was related to performance only in the relevant-irrelevant condition. These results indicated an interaction between type of information presented in a task and cognitive style.  相似文献   

Fourth and fifth-grade children identified as fast/inaccurate and slow/accurate responders on the basis of the Matching Familiar Figures test were administered a self-paced learning task. The task consisted of a 25 word categorizable list composed of five instances from each of five categories. Four treatment conditions, the usual random presentation and blocked presentation conditions plus random presentation with instructions and blocked presentation with instructions, were employed. Analysis of variance was used to analyze clustering, free recall, and cued recall performance. A significant main effect for type of treatment was found in clustering performance. A significant instruction by response style interaction in the analysis of free call performance indicated that while fast/inaccurate responders benefit from instructions, slow/accurate responders did not. When children identified as fast/inaccurate or slow/accurate were placed in self-paced learning situation, no significant difference was found in total viewing time of the stimulus materials.  相似文献   

The Estimated Learning Potential (ELP), a score obtained through the System of Multicultural Pluralistic Assessment (SOMPA), is purported to be a more appropriate index of potential for socioculturally different children. Prior studies have suggested a lower correlation with academic achievement than that of the traditional IQ score. The validity of the ELP has, therefore, been questioned. This study attempted to determine whether the ELP or IQ score would be the better predictor of performance on a learning task for 31 black and 32 white EMR children. The learning task was presented in a test-teach-test paradigm. Results suggest that the ELP did not correlate more highly with learning task performance than did the IQ score. However, the ELP may be more differentially sensitive to declassifying black children as retarded. The validity and the social consequences of the use of the IQ, ELP, and performance, after teaching, on the learning task for classification decisions also are discussed.  相似文献   

Group and individual forms of a measure were developed to assess the acquisition of behaviors desired as outcomes of instruction in science at the elementary school level. Significant differences between the scores of individuals on the group and individual measures were observed. Students demonstrated higher competence on the items employing the individual format.  相似文献   

Two groups of 6 pigeons were exposed to either a fixed-time (FT) or a variable-time (VT) schedule of response-independent food presentation. The interval between two successive food presentations (food-food [FF] interval) was either 20 or 40 sec. The duration of stimulus presentation (stimulus-food [SF] interval) was varied relative to the FF interval. All subjects were exposed to different information ratios (IRs; IR = SF/FF; IR = 1.00, 0.50, 0.15). To study the relative contribution of sign- and goal-tracking behavior to keypecking observed in standard autoshaping procedures, pigeons were autoshaped in a long-box. In the long-box, the stimulus key and the feeder are located 60 cm apart. Stimuli were always presented at one end of the box, and food was presented at the other end. Locomotor behavior and keypecks were recorded. Pigeons engaged in sign-tracking behavior when IR = 0.15, but only when presentation of the food was unpredictable on the basis of other variables (e.g., the passage of time since the last food presentation, as in FT schedules). In the case of FT schedules, subjects engaged in feeder-directed activities. No effects of varying the FF interval were found. Keypecking was observed only when the SF interval was short (IR = 0.15) and food was presented on a VT schedule.  相似文献   

Military officials continually search for improvements in processes that focus on high‐performance outcomes. This qualitative study investigated process improvements of two departments within the Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center (the Security Department and the Testing Department) by assessing performance levels of the two departments using a combinatorial model from human performance theory and Six Sigma theory. Study findings produced strong empirical evidence with specific recommendations for initiating cost‐effective interventions for improvements. The Behavior Engineering Model was used to identify possible solutions to post‐training performance gaps identified during the evaluation.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined how preexposure to discriminative stimuli and introduction of a 21-day retention interval affected the latent inhibition (LI) and perceptual learning (PL) of rats in a choice-maze discrimination task. Experimental groups were preexposed to three wall patterns, one in each of three arms of a maze. Control groups were preexposed only to white arms. PL groups were trained to discriminate A versus B, and LI groups, to discriminate A or B versus C. The A and B patterns shared many elements not shared with the C pattern. In Experiment 1, both at the end of training and after the subsequent retention interval, the PL groups performed better than controls, whereas the LI groups performed worse. In Experiment 2, inserting the 21-day retention interval between preexposure and discrimination training disrupted final measures of LI but not PL performance. Implications for current concepts of PL and LI are discussed.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to test the linkages between achievement goals to task performance, as mediated by state anxiety arousal. Performance expectancy was also examined as antecedents of achievement goals. A presentation task in a computer practice class was used as achievement task. Fifty-three undergraduates (37 females and 16 males) were administered self-report questionnaire measures before and immediately following the task performance. As expected, results of regression analyses showed that performance-avoidance goals were positively related to state anxiety. State anxiety was related to poor task performance. The positive relationship between mastery goals and the task score was shown to be independent of anxiety processes. Performance expectancy was related to state anxiety through achievement goals.  相似文献   

Using a mental imagery procedure, positive or negative emotions were experimentally induced in 5- and 10-year-old children. In the case of the younger children, the induced emotions influenced their performance on a subsequent memory task, i.e. happy children did better than sad ones. Ten-year-olds, however, seemed to perform at an optimal level in both emotional circumstances. It was argued that these older children, with the help of their firmly established general knowledge about the possible effects of emotion on performance, spontaneously countered the effects of the emotion induction procedure. Activation of the young children’s latent knowledge of these effects, simply by questioning them on this point beforehand, produced, even in their case, an optimal performance in both the happy and sad conditions.  相似文献   

At school, pupils often cooperate on common projects and must coordinate their different individual actions. However, grades are pervasively used even in cooperative situations, which make the pupils’ differences in achievement and their relative rank salient and may reduce their inclination to work constructively with others. Thus, we hypothesized that grades would elicit disruptive interactions and reduce performance in a cooperative cognitive-motor task necessitating inter-individual coordination of members. In a study with 5th graders, grades (vs. a neutral concept) were primed at the onset of a cooperative group interaction. Results showed that, although pupils were set to work cooperatively, priming grades (vs. neutral concepts) harmed inter-individual coordination by eliciting more negative dominant behaviours among pupils during interactions, which decreased group performance.  相似文献   

In the research literature several positions concerning the role played by metacognition in adaptive strategy choice can be distinguished. While many authors adhere so-called metacognitive models of strategy choice and strategy change, others have questioned the extent to which metacognitive factors are associated with strategy choice and task performance and have proposed alternative theoretical frameworks wherein strategy choices are described in terms of associative models. In the present article we report data coming from a larger research project on the development of children’s numerosity judgement strategies and skills. The experimental task involved judging numerosities of colored blocks presented in a rectangular grid. Participants were 59 second grade and 50 sixth grade children, whose strategic performance data — obtained by means of a systematic analysis of their response-time patterns — were compared with interview data collected at the end of the experiment. The major result of this comparison is that not only the children from the oldest age group, but also the children from the youngest age group showed clear evidence of metacognitive awareness and understanding of different aspects of their strategic performance.  相似文献   

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