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教师教育者在教师教育乃至整个教育发展中发挥着至关重要的作用。他们是专门从事教师教育工作的人,是帮助师范生实现正式社会化的人,是教师教育实践者和教师教育研究者的统一。教师教育者应该根据自身劳动任务的基础性和艰巨性、劳动对象的成人性和期待性、劳动过程的复杂性和创造性、劳动方式的师范性和示范性、劳动价值的潜在性和长效性等方面特点,通过树立专业理想增进身份认同、开展自我研究融合教学和科研、增进合作交流创建教师教育者发展共同体等方式积极促进专业发展。  相似文献   

石家庄市劳动教养所九名劳教青年,手捧着河北广播电视大学的录取通知书,心情久久不能平静,在录取劳教学员座谈会上,很多学员的家长脸上挂满了泪花……一九八五年电大招收法律专业学员的消息传出后,劳教所党委本着对失足青年要教育、感化、挽救的精神,经研究决定让十五名劳教一年以上,表现较好,具有高中文化程度的劳教青年报考电大法律专业。消息传出后,在劳教人员和社会上引起  相似文献   

黄炎培职业教育社会化的办学方针揭示了职业教育社会性的本质特征,是解决当前我国职业教育中存在的诸多社会化缺失问题的理论基点.职业教育必须走社会化办学的发展道路:确立为地方经济社会发展服务的办学方向;实施素质教育,培养全面发展的技能型人才;实现人才培养和办学模式的多样化;使专业设置和课程安排符合社会发展的实际需要;加强社会协作,与社会各界保持密切联系;建设社会化的职业教育者队伍.  相似文献   

外语教师教育者特殊的专业角色决定了其持续专业发展的独特性。英国文化教育协会《教师教育者持续专业发展框架》描绘了外语教师教育者的十大专业实践、七项执行力和五大自我意识。强化反思实践导向、理解和服务教师学习、提升专业能力、增进角色意识等为其显著特点。它为外语教师教育者指明了专业发展方向、可能的专业实践活动及其范围,亦可为我国外语教师教育者的持续专业发展提供有益的经验和启示。  相似文献   

为了促进教师教育者的专业发展,提高教师教育质量,美国哥伦比亚大学基于多项实证研究确认了教师教育者应具备的基本素养,设计了与博士学位课程相互嵌套的教师教育者专业培养课程,实施了教师教育者专业教育项目。项目实施结果显示,教师教育专业课程学习与基于共同体的教师教育研究能有效帮助教师教育者沟通教育理论与实践,提高教师教育者专业实践能力和研究能力,形塑教师教育者专业身份认同,为教师教育者自我导向的专业发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

陈晓端  高嵩  徐波 《教师教育研究》2023,(1):116-121+128
21世纪初以来,我国学者在译介国外教师教育者研究成果的基础上,逐渐形成了较为丰富的本土化“教师教育者研究”主题和成果。在教师教育者培育职前教师的责任澄明、指导在职教师的职能厘定、多重身份和专业职责确证、专业素养内容的理论建构以及专业发展路径和策略探索等方面取得了显著进展。然而,研究局限依然存在,主要表现为:研究基础的建构相对薄弱,研究对象的认知较为有限,研究方法的应用并不充分。未来我国“教师教育者研究”应紧密结合本土文化传统和新时代教师教育者专业发展实际,优化新时代教师教育者专业素养结构,制定教师教育者专业标准,理解并合理应用多元化研究方法。  相似文献   

郑丹丹 《江苏高教》2014,(3):113-115
教师教育者的专业身份认同是教师教育者从内心了解并赞同社会与个人对于教师教育者的角色期待。从世界范围看,教师教育改革需要关注高等教育中教师教育者和中小学教师教育者这两类教师教育者的专业身份认同。为推动教师教育者的专业身份认同,迫切需要制度建设,并逐步强化教师教育者的主体意识。  相似文献   

社会化网络对于大学生思想政治教育具有重大影响。须从教育者网络素养和能力的培养、社会化网络运用的基本原则的明确、受教育者的主体性的激发、思想政治教育理论课的网上建设四方面着手,构筑社会化网络背景下成人高等教育学生思想政治教育的路径。  相似文献   

为回应教师教育变革对教师教育者提出的挑战,荷兰逐步构建了以专业标准为基础、认证制度为工具、知识基础为支撑、专业发展课程为平台的教师教育者专业质量保障体系,以提升教师教育者的专业水平、保障其专业质量。这一质量保障体系由专业共同体成员共同参与制定,将目标、评价、理论资源与支持平台相互衔接,兼顾各类教师教育者的共性与特性,对外保证专业质量、对内激励持续发展,持续修订、基于实证。该体系具有以下特点:重视教师教育者的核心品质,强调教师教育者发展连接理论与实践的能力和系统反思的能力,将三主体的学习相连接,要求教师教育者成为师范生的模范。  相似文献   

高校教师教育者的专业化是教师专业化的前提.目前高校教师教育者的群体队伍构成比较复杂,承担的专业角色多元.高校教师教育者专业成长过程中,教学方式受其学习方式影响,同时面临专业身份认同危机,自身的专业发展经历从学习者到教育者的转变过程,并以自我研究为基本途径.高校教师教育者岗前培训学院化、专业发展的方式有限、学术分离导致缺少合作、教师教育学不构成独立二级学科等因素影响高校教师教育者的专业成长.因此,要根据高校教师教育者专业成长的特征基于自我研究,建立大学——中小学的“双师型”教师教育者成长机制,构建高校教师教育者的专业发展共同体,推动大学教学与学习学术化,推进教师教育者专业化标准的制定进程.  相似文献   

郭三玲 《培训与研究》2007,24(10):87-89
现代教育的快速发展对中小学校长提出了更高的要求,纵观中外校长职业角色的演变过程,从我国中小学校长专业化的现实背景出发,迫切要求校长提升专业素质,实现校长职业角色的专业化,成为专业化的教育者、领导者和管理者。  相似文献   

This study connects to the international call for research on teacher educator professionalism. Combining positioning theory with the personal interpretative framework, we examined the relationship between teacher educators' positioning and their teacher education practices. The interpretative analysis of qualitative data from twelve experienced Flemish teacher educators revealed three teacher educator positionings: a teacher educator of ‘pedagogues’, a teacher educator of reflective teachers, and a teacher educator of subject teachers. Each positioning constitutes a coherent pattern of normative beliefs about good teaching and teacher education, the preferred relationships with student teachers, and valuable methods and strategies to enact these beliefs.  相似文献   

校长素养的构成,决定于学校发展。学校的内涵发展呼唤校长追求教育家的境界,而外在发展要求校长认同经营家的角色。中学校长素养是教育家素养与经营家素养的整合。守望教育理想、提升实践创新能力、陶冶人格操守是校长的教育家素养提升之路,而知人善任、多谋善断、协调公关三方面能力的养成则是校长经营家素养提升的着力点。  相似文献   

Since gaining independence from South Africa in 1990, Namibia has placed considerable emphasis on education, including adult learning. As a means of improving the quality of adult learning, the Namibian Ministry of Education commissioned the development of national standards in 2010 to express competency requirements for adult educators. Particular attention was paid to the views of adult learners who participated through thirty focus groups. The participatory process revealed that the work of an adult educator is more complex and demanding than had previously been appreciated. The required competencies were categorised under four headings: (1) Knowledge as an adult educator, (2) Practice as an adult educator, (3) Relationships as an adult educator and (4) Ethics and professionalism as an adult educator. The Namibia Qualifications Authority, acting under its legislative mandate of setting occupational standards for occupations, jobs, posts and positions, approved the national standards in 2011.  相似文献   

This article presents interview data from a study involving nine primary school leaders. Five are leaders of local authority schools while four are leaders of schools within a large academy chain. The article examines their perspectives about the current regimes of performativity in the English education context and, in particular, the accountability demands of Ofsted. Mindful of contemporary concerns about the tensions between performativity and professionalism in education, the analysis highlights the different ways in which each group responds to external accountability demands. The article illustrates how investments in traditional and entrepreneurial professionalism continue to impact on how the current demands of performativity are understood. It highlights the significance of conceptualising educator professionalism beyond dichotomies that idealise the former at the expense of the latter and the importance of an ongoing critical focus on the ways in which professionalism is currently being articulated in schools.  相似文献   

An international repositioning of vocational teachers in relation to knowledge and the workplace is reflected in English Further Education through the terminology of ‘dual professionalism’. Particularly in settings most closely linked to specific occupations, this discourse privileges occupational expertise that vocational educators bring from their former employment alongside pedagogic expectations of the teaching role. In a qualitative study of recently qualified teachers employed substantially in workshop settings, using the analytical framework of Margaret Archer, workplace skills and generic attributes provided a basis for claims to expertise, extending to a custodianship of former occupations. Further augmentation of educator roles, however, appeared constrained by market approaches to development and employment insecurity in the sector and beyond. In Archer’s terms, the current environment appears to cast ‘dual professionalism’ as morphostasis, drawing on former practice at the expense of teacher identity in the face of insecurity. Morphogenesis into enhanced professional teacher identities, for example, developing coherent vocational pedagogies informed by research into advances in knowledge, appears the less likely outcome in the current and emerging sector.  相似文献   

职业化是职业的专业化发展水平得到社会确认和制度认同的过程,特殊教育教师的职业化是特殊教育发展的内在要求。当前,特殊教育教师的职业化发展呈现三个特点:一是爱心和奉献心态阻碍职业意识建立;二是身份不明导致职业角色混乱;三是重专业化轻职业化研究导致职业化进程缺乏制度氛围。提高特殊教育教师职业化发展水平的策略:政策层面建立特殊教育教师职业化配套制度,实施动态资格认证,构建开放的教育培训体系,引进社会力量投入师资培训;学校管理层面尝试实施校长职业化,并在管理中关注专业工作的结果;在社会舆论层面建立合作机制,通过行业协会引导社会对特殊教育职业的认识;在研究层面发挥专业人员的作用,帮扶特殊教育老师快速提升职业素质。  相似文献   

This article addresses an under-researched area of teacher education by analysing teacher educators’ constructions of their professionalism and the constituent professional resources and senses of identity on which that professionalism draws. The research is an embedded case study of 36 teacher educators in two Schools of Education in England, using questionnaires and interviews. The study is framed by a broadly sociological concern with the (re)production of social patterns and relations through teacher education. The findings show that three modes of professionalism were constructed by educators within the sample group, with each deploying professional resources and senses of identity in varying ways to position individuals as credible and legitimate practitioners within the field of teacher education. The paper argues that professionalism may well be influenced by the complex interrelationships among individual biography, institutional setting, and national imperatives for teacher education.  相似文献   

While there are numerous calls to enhance the professionalism of teachers, there is little empirical research in the United States that examines educators’ understanding of the concept. This comparative case study compared the conceptualisation of professionalism by faculty and students in a college of education vis-à-vis the conceptualisation of the construct by faculty and students in a college of nursing and a school of social work. Findings revealed that notions of professionalism expressed by educators can be characterised as restricted, by nurses as status professionalism, and by social workers as activist professionalism. The findings suggest that in order to empower teachers to be full professionals, a deliberate attention to the development of their professionalism is needed.  相似文献   

This article reports on a qualitative research project that examined ways in which pedagogical discourses within an early childhood education college preparation program construct a universal identity of the “good early childhood educator.” Drawing upon theoretical explanations of the concept of difference in professional identification, a discursive analysis of the research participants' views indicates that the good early childhood educator is, on the whole, perceived as possessing a single, normative identity that is decontextualized from social relations. Cultural differences are simultaneously recognized, managed and denied through several discursive moves. If, however, diversity in the early childhood education (ECE) workforce is desired, then recognition of the value of difference needs to be integral and central to the construction of a professional early childhood educator identity, so that new social relations in the classroom can be structured.  相似文献   

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