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智能时代的数字化学习资源质量评估需要更加重视用户体验,且应在借鉴信息资源质量评估相关理论成果、反思现有研究的基础上开展。基于此,文章首先结合智能时代数字化学习资源的特点,依据用户体验层次理论,构建了包含直观体验、功能体验、交互体验、生成体验、情感体验五个维度的用户体验模型。接着,文章参考数字化学习资源质量评估工具,提出了数字化学习资源质量评估的四个维度,即技术支持、界面设计、内容呈现、教学设计。然后,文章将五个体验维度与四个评估维度相交,确定了智能时代数字化学习资源质量的评估指标,并在此基础上设计了智能时代数字化学习资源质量评估模型。最后,文章从教育管理机构、信息化企业、学校、教师、学生的角度,针对智能时代数字化学习资源质量评估的实施提出建议,以期通过多方参与的评估形式来提升数字化学习资源质量和数字化学习效益。  相似文献   

互联网作为各类新兴商业行为的交易载体,其消费行为有很多新的特点,例如在网络中的交易行为都由各相关节点之间的信息传递来完成,而非传统的面对面交易。互联网中的产品体验以产品价值理论为基础,具有系统性和复杂性的特征。任何产品或服务所提供的价值都包括功能性价值、社会性价值、情感性价值、认知价值和情景价值。结合网络消费的特点,实证发现,产品的情感价值体验对消费购买决策的影响不显著,这与互联网的交易环境有关,在线上购买中,消费者购买决策往往更加关注于产品在其他方面的体验效果。产品的功能价值、社会价值和网络价值对购买决策的影响较为显著,说明了互联网特性及产品功能、社会性因素在网络购买中承担了重要的作用。  相似文献   

Although prior research has identified general procedural and qualitative differences between word-processed and pen and paper writing, little attention has been directed toward identifying how these differences relate to the prior word processing experiences of individual students. Additionally, few researchers have addressed the issue of fairness when discussing the use of word processors in writing assessment. This study investigates this relationship by comparing essays composed with pen and paper for a direct writing assessment to those composed with a word processor by students having different levels of experience with using word processors for writing.We observed differences between the two composition media similar to differences observed in previous studies of word-processed writing. That is, our results show that, overall, word-processed essays are neater and longer than were pen and paper essays. Word-processed essays also have a more formal tone and a weaker voice than their pen and paper counterparts. No composition medium differences were observed for the number of mechanical errors.In terms of how word processor experience interacts with writing quality, we found that word processors use neither improved nor worsen the quality of essays produced by students who have medium to high levels of experience using computers for writing. On the other hand, the word processor essays produced by students with a low level of experience writing with computers were scored, on a six-point scale, almost an entire point lower than those produced with pen and paper by these same students. Groups with high and medium levels of experience with word processors wrote slightly more words with a word processor than with pen and paper. On the other hand, the group with a low level of experience with using computers for writing wrote over 100 words fewer on word processors than with pen and paper. As for the number of simple sentences, groups with high and medium levels of comfort and experience with computers for writing wrote fewer simple sentences with a word processor than with pen and paper, while the group with a low level of comfort and experience with computers for writing wrote more simple sentences with word processors than with pen and paper. There were no group by media interactions for the number of mechanical errors.  相似文献   

This paper uses an auto‐ethnographic storytelling approach to connect an individual’s experience in leadership with the literature on women in leadership as a way of further exposing and understanding gendered organisational practices. Whilst the paper details only one women’s experience it was through the connection to the literature that most ‘sense making’ occurred and a realisation (on the part of one of the authors) that the experience was not unique or individualised but, rather, systematic of masculine, gendered, organisational cultures. The paper offers some ‘strategies for survival’ for other women who may find themselves in similar situations. It concludes with a call for programmes and strategies to bring about fundamental change. Although the setting is the higher education sector in Australia the paper’s findings and recommendations have much broader applicability.  相似文献   

The following paper examines the emergence of a wish for a child among women in general, and the socio-psychological pressure awaiting unwed women who are over 30 years old. Though there has been some consensus among researchers that it is the institution of motherhood that perpetuates women's oppression, and not the experience itself, there have been very few studies on the experience of motherhood as a choice. The study of a wish for a child in mature age may clarify concepts such as femininity, womanhood, female sexuality, and motherhood. The paper suggests that the experience of unwed mothers is a unique framework for such an examination, and present a case study from a longitudinal research on unwed mothers in Israel.  相似文献   


This paper examines the significance of work experience schemes and part‐time jobs for school pupils within the context of recruitment to youth jobs. Specifically, it focuses on the role played by work experience and part‐time jobs in the recruitment of young people to engineering apprenticeships in a Midlands town during the recession of the early 1980s. The employers gave greater importance to holiday jobs, Saturday jobs and paper rounds than work experience in recruiting apprentices. The former were viewed as a more effective guide to applicants’ work attitudes. Work experience lacked the element of ‘sacrifice’ and other aspects associated with ‘real’ work Despite this, work experience proliferated in the 1980s, whilst pupils’ part‐time work has been neglected as a learning resource.

Additionally, this paper presents the more general argument that a strong vocationalist perspective on work experience, where it is viewed as being grounded in the labour‐power demands of employers as expressed in recruitment criteria, yields unacceptable (racist and sexist) consequences.  相似文献   

学习者使用MOOC平台进行学习活动的意向,不仅取决于课程质量,MOOC平台的功能体验也十分重要。通过问卷设计、发放、收集与分析,并采用结构方程模型分析方法进行检验,构建了基于MOOC平台功能用户体验的MOOC学习者持续使用意向模型。路径分析结果显示,MOOC平台功能的感官体验与感知易用性、交互体验与感知有用性、感知易用性与感知有用性、感知有用性与情感体验、感知有用性与平台持续使用意向、情感体验与平台持续使用意向具有正相关影响。最后,文章提出了提升用户体验的三点建议。  相似文献   

Universities in many countries are developing strategies to enhance the student experience. This focus has never been so important since the development of rankings and the use of student experience measures in institutional performance assessment. Australian government policies to link student experience measures to performance funding were a key driver to increase the prominence of the student voice between 2004 and 2008. This paper analyses the strategic plans of 33 Australian universities with the aim of outlining the extent to which the enhancement of student experience is embedded as one of their key priorities. This review comes at a time when universities in Australia and elsewhere are realigning their future strategies and directions to achieve government aspirations for tertiary education with the introduction of various policy instruments including the possibility of rewarding universities on the basis of student experience measures. The paper also provides a comparative analysis of government policies in Australia and the UK on the measurement and enhancement of the student experience.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on the importance of study groups in contributing to a positive postgraduate experience and explores specific concepts, such as ‘disappearing behaviours’ in contrasting the ‘official’ languages of universities with the beneficial behaviours found through study groups. Additionally the paper advocates the systematic inclusion of strategies such as study groups in the postgraduate experience. Funding arrangements and research frameworks for higher education in Australia focus on student progress and completion, as well as comparison of research quality within and between universities. As a result, there is a significant emphasis on timely completion of postgraduate degrees. This paper posits that there is an apparent contradiction between the indicators of success in this area, such as completion rates and annual progress reports and the positive contribution that study groups can make to the doctoral student experience.  相似文献   

While the term ‘student experience’ is used widely in universities, it is remarkably under-developed as a construct in the academic literature. This paper addresses this gap by proposing a conceptual framework for the student experience of undergraduate students. The approach taken is to identify the key influences that shape the student experience from the perspective of students. It does this by addressing two questions: firstly, what are the key influences that shape the student experience? Secondly, how do these influences shape the student experience? To do this the paper draws from a wide range of studies that provide substantial theoretical and empirical evidence as to how students experience university. Drawing from Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model of human development, it identifies seven key sets of influences or microsystems that shape the undergraduate student experience. Then the paper considers how these influences shape students’ experiences drawing from the concepts of engagement and alienation. The paper concludes by proposing a broadly defined model for the student experience where learning and development take place as a result of meaningful interactions between the student and the key microsystems. The implications of this model for universities and for further study are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper starts with the experience of the author and presents a perspective on teaching and learning in higher education which regards the experience of the learner as primary. The experience which is to be taken into account includes both that prior to the current learning event and that which is prompted by it. Emphasis is given to learning of all kinds in the cognitive, affective and conative realms. In the paper some propositions about learning from experience are outlined, a model of learning from experience is discussed and implications are drawn for the design of courses and subjects. Major areas for development are identified as those of recognising and responding to prior learning, developing reflective practice and self‐assessment skills, and using problem‐based, holistic and contextualised learning approaches.  相似文献   

Making the most of experience   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Increasing interest is now being focused on how adults learn from experience, but there is no adequate framework to assist learners and those who facilitate learning‐promote learning in the midst of experience. This paper provides a way of conceptualising experience‐based learningwhich considers the personal foundation of experience of learners, their intent and their interaction with a learning milieu. Two elements of the learning experience ‐‐ noticing and intervening–are discussed in detail. The implications for thefacilitation of learning are explored.  相似文献   

In recent years, the University of Liverpool has undertaken extensive research and development on work‐based learning across a range of academic disciplines, notably with Departments heavily involved in training for the professions. This paper considers this work and finds strong parallels between the experience gained the findings of recent research at Liverpool on school‐ based teacher training. In particular, the paper considers one issue ‐‐ that of progression, focusing on the changing needs of learners when on extended work placement and identifying implications for mentors. The paper concludes that much can be learned by those responsible for teacher training from the experience gained in other professions.  相似文献   

丘逢甲一生跨海峡两岸,且有出游南洋的经历,作为近代文学史上的著名诗人,对其诗歌研究具有起步晚、范围广、欠深入、争议多等特点,从对其人其诗研究的历程着眼,主要梳理了大陆及台湾有关研究线索,并通过对其诗歌研究特点及现状的讨论,为进一步的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

体验经济的来临对旅游业是机遇更是挑战."体验式旅游"将成为旅游消费的主要趋势,景点必须对旅游体验给予更多的关注,使之能够满足游客需要、需求与期望.旅游产品的拓展必须建立在游客体验基础上,旅游者个性化与多样化特点使得"专家诊断"法无法适应新的形势.以基于游客体验的ASEB栅格分析法作为研究工具,对山东淄博市马踏湖进行实证研究.探询基于游客体验的旅游产品拓展思路,最后提出其旅游发展的战略建议.  相似文献   

本文尝试提出一套渐进式情感体验写作教学模式,包括三个阶段,即写前阶段、写作阶段和重写阶段。本教学模式重视学生的情感体验,将写前活动作为教学重点,在写作过程中从最基本的词汇、短语体验开始,再到句型、句子,最后是段落和篇章的训练。  相似文献   

刘桢的五言诗在诗歌史上评价很高,但评论者往往忽略了他的诗歌是分为两个时期的,这个分期以刘桢建安十六年"以不敬被刑"为分界点.厘清他这次被刑的经历,对研究其本人的诗歌创作成就是很有必要的.本文在分析被刑经历的基础上,结合其文学作品,总结这次经历对刘桢诗歌创作的影响,以全面评价刘氏的文学成就.  相似文献   

Professional experience in teacher education is explored through the conceptual lens of the wicked problem. Wicked problems are socially constructed and complex. This paper outlines what is at stake in the framing of the problem of professional experience and how constructions of the problem make it difficult to find enduring solutions. The tactical and strategic implications for finding solutions to professional experience are discussed. It is argued that teacher educators must simultaneously work on tactically resolving issues whilst also engaging in a more strategic, evidence-based dialogue on the purpose of professional experience, its models of delivery, and evidence of outcomes.  相似文献   

The extent to which educational psychologists' credibility with teachers relies on their own teaching experience is an issue that has been hotly debated in the profession for more than 30 years. It is widely perceived as a key reason for retaining qualified teaching experience as a requirement for training as an educational psychologist (EP). The studies reported in this paper investigate whether teachers know that educational psychologists have been teachers (a logical pre-requisite to affording them high credibility on this basis). The studies also examine the regard in which EPs are held by teachers who know, and teachers who do not know, that EPs have been teachers. Results indicate that teaching experience cannot be regarded as necessary to EPs' credibility with teachers. However, a positive relationship between teaching experience and credibility with teachers, among primary school teachers, raises questions about ways of broadening EPs' pre-course experience.  相似文献   

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