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This article illustrates how different geopolitical factors shaped the growth of Hong Kong studies. Focusing on the close relation between geopolitics and intellectual practice, this study scrutinizes the acceptance of Hong Kong as a legitimate research object during the British colonial era and the gradual marginalization of Hong Kong studies after 1997. It analyzes the change of research paradigms, conceptual frameworks and narrative practices in the field of Hong Kong studies in relation to colonial encounter, Cold War politics, and the rise of global Empire. It singles out a critical paradox of how the field of Hong Kong studies frequently sets Hong Kong into appearance and disappearance at the same time. This study concludes with some preliminary suggestions for applying an alternative approach to the continuity of Hong Kong studies.  相似文献   


What should, could, and does the thesis advisor do? Four years of teaching, researching, and supervising in a graduate program at a university in Taipei led me to search within – not beyond – the ‘holy trinity of academic work’ (i.e. teaching, research, and service) for a different interpretation on the laboring of university teachers. The neoliberal logic embodied in the numbers game, quantitative criteria of judgment, and inter‐regional competition has formed specific conditions of laboring for university professors in East Asia. In this article, I advocate a ‘learning to labor’ perspective to situate teachers in the institutional, social, and global relations of laboring. I draw particular attention to affective labor – a quintessential form of labor in the global condition – and suggest its potential to formulate subjectivity in the current geopolitics of knowledge production. In this article, the productive power of affective labor is represented in three experimental texts: two short stories and a play. Created to document, grasp and learn from my interactions with my graduate advisees, this article hopes to sound out multiple voices and inflect laboring with consoling imagination.  相似文献   


This article explores the cultural and social impact of the world's first mass public transit system by highlighting its impact on time instead of space. Time allows us to see how public transit imbricated small-scale and large-scale practices, channelling vast numbers of private goals and generating new kinds of collective and subjective experience. The reliability and ubiquity of the system transformed movement into a calculation between time, energy and money. This redefined the organization, perception and rhythms of activity within the daily cycle and transformed the geographical distribution of services. It thus created new forms of discrimination related to access.  相似文献   

詹鄞鑫 《寻根》2004,(3):10-16
巫术的一个重要成就,就是孕育出了造型艺术和表演艺术. 首先要指出,巫术本身是一种因原始思维而产生的日常生产和生活中的技艺活动,而不是精神活动.例如,有些民族认为树枝和石头能够把人的疲劳带走,于是在劳累一天之后,到某个地方折下一支树枝拍打身子,再把树枝插在石头堆上,认为这样就能把疲劳一起带走.也有的认为病人谵妄胡言是鬼狐精魅缠身造成的,于是就请道士捉鬼驱狐.把劳累传给树枝也罢,驱狐治病也罢,都是一种具体的技艺法术,而不是精神活动.然而,正是各种各样带有明确目标的巫术,孕育出丰富多彩的精神文化生活.这大概是巫术评价中最值得称道的积极意义了.  相似文献   

山西大学借百年校庆的机会,邀请海峡两岸的学者,以“全球化与黄土文明”为主题举行学术论坛,是很有意义的。我想围绕这个主题,谈一点自己的想法,向大家请教。一、黄土文明是中华文明的摇篮,在历史上有过自己的辉煌所谓黄土文明,应该是指孕育、诞生和生长于我国黄土高原这一特定自然环境与社会环境的文化形态。中国的黄土高原,是世界上最大的黄土沉积区,位于我国中部偏北,包括太行山以西、青海省以东、秦岭以北、长城以南的广大地区,跨山西、陕西、甘肃、青海、宁夏、河南等省区,东西千余千米,南北约700千米,全部面积约40万平…  相似文献   

丰家骅 《寻根》2006,(6):28-35
在龙的许多神话传说中,“龙生九子”故事的出现是比较晚的。但由于“莫知所出”,不见于典籍,一直是中国文化中的一个谜。  相似文献   

《三国志演义》原编撰者及有关问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过对黄正甫乡里、家世与生活年代、刻书活动的考证,证明黄正甫为晚明时期人。通过对黄正甫本《三国志传》正文、叙、目录和所谓“封面”的考订比勘,证明黄正甫本刊行于天启年间,绝非“最早刻本”。文章还引用明代著述记载、版刻记录等资料,再次肯定《三国志演义》的原编撰者即罗贯中。  相似文献   

冒廉泉  冒俊 《寻根》2006,(3):128-130
最近拜读《寻根》2005年第三期刊载《如皋冒氏的来源》(以下简称《如》文)一文,很有感触.冒氏之源,最早的明代《冒氏宗谱》中就可寻到,《冒氏宗谱》1984年抄印180套面世,可惜《如》文作者,对这部存世甚多的宗谱很少研究,倒是对极为罕见的、清代的、藏之高阁的《冒氏家谱》、《冒氏世谱》、《冒氏族谱》大加鞭伐.我们对此不论其源、反究其未的现象,甚为困惑.笔者通过对《冒氏宗谱》的研究,寻找到冒氏的“根”,我们认为:如皋冒姓源自蒙古,如皋冒姓的“根”在蒙古,愿与《如》文作者共同探讨.  相似文献   

高慧生  马俊渠 《寻根》2006,(2):117-122
一在太行东麓、卫河之滨、牧野大地上,有一座耿耿正气的忠臣古庙——比干庙。它就是世界林姓宗祖、我国历史上第一位忧国恤民、以死谏君的忠臣比干的茔葬地。它位于新乡市东北20公里处,卫辉市境内的顿坊店乡。比干因规谏获罪,被剖心致死后,其子改为林姓,故比干庙又是中国林姓家  相似文献   

Hispanic and Latino Americans want security from terrorists as much as all other Americans. A protective membrane surrounding the country that is too porous is of little use and constitutes a danger to residents, both citizens and non-citizens alike. This much is uncontroversial. Similarly, most American citizens truly benefit from the work product of undocumented workers. Presumably, some case can be made that most undocumented workers see themselves as better off than if they had remained in their country of origin. Things become controversial when an attempt is made to balance resident safety against resident desire for inexpensive labor. The controversy inevitably escalates when consideration is given to the fairness of wages paid to undocumented workers. These moral issues cannot be ignored. However, as important as these issues are, the present argument addresses more specifically the duties educators have towards learners and potential learners regardless of their current citizenship status. The argument acknowledges that all citizens of a nation have certain duties to that nation but then the argument concludes by pointing out that some ageless professions like medicine and pedagogy have special duties transcending any immediate and transient duties imposed by nationalistic affiliation. Specifically in the case of education, all pedagogues have a duty to do nothing to exclude any willing participant from participation in the Great Conversation of Humankind.  相似文献   

易有广狭二义:广义指<连山>、<归藏>、<周易>,狭义指<周易>.<易>有一个形成和发展的过程:它是八卦、重卦的出现,初步形成一个占筮体系,逐渐发展成为三个占筮系统,后一个比前一个为优,最后以<周易>为最优,足以流传后世,供人研习.本文着力对<易>的形成和发展这一问题作出一些阐述.  相似文献   

唐代儒学研究长期以来遭到忽视。但唐代儒学作为汉学与宋学的过渡,儒家学术思想上的重大转向正是在这一时期酝酿发端的。笔试图通过对唐代儒学历史演变的梳理,来探讨隋唐儒学的发展特征。  相似文献   

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