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道德行为是在一定社会条件的制约下按照一定道德原则和规范,在个人利益和社会整体利益关系上,从本人意志出发自主选择的行为。在当代社会中,儿童的不良道德行为频发,家庭有着不可推卸的责任。家庭是儿童的第一所学校,父母的思想行为和教育方式无一不在影响着儿童的道德行为养成,作为家长应该时刻规范自己的言行举止,不断提升自我素质,为儿童提供一个良好的示范,并且顺应儿童的身心发展规律有意识地对儿童进行道德行为训练。  相似文献   

This study investigated differences in children's and adolescents' experiences of harming their siblings and friends. Participants (= 101; 7‐, 11‐, and 16‐year‐olds) provided accounts of events when they hurt a younger sibling and a friend. Harm against friends was described as unusual, unforeseeable, and circumstantial. By contrast, harm against siblings was described as typical, ruthless, angry, and provoked, but also elicited more negative moral judgments and more feelings of remorse and regret. Whereas younger children were more self‐oriented with siblings and other‐oriented with friends, accounts of harm across relationships became somewhat more similar with age. Results provide insight into how these two relationships serve as distinct contexts for sociomoral development.  相似文献   

游戏是儿童常态化的生活方式。伴随着游戏,儿童不断体验外部世界并获得来自生活的直接经验,影响其社会性发展。儿童生理发育和心理认知能力的成长使游戏也具有了阶段性。进入具体运算阶段后,儿童的游戏兴趣更倾向于规则性游戏,被社会道德原则所浸染的游戏规则影响着儿童道德情感和道德认知的成长。教师不仅仅是游戏的旁观者,而且应该引导学生在游戏的道德渗透中逐渐培养道德精神。因此,游戏不仅是儿童的娱乐活动,也是一种自主的、实际的道德教育形式。  相似文献   

本研究根据对幼儿的观察记录,探讨了教室中幼儿自发的助人行为。结果表明,幼儿困境认知主要关注的是他人在生活自理方面的问题;采取同情策略的儿童的比例随年龄的增长而增加;在援助形式方面,心理援助策略和求助他人策略日益占优势。  相似文献   

道德情感是人们情感生活中的重要组成部分,也是社会规范所要求的应有之义。幼儿期作为人生的关键期,其道德情感发展的好坏直接影响到未来个人的成长发展,所以,幼儿道德情感的发展理应被人重视。而在其不断演进的过程中,幼儿道德情感的发展大致经历了萌芽阶段:体验-情绪;发展阶段:反思-公正;成熟阶段:内隐-践行这三个过程,其各阶段各有特点,为我们教育培养幼儿道德发展提供了一些可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

体验是个体对自身情感状态的主观感受,分享是个体在体验压力下产生的情感沟通和人际传播现象.本研究采用现象学方法,通过对645名4-8年级儿童情感体验作文的内容分析和道德情绪分享现象调查,以了解当前该年龄阶段儿童道德情感体验和道德情感分享的发展特征.结果表明,4-8年级学生在道德情感体验上表现出角色的低卷入性、诱因的高道德强度性、体验的负性偏向等现象学特征,在道德情感分享上则表现出分享情感的负性偏向、分享方式的直接性、分享要求的共感性、分享态度的真诚性和分享过程的控制性等现象学特征.  相似文献   

Children's judgments about inclusion and exclusion of children with disabilities were investigated in a Swiss sample of 6‐, 9‐, and 12‐year‐old children from inclusive and noninclusive classrooms (= 422). Overall, the majority of children judged it as morally wrong to exclude children with disabilities. Yet, participants were less likely to expect the inclusion of children with mental or physical disabilities in academic and athletic contexts compared to social contexts. Moreover, older children more consistently coordinated disability type with context of exclusion. There were also significant differences depending on the type of classroom. The findings extend existing research on exclusion by investigating exclusion based on disability across different age groups and educational settings.  相似文献   

家庭教养方式是影响儿童道德发展的重要因素。父母积极的教养方式(如温暖、鼓励、支持等)有助于儿童道德的发展,父母消极的教养方式(如严厉管教、控制、忽视等)会阻碍儿童道德的发展。儿童道德发展及家庭德育面临诸多问题,如家长自身道德素养亟待提高,忽视儿童身心发展规律及德育养成规律,重智育、轻德育,父亲教养缺位严重,留守与流动儿童家庭德育缺失,家庭、学校、社区未能密切配合等。促进儿童道德发展、改进家庭德育现状,需要多方共同努力,家长要进行"适度"与"关爱"教育,父亲要承担应尽之责,此外,还需要传承培育良好家风,关心关爱留守与流动儿童,加强家庭德育横向衔接,做好"互联网+"时代下的家庭德育。  相似文献   

道德自我认同感是一种关于个体如何思考自身以及愿意成为什么样的人的道德自我概念,关系到个体对"我是什么人以及我愿意成为什么样的人"的思考与定位。青少年道德自我认同感的建构是道德主体通过内化、社会交往和对话活动,把外部的道德意识转化为内部的主体观念的一种主动过程。因此,青少年道德认同感的形成要受到个体认知水平、人格特征和自我价值观,以及家庭、学校等因素的共同制约。当前,我国青少年道德现状的一个显著特征就是行与知的分离,这使得处于人格发展重要阶段的青少年面临着严重的道德认同危机。因此,培养青少年的道德自我认同感首先要提高个体的自我认同感,大力提倡主流道德文化与价值取向,营造良好的社会环境,积极有效地促进青少年道德自我认同感的健康发展。  相似文献   

In this essay I critique two influential accounts of rational autonomy in common schooling that conceive liberalism as an ideal form of life, and I offer an alternative approach to democratic education that views liberal theory as concerned with coexistence among rival ways of living. This view places moral agency, not rational autonomy, at the heart of schooling in liberal societies—a moral agency grounded in initiation into dynamic traditions that enable self-definition and are accompanied by exposure to life-paths other than one's own. This alternative challenges the tendency in large diverse democracies (such as those of the US and the UK) to prefer common to particularistic schools, thereby placing many types of faith and secular schools on a more equal footing and providing moral justification for education in the national cultures of small liberal republics (such as Denmark, Israel and Lithuania) that maintain special relationships to particular groups while acknowledging the rights of all citizens. I call this approach the pedagogy of difference.  相似文献   

This article examines the possibility of a Kantian justification of the intrinsic moral worth of education. The author critiques a recent attempt to secure such justification via Kant's notion of the Kingdom of Ends. He gives four reasons why such an account would deny any intrinsic moral worth to education. He concludes with a tentative justification of his own and a call for a more comprehensive engagement between Kant's moral theory and the philosophy of education for purposes of understanding what constitutes the moral core of education.  相似文献   

COMMUNICATING EMOTION: SOCIAL, MORAL, AND CULTURAL PROCESSES by Sally Planalp. New York: Cambridge University Press 1999. $59.95 cloth; $24.95 paper.

THE ATOMIC WEST. Edited by Bruce Hevly and John M. Findlay. Seattle: University of Washington Press. 1998; pp. x + 286. $35.00 cloth; $19.95 paper.  相似文献   

During the Anthropocene, the epoch characterized by humans’ destructive actions on earth, a few seminal questions may be raised: What have we done? How can we do better? This type of questioning is of course echoed in environmental education, related educational policy and research. There is, however, a difference between general and educational discourses: in the first instance, the collective ‘we’ refers to mainly adult human beings; in the second, to children. The distinction may seem trivial, but it is in fact quite important: If humans have destroyed the earth and caused children the loss of their futures, then adult humans and children humans cannot be positioned in the same place in terms of humanity and agency. What's more, adults cannot look to children and their agency for hope or for a future. Children's agency thus demands a reorientation and a certain re-theorization. This paper deliberates on the type of children's agency that is promoted by various environmental discourses—human, posthuman and other—and discusses what kind of agency children can possibly attain.  相似文献   

A sample of 118 predominantly European American families with early and middle adolescents ( M ages= 12.32 and 15.18 years) and 1 parent evaluated hypothetical conflicts between adolescents' and parents' requests for assistance versus the other's personal desires. Evaluations differed by level of need, but in low-need situations, adolescents viewed teens as more obligated to help parents than did parents, whereas parents rated it as more permissible for teens to satisfy personal desires than did teenagers. Justifications for helping focused on concern for others, role responsibilities, and among parents, psychological reasons. Middle adolescents reasoned about role responsibilities more and viewed satisfying personal desires as less selfish than did early adolescents, but satisfying personal desires was seen as more selfish by parents of middle than early adolescents. Implications for adolescent–parent relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

I saw a middle-aged man yesterday wearing a pink shirt that didn't quite cover his 1)belly,a pair of yellow shorts,work boots without laces and no socks.I turned to comment on his appearance to my wife,but then I stopped myself.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examined parental perceptions of the information sources parents use when wanting or needing information about their three-year-old child's motor, social, and cognitive development. Specifically, this study compared parental perceptions of the use of internal information sources (i.e., parents' own intuitions about development, religious beliefs/teachings, and childhood experiences) to perceptions of the use of external information sources (i.e., books, magazines, counselors, etc.). Further, this study examined differences in parental perceptions of use of internal information sources by parent and child gender, and by developmental domain (i.e., information about a child's motor, social, and cognitive development). Sixty mothers and 60 fathers of a three-year-old child completed an information use structured interview. Findings revealed that almost half of the parents reported referring to their own intuitions, religious beliefs/teachings, and/or childhood experiences as sources of information about their child's development. Parents perceived the internal information sources as being used significantly more frequently and as significantly more useful for information about their child's social development than for information about their child's motor and cognitive development.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examined parental perceptions of the information sources parents use when wanting or needing information about their three-year-old child's motor, social, and cognitive development. Specifically, this study compared parental perceptions of the use of internal information sources (i.e., parents' own intuitions about development, religious beliefs/teachings, and childhood experiences) to perceptions of the use of external information sources (i.e., books, magazines, counselors, etc.). Further, this study examined differences in parental perceptions of use of internal information sources by parent and child gender, and by developmental domain (i.e., information about a child's motor, social, and cognitive development). Sixty mothers and 60 fathers of a three-year-old child completed an information use structured interview. Findings revealed that almost half of the parents reported referring to their own intuitions, religious beliefs/teachings, and/or childhood experiences as sources of information about their child's development. Parents perceived the internal information sources as being used significantly more frequently and as significantly more useful for information about their child's social development than for information about their child's motor and cognitive development.  相似文献   

道德智慧的养成关涉儿童的生活、生命和未来的成长,对儿童有着特殊的意义。儿童教育中缺失道德智慧,表现为过度性和驯化式的教育,其主要原因在于教师缺乏培养儿童道德智慧的意识,对儿童智能开发的片面理解,以及对养成教育的误读等。儿童道德智慧的养成需要通过情境教学、游戏活动和遭遇到的道德事件等途径来选行。  相似文献   

This article explores conceptual and empirical issues related to the moral and ethical basis of professional practice in teaching. In considering the ethical role of teachers within an expanded context of the formal and informal moral life of classrooms, the discussion raises concerns about both the theoretical identification and practical investigation of "moral lessons." It does so through a review of current literature in this area and a report of a 2nd-level analysis of findings from a research study of 2 culturally diverse elementary school classrooms in urban Canada.  相似文献   

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