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为了对设备各方面的知识进行高效而有序的管理,有必要引进当前先进的信息技术。本文分析了目前设备管理系统中的不足之处,介绍了知识管理对设备管理的作用,并根据知识管理的流程和语义网技术的特点,提出了一个基于语义网的设备知识管理架构,探讨了在设备知识管理活动中如何运用语义网方法进行设备知识的获取、表示与访问。  相似文献   

基于语义网格的教育知识服务体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决教育知识资源的共享和利用问题,笔者在本文中将语义web与网格技术结合,给出了基于语义网格的教育知识服务体系模型,同时用实例描述了教育知识服务体系在个性化知识推送服务上的应用。  相似文献   

Baby Boomers are retiring in large numbers, leaving a shortage of highly knowledgeable employees currently in the U.S. workforce. The time for capturing critical knowledge and ensuring effective knowledge transfer, retention, and implementation to the Millennial generation is now. Through a systematic evidence‐based review, the major finding was that a primary factor of consideration is the selection of a multigenerational knowledge management design team that fosters generational socialization by following a conceptual model for capturing institutional knowledge.  相似文献   

This study examined how the use of Knowledge Forum (KF)®, a networked, Internet-based learning environment, was related to the literacy development of 4-year-old children in a laboratory school affiliated with the University of Toronto. Over the course of the year, children participated in a longitudinal photo journal project. With adult support, children posted their photo journals and ideas to KF® in the form of electronic “notes”, which allowed children to view each other's work and to build on ideas by posting their responses and comments. A comparison group employed a paper-only format to write notes about their photos. Results showed that children were motivated to read others' notes and to respond using invented spelling. There were gender differences in the number of notes posted. Implications of the study are discussed regarding the motivation for literacy among boys and girls and the benefits of having electronic archives of literacy development.  相似文献   

石磊 《现代教育技术》2011,21(7):110-113
网络资源的日益丰富,为网络学习者提供更多浏览选择的同时也增加了资源检索的难度,如何优化和组织网络学科资源,为学习者提供良好的资源导航,是现阶段教育信息资源开发研究的热点和难点。文章基于语义Web来描述学科资源及其之间的语义联系,应用知识地图整合、显示其语义联系,为学习者呈现形象、直观的学科知识结构,提供高效、智能的资源呈现和导航服务,实现学科资源的精确定位,促进学习者对学科知识的查询、理解与整体把握。  相似文献   

A Latent Semantic Index (LSI) was constructed from arguments made by navy officers concerning events in an anti-air warfare scenario. A model based on LSI factor values predicted level of domain expertise with 89% accuracy. The LSI factor space was reduced using MDS to five dimensions: aircraft route, aircraft response, kinematics, localization, and an unclassifiable element. Arguments in the localization category were reliably more common among officers with the greatest expertise. Automated classification of arguments into these elements achieved 84% accuracy. LSI may be a useful tool for automating aspects of modeling expertise and diagnosing knowledge deficiencies.  相似文献   

Although infants say “no” early, older children have difficulty understanding its truth‐functional meaning. Two experiments investigate whether this difficulty stems from the infelicity of negative sentences out of the blue. In Experiment 1, given supportive discourse, 3‐year‐olds (N = 16) understood both affirmative and negative sentences. However, with sentence types randomized, 2‐year‐olds (N = 28) still failed. In Experiment 2, affirmative and negative sentences were blocked. Two‐year‐olds (N = 28) now succeeded, but only when affirmatives were presented first. Thus, although discourse felicity seems the primary bottleneck for 3‐year‐olds' understanding of negation, 2‐year‐olds struggle with its semantic processing. Contrary to accounts where negatives are understood via affirmatives, both sentence types were processed equally quickly, suggesting previously reported asymmetries are due to pragmatic accommodation, not semantic processing.  相似文献   

This article explores some of the major issues in developing and implementing a competency‐based human resource development strategy. The article summarizes a brief literature review on how competency models can be developed and implemented to improve employee performance. A case study is presented of American Medical Systems (AMS), a mid‐sized health‐care and medical device company, where the model is being used to improve employee performance and gain a competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Health professionals and policymakers are asking educators to place more emphasis on food and nutrition education. Integrating these topics into science curricula using hand‐on, food‐based activities may strengthen students’ understanding of science concepts. The Food, Math, and Science Teaching Enhancement Resource (FoodMASTER) Initiative is a compilation of programs aimed at using food as a tool to teach mathematics and science. Previous studies have shown that students experiencing the FoodMASTER curriculum were very excited about the activities, became increasingly interested in the subject matter of food, and were able to conduct scientific observations. The purpose of this study was to: (1) assess 4th graders food‐related multidisciplinary science knowledge, and (2) compare gains in food‐related science knowledge after implementation of an integrated, food‐based curriculum. During the 2009–2010 school year, FoodMASTER researchers implemented a hands‐on, food‐based intermediate curriculum in eighteen 4th grade classrooms in Ohio (n = 9) and North Carolina (n = 9). Sixteen classrooms in Ohio (n = 8) and North Carolina (n = 8), following their standard science curricula, served as comparison classrooms. Students completed a researcher‐developed science knowledge exam, consisting of 13 multiple‐choice questions administered pre‐ and post‐test. Only subjects with pre‐ and post‐test scores were entered into the sample (Intervention n = 343; Control n = 237). No significant differences were observed between groups at pre‐test. At post‐test, the intervention group scored (9.95 ± 2.00) significantly higher (p = 0.000) than the control group (8.84 ± 2.37) on a 13‐point scale. These findings suggest the FoodMASTER intermediate curriculum is more effective than a standard science curriculum in increasing students’ multidisciplinary science knowledge related to food.  相似文献   

Bilingual children's reading as a function of age of first bilingual language exposure (AoE) was examined. Bilingual (varied AoE) and monolingual children (N = 421) were compared in their English language and reading abilities (6–10 years) using phonological awareness, semantic knowledge, and reading tasks. Structural equation modeling was applied to determine how bilingual AoE predicts reading outcomes. Early exposed bilinguals outperformed monolinguals on phonological awareness and word reading. Phonology and semantic (vocabulary) knowledge differentially predicted reading depending on the bilingual experience and AoE. Understanding how bilingual experiences impact phonological awareness and semantic knowledge, and in turn, impact reading outcomes is relevant for our understanding of what language and reading skills are best to focus on, and when, to promote optimal reading success.  相似文献   

个体头脑中的知识可以分为知与识两个层次。知是知识的表层部分,而识是知识的核心与精髓。知是识的基础,识是知的最终目标。识是认识、观点、见解、思想与分析判断能力的统一,是知识与能力的统一。现代教育应重视培养学生形成识的能力。  相似文献   

Developing novel, engaging courses in food safety is necessary to train professionals in this discipline. Courses that are interactive and case‐based encourage development of critical thinking skills necessary for identifying and preventing foodborne disease outbreaks. The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of a case study module‐based course for upper division undergraduate and graduate students interested in food safety. Four independent case study modules were developed and implemented by 4 universities working in tandem over a semester course. All case studies incorporated molecular and epidemiological methods employed by professionals in food safety in outbreak investigations. Each case study was based on a (i) suspect foodborne pathogen, (ii) identification tools including biochemical test variations and pulsed field gel electrophoresis, multiplex PCR and/or whole genome sequencing, and (iii) suspect location and company type from farm to production site to restaurant. Pre‐ and postinstruction evaluations revealed significant increases in understanding of the concepts introduced through each module as demonstrated by overall mean normalized gain of 0.32 ± 0.35 (15% ± 19%; n = 60). Institution, role of instructor, prescore, and learning environment all played a significant role in the effects of overall learning. This study provides a successful model for a case study‐based course in food safety. The guidelines and materials developed by our group are available for use by other institutions.  相似文献   

大规模在线开放课程(MOOC)是2012年涌现出来的一种新型在线课程模式,采用线性知识呈现方式的MOOC具有课程知识结构清晰和学习方向感明确等优势,交互性发散式、非线性的课程组织形式更加接近自然,接近学习者实际的思维和学习方式。课程知识地图具有分布性、联系性、导航性和认识性的特点,可以使MOOC的学习目标、学科体系、层次关系和关联关系更明确。笔者从课程知识地图的制图、索引、重构和审计四个方面详细阐述MOOC开发模型的整体思路和理念。  相似文献   

Counselors are required to have high levels of social‐cognitive development, significant knowledge regarding ethical and legal practice, and sound ethical decision‐making processes to provide effective and ethical services to their clients. This study investigated the effect of two counseling ethics courses on 64 master's‐level counselor education students' levels of social‐cognitive development, ethical and legal knowledge, and ethical decision making. Students' ethical and legal knowledge scores increased significantly, and precourse social‐cognitive maturity predicted postcourse ethical and legal knowledge scores. Implications for counselor education and development are discussed.  相似文献   

有效教学要求教师具备丰富的实践性知识。然而,我国教师实践性知识缺失,亟待提高。教学反思是教师实践性知识生成和发展的重要机制。教学反思从教师的教育信念、教师的职业道德感等方面促进教师实践性知识发展。因此,教师应努力培养自身教学反思能力,促进实践性知识的发展,改进教学实践。  相似文献   

本文介绍基于知识点的远程自主学习辅导系统的开发研究。该系统研究的主要目标是:以基本单元——知识点为基础,构建学习环境,监控学习环境和评价环境。已经初步采用数据挖掘技术,推导出一些教学中的共性问题。系统应用成熟适用的教育、网络技术和理论开发体现远程教学理念的,为师生乐于使用的远程教学平台。  相似文献   

机械设计基础是机械类专业的必修课,针对传统教学存在的问题,结合高等职业技术教育培养应用人才的特点,提出了基于知识融合的机械设计教学法。以应用为目的,本着优化、适用、适度的原则,打破传统的工程力学、机械设计基础等课程的界限。将工程力学、常用机构、通用机械等教学内容有机的融合渗透,着力体现了高等职业教育的特色。开发了相应的教学资源,并在教学中进行了实际应用,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

基于WAP的移动个人知识管理系统设计与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
个人知识管理(PKM)和移动学习都是当前教育领域研究热点:个人知识管理利于个人知识的扩充和创新,而移动学习便捷了人们的学习,将Wml和Jsp技术结合,采用MVC-Model2模式设计和开发了手机等移动终端可随时接入的WAP个人知识管理系统,为学习者提供便捷和高效的知识管理方式。  相似文献   

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