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长期以来,人格的稳定性与可变性是心理学中一个富有争议的主题。文章从人格发展稳定性与可变性的内涵、机制、相互关系等方面的理论和研究进行了探讨,并对未来研究方向提出若干看法。  相似文献   

The Attrition of Change: A Study of Change and Continuity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article models and theories on effective schooling are reviewed. Modelling is based on the various disciplinary oriented approaches to educational effectiveness. As such production functions, instructional effectiveness models and integrated, multi‐level educational effectiveness models are discussed. Various conceptual and formal representations of facilitation across levels are seen as the most interesting area for further model‐driven research. In the second part of the article four organization theories are discussed, all of which are seen as specific interpretations of the rationality paradigm: rational control theory and bureaucratic structuring; contingency theory; public choice theory; and retroactive planning. A fifth theoretical perspective, chaos theory, as applied to organizational functioning, looks more like a complete anti‐thesis of rationality, but can nevertheless be related to the emergence of ordered patterns and to organizational survival. Core mechanisms or theory‐embedded principles that follow from these theories are, respectively: proactive structuring; fit; market mechanisms; the cybernetic principle; and self‐organization. Further analysis of these principles leads to the conclusion that the cybernetic principle of evaluation feedback and reinforcement is the most interesting one, both from a theoretical and practice‐oriented perspective. Throughout the article hints and suggestions are provided for future, more theory and model‐driven educational effectiveness research.  相似文献   

This article explores some of the major continuities and changes in policy and practice concerning the inclusion of racial and ethnic minorities ineducation and economic placement in a global economy. It refers to papers given at five sessions of the International Sociological Association's (ISA)four-yearly world congresses, held between1986-2002. In particular it notes educational changes and disadvantages affecting minorities in Britain over twenty-five years. A major conclusion is that education within acompetitive global economy can encourage newforms of racial and social exclusion.  相似文献   

Continuity and Change in the Collegial Tradition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article has four main purposes: to explore the meaning of the idea of collegiality, to consider its importance in the governance of British institutions of higher education, to examine the pressures for change that have been exerted upon both the collegiate model of the university as well as upon the idea of collegiality, and to ascertain what relevance – if any – the idea of collegiality has in the context of a system of mass higher education. The article is a report upon ongoing research, of which interviews with some fifty Oxford academics and officials form the core of its empirical base. Naturally we welcome feedback. An important subtheme is our attempt to understand the process of change in British higher education. Our analysis suggests that the change process is best understood through an analysis of the interaction between state pressure for change and developments within the character of the academic profession.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors trace the development of education and the issue of language in education in Brunei Darussalam from 1906 to the present. They look at some of the planned and unplanned language programmes and initiatives, and discuss the problems encountered in implementing some of these initiatives.  相似文献   

This paper examines contestations over the value of Literature in the secondary school curriculum in the former British colony of Singapore and the way the Literature curriculum has been framed to understand the various issues surrounding the role of Literature education. Using Raymond Williams’ framework of dominant, residual and emergent ideologies, I show how the dominant perception of Literature study in Singapore as a decontextualised humanistic and aesthetic subject is influenced by its residual British colonial legacy. Significant official changes, fundamentally conservative, have been driven by the governing ideology of instrumental pragmatism and are tied to twin aims of economic well-being and national belonging. The conservative view of Literature education prevents the adoption of emergent views of Literature education as hybrid, multimodal and critical. A pragmatic re-evaluation of the aims of Literature education in the twenty-first century is required to regain renewed significance for the subject.  相似文献   

We examined continuity, stability, and change in behaviors reflecting infant reactivity and regulation. Healthy infants were observed in laboratory situations designed to elicit frustration when they were 5 ( N = 87) and 10 months of age ( N = 82) Behaviors indicative of reactivity included objective ratings of average intensity cry, peak intensity cry, and latency to cry. In addition, durations of orienting, avoidant, and nonnegative communicative behaviors were assessed as measures of regulation at each age. Results showed that several behaviors changed in level over time. In addition, Confirmatory Factor Analysis revealed both structural continuity and discontinuity: Behaviors were organized into 2 similar factors at 5 and 10 months (Reactivity and Regulation), but the relation between reactivity and regulation became increasingly independent over time, such that reactivity and regulation were negatively correlated at 5 months but not at 10 months. Finally, model-fitting revealed cross-dimension but not within-dimension stability (5-month reactivity predicted 10-month regulation).  相似文献   

This paper identifies, depicts and sets out to interpret the common ground between the Australian radical education movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s and the present pre‐occupation with competency‐based reform in school education, the ‘new vocationalism’. The paper contends that both of these developments should be understood as historically novel, Janus‐faced radical movements. The helpfulness of the political‐economic concept of settlement for dealing with the nature and consequences of this congruence is explored. It is argued that the Janus‐faced radicalism of both movements locates them at the interface of modernity and postmodernity, and a particular interpretive response based on this perspective is proposed.  相似文献   

In England, the presence of an established church places its adherents within the social mainstream. Other religious groups have been tolerated though suffering social and educational disadvantages. With the passage of time through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, minority religious groups such as Irish Catholics have been assimilated into the host culture, and allowed to have their own schools.
However, it would appear that contemporary movements of people to the United Kingdom have retained loyalties not only to their own religion, but, in some instances to their own language, which they perceive as a vital element of their own culture and identity. Demands for schools, within the state-funded system, for minority religious groups have not lessened. As faith schools in England increase in number, their role in a multicultural society becomes increasingly problematic. Lessons about changing models of assimilation and identity can be learnt from a brief review of the historic Irish Catholic experience that, in turn, can illuminate the current experience of a Greek Orthodox school in south London.  相似文献   

Allegations of physical and emotional abuse of children with special educational needs in residential schools are an issue of widespread concern. Professor Chris Kiernan, director, Hester Adrian Research Centre, Manchester University, outlines the present predicament and proposes some measures which might help to ease it.  相似文献   


This paper argues that the evolution of further education colleges in England is marked by both continuities and change, and provides evidence to show that they retain many of the characteristics and the underlying rationale present at the turn of the twentieth century. A defining characteristic remains the colleges’ need to respond to student demand in a continued climate of voluntarism and lack of policy commitment to the education of young people beyond school-leaving age.  相似文献   

In outlining the framework offered at the UNESCO Regional Conference in support of Global Literacy (New Delhi, November 2007), it was pointed out that concepts of poverty, sustainable development and particularly of literacy and innovation have themselves been in continuous re‐construction. An analysis of the context and condition for literacy policies and initiatives in Bangladesh—a country with one of the highest rates of both poverty and illiteracy—was undertaken, as an exemplar for other countries of the Asian region, and for Third World countries around the globe. It is suggested that to meet the challenge ahead, social‐structural strategies must be joined with instructional strategies and second socializations of all involved; and both the planners and providers of adult literacy, and the intended beneficiaries of adult literacy dispensation must be mobilized. Commitments must last for a decade—and more if necessary.  相似文献   

我国近百年来学校地理教科书编写的历史表明,地理教科书的基本功能已经从单纯承载地理知识发展到同时承载地理教学方法及地理教学过程的设计.地理教科书具有的功能与所处时代社会、经济发展阶段以及教育者的教育理念有关.就目前我国中学地理教学的实践看,教科书作用的变化无疑是有积极意义的,但是,如果使用者的"教材观"不正确,也会产生限制教师思路的消极影响.有关"教(学)教材"还是"用教材教(学)"的讨论实际上是教科书与教学关系的讨论,而非表面上"教"与"用"的讨论.  相似文献   

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