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This study examined whether changes in children's self‐reported Big Five dimensions are represented by (developmental) personality types, using a cohort‐sequential design with three measurement occasions across 5 years (four cohorts, 9–12 years at T1; = 523). Correlates of, and gender differences in, type membership were examined. Latent class growth modeling yielded three personality types: Resilients (highest initial levels on all Big Five), Overcontrollers (lowest Extraversion, Emotional Stability, Imagination), and Undercontrollers (lowest Benevolence, Conscientiousness). Gender differences in type membership were small. Warm parenting, but not overreactive discipline, in childhood was associated with type membership. The types differed in adjustment problems by the end of middle adolescence. Personality change more likely occurs at the level of dimensions within types than in type membership.  相似文献   

Objective. We examined correspondence in parents' and children's perceptions of parenting and associations between these perceptions and children's social adjustment in the classroom. Design. The sample included 214 children (M age = 9) from third to fifth grades and their parents. Children and parents reported on parenting behavior. Results. Parents' self-reports and children's reports about parents showed systematic differences, with parents perceiving themselves as more supportive than children perceived them to be. Direction of discrepancy between child and parent reports appeared to be more important than size of discrepancy in predicting child outcomes. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that parents' self-perceptions of parenting and children's perceptions of parenting were predictive of different measures of child psychosocial adjustment. Conclusions. The results of this study support the assumption that parents' self-perceptions and children's perceptions of parenting provide unique views of the family and unique relations to children's psychosocial adjustment.  相似文献   

Sibling relationship quality and social understanding (second-order false belief, conflict interpretation, and narrative conflict perspective references) were examined as unique and interactive correlates of sibling conflict behavior in 62 dyads (older M age = 8.39 years and younger M age = 6.06 years). High-quality relationships were associated with positive conflict processes. Younger siblings' second-order false belief scores were negatively associated with constructive conflict strategies, and older siblings' narrative self-referential focus was negatively associated with compromise. Associations between younger children's social understanding (conflict interpretation and narrative perspective references) and siblings' dyadic conflict behavior were moderated by relationship quality. Results suggest that links between social understanding and conflict behavior should be considered in conjunction with the quality of children's relationships.  相似文献   

Issues of equality and fairness and invasion of the personal domain, 2 previously identified topic areas of adolescent sibling conflict (N. Campione‐Barr & J. G. Smetana, 2010), were examined in 145 dyads (Mfirst‐born = 14.97, SD = 1.69 years; Msecond‐born = 12.20, SD = 1.90 years) for their differential effects on youths' emotional adjustment over 1 year. The impact of internalizing symptoms on later sibling conflicts also was tested. Invasion of the personal domain conflicts were associated with higher levels of anxiety and lower self‐esteem 1 year later, whereas Equality and Fairness issues were associated with greater depressed mood. Conversely, greater internalizing symptomatology and lower self‐esteem predicted more of both types of conflict. Moderating influences of gender and ordinal position were also examined.  相似文献   

本研究的目的是建立中国人的性别角色量表,并探索不同性别角色类型的个体其心理社会适应水平的特点。研究一根据5000多名被试对中国人人格量表项目的反应挑选出男女被试有显著差异的项目,经过因素分析建立了各由30个项目组成,分别由七个和六个因素构成的中国人男性化和女性化量表,并据此将被试划分为未分化、女性化、男性化和双性化四种性别角色类型。研究二则比较了不同性别角色类型与心理健康的关系,表明在中国被试中双性化的个体心理社会适应水平最低、女性化个体心理社会适应最好。这一结果与Bem关于双性化的假设是截然相反的。本研究从中国文化与性别角色的关系对这一结果进行了解释,提出了中国文化是女性化文化,同时又是反男性化文化的假设,并对进一步研究的方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   


The authors of this cross-sectional study used surveys based on the noncognitive model of W. E. Sedlacek and C. G. Brooks (1976) to determine psychosocial factors associated with African American students' high school achievement Psychosocial variables explored included community service, academic motivation, social support, and students' methods of handling unfair treatment. Results showed that after gender and absenteeism were controlled for, only the method of handling unfair treatment was positively associated with grade point average (GPA), p < .05. Those findings suggest that students who talk to others about being treated unfairly instead of keeping it to themselves are more likely to have higher GPAs; the findings also have important implications for individuals involved in the counseling and education of high school students. Sedlacek and Brooks's model provides an effective guide for predicting academic achievement and for developing programs to improve academic achievement among students of color. Further research is needed into psychosocial factors and their effects on academic achievement.  相似文献   

The shared and unique effects of teacher and student reports of teacher student relationship quality (TSRQ) in second and third grade on academic self views, behavioral engagement, and achievement the following year were investigated in a sample of 714 academically at-risk students. Teacher and student reports of teacher-student support and conflict showed low correspondence. As a block, teacher and student reports of TSRQ predicted all outcomes, above prior performance on that outcome and background variables. Student reports uniquely predicted school belonging, perceived academic competence, and math achievement. Teacher reports uniquely predicted behavioral engagement and child perceived academic competence. Teacher and student reports of the teacher-student relationship assess largely different constructs that predict different outcomes. Implications of findings for practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

考试与素质教育的关系问题是近年来的热门话题.在探讨之中出现一些对二者关系的模糊认识。考试并不是素质教育与应试教育的分界线,考试与素质教育在本质上是一致的,素质教育规定着考试改革的方向,科学合理的考试又反过来会促进素质教育的顺利实施。正确认识二者的关系,有利于科学的考试改革,也有利于素质教育的实施。  相似文献   

领导者的素质是领导者权力影响力的重要基础;是能否正确运用权力影响力,实行正确领导的必要前提;是能否正确选择和实现领导目标,开展领导活动,影响人们自觉为实现团体目标而努力的一种动力;是能否运用自己的影响力打开局面,率领部属团结协作、充满信心、满腔热情地完成任务的决定因素。  相似文献   

高等职业教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,为增强我国的国际竞争能力,满足社会的需求,需要培养大批的实用性高级技术人才。在高校不同的办学层次中高职教育应把综合素质与能力的培养贯穿于教学的全过程,融合于整个教学环节中。  相似文献   

初探素质教育与美术教育的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美术教育是素质教育的重要组成部分,也是素质教育具体体现的途径之一。美术教育为素质教育提供了美的熏陶和创造性思维,从整个国民素质发展来看,美术教育对人的素质影响是全方位的。只要努力实施美术教育,才能使整个国民素质得到较好的发展和提升。  相似文献   

Objective. The purpose of this study was to explicate the role of parenting qualities of acceptance, psychological autonomy, and firm control in the link between maternal and paternal psychological distress and youth adjustment problems. Design. A community sample of 277 families provided information about parental psychological distress, parenting qualities, and child adjustment via mother, father, and child questionnaire ratings. Results. Direct associations among the variables were consistent with predictions. Mediation processes were identified using structural equation modeling. Specifically, parental acceptance and psychological autonomy served as mediators of the association between parental psychological distress and child problems, whereas firm control did not mediate the direct associations. Conclusions. Drawing on a developmental psychopathology perspective, this study's results indicate that the link between mother and father psychological distress and child adjustment problems is accounted for, in part, by parental acceptance and psychological autonomy than by behavioral control. Alternative pathways among these family processes also received empirical support.  相似文献   

论远程教育发展与质量的若干关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从 1979年中央广播电视大学的诞生及 4 4所省级电大的建立 ,到 1999年起至今的清华大学等全国6 6所普通大学网络教育学院的现代远程教育试点 ,无论是基于广播电视技术的远程教育 ,还是基于电子信息技术的远程教育 ,中国现代远程教育发展速度之快 ,令世人瞩目。伴随着国家经济的持续发展 ,必然带来国家教育的大发展。我国远程教育所以取得如此成就 ,首先得益于 2 0多年前国家在经济领域实行的改革开放政策 ,及经济建设与社会发展的高速增长。中国广播电视大学的诞生 ,以其远距离、开放性 ,师资一流、教学覆盖面广的优势 ,顷刻赢得了千千万万…  相似文献   

First year university is an important transition context for students. The present study examined the relationship between adjustment and support types, sources and levels of support, and satisfaction with levels of support, for first year students in an Australian university. Comparisons were made between young (17–21 year olds) and mature-aged students and local and international students. Findings indicate that well-adjusted students reported higher levels of social companionship support than the less adjusted group. Many students would have liked more support overall. In comparison to the local group, international students would have liked to receive more emotional, practical and informational support. The implications for service provision and university strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课与青年马克思主义社团是高校思想政治教育的两个重要方面。思想政治理论课是主渠道,青年马克思主义社团是重要阵地,在马克思主义思想的指导下,实现二者的协同育人具有注重整合各种教育资源与教育力量、协同各方以形成强大合力、促进人的全面发展等意义,是新形势下加强和改进高校思想政治教育的重要课题。因此,科学把握高校思想政治理论课与青年马克思主义社团融合的必要性、可能性与可行性等问题,是增强高校思想政治教育实效性的重要手段之一,符合高校坚持的立德树人的教育目标。  相似文献   

采用问卷法对460名犯罪青少年与582名未犯罪青少年进行调查,探讨了犯罪青少年公正世界信念的特点、情绪适应的状况,以及公正世界信念与情绪适应之间的关系。结果表明:犯罪青少年关于他人的公正世界信念显著高于关于自己的公正世界信念,而未犯罪青少年关于他人与关于自己的公正世界信念差异不显著。同时,犯罪青少年的抑郁水平显著高于未犯罪青少年,而生活满意度显著低于未犯罪青少年。犯罪青少年与未犯罪青少年的公正世界信念均可负向预测抑郁,正向预测生活满意度。结论:犯罪青少年认为自己比他人受到的对待更为不公正,且存在着严重的情绪适应问题;犯罪青少年良好的公正信念有利于其狱内的情绪适应。  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether or not gender differences moderate the association between family relationships and psychiatric symptomatology in undergraduate students. One hundred ninety-eight undergraduate students (115 females and 83 males) completed self-report instruments assessing primary psychiatric symptomatology, personality disorder symptomatology, and family relationship closeness/distance. The results of this research indicated that family relationship closeness/distance was consistently associated with both of the psychiatric sumptom measures in the female subsample. Family love, understanding, companionship, and advice were negatively associated with psychiatric symptoms, while family problems, the desire for privacy and freedom from the family, ideological differences, and tensions involving friends were positively associated with psychiatric symptoms. In contrast, family relationships were infrequently correlated with psychiatric symptoms in the male subsample. Implications of these findings are discussed in the context of previous research on the association between family relationships and psychological well-being in female and male late adolescents.  相似文献   

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