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语音是语言的物质外壳和第一要素,本文一反长期盛行的重文本而轻语音的院校作风和陈腐的学术偏见,强调了语音训练对二语习得的决定性意义:锐化语音的生理感知,树立优良的语音形象并力主发音的准确和正确性,从而克服"以错误的理解取代正确的语音感受"的严重弊端。在对比分析假说和言语学习模型的框架下,结合多年的英语语音习得研究实践和国内外相关理论著述的研读,并实验性地借助语音分析软件Praat,在元音、辅音、音节等音段层面全面细致地分析了中国学生英语语音习得的若干现象和问题,并借此机会向读者提供一套有效的解决方案。  相似文献   

视听觉障碍学生由于身体上的缺陷导致某些认知能力不足和心理焦虑,因此,当学生在学校接受教育时,教师不但要关心他们的身体和心理健康,而且更应关注他们的学习和成功动机。教师同样的赞扬或批评,可能对某些学生产生积极影响,对另一些学生产生消极影响。因此,不同类型的学生在教师的评价方面可能有不同的需求。  相似文献   

We report a training study that assesses whether teaching the pronunciation and meaning of spoken words improves Chinese children’s subsequent attempts to learn to read the words. Teaching the pronunciations of words helps children to learn to read those same words, and teaching the pronunciations and meanings improves learning still further. These results provide evidence that both phonological and semantic knowledge are causal influences on learning to read words aloud in Chinese. It appears that learning to read words in Chinese may entail a greater reliance on mappings from orthography to semantics than learning to read words in alphabetic orthographies.  相似文献   

Visual information influences speech perception in both infants and adults. It is still unknown whether lexical representations are multisensory. To address this question, we exposed 18‐month‐old infants (n = 32) and adults (n = 32) to new word–object pairings: Participants either heard the acoustic form of the words or saw the talking face in silence. They were then tested on recognition in the same or the other modality. Both 18‐month‐old infants and adults learned the lexical mappings when the words were presented auditorily and recognized the mapping at test when the word was presented in either modality, but only adults learned new words in a visual‐only presentation. These results suggest developmental changes in the sensory format of lexical representations.  相似文献   

社会线索的呈现是教师在在线教学过程中采用的一种重要的教学形式,教师使用不同的社会线索会对学生产生不同的影响.本研究通过功能性近红外光谱技术(fNIRS)以及学习测验,考查学生在不同社会线索(手势引导、眼神引导、眼神—手势引导)条件下,大脑皮层的激活范围、前额叶(PFC)与右侧颞顶联合区(rTPJ)氧合血红蛋白浓度(HbO)的变化及学习成绩的差异.结果发现:(1)在眼神—手势引导条件下,学生的保留测验成绩显著高于单独呈现某一引导条件;(2)fNIRS结果证明,被试在眼神—手势引导条件下右前额和右颞叶的HbO要显著高于眼神引导条件下的HbO,在眼神—手势引导条件下学生有更深的认知加工水平并且感知到了更强的社会性.因此,为了提高学生在线学习的效果,教师应发挥眼神引导和眼神接触的重要作用,注重教学中社会线索的使用,并将更多的社会线索(眼神、手势)结合起来开展教学.  相似文献   

In three studies, the effects of visual and phonological distinctness on the visual–verbal paired associate learning of dyslexic and normal readers at the age of 10–12 were examined. We hypothesized that both groups would be equally affected by the visual distinctness of the pictures, whereas the learning performance of the dyslexic children would be more susceptible to the phonological distinctness of the verbal stimuli (words). As expected, in Study 1 we found that the visual distinctness of pictures had a similar effect on both groups. However, the results of Studies 2 and 3 on the effect of phonological distinctness did not support the hypothesis. Both reader groups were equally affected by the phonological distinctness of the words. In addition, we found that, although not consistently, dyslexic children tended to be worse in verbal learning, which could to a large extent be explained by their problems with phonological processing.  相似文献   

Ravid  Dorit 《Reading and writing》2001,14(5-6):459-485
This paper investigates children's developingknowledge of the Hebrew spelling system in view of theclaim that language-specific typology affects the rateand the pattern of development of orthographicspelling. Hebrew is a morphologically syntheticlanguage with a phonologically ``deep' orthography, onthe one hand, and a consistent representation ofmorphology in the spelling system, on the other. Thispaper focuses on the difference between representingcontent words versus grammatical words, and rootsversus morphemic and attached function letters inwritten Hebrew. The paper describes two studies. InStudy 1, compositions from gradeschool children (grade1 through 6) were analyzed for types of spellingerrors; in Study 2, children from grades 2–4 wereadministered a spelling task. Results indicate thatgrammatical words are spelled correctly before contentwords, and that within content words, the correctspelling of function letters precedes that of rootletters. These differences are attributed to factorsof transparency, consistency and frequency, coupledwith gradeschoolers' growing perception ofphonological and morphological patterning in Hebrew.  相似文献   

Several theorists have suggested that infants use prosodic cues such as pauses, final lengthening, and pitch changes to identify linguistic units in speech. One potential difficulty with this proposal, however, is that the acoustic shape of an utterance is affected by many factors other than its syntax, including its phonetic, lexical, and discourse structure. This has raised questions about how the infant could use timing and pitch as cues to any aspect of linguistic structure without simultaneously factoring out other effects. Acoustic analyses of connected samples of spontaneous speech addressed to 13.5–14-month-old infants by American English- and by Japanese-speaking mothers revealed that both utterance- and phrase-level acoustic regularities were large enough to be detected in spontaneous speech without correcting for other influences on the same acoustic features. (1) Utterance-final vowels were lengthened and underwent exaggerated pitch changes in both languages, and (2) local acoustic changes in duration (English) or pitch (Japanese) were reliably associated with some phrase boundaries within utterances. These findings suggest that a naive listener could estimate a rough prosodic template for each language based on robust acoustic patterns in observed sentences. We discuss ways in which the learner could combine acoustic and distributional analyses across utterances to acquire language-specific variations in prosodic bracketing cues and to obtain indirect perceptual evidence for the internal structure of utterances.  相似文献   

The susceptibility to gaze cueing in deaf children aged 7–14 years old (N = 16) was tested using a nonlinguistic task. Participants performed a peripheral shape-discrimination task, whereas uninformative central gaze cues validly or invalidly cued the location of the target. To assess the role of sign language experience and bilingualism in deaf participants, three groups of age-matched hearing children were recruited: bimodal bilinguals (vocal and sign-language, N = 19), unimodal bilinguals (two vocal languages, N = 17), and monolinguals (N = 14). Although all groups showed a gaze-cueing effect and were faster to respond to validly than invalidly cued targets, this effect was twice as large in deaf participants. This result shows that atypical sensory experience can tune the saliency of a fundamental social cue.  相似文献   

通过为期12周的教学干预,探讨在课堂教学中开展小组合作学习的可行性,并进一步探讨合作学习对中等生学业成绩及同伴关系、自尊和社交焦虑等社会性发展的影响。得出如下结论:合作学习能显著提高中等生的学业成绩,实验班中等生的数学成绩显著高于对照班学生。在社会性方面,合作学习能显著提高中等生同伴关系的接纳度水平,显著降低社交焦虑水平。  相似文献   

本文首先指出国内传统语言学家划分词类的不同及三种主要依据,对其进行了反思,进而运用认知范畴的理论分析汉语的词类现象,强调了认知范畴在汉语语法分析中的重要作用,符合汉语语言研究的实际.反映了汉民族的认知思维方式。  相似文献   

Models of Speech Perception and Phonological Processing in Reading   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Multiple measures of speech perception, phonological awareness, naming speed, verbal short-term memory, and word reading were concurrently administered to 136 third- and fourth-grade children. Structural equation modeling was used to contrast 5 models of the relations of speech perception and phonological processing skills to reading with IQ controlled. The best-fitting model, the Indirect Model, was one in which the effect of speech perception on reading was mediated by its relations with phonological processing abilities. Naming speed was particularly highly associated with speech perception, possible evidence for the Motor Theory. Phonological awareness was also substantially correlated with speech perception.  相似文献   

文章以二语习得,语言迁移理论为基础,通过分析目前中国农村小学英语教学特别是语音教学过程中存在的问题,指出农村英语语音教学改革的必要性和重要性,并提出解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

The ability to learn from expectations is foundational to social and nonsocial learning in children. However, we know little about the brain basis of reward expectation in development. Here, 3- to 4-year-olds (N = 26) were shown a passive associative learning paradigm with dynamic stimuli. Anticipation for reward-related stimuli was measured via the stimulus preceding negativity (SPN). To our knowledge, this is the first study to measure an SPN in children younger than age 6. Our findings reveal distinct anticipatory neural signatures for social versus nonsocial stimuli, consistent with previous research in older children. This study suggests an SPN can be elicited in preschoolers and is larger for social than nonsocial stimuli.  相似文献   

We looked at the effects of teaching 7- and 8-year-old children morphological and phonological distinctions. Some of those given morphological training and some of those given phonological training were also taught how to represent these distinctions in writing. All 4 intervention groups did better than the control group in a standardized test of reading after the intervention. There were gains in children's use of morphological spelling rules but not in their use of conditional phonologically based spelling rules. The improvement in the use of morphological rules in spelling was confined to groups trained in morphology. Training in phonology also had a beneficial effect on the use of morphology in reading. The results are interpreted within the framework of a dual-route model of learning to read and spell.  相似文献   


This randomized control trial examined the efficacy of team-based learning implemented within 11th-grade social studies classes. A randomized blocked design was implemented with 26 classes randomly assigned to treatment or comparison. In the treatment classes teachers implemented team-based learning practices to support students in engaging in dialogue about course content, application of content to solve problems, and use of evidence to support responses. Significant differences in favor of the treatment group on content acquisition were noted (Hedges's g =.19). Examination of differences in response to the treatment indicated groups of students classified with high or moderate pretest scores benefitted from the treatment, whereas a group of students classified with low pretest scores did not benefit from the treatment.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了基于程式语的母语习得模式研究的主要观点,而后探讨了程式语在成人二语学习中的作用以及儿童母语习得和成人二语学习的差异,在此基础上提出对我国程式语教学的一些思考。  相似文献   

本文介绍了Joel Sherzer的力作Speech Play and Verbal Art。根据Sherzer在文章中对文字游戏的语言学分析,本文简单介绍了各种类型的文字游戏,并结合翻译问题进行了简单描述性的阐述。  相似文献   

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