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春暖花开,绿树荫下,几只或几十只排列的木箱处,飞舞着一种金黄色的昆虫———它们就是酿造蜂蜜,为农作物传花授粉的蜜蜂。你知道蜜蜂的生活吗?你知道蜂蜜是怎样酿造的吗?蜜蜂是过社会性群体生活的。通常情况下,一个正常的蜂群有一只蜂王(母蜂),几万只工蜂,几百只或上千只雄蜂组成。蜂王负责产卵,维系群体的正常生活秩序;雄蜂与蜂王完成交尾任务;而蜂巢内外的一切工作,譬如采蜜、采粉、筑巢等等,均由工蜂来担负。蜂王是蜂群中唯一的生殖系统发育完全的雌性蜂。它个头最大,性情温和,不蜇人畜。羽化出房的蜂王五六天就可达到…  相似文献   

针对现有振动气吸式播种装置的种群离散不均匀、合格率低、伤种严重等问题,根据气吸与旋转相结合的精密播种装置设计原理,设计了一种旋转循环溜种气吸式精密播种装置,该装置由动力机构、吸排种装置、加种机构、分种箱等关键部件组成;加种机构中的转动叶片和海绵体可实现低损伤率精量均匀加种;分种箱对种子进行分流,为进一步精密播种提供条件;动力机构为吸排种装置中的溜种装置提供动力;吸排种装置可实现旋转使溜种箱内的种子来回溜动,并通过负压完成种子的吸附旋转至排种位置,利用重力和正压进行排种,为实现精量、低伤种率、连续播种提供条件.  相似文献   

高职院校课程设置存在重课程与岗位对应轻综合应用能力培养、重理论课程轻实践课程、重知识传授轻职业道德培养和因人设课的弊端。通过对课程设置与学生就业的关系分析,提出了通过课程设置培养学生的就业能力的课程模式。  相似文献   

通过不完全的调查与研究,笔者发现:不同时期、不同民族初生婴儿的啼哭声相同,不同民族语言中人们对母亲的称呼相同或相近;不仅如此,而且不同民族语言中人们对母亲的称呼和初生婴儿的啼哭声也相同或相近。透过这一独特现象,通过研究进一步发现:初生婴儿的啼哭声与人类发音器官自然发出的生理性原音具有同一关系,初生婴儿的啼哭声在母婴特有的生存关系中对彼此大脑心理的发展具有独特的作用,人们对母亲的称呼和初生婴儿的啼哭声两者之间存在着内在的必然联系。根据以上研究,笔者作出这样的推断:初生婴儿的啼哭声是人类最早的有声语言的母音,人们对母亲的称呼(mama)是人类最早的有声语言。  相似文献   

对现代课堂教学中存在问题的分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现代课堂教学实施过程中存在的问题是“四重四轻四割裂”。“四重四轻”:重教学设计,轻课堂驾御;重少数思维活跃学生,轻全体学生;重认知性课堂目标实现,轻思维训练和思维品质培养;重应试能力培养。轻全面素质培养。“四割裂”:割裂教学手段与教学目标的关系;割裂主体与主导的;割裂教师情感与学生情感的统一关系;割裂传统教学合理因素与现代化课堂教学的关系。  相似文献   

黑盾胡蜂蜂巢的解剖观察   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
黑盾胡蜂是一种胡蜂科的社会性昆虫.在福建东北部于8月下旬解剖该蜂蜂巢,研究表明:巢中仅有1只后蜂(雌蜂),职蜂多达285只,雄蜂尚未出现;直径20cm的蜂巢中有4个巢脾,共有巢房1622个,其中蛹496房占30.58%,幼虫479房占29.53%,卵647房占39.89%,8月份该蜂产卵量大,正处于繁殖高峰期;幼虫具叩头求哺行为和反哺行为,最后一次蜕皮时脱去尾部丝质带成为未龄幼虫.黑盾胡峰个体增殖和群体增殖呈现有规律的年周期性变化.  相似文献   

人教版初中《生物》第一册(下)第37页指出:“雄蜂成熟后常在晴朗的午后,飞到空中与蜂王交尾,交尾后不久便死去”。雄蜂交尾后为什么会死去呢?笔者认为这是雄蜂在生殖器官方面以及在行为方面对蜂群生活的一种适应。蜂王性成熟后,选择一个晴暖、无风的天气,在一天上午或下午,多半在下午2~4时,飞向空中,蜂王的上颚腺产生性外激素,引诱雄蜂前来交尾。处女王在空中飞翔范围达几公里,有时可达十公里,处女王喜欢与异群的雄择交尾(处女王一生中只有这一天与雄蜂交尾)。处女王要和6~7只雄蜂先后交尾,才能充分达到授精的目的。交尾…  相似文献   

一名坐在前排的女生说,“我是生物专业的学生,我从来没有在自然界中见到黄金分割。”“没有吗?”兰登咧嘴笑了,“研究过一个蜂群中的雌蜂和雄蜂的关系吗?”“当然。雌蜂总是比雄蜂多。”“对。你知道吗?如果你将世界上任何一个蜂巢里的雌蜂数除以雄蜂数,你永远得到一个相同的数值。”“真的吗?”“是的,就是黄金分割。”女生目瞪口呆:“这——这不可能。”——节选自《达·芬奇密码》  相似文献   

在高中生物新课程教材中,能通过蜜蜂的生活史来加强相关生物学知识点复习的内容很多,这是因为蜜蜂是一种特殊的生物种群。我们知道,蜜蜂是一种社会性昆虫,一个蜂群中生活着蜂王(一只)、雄蜂(少数)和工蜂(多数)。蜂王的作用是产卵,雄蜂与蜂王起交配作用,工蜂则负责采集花粉和花蜜、建造蜂巢、饲养幼蜂、防御敌害等。蜂王和工蜂都是由受精卵(2N=32)发育而成的,能否发育成蜂王与工蜂,主要取决于获得蜂王浆时间的长短,而未受精的卵则发育成雄蜂。蜜蜂的具体生活史可以参考下图:  相似文献   

通过模型实验的方法对直接空冷系统排汽管道内湿蒸汽的流体动力特性进行了研究;系统地研究并确定了含液率、环境温度、系统背压等因素对排汽管道内流动阻力和流量分配的影响;得到了各组件阻力系数与雷诺数的关系,给出了进入自模化区的最小雷诺数为1.5×10~5,阻力系数与雷诺数的变化趋势与经典的莫迪图基本吻合。该实验系统依托实际项目,不仅可以指导排汽管道工程设计,还能够有效培养学生解决复杂工程问题的实践能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

在中华蜜蜂(中蜂)和意利蜜蜂(意蜂)种间生存竞争中,而中峰成为失势者,数量锐减、密度下降、生栖范围缩小,在意蜂占绝对优势的情况下,中蜂处女王交尾受到意蜂雄蜂严重干扰的结果,交尾成功率极低或交尾不成。这种干扰是生存竞争中的特殊表现形式,成为中蜂在平原丘陵地区繁衍困难,而又不被人们注意的重要原因。  相似文献   

中国政府形象管理研究的必要性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在政府改革的理论探讨和改革实践中,政府形象一直是理论界所讨论的问题,但大多数学仅从政府形象建设这一层面进行探讨,而对政府形象管理问题进行研究的章则较为少见。本认为形象建设与形象管理是不同的概念,并且以此为契机,进一步从政府形象管理的价值体现和政府形象管理研究的动力两个方面阐述对中国政府形象管理进行研究的必要性,以期能引起广大学的关注。  相似文献   

This article reports on a study in which activity theory was used to design, implement, and analyze a 10-week curriculum unit about how honeybees collect nectar with a particular focus on complex systems concepts. Students (n = 42) in a multi-year kindergarten and 1st-grade classroom participated in this study as part of their 10 regular classroom activity. The curricular unit was composed of 4 specific activity types, each of which was intended to focus students on a particular dimension of the content: (a) Inquiry with BeeSign software was intended to help students explore the benefit of individual nectar-collecting behaviors for the hive as a whole; (b) traditional drawing activities were intended to help students learn the structures of 15 the bees; (c) participatory representation activities, in which students enacted the behavior of the bees as they collect nectar, were intended to help students link bee structures to individual behaviors; and (d) an embodied nectar-gathering game was intended to help the students recognize the challenges of finding nectar for individual bees. Pre- and posttest interviews reveal a shift in individual student understanding 20 as students progressed from discussing the superficial structures of the system to discussing both behaviors and functions.  相似文献   

Language is usually credited with being the major factor in making humans so different from other higher animals. The fact that honey bees have a dance language that is unparalleled in the rest of the animal kingdom is therefore of great interest. Successful forager bees communicate information about the source of food discovered by them, to their sisters upon returning home. They do this by means of a round dance (which only says, there is food nearby) or a waggle dance which gives information about the distance, direction and quantity of food to be expected. Karl Von Frisch bagged the Nobel Prize in 1973, mainly for deciphering the dance language of honey bees. However there are some sceptics who believe that the dance that the foragers do perform may have no communication value and that bees locate sources of food based on the scent left behind by the discoverer on the way to and at the location of the food source. While bees can find food based on such odours, recent experiments, using a robot bee, convincingly demonstrate that bees can also find food, in the absence of smell, on the basis of information communicated through the dance language.  相似文献   

Honeybees foraged from six locations, each of which was baited with sugar solution prior to each experimental trial. Under a variety of conditions, bees exhibited a small but reliable tendency to avoid revisits to locations that they had visited earlier during the experimental trial. These results replicate those of Brown and Demas (1994), who concluded that bees use working memory to discriminate previously visited locations from those not yet visited. The present experiments included procedures that allowed alternatives to this explanation to be more completely ruled out. The extent of spatial working memory performance exhibited by honeybees in these experiments appears to be limited by a process other than working memory capacity, perhaps the ability of bees to discriminate among several locations in close proximity to one another.  相似文献   

Bumble Boosters was a lottery grant funded cooperative project between the University of Nebraska – Lincoln Department of Entomology, the Lincoln Public Schools Science Focus Program, and the Lincoln Folsom Children's Zoo. The primary education goal of the project was to create a community of learners to conduct authentic research on bumble bees in Nebraska. Participants were actively engaged in collecting bumble bees and placing nesting domiciles. Internet technology was employed to facilitate networking between project participants. Systematic evaluation was conducted during and after the project.  相似文献   


A 19-year-old single Appalachian Caucasian man presented with panic attacks related to a recently developed phobia of bees. Brief solution-oriented therapy, along with the tools of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), was employed successfully to treat this specific phobia. Cultural, familial, gender, and sexual identity issues were also addressed.  相似文献   


Pollinating animals are profoundly affected by the current loss of biodiversity, a problem that is of concern to science, policy-makers and the public. One possibility to raise awareness for pollinator conservation is education. Unfortunately, insects such as bees are often perceived as frightening creatures; a negative emotion that may hinder successful learning processes. Thus, any educational initiative must conquer this obstacle and promote conservational knowledge. Using a quasi-experimental design, we evaluated the effectiveness of an educational programme using two student-centred learning approaches: One by encountering living honeybees (Apis mellifera) at a beehive (N?=?162), the other by using an eLearning tool connected to a remote beehive (N?=?192). We monitored secondary school students’ environmentally relevant knowledge of bees, their environmental attitudes and their perception of bees in regard to conservation and dangerousness. The results indicate that both approaches lead to the acquisition of conservational knowledge in the short and medium term. Direct experiences with nature are regarded as crucial, but using an eLearning tool in environmental education constitutes an outstanding alternative to acquire knowledge. Adolescents with low ‘green’ attitudes responded positively to the online beehive, and the perceived danger of bees played no role in the learning process.  相似文献   

The current loss of biodiversity requires efforts to increase awareness of pollinator conservation. An important tool is education which often uses the honeybee (Apis mellifera) as an exemplary organism to reach this goal. Any successful module needs to focus on reducing the perceived danger associated with fear, in order to support the willingness to protect them. Using a quasi-experimental design, we investigated the effectiveness of two educational approaches: one by authentically encountering living animals at a beehive, the other by using a remote online beehive. We monitored secondary school students’ (N = 354) perception of bees with respect to interest, danger and conservation as well as situational emotions (interest, well-being, boredom) during both interventions. In both cases positive effects on perception levels were observed, even when already a high willingness to protect bees existed. Using living animals in educational settings is crucial, especially when students’ situational emotions need targeting. However, we achieved similar intervention results in perception levels using a remote beehive, which therefore constitutes an excellent alternative to raise awareness of the conservation of bees as pollinators when working with living organisms is not possible.  相似文献   

词与诗相比,更具备几分阴柔气质,这与词中大量的女性形象描写是分不开的。男女作家笔下的女性形象是不同的。男性作家笔下的女性以男性视角出之,与男性自身有着千丝万缕的关联。而女性作家笔下的女性形象更多的是女性的自身写照。男女作家笔下的女性形象在某些方面又是相同的,这与男性女性无关,而是封建时代强加给人们的普遍意识。  相似文献   

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