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Contemporary handwriting research has focused on skilled performance, the developing capabilities of children, atypical development, the effectiveness of various letter forms, instructional techniques, and the construction and evaluation of assessment instruments. This paper critically reviews and synthesizes research conducted between 1980 and 1994 in each of these areas, providing suggestions for future research. Considerable progress was made during this time period in understanding the processes involved in handwriting control and development as well as in teaching students with handwriting difficulties. In addition, advances in theory, experimental procedures, on-line recording devices, and computerized instructional programs resulted in an increased level of sophistication. Thus, the prospects for future research in this area are promising.  相似文献   

读帖是对法帖进行详细的观察、分析、揣摩,总结其用笔规律、结体规律,最终理解和领悟其精神的心理过程.读帖不能仅停留在技法层面,还应关注法帖所透出的书法家的精神品格和古代文化精神.  相似文献   

本文从三个方面对徐渭《玄抄类摘序说》进行解析 :一、由于明朝整个时代的文化心理与社会文艺心态扭曲变形造成了明朝书坛日趋萎靡的书风 ,针对这个书法历史现状 ,徐渭提出此论。二、对徐渭书论中提出的雷太简“江声中笔法何从来哉”进行剖析 ,解释徐渭书论中所指出“悟”和“书神为最”与我国哲学的关系。三、从书法论著的发展史角度来分析“心为上 ,书神为最”这个书法论点 ,以及徐渭《玄抄类摘序说》的学术意义 ,阐述笔者所理解的书法本质、书法精神境界、审美境界和书法视觉表现形式  相似文献   

Handwriting is a complex skill that, despite increasing use of computers, still plays a vital role in education. It is assumed that children will master letter formation at a relatively early stage in their school life, with handwriting fluency developing steadily until automaticity is attained. The capacity theory of writing suggests that as automaticity develops, the proportion of working memory dedicated to the mechanics of handwriting is reduced, releasing capacity for the planning, composing and editing of content. This study examined the handwriting ability of 284 mainstream primary school children and explored possible associated factors. Correlations were found between poor handwriting, lower cognitive and literacy scores, and a longer duration for handwriting tasks. Giving children the opportunity to practise their handwriting sufficiently to increase the level of automaticity may release working memory to be applied to the cognitive demands of the task and may potentially raise their level of attainment.  相似文献   

我国传统书法在现代艺术设计中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
书法艺术是一种抽象艺术,在现代艺术设计中发挥着重要的作用,如何科学衔接传统与创新之间的关系,是书法文化发展亟待解决的重要课题。本文就书法艺术在现代艺术设计中的表现形式,传统书法与现代艺术设计的关系进行探讨。  相似文献   

Handwriting has a low status and profile in literacy education in England and in recent years has attracted little attention from teachers, policy‐makers or researchers into mainstream educational processes. This article identifies a substantial programme of research into handwriting, including studies located in the domains of special needs education and psychology, suggesting that it is time to re‐evaluate the importance of handwriting in the teaching of literacy. Explorations of the way handwriting affects composing have opened up new avenues for research, screening and intervention, which have the potential to make a significant contribution to children's progress in learning to write. In particular, the role of orthographic motor integration and automaticity in handwriting is now seen as of key importance in composing. Evidence from existing studies suggests that handwriting intervention programmes may have a real impact on the composing skills of young writers. In particular, they could positively affect the progress of the many boys who struggle with writing throughout the primary school years.  相似文献   


Handwriting is used throughout the school day and is important to demonstrate knowledge. This research evaluated how handwriting instructional practices and intrinsic and extrinsic factors in actual classroom settings impacted learning handwriting over the course of the school year. Findings indicated that extrinsic factors (educational instructional practices, spatial constraints) and intrinsic factors (task cognitive complexity) influenced handwriting performance, but not always in the same way for writing product and process measures. In addition, stronger relationships were found between writing process measures and handwriting fluency than legibility. Even though handwriting improved over the school year, some instructional practices resulted in a widening performance gap as the school year progressed. The impact of these findings for implementing and differentiating handwriting instruction and guiding future research is discussed.  相似文献   

高校书法公共课教学方法随着现代科技的发展、人们认识水平的飞跃和历史视野的扩大而日益丰富。在教学实践中,要寻找历史与现实的最佳结合点,把握书法教学的特点,来创新课堂教学模式,优化书法教学课堂;要充分利用多媒体等现代化教学手段,营造学习情境,丰富学生的想像力和审美能力;要进行角色置换,变以教为重点为以学为重点,激发学生探索书法艺术的动力。通过合适的方法,因材施教,培养和造就大批书法群体,弘扬和普及书法艺术。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the development of reflectiveness and research skills in eight pre-service teachers, through their participation in a funded research project to develop the handwriting of children with literacy problems. The project aimed to analyse the reflections of the trainee teachers participating in an authentic research study and to consider what this reflection on practice might offer to the education of teachers in the current UK training context. The context for the paper was a project which engaged pre-service trainee teachers in researching the proposition that automaticity in handwriting plays a role in facilitating composing processes and that the automaticity of early writers can be trained. Some outcomes of the project for pupils are reported. The focus in the present paper is, however, on the participating trainee teachers and the paper suggests that conducting research was a significant learning event for these pre-service teachers and that, through working together, they were able to analyse their development as researchers and their learning during the research process. At a time when the English government views teacher training as a method of school improvement and the effectiveness of training is measured through its immediate impact on pupil outcomes, this study offers an example of how shared research can offer positive learning outcomes for pupils, develop the reflective thinking of pre-service teachers through researching a real problem, and develop links across a range of school and university settings.  相似文献   

通过对中小学英语书写教学的调研,发现了英语书写教学存在着中小学生英语书写技能较弱、学校英语书写活动开展偏少、教师对英语书写重视不够等问题。在剖析书写教学问题成因基础上,提出相关的建议,希望能对推进中小学英语书写教学有所启示。  相似文献   

临床心理学关于笔迹的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对一百多看来国外临床心理学关于笔迹研究作了概览,这些研究试图揭示精神分裂症、神经症、病态人格、同性恋、癫痫、脑损伤、关节炎和老化等与笔迹的关系,以及酗酒、自杀、吸毒的笔迹特征。通过自己的实证探索,认为笔迹是一种值得重视的人的活动产品,其中可能抽射出具有临床意义的生理、心理的变化。  相似文献   

小学写字教学"导学"模式,采取师生双轨道规律性牵引,使学生有效掌握汉字书写技能,逻辑步骤明确、合理,认知程式得力、完善,构成了有效的教学过程。"导学"模式的构建与实施,能够提高学生的写字水平,提高写字教学质量。  相似文献   

创新教育是素质教育的重点 ,书法课具有培养学生创新人格、创新思维、创新技能的优势。但在传统书法教学中一些陈旧、落后的教学法阻碍压抑了创新教育的发展。在书法教学中应加强适应创新教育的教学方法研究。  相似文献   

本文根据写字学科的内容、性质 ,从儿童生理、心理方面 ,阐述写字教学对学生德、智、体、美的发展 ,以及健全学生心理品质所起的积极作用。笔者通过对写字教学的研究与实践 ,为教书育人 ,改进写字教学 ,促进学生全面发展 ,提供一些参考依据。  相似文献   

Children with intellectual disabilities often struggle with handwriting, but there is very little research to inform intervention approaches. In this study, we developed a teaching manual based on Handwriting Without Tears®, a comprehensive handwriting programme designed for typically developing children. Three children with intellectual disabilities participated in the study and received handwriting instruction based on the manual three times a week over a 32‐week period. Our aims were to explore whether Handwriting Without Tears® can be used as a comprehensive handwriting curriculum for children with intellectual disabilities and to evaluate improvement in handwriting skills. We found that the intervention was successfully incorporated into small group teaching sessions within the child's regular classroom, and that all three children made improvements. Our data show promising results and support the need for larger evaluation studies.  相似文献   

我国书法教学忽视对书写技能自身审美品格的培养与开发,而导致了技能训练的刻板乏味和审美品格的长期缺席。应从书法的本体身份和文化立场出发,在书写技能训练的各个层面逐步落实审美的技能训练和技能的审美提升,并在审美直觉的良性引导下和审美标准的不断调整中实现技能目标,从而在尊重书法民族特质和艺术特性的前提下真正实现书法教学实践中书写技能和审美观照的同步化、一体化。  相似文献   

笔迹分析在人才素质测评领域的研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔迹分析是以笔迹学、笔迹心理学为基础的新兴学科。过去研究表明,笔迹与个体人格特征有一定的联系,其科学性得到了普遍的肯定。所以笔迹分析已经进入很多人才素质测评领域,成为了常规测评人才素质的手段。但是笔迹分析的信度、效度问题一直是学术界争议的话题。研究者应从科学的角度出发,发展和完善笔迹心理学,让笔迹分析有更坚实的理论基础。从而为人才素质测评提供有利的手段和依据。  相似文献   

在苏轼的书法作品中,尺牍书法以短小、富有韵味而受历代书法爱好者的喜爱,他的尺牍书法重在写"意",寄情于"信手"所书之点画。作品所呈现的特点是平淡质朴、天真烂漫、萧散简远而富于个性。本文试以他的尺牍书法为线,研究其尺牍书法的艺术特色。  相似文献   

苏轼作为书法"宋四大家"之首,其成就十分显著。他的书法美学核心思想是尚自然。在其书法美学思想体系的构建中,"自然"的内涵不断充实,外延不断扩展,包含着本与末、道与艺、人品与书品等本体论范畴和创作论上的无意于佳、放意自适状态以及风格论上的自然平淡。他的书法成就正是他书法美学思想的具体体现。  相似文献   

东方美学和艺术是不同于西方美学和艺术的另一种美学体系和艺术形态。长期以来,我们以西方美学原理来阐释中国书法,难免有牵强附会之嫌,而以东方美学来观照中国书法具有更强的针对性。本文将中国书法置于东方美学的语境中,试图从中国书法的审美取向、书法的语言、书法创作、书法接受、书论的言说方式等入手,具体分析东方审美观和东方美学的象征性、强烈的主体性和情感性、直觉体验性、诗性的理论言说等特点在中国书法中的体现。  相似文献   

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