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以信息网络技术、移动通信技术为代表的新技术在教育教学中发挥着越来越重要的作用,然而国内外的大量研究表明,这些技术并没有如人们预期那样带来教育教学的本质提升。片面注重物化形态的信息技术、忽视意识形态的思维技术是造成这一尴尬的主要原因。思维能力培养及学习力提升是数字化时代教育教学的根本目标。直接思维训练和学科思维训练是思维技能教学的两种方式,二者相辅相成、相互促进,有助于对学习者进行全面完善的思维能力培养。积极性思维、批判性思维和创造性思维是思维训练的三大导向,可通过“隐性思维显性化——显性思维工具化——高效思维自动化”三大训练阶段提升。  相似文献   

高职高专流体力学是一门理论性和实践性都较强的专业基础课.从提高学生的学习主动性、基础理论的适当掌握、拓宽学生思维和应用能力的培养四个方面探讨了高职高专学生的基础能力培养问题,在教学内容、教学手段、教学目标等方面,活用课堂,分层落实目标,激发学生思维,加强动手动笔环节,为学生今后的学习和工作打下良好基础.  相似文献   

Critical thinking is a unifying goal of modern education. While past research has mostly examined the efficacy of a single instructional approach to teaching critical thinking, recent literature has begun discussing mixed teaching approaches. The present study examines three modes of instruction, featuring the direct instruction approach and the inquiry-based approach in different sequences and proportions, in enhancing Chinese secondary student’s critical thinking performance. A total of 651 Grade 12 students participated in an 18-hour intervention with pre- and post-intervention measures on critical thinking performance and critical thinking dispositions. Specifically, critical thinking assessments utilizing different response format were used. Those who received training showed greater improvement on at least one of the critical thinking assessments compared to those who received no training. Participants’ performances with regards to different critical thinking assessments are discussed. Benefits of adopting more than one instructional approach to teaching critical thinking are highlighted.  相似文献   

随着新媒体时代的不断发展,在英语的阅读教学中更重视多模态识读能力的培养。在新媒体时代的英语教学具有新的特点和任务,教师可以在英语阅读之中采用有效的指导和引导,批判性解读等辅助的方法,通过多种工具和多种符号进行整合教学,使学生多模态识读能力不断提高,最终促进学生的批判性思堆能力和跨文化意识的形成。  相似文献   

批判性思维培养对大学生的创新精神和创造力发展具有十分重要的作用,而对批判性思维能力的评价是培养过程中的一个重要环节。通过采用"加利福尼亚批判性思维倾向测量表"和"加利福尼亚批判性思维技能测试"对一所"双一流"建设高校不同年级学生进行批判性思维能力的调查评价,发现学生广泛具有良好甚至较强的批判性思维技能,但有超过26%的受调查学生不具备批判性思维倾向或气质。因此,建设"双一流"高校在培养大学生批判性思维能力,尤其是批判性思维倾向方面还有较大的提升空间。据此提出培养大学生批判性思维能力的策略和建议。  相似文献   

One way that universities assess teaching effectiveness is by eliciting student feedback. However, what standards do students themselves use to judge whether a lecturer is a ‘good’ teacher? As part of a study carried out at a Hong Kong university, students were interviewed about their first-year learning experience and asked what they felt constituted ‘good’ and “bad’ teaching. Unlike when asked to complete teacher effectiveness surveys, no criteria or characteristics were given. Responses focused primarily on teaching skills that supported student learning and encouraged critical thinking, particularly the teacher’s ability to give clear explanations supported by relevant, practical examples.  相似文献   

This study examined the differing conclusions one may come to depending upon the type of analysis chosen, hierarchical linear modeling or ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. To illustrate this point, this study examined the influences of seniors’ self-reported critical thinking abilities three ways: (1) an OLS regression with the student as the unit of analysis, (2) an OLS regression with the institution as the unit of analysis, and (3) a three-level hierarchical linear model. Overall, results demonstrate that one would come to substantively different conclusions regarding the influences on students’ perceived critical thinking ability depending upon the type of analysis chosen, especially in regards to the effects of the institutional characteristics.  相似文献   

培养和提高大学生的思辨能力是当前我国外语教学改革关注的热点问题。本文从批判性思维的内涵入手,调查了我院非英语专业学生批判性思维能力的现状,论述了批判性思维能力的重要性并探讨了如何培养学生的批判性思维能力。  相似文献   

电大远程教育传统办学思路的课程考核弊端探究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
课程考核是远程教育教学环节的重要组成部分,是检查教师执行教学情况和反映学生学习效果的重要手段,也是评定学生学习成绩的主要依据。我国电大远程教育课程考核目前主要存在两大问题:形成性考核形同虚设、终结性考核缺乏科学设计,这与电大系统长期以来固守的办学思路密不可分。电大远程教育课程考核首先应转变思路,改革考核方式。在形成性考核的改革方面应健全制度、规范管理、强化监督力度,在终结性考核的改革方面应努力构建考核方法灵活多样、题型丰富多彩、内容宽厚兼容的科学化的考核模式。  相似文献   

批判性思维指的是能对信息进行分析、综合的高层次的认知能力。目前学生的学术英语写作中存在的问题与批判性思维的缺失有很大的关系。将批判性思维的培养融入学术英语写作教学,是培养学生创新思维能力和研究能力,提高论文写作质量的有效途径。  相似文献   

This study examined prospective teachers’ (PSTs) ability to recognize evidence of children’s conceptual understanding of mathematics in three content areas before and after an instructional intervention designed to support this ability. It also investigates the role PSTs’ content knowledge plays in their ability to recognize children’s mathematical understanding. Results of content knowledge assessments administered at the beginning of the study revealed that content knowledge did seem to support PSTs’ analyses of children’s understanding when the child’s response demonstrated understanding or demonstrated a misconception. Content knowledge did not seem to support PSTs’ analyses of children’s procedural responses, as many PSTs with good content knowledge initially characterized procedural solutions as evidence of conceptual understanding. Similarly, content knowledge did not seem to support PSTs’ analyses of children’s responses with features commonly associated with understanding but not evidence of understanding. After the instructional intervention consisting of three multifaceted lessons in which PSTs examined many examples of student thinking, they showed improved ability to analyze responses with conceptual features and no evidence of conceptual understanding and responses demonstrating procedural knowledge. Results suggest that content knowledge is not sufficient for supporting PSTs’ analysis of children’s thinking, and that building activities such as the intervention into content courses may help develop this ability. Implications for teacher education programs and future research are considered.  相似文献   

Harvey Siegel's epistemologically‐informed conception of critical thinking is one of the most influential accounts of critical thinking around today. In this article, I seek to open up an account of critical thinking that goes beyond the one defended by Siegel. I do this by re‐reading an opposing view, which Siegel himself rejects as leaving epistemology (and, by implication, his epistemological account of critical thinking) ‘pretty much as it is’. This is the view proposed by Charles Taylor in his paper ‘Overcoming Epistemology’. Crucially, my aim here is not to defend Taylor's challenge to epistemology per se, but rather to demonstrate how, through its appeal to certain key tropes within Heideggerian philosophy, Taylor's paper opens us towards a radically different conception of thinking and the human being who thinks. Indeed, as will be argued, it is through this that Taylor and Heidegger come to offer us the resources for re‐thinking the nature of critical thinking—in a way that exceeds the epistemological, and does more justice to receptive and responsible conditions of human thought.  相似文献   

Critical thinking when engaged in science problem solving around even simple tasks such as the Piagetian volume conservation task is a complex endeavor. Tasks such as the conservation task often require the interaction of multiple cognitive systems. Parity judgment, retrieval, and lateral thinking are three examples of such systems interacting with critical thinking during a student’s attempt to solve the Piagetian task. The purpose of this computational ablation study is to establish the role of critical thinking as a necessary component of a system of cognition used for the completion of the Piagetian volume conservation task. This ablation study consists of three phases. The confidence interval between the ablation model and the elementary students do not overlap, indicating they are not statistically significantly different. This provides evidence that the model successfully emulates aspects of human cognition and the model can provide a robust picture of science student cognitive processes.  相似文献   

将多元表征渗透到数学课堂教学中,一方面可以调动学生多感官的认知因素,促进知识的理解,培养学生的数学思维以及促进学生数学智慧的生长;另一方面通过对问题进行多元化的表征,为学生解决数学问题提供了新的平台,从而有助于提高学生对问题多角度的解释能力和创新能力。数学中多元表征的教学策略为:精深挖掘资源,探索数学表征的多元化;运用教育机智,达到多元表征的最优化。但要注意,多元表征不是每堂课都适用,也不是每个学生都能在课上得到最大的收获。  相似文献   

本文从三个方面解读保罗的批判性思维理论:重塑人的思维以抵御自我中心倾向,通过智力特质的培养发展人的道德推理能力;信息识别能力是衡量教育的标准,人们需要具备分析和评价信息的能力以确定相信或拒绝信息.学科内思维是获得学科知识的要件,关键在于掌握基本概念和提出深入的问题.  相似文献   

文章通过例证探讨了在网络环境下,基于任务型教学法的大学英语教学中如何进行批判性思维培养,分析了任务型教学在培养批判性思维方面的优势,并提出了在培养学生批判性思维时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

Brake  Andrew 《The Urban Review》2020,52(2):277-298

Teacher–student trust is associated with the social and emotional development of students, their school connectedness and engagement, and their academic achievement. However, few studies have examined how trust develops between teachers and students in ninth grade, a critical year in high school for students to start off on-track. Even less research has examined how teacher–student trust develops from the perspective of students to help identify specific teacher classroom practices that are effective at doing so, particularly at the start of the school year when students’ relationships and connections to high school are just beginning to take shape. Drawing on data from a longitudinal, qualitative study of ninth-grade teacher–student relationships in one neighborhood public high school in Chicago, this study highlights three critical classroom practices that appear particularly effective for helping to build trusting teacher–student relationships during the first 10 weeks of high school. Highlighting the perspectives and insights of ninth grade students, this analysis finds that (1) the priority that teachers place on specific classroom practices, and (2) the timing of when these practices are used by teachers, are both critical in establishing teacher–student trust—an essential ingredient in helping ninth grade students gain important social and school connections during their transition to high school. By highlighting the voices of ninth grade youth, this study provides valuable insights for educators aiming to use specific classroom-based practices that are essential for helping ninth grade students make valuable school connections and get on-track right from the start of the year.


This paper examines the implementation of Singapore’s landmark policy, ‘Thinking Schools, learning Nation’ (TSLN), in developing ‘thinking students’ through the prism of student voice. In the context of twenty-first century education and the growing importance of student voice in education, this paper argues that the time might be right to ‘disrupt’ Singapore’s education status quo and incorporate meaningful student voice in education policies. Instead of perceiving students as mere subjects of educational policy enactment, and seeing policy as something that is done to them, it should be reconceptualised as something which is done with them; importantly, students should be recast as key co-agents of educational change, consistent with TSLN’s reconceptualization of learners as ‘thinking students’. Basing its arguments on findings from a qualitative case study of students’ perceptions and schooling experiences of critical thinking in TSLN, this paper considers the case for the inclusion of significant student voice in Singapore’s educational policy reforms. It fills gaps in research on student voices in Singapore’s educational reforms and TSLN’s research from students’ perspective. The paper suggests that the inclusion of student voice in educational reform might be the next landmark step in ‘disrupting’ its educational landscape after the ‘big bang’ of TSLN.  相似文献   

In Sweden and many other countries, the academisation of teacher education goes along with increased emphasis on a student thesis, in Sweden formally entitled the final degree project. This study deals with students’ writing trajectories in Early Childhood Education and Care aimed at work in the preschool or the recreation centre. The study indicates that student writing, shaped by a variety of academic literacies, is primarily based on values of the vocational field, parallel to an emerging critical academic approach. The study suggests that academic writing is largely perceived among the students as a means to underpin the vocational field with theory, and see critical thinking and reflective practice as relevant to their future career.  相似文献   

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