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在查阅有关文献资料的基础上,对足球中场人数增加、打法改进、阵形结构变化的发展演变过程进行了分析,指出中场人数变化是促使足球比赛阵形演变发展的重要因素.  相似文献   

中场休息室 正解:足球比赛上下半场之间,比赛双方球队人员临时休息的房间。教练往往在中场休息室内,对接下来的比赛,进行球员阵容和阵型调整、战术布置等等安排。  相似文献   

艾抚建 《体育世界》2012,(12):30-31
4-4-2也许是当今世界足球比赛最常用的阵型。在英超联赛中,大多数球队都采用基于4-4—2的变阵;大多数国家队,包括美国男足和最引人注目的巴西男足均采用改良4-4—2。虽然众多职业队和国家队都在使用4-4-2及其变阵,但就这一阵型可能存在的许多独特变化而富,这种“宽泛”的分类是一种误导。本文旨在关注中场基本阵型、不同中场球员职责和最佳运动表现特点以及选择不同中场阵型的指导原则。  相似文献   

欧洲足联允许中场休息时采访 由于受到新闻界的压力,欧洲足联近日做出让步,同意在欧洲足球赛事中场休息时,记者对参赛队的领队和教练员进行新闻采访。 但是,在足球比赛中场休息时、甚至在比赛进行时,允许对领队和教练员进行电视和广播新闻采访的做法在欧洲足联作为正式条例推出前,将在一些欧洲国家的足球联赛中普遍试行。  相似文献   

在足球比赛中经常造成“死球”(即定位球)如:任意球、角球、掷界外球、点球和门前开球等。如能正确利用“死球”后重新开球的机会,恰到好处地组织进攻,将会对比赛的结果产生很大的影响。许多足球队对于“死球”很不重视,心中无数,随意乱发,当渗透到对方腹地时竟毫无建树,未造成任何威胁。然而,若精心计划,慎重对待,“死球”就会不死,从而对比赛的胜负起着决定性的作用。个人技术和能否控制中场似乎成了决定现代足球比赛胜负的关键。首先中场队员开球要快,使对方不能快速回防。中场队员应是思考敏捷,行动迅速、果断,在对方立足未稳的情况下就展开进攻,攻其  相似文献   

1 优秀足球运动员思维品质特征分析1 .1 思维的深刻性思维的深刻性是一切思维品质的基础。它集中表现在 :个体进行思维活动时善于深入地思考问题 ,抓住事物的本质和规律 ,预见事物的发展。足球比赛是攻与守的矛盾运动 ,攻守要平衡是足球比赛应遵循的规律 ,在技、战术运用中思维活动要有完整性和预见性 ,进攻中要兼顾防守 ,防守中要寻机进攻 ,个人跑位、协同配合要注意队形上的严密性 ,犹如下围棋 ,要环环相扣 ,防止对方“打劫”。思维活动中还要抓住矛盾的主要方面 ,比如为了控制比赛的主动权 ,就要去争取中场优势 ,中场的争夺永远是进攻…  相似文献   

在不久以前的年代里,传统的检验足球比赛优胜者的方法就是要看中场。哪个队控制了中场,哪个队就将在比赛中获得胜利,控制了中场,就意味着掌握了整个比赛的主动权,这是无可争议的。五十年代控制中场的可靠布局是“3—2—5”,(“WM”式)。[原文误为“2—3—5”——译者注]这种阵型的排列是由三个后卫负责防守,在中场则由两名前卫和两名拖后内锋形成一个“魔术般的盒式区域”。图一表明,“盒式区域”是防守和进攻的枢纽。最优秀的运动员应安排在“盒式区域”  相似文献   

这期介绍足球比赛的阵型。 一、阵型的发展和演变 为了适应攻防战术的需要,全队队员在场上的位置排列和职责分工,称为比赛阵型。阵型的名称是按队员排列的形状而定。 比赛阵型的产生和发展是随着足球技术、战术发展和身体训练水平的不断提高以及规则的制定和改变而产生、发展的。进攻的加强,改变了防守阵型,而防守型的改变又推动了进攻阵线型演变。 自19世纪中期世界上有了第一个足球比赛阵型至今日的“四三三”、“三五二”、“四二四”等,以及某些国家所采用的“水泥式”、“锁链式”等,都是沿着这一客观规律演变和发展的。下面着重介绍几种足球比赛阵型的形成和发展。  相似文献   

从本方半场发动防守反击是足球比赛中破坏对方大兵压境极其有效的战术手段。在外出比赛时,客队往往主动把中场让给主队,收缩到自己的半场,一旦得球即由防守转换到进攻,即以最短的路线、最少的传球  相似文献   

没有多少年之前,在足球比赛中,人们还是靠用传统的方法,控制中场来赢得比赛胜利。格言是:“控制了中场,就能控制比赛,控制了比赛,就能赢得比赛。” 那是在2—3—5阵型(即两个后卫,三个前卫,五个前锋)被普遍使用,具有稳定地位的年代。这种阵型有一块方盒形——一块有“魔力的正  相似文献   

目的:观察U-19足球运动员比赛后前卫、后卫队员机体生化指标变化.方法:检测足球比赛前后13名前卫队员和16名后卫队员的血液指标水平.主要血液指标为:Alb、FFA、TG、BUN、CK、LDH、COT、WBC、IgG、IeA、ISM.结果:比赛后前卫和后卫队员的血液指标比较,除了前卫队员赛后BUN和CK水平高于后卫队员(P<0.01),其他指标没有统计学上的差异.在前卫中,运动后除TG和IgG没有显著性变化外(P>0.05),Albumin、FFA、BUN、COT、LDH、CK、WBC等指标的水平高于运动前水平(P<0.01),IgA、IgM等指标低于运动前水平(p<0.05或P<0.01).后卫队员中,运动后除了BUN指标没有统计学差异外,其他指标的变化趋势和前卫队员一致.结论:足球比赛后前卫和后卫队员蛋白质和脂代谢加强、肌组织损伤程度增加、免疫系统功能下降.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、观察法、数理统计法,对2004年亚洲杯与欧洲杯比赛中,队员犯规的规律和特点进行分析。研究表明:在现代足球比赛中亚洲队员、欧洲队员犯规均是以直接任意球的犯规为主,犯规都带有一定的攻击性;中路犯规最多,亚洲杯比赛中后场犯规多,欧洲杯比赛中前场犯规多,红黄牌主要集中在中场的中路;亚洲队员下肢犯规多于上肢,且主要集中在下肢的踢和上肢的拉;欧洲队员犯规上肢多于下肢,主要集中在推人犯规和绊人犯规等方面。  相似文献   

以2012年伦敦奥运会羽毛球女子单打决赛的比赛录像为研究对象,采取观察和对比分析法对世界排名第1的王仪涵和世界排名第3的李雪芮的发球、前场、中场、后场的击球技术以及双方失误进行统计分析,试图探讨2名选手存在差距。结果表明:王仪涵在前场小球、中场平抽快档、后场劈、吊球还有待提高,因此在训练中要加强以上技术的训练。  相似文献   

This review is focused on anthropometric and physiological characteristics of soccer players with a view to establishing their roles within talent detection, identification and development programmes. Top-class soccer playershave to adapt to the physical demandsof the game, which are multifactorial. Players may not need to have an extraordinary capacity within any of the areas of physical performance but must possess a reasonably high level within all areas. This explains why there are marked individual differences in anthropometric and physiological characteristics among top players. Various measurements have been used to evaluate specific aspects of the physical performance of both youth and adult soccer players.The positional role of a player is related to his or her physiological capacity. Thus, midfield players and full-backs have the highest maximal oxygen intakes (> 60 ml·kg -1 ·min -1 ) and perform best in intermittent exercise tests. On the other hand, midfield players tend to have the lowest muscle strength. Although these distinctions are evident in adult and elite youth players, their existence must be interpreted circumspectly in talent identification and development programmes. A range of relevant anthropometric and physiological factors can be considered which are subject to strong genetic influences (e.g. stature and maximal oxygen intake) or are largely environmentally determined and susceptible to training effects. Consequently, fitness profiling can generate a useful database against which talented groups may be compared. No single method allows for a representative assessment of a player's physical capabilities for soccer. Weconclude that anthropometric and physiological criteria do have a role as part of a holistic monitoring of talented young players.  相似文献   

Anthropometric and physiological predispositions for elite soccer   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This review is focused on anthropometric and physiological characteristics of soccer players with a view to establishing their roles within talent detection, identification and development programmes. Top-class soccer players have to adapt to the physical demands of the game, which are multifactorial. Players may not need to have an extraordinary capacity within any of the areas of physical performance but must possess a reasonably high level within all areas. This explains why there are marked individual differences in anthropometric and physiological characteristics among top players. Various measurements have been used to evaluate specific aspects of the physical performance of both youth and adult soccer players. The positional role of a player is related to his or her physiological capacity. Thus, midfield players and full-backs have the highest maximal oxygen intakes ( > 60 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)) and perform best in intermittent exercise tests. On the other hand, midfield players tend to have the lowest muscle strength. Although these distinctions are evident in adult and elite youth players, their existence must be interpreted circumspectly in talent identification and development programmes. A range of relevant anthropometric and physiological factors can be considered which are subject to strong genetic influences (e.g. stature and maximal oxygen intake) or are largely environmentally determined and susceptible to training effects. Consequently, fitness profiling can generate a useful database against which talented groups may be compared. No single method allows for a representative assessment of a player's physical capabilities for soccer. We conclude that anthropometric and physiological criteria do have a role as part of a holistic monitoring of talented young players.  相似文献   

冯伟 《安徽体育科技》2013,(5):27-28,60
通过录像观察法,对2012年欧洲杯足球赛决赛阶段31场比赛76个进球的统计分析研究,结果表明:在进攻方式上,快速反击进球最多,定位球进球最少;快速反击第4时段进球最多.在进攻路线上,中路进攻进球最多,定位球进球最少;边路进攻的快速反击进球要明显多于阵地进攻.在进球前传球次数上,进球前1次传球进球最多,8次传球以后进球逐渐减少.在进球前获得球权方式上,中场抢断次数最多,其次是后场和前场抢断;前锋和中场队员进球最多的来自于中场抢断,后卫进球最多的来自于后场抢断.  相似文献   

为探索近年来中国羽毛球的发展,本文运用文献研读法、录像观察法、数理统计法和专家咨询法等研究方法,对中国羽毛球队的张宁、谢杏芳、王适娴、汪鑫四位运动员的技术进行了分析对比。结果表明:新运动员发前场小球的比率上升;掌握技术更加全面,但没有最优势的得分技术;对中场区所属技术的使用中防中有攻;对后场区所属技术的使用中增加了进攻性技术的使用率。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、观察法、数理统计法等,对2007-2008赛季英超联赛与2008赛季中超联赛中场队员防守技、战术运用情况进行对比分析,以期为提高中超联赛各球队中场队员和教练员在比赛和训练中合理运用防守技、战术提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This investigation was undertaken in an effort to establish physiological characteristics of soccer players and to relate them to positional roles. A total of 135 footballers (age 24.4 +/- 4.6 years) were assessed for body mass, % body fat, haemoglobin, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max), leg power, anaerobic capacity and speed prior to an English league season. The sample included 13 goalkeepers, 22 full-backs, 24 centre-backs, 35 midfield players and 41 forwards. The goalkeepers were significantly heavier (86.1 +/- 5.5 kg; P < 0.01) than all groups except the centre-backs, had significantly higher estimated body fat percentages than centre-backs, forwards, midfield players (P < 0.01) or full-backs (P < 0.05), significantly lower estimated VO2 max values (56.4 +/- 3.9 ml kg-1 min-1; P < 0.01) and were slowest over 60 m (12.71 +/- 0.42 s). The midfield players had the highest predicted VO2 max values (61.4 +/- 3.4 ml kg-1 min-1), this being significantly greater (P < 0.05) than for the centre-backs. The forwards were the fastest group over 60 m (12.19 +/- 0.30 s), being significantly quicker than goalkeepers or centre-backs (P < 0.01) and full-backs (P < 0.05). Anaerobic power, as well as knee extensor torques (corrected for body mass) and extensor-flexor ratios, were similar between groups. No difference in estimated body fat percentage was observed between any of the outfield players, and haemoglobin concentrations were similar among players of all positions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

中国、美国和挪威女子足球队技、战术打法特点的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过对第27届奥运会中国、美国和挪威女子足球队之间比赛有效进攻配合及中前场丢球后防守方法与效果的统计、分析和研究,阐述了3个队在进攻和防守上的各自特点。  相似文献   

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