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虚拟学习社区是云计算环境下的一种新型学习平台,学生们在虚拟学习社区中可以通过网络平台实现交互式学习、自主式学习和协作式学习,促进各学科之间的相互融合,促进书本知识落实在实践活动中,促进学生的多方面发展。对此,本文以初中语文教学为例,探究了初中语文虚拟学习社区的动态构建方法,旨在通过虚拟学习社区的构建创新语文教学模式,促进初中语文教学的改革与创新。一、以人员的动态组合为基础虚拟学习社区的构建是建立在信息技术基础之上的一种学习平台。  相似文献   

在线教育快速发展,已成为现代教育的重要组成部分.而在线教育与传统教育在教学环境、教学方式等方面存在显著差异,使现阶段在线教育平台在激励机制方面难以与传统教育相媲美.在线教育平台激励机制主要存在激励方式单调、激励程度有限、缺少群体影响等问题.因此抑制了在线学习者的学习兴趣.针对这些问题,提出了通过优化和完善现有激励方式、开发新型激励方式、构建群体社会关系体系等途径改善在线教育平台的激励机制.  相似文献   

独立学院英语专业本科学生是一个具有独特学习特点的学习群体,相对于普通高校英语专业本科学生来说,这个群全的学习自主学习能力较差。而随着科学技术的迅猛发展,尤其是智能手机的更新换代和4G网络的逐渐普及,利用微信进行移动学习已成为一种时髦的学习方式。基于此,文章对利用微信平台进行英语自主学习的必要性、可能性以及优势进行探讨,并阐述微信的各项功能在自主学习中的具体应用,进而分别从教师与学生之间的互动、学生与学生之间的合作及互动以及学生互评三方面来构建微信环境下的自主学习模式,目的在于激发和培养独立学院英语专业学习的自主学习能力,构建有意义的英语自主学习新模式。  相似文献   

针对职业技术教育中学习与实践相分离的症结,我们倡导创建主题式课程与教学实践平台,一方面实现职业技术教育从拥有知识转变为实践行动,另一方面师生在学习平台上相互重建认知的、社会的、伦理的意义与实践关系。本文以信息技术为支撑,以主题组织课程资源,通过主题在课程资源和学习之间建立有意义的关联来构建平台。平台建设主要包括了系统建设和模块建设,使学生在实践中创新,在创新中实践,进而迅速提升他们解决现实问题的能力与素养。  相似文献   

引导教师重建职业内涵,给予教师一个实现生命价值的支点,需要为教师群体构建发展平台、学习平台研修平台。  相似文献   

本研究探讨如何利用IT技术和商务英语知识,构建商务英语实践教学平台。通过跨学科研究、多学科人才共同开发的"商务英语实践教学平台"(以下简称"实践教学平台")可以借助计算机和网络技术将商务英语知识整合在一个开放性的教学平台上,为日常教学和学生课后学习提供一个重要的实践环境。商务英语知识整合所形成的庞大数据资源与程序设计所构建的平台框架相辅相成,为商务英语实践教学提供有效而实用的模拟平台。  相似文献   

基于.net的网络学习平台之构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,信息技术飞速发展为学生自主学习提供了坚实的技术支撑,学生可以通过网络学习平台在教师的指导下自主安排学习内容和进度而不受时间和空间的限制。本文以天津中德职业技术学院"电视节目制作网络学习平台"为例,对基于.net的网络学习平台构建进行了介绍。  相似文献   

轨道SAR创新性实验教学平台构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了满足雷达专业实验教学的改革和创新需要,构建了一个轨道合成孔径雷达(即轨道SAR)实验教学平台。该平台由不同的功能模块组成,操作安全方便。通过设计和搭建模块化的轨道SAR系统,学生可以深入学习SAR的基本工作原理和系统设计原则;利用该平台采集场景反射的回波信号,并通过对采集的回波信号进行成像处理,学生可以增强对SAR有关二维成像能力的理解,还可以利用该平台进行创新性实验。该平台已经投入了教学试用,并取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

不同测量坐标系之间的相互转换是大地测量学实践和教学的经典问题.利用MATLAB软件编写了大地坐标(B,L,H)、空间直角坐标(X,Y,Z)和高斯平面坐标(x,y)之间的相互转换程序,并设计开发了一个可视化的软件操作平台.该平台可以基于不同的参考椭球实现单点和批量数据的坐标转换,具有高精度、快速计算、可视化的优点,因此可广泛应用于大地测量学的本科教学工作,以提高学生的实践操作能力和学习兴趣.  相似文献   

With games captivating the minds of many children in the United States, educators may be interested in trying to introduce games into their classrooms. This article offers educators insights into how to understand and incorporate games that are inherently social, promoting effective discourse in their classrooms. Although educational games and more generally educational technology are largely seen as being designed for individuals, tools exist that are designed for group play that can spark both peer-group and intergenerational play and discussion. Games that promote conversation and cooperation allow children to develop social skills, build community, and practice various modes of mentorship. Knowing about both the history and the research concerning how social games can be used helps educators critically analyze the effective use of games in the classroom and augment students learning of difficult concepts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— The primary goal of the emerging field of Mind, Brain, and Education is to join biology, cognitive science, development, and education in order to create a sound grounding of education in research. The growing, worldwide movement needs to avoid the myths and distortions of popular conceptions of brain and genetics and build on the best integration of research with practice, creating a strong infrastructure that joins scientists with educators to study effective learning and teaching in educational settings. Science and practice together provide many potentially powerful tools to improve education. Neuroscience and genetics make possible analysis of the "black box" of biological processes that underpin learning. Understanding the biology of abilities and disabilities helps educators and parents to facilitate individual students' learning and development. Cognitive science provides analyses of the mental models/metaphors that pervade meaning making in human cultures, creating tools for avoiding unconscious distortions and crafting effective educational tools. Developmental and learning science produce tools to analyze learning pathways, including both shared patterns and learning differences. To reach the potential of grounding education effectively in research requires improving the infrastructure by creating (a) research schools where practice and science jointly shape educational research, (b) shared databases on learning and development, and (c) a new profession of educational engineers or translators to facilitate connecting research with practice and policy.  相似文献   

I examine special educators’ professional identity emergence and tensions within a researcher-facilitated teacher learning community. I introduced tools to evoke and challenge inequities in educational systems and via which participants examined and planned general education instruction for students with dis/abilities. Initially, professional identity, or figured world, emerged as performance of pathologising and relatedly, remediating students. Over time, participants expressed tensions as they engaged tools to examine structural limitations and design more universally accessible instruction; figured worlds shifted to critical sense-making about their positioning by general education colleagues and school structural barriers, and procedural identity performance tied to investigating student assets. Findings suggest potential for purposefully designed artefacts to mediate special educators’ development as (more) inclusive educators.  相似文献   

The continually increasing number of applications said to facilitate collaboration makes it very difficult for educators to identify and evaluate the ones that are suitable for educational purposes. In this paper we argue that from the educational point of view, it is meaningful to make a distinction between collaboratively usable applications and collaborative technology. Collaboratively usable applications are systems that can be used for collaboration, whilst collaborative technology is technology that is especially designed to support and establish collaboration. To distinguish between these two kinds of technologies, we propose four criteria for collaborative technology: its design is grounded on some explicitly argued theory of learning or pedagogical model; it relies on the idea of groupware; it provides procedural facilitation; and it offers representational and community‐building tools.  相似文献   

For the past year, we have been co-facilitating Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) workshops across Pittsburgh, tailored specifically toward local educators and educational activists. The overarching intentions of these workshops were twofold: (a) to cultivate educators’ understanding of and response to how power and privilege operate in educational systems; and (b) to provide useful tools for educators to continue these conversations and dismantle systems of oppression in their places of practice. As a collective of facilitators and in our workshops, we attempt to create, even if briefly, a beloved community where participants are invited to bring their full, human selves and engage in nuanced reflection in the hopes of creating a more compassionate, just, and equitable society. Like our workshops, the purpose of this article is both practical and theoretical: (a) to provide tangible tools to those readers interested in facilitating TO workshops for educators; and (b) to contribute to our understanding of how TO can serve to cultivate educators’ analysis of oppression.  相似文献   

In environmental and ecological education, a rich literature builds on the premise that place, the local natural context in which one lives, can be an emotionally engaging context for learning and the source of life-long concern for nature. A theory of imaginative education can help uncover new tools and strategies for place-based educators. Conversely, a focus on the imaginative dimensions of place-making sheds new light on the nature of imaginative development, with important implications for educational theory and practice.  相似文献   

Teacher educators and field placement supervisors in early childhood teacher education (ECTE) programs aid their students in learning a specific repertoire of tools and skills, including pedagogical tools they can mobilize in their future practice. However, these tools reify abstract notions about how to teach young children that are consistent with the values and beliefs of the specific community of practice or culture, and culturally diverse students may ascribe different meanings and uses to the tools. This one-year ethnographic study explored how 20 immigrant and refugee students constructed understandings of the authoritative discourse during their coursework and field placements in an urban ECTE college program in western Canada. Qualitative data were collected through field notes, spatial mapping, interviews, focus groups, and artifacts/documents. Framed by sociocultural-historical theory, this paper focuses on the scaffolding methods used by teacher educators and expert peers to assist students in appropriating children’s picture books and songs as tools to use during their field placement experiences. The most effective of these scaffolding strategies used mediational devices to evoke recollections of each student’s experiences “back home,” thus advancing possibilities for more culturally resonant teacher education classes.  相似文献   

关于开发外来务工人员开放教育市场的调研报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国在农民工继续教育上有着根本的利益,农民工聚居社区的政府、企业、农民工,甚至学校,他们在农民工教育方面也都有着共同利益.外来务工人员是一个非常好学的群体,在很大程度上是愿意为自己的继续教育买单的,平均每人年继续教育开支的意愿达700元.必须把教育基础设施建到农民工的身旁,在每个拥有1~1.5万元左右农民工的聚居区建立一个学习中心,一辆短程的公共汽车就能把一个学习中心和周围的学习中心联结起来,形成一个社区/开放大学.农民工需要职业技术培训和学历文凭相结合的教育项目,成人补习教育、娱乐休闲教育等需要创造性地运用网络和面对面授课相结合.我们需要一个真正的开放大学:即是没有门槛;教育超市;开放教育市场.我们建议“政府自上而下推动“ “有创意的红娘“ “社区利益相关者共建“的模式.中央政府和工业区密集的地方政府可以分别设立“工业区社区大学专项资金“,鼓励“有创意的红娘“来申请“赠款“,举办工业区的社区大学.工业区建立之前就存在的成人学校挂上一块社区大学的牌子来面对今天农民工这批新产业工人的多样性教育需求,弄得不好就是“刻舟求剑“、“削足适履“.因此,鼓励大学教育家举办社区大学,这不是传统意义上的国家所有制的大学,也不是民办大学,而是既有国家“赠款“,又有社区(镇/村)公共投入,还有企业和其他社会团体和民众投入的真正意义上的社区大学.这种社区大学是真正非盈利的,可定性为新兴的“事业单位“,产权完全归社会所有.当中国在五到十年内进入下一轮高等教育扩张时,可能这种“全工半读“的“开放大学“将成为高等教育的主力,一种提供“只要愿意,肯劳动,人人都可上大学“的新通道.  相似文献   

《Distance Education》2012,33(2):221-236
This article focuses on the potential of free tools, particularly inquiry tools for influencing participation in twenty-first-century learning in science, as well as influencing the development of communities around tools. Two examples are presented: one on the development of an open source tool for structured inquiry learning that can bridge the formal/informal spaces for inquiry learning. This is contrasted with an example of the use of free tools and community development for observation of scientific phenomena supported by open educational resources (OER) with a citizen science perspective. The article provides an assessment of how the availability of the resources has a potential for shaping the communities using OER for science learning and a discussion of the means of supporting inquiry.  相似文献   

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