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I will not make the same mistake that you did.I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery.I will not break the way you did,you fell so hard.I’ve learned the hard way to never let it get that far.Because of you,I never stray too far from the sidewalk.Because of you,I learned to play on the safe side,so  相似文献   

The Swing     
How do you like to go up in a swing, Up in the air so blue? Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing Ever a child can do! Up in the air and over the wall, Till I can see so wide  相似文献   

1.As all know,the Spring Festival is the most traditional festival in China.Everybody loves it very much. When I was a little girl,I used to think why the Spring Festival was so enjoyable and what why Spring Festival attracted people so much. I asked my mother, but she just smiled and patted on my head.Now, I am not a little girl, so I have got to know the reason.  相似文献   

周敏 《海外英语》2005,(3):21-21
So simple yet so sweet,so inexpensive yet so invaluable, such is the love from Papa.Words of love just diminish into all the insignificance when I receive this pair of gloves and the scarf from Papa. This is my Papa:if there is not enough food to go around,he goes without;if it is a choice between new clothes for him or new  相似文献   

高中英语第三册(下)第89课有这样一句:Light the fire not so near the entrance that the wind will blow the fire out,and not so far in that the smoke will fill the cave.对于这个句子我们可以有两种不同的理解。第一,这是一个复合句,主句是个祈使句:Light the fire,后面跟着两个用and连接的并列结构:“so…that…”that分别引导的是表示结果的状语从句,  相似文献   

There's a place in Africa where the mice grow so big that the only thing they're afraid of is the elephant.His clothes are so dirty that he shakes them out every now and then and sells topsoil ( 肥料 ).  相似文献   

伍琪 《今日中学生》2012,(25):24-25
A One morning Wood left his house with six donkeys (驴) for the market.After a time,he got tired and got on to one of them.He counted the donkeys,and there were only five,so he got off and looked for the sixth.However,he did not find it,so he went back to the donkeys and counted them again.This time there were six,so he got on to one of them again and went on forward.  相似文献   

A Leaf Boat     
An ant Falls on a leaf The leaf floats down Onto the vast blue sea Thus, into this world The tiniest is born Inside sits the tiniest sailor Sitting sail on the long voyage* of life The sea is so quiet I fear the wind may rouse waves The sea is so clear …  相似文献   

1、So…that…意为“如此……以致……”。其中,so是副词,用以修饰其后的形容词或副词;that引导表示结果的状语从句。其句型结构是“主语 系动词/行为动词 so 形容词/副词 that从句”。例如:He is so tall that he can reach the top of the blackboard.It was so dark that we  相似文献   

Discussed and has analyzed in the commercial English, shrank the abbreviation and identical words and expressions redundant and the synonym compound use; Ancient substantive; Expression precise and fuzziness; The active voice sentence and so on several language phenomena is opposite with passive voice sentence in takes the ordinary English which in the daily life uses, commercial English belongs to one dedicated application English, its linguistic environment are many and the finance, the economics and trade, the public relations, the management, the marketing and so on foreign work is related, specialized knowledgeable is strong. Compares with the ordinary English, commercial English in aspects and so on topical glossary, sentence type characteristic, issue document structure, turn of expression often displays and the ordinary English different individuality.  相似文献   

概述了复杂适应系统(CAS)理论,分析了高校思政课的CAS特征,提出了提升高校思政课课堂教学实效的六条途径:了解学生学习背景,引导目标兴趣统一;合理组合各种"积木",做好课程教学设计;设置疑难争论环节,实现无序有序转化;传递有效教学信息,利于学生识别选择;运用教学语言艺术,吸引学生集中精力;淡化师生角色差异,共同建构高层模型。  相似文献   

根据目前市场上电子宠物都是二维单色液晶屏幕显示,感觉比较枯燥,因此想要设计一种虚拟宠物.本篇文章主要讨论虚拟宠物的基本原理,实现的主要技术,设计思想以及实现它所需的设备和软、硬件条件.  相似文献   

解放前中国钢琴音乐创作缓慢,初期主要人物为赵元任、萧友梅、李荣寿等,主要作品有《和平进行曲》、《霓裳羽衣舞》等;30年代代表人物有贺绿汀、陈田鹤等,代表作为《牧童短笛》、《序曲》、《血债》等;40年代代表人物有江文也、丁善德等,代表作有《儿童钢琴曲四首》、《春之旅组曲》等。  相似文献   

新时期德育工作的途径应由6个方面构成:课堂教育与社会实践相结合,变封闭式灌输为开放式教育;开展心理咨询性教育,变训诫式说教为细致入微的服务;弘扬学生的主体意识,变“要我做”为“我要做”;加强“隐蔽课程”建设,变单一性教育为多元化渗透;构建一支强有力的思想政治工作队伍,变滞后处理为超前预防;利用现代教育手段,变单一形式为网络化教育。  相似文献   

大学生汉语口语训练课程考核的基本思路是:通过摸底测试,了解学生的现状,因材施教;通过自说自评,加强学生对提高口语表达能力的认识;通过讲演,增强学生口语表达的技巧;通过论辩,提高学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

本文综述我国运动生理学教材建设的历史,分析了目前运动生理学教材建设中存在的内容多、篇幅大、学术性强,与体育学院学生基础不一致,运动生理学教材研究少等有关问题,提出了加强运动生理学建设的设想.  相似文献   

Of the issues connected with education in China, none is so sensitive within the bureaucracy and so controversial among students as the manner in which candidates for entrance to certain secondary and all postsecondary institutions are chosen, for few things can effect greater change or offer greater opportunity to a Chinese youth than to become one of the few allowed to continue education beyond the eighth grade. Ironically, few things in China have varied so widely and changed so often over the past few decades as admissions policies.  相似文献   

研究我国社会分化的衡量标准是一个重大的理论问题和实践问题。本文提出了衡量我国社会分化程度应该是三个标准的统一:社会的阶层、集团分化;社会的利益分化;社会的价值分化。从这三个方面的标准来衡量.我国已经是一个高度分化的国家。  相似文献   

在新时期,高校要积极探索加强思想政治教育的途径与方法,始终坚持"三结合"原则,进一步加强和改进大学生管理和服务工作,提高服务育人的水平;进一步加强校园文化建设,提高文化育人的亲和力和感染力;进一步加强网络思想教育阵地建设,加强网络育人功能;进一步探索与强化实践教育环节,增强实践育人的效果。  相似文献   

《论语·乡党》篇“色斯举”章被古今儒家们认为有“阙文”而“费解”,以致“自古以来就没有满意的解释”。其原因是注解者没有抓住本章的核心关键词“雌雉”,从而没有领悟到孔子说话的场景及记述的事件,就字论字,出现误读。雌性代表“性”,这个核心词也就表明了本章记述的是野鸡交尾的情形.如此领会,本章可通解。  相似文献   

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