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当前国内空手道锦标赛常用的技术有拳技的上段击和中段击,足技的正踢、横踢、后踢、侧踢和摆踢为主,根据本次比赛的调查和统计得出,得分点主要是中段击和上段击,其上段踢和中段踢要少于拳技得分,其中,3分技术使用次数多得分较高;作为国内最高水准的年度锦标赛,2013年总参赛人数共有176人,说明成年组和青年组人数不多,有待加强;裁判员队伍结构比较科学合理,本次锦标赛裁判员业务水平和裁判等级高于往届。  相似文献   

通过查阅相关资料文献,技术录像统计法对空手道比赛录像进行对比观看,来研究空手道运动员在比赛中的技术运用,加深对中段击重要性的认识。根据空手道比赛录像技术数据进行分析对比,得出在空手道比赛中,中段击是最主要的得分手段,对运动员比赛胜负的影响很大。在此基础上,分析了中段击获胜的技术原因及未来发展方向,并进一步提出了中段击组合技术在训练及比赛中的地位。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、观察法、数理统计法,对2004年亚洲杯与欧洲杯比赛中,队员犯规的规律和特点进行分析。研究表明:在现代足球比赛中亚洲队员、欧洲队员犯规均是以直接任意球的犯规为主,犯规都带有一定的攻击性;中路犯规最多,亚洲杯比赛中后场犯规多,欧洲杯比赛中前场犯规多,红黄牌主要集中在中场的中路;亚洲队员下肢犯规多于上肢,且主要集中在下肢的踢和上肢的拉;欧洲队员犯规上肢多于下肢,主要集中在推人犯规和绊人犯规等方面。  相似文献   

1.以冲拳为先导的组合技术 (1)左冲拳→右冲拳→右中段旋踢→左下段旋踢 预备势站立(图1)。以左冲拳为牵制拳,右冲拳为重炮强打,左右两拳一气呵成(图2、3)。若对方后退,则借助击右拳时重心移到左腿之势,用右腿中段旋踢进攻(图4);若右腿被挡或击中效果不佳,右腿迅速回落,以左脚旋踢踢对方左大腿内侧(图5)。右脚的落点和朝向必须根据对方的距离和位置来调整,以利于左脚旋踢的发挥。  相似文献   

对18届和19届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段裁判员判罚情况进行统计分析。结果表明:19届世界杯足球赛运动员在犯规、越位、红、黄牌方面都比18届世界杯多;运动员的主要犯规动作类型比例按顺序从过去的踢人、拉扯、冲撞、铲人、推人、绊摔变为铲人、推人、冲撞、绊摔、拉扯、踢人;出示红牌比例最多的区域从过去的后场转变到中场;规则的修改减少了运动员在场上的严重犯规和暴力行为。  相似文献   

G886.52 9804451空手道踢击术在竞技中的运用[刊,中,I]/朱垣//拳击与格斗.-1998(9).-46-51图22(DW)空手道//踢腿//技击//技术//应用G886.9 980437697“康富来杯”全国跆拳道锦标赛技术分析[刊,中,I]/刘宝成、赵秋蓉、鲁凡、刘德皓//西安体育学院学报.-1998.-15(2).-37-41(XH)  相似文献   

采用文献资料、录像观察和数理统计等方法,对世界优秀空手道运动员的技战术特点进行分析。结果表明:运动员更偏重使用拳法技术,拳法是运动员主要得分手段;在拳法技术中,运动员的后手拳法最为重要;在腿法技术中,中段回旋踢技术使用次数最多,但是成功率相对偏低,上段回旋踢技术成功率相对较高;在比赛中摔法使用次数较少,成功率相对偏低;在战术分析方面,直攻战术是运动员的主要战术形式。  相似文献   

前踢,是指从身体正前方中线起腿踢击对方要害部位的技法。由于出击隐蔽,攻击距离短,对方很难防御。前踢技法分为低位前踢与中位前踢,低位前踢在实战中主要用来踢击对方胫骨部位,由于攻击隐蔽,动作快速,所以很容易击中目标。中位前踢主要攻击对方裆部要害,在踢击同时如配合手法干拢,则很容易击中对方。下面具体介绍两种踢技的练习与应用。  相似文献   

(一)对右腿上段旋踢的防守反击。1 架挡还腿:从预备势开始(下同)。对手以右腿旋踢击你头部;你以左前臂后侧和右掌底为接触点,架挡其胫骨前侧,并向对手后方推挡(图1),随即以右腿旋踢反击对手大腿外侧(图2)。右旋踢可根据对手防守情况改击上段或中段。架挡的同时亦可用左腿踹对手的支撑腿之膝部内侧。  相似文献   

采用观察统计法、数理统计法、文献资料法、专家访谈法,对2010年第19届南非足球世界杯裁判员临场执法中所出示的黄牌进行研究.结果显示:A区犯规被判罚黄牌的次数最多,为83张,占黄牌总数的31.80%;在犯规上采用踢人或铲人方式的犯规动作被判罚黄牌的有95张;背面犯规被判罚黄牌的有89张;故意手球被判罚黄牌17张;被犯规一方身体小腿部位被侵犯次数最多.  相似文献   

Little is known of the performance characteristics of the shotokan karate mae-geri kick. The aim of this study was to compare the execution time, the lower limb kinetics and kinematics, and their respective repeatability in the mae-geri kick of karate athletes of two different standards. Seventeen adult black belt karate competitors (9 national and 8 international athletes) performed six kicks with their dominant lower limb on a striking surface, combining maximum force impact and velocity. Execution time of movement and lower limb kinematics were recorded with a high-speed camera. Maximum force at impact and the forces exerted on the ground were measured using three force plates. The duration of the kick was significantly shorter for international than for national standard athletes. However, no significant difference in the maximum impact force of the kick was observed between the two groups. In addition, significant kinematic differences were observed between the groups, with two angles of motion and one velocity peak occurring sooner in the kick movement for the international athletes, specifically for the knee joint. International athletes also performed the kick with a significantly higher repeatability for duration and kinematics, specifically during the pre-loading phase that precedes the attack phase. We conclude that the duration of the kick and repeatability of lower limb kinematics could be useful in selecting top-level karate athletes and monitoring their training status.  相似文献   


Little is known of the performance characteristics of the shotokan karate mae-geri kick. The aim of this study was to compare the execution time, the lower limb kinetics and kinematics, and their respective repeatability in the mae-geri kick of karate athletes of two different standards. Seventeen adult black belt karate competitors (9 national and 8 international athletes) performed six kicks with their dominant lower limb on a striking surface, combining maximum force impact and velocity. Execution time of movement and lower limb kinematics were recorded with a high-speed camera. Maximum force at impact and the forces exerted on the ground were measured using three force plates. The duration of the kick was significantly shorter for international than for national standard athletes. However, no significant difference in the maximum impact force of the kick was observed between the two groups. In addition, significant kinematic differences were observed between the groups, with two angles of motion and one velocity peak occurring sooner in the kick movement for the international athletes, specifically for the knee joint. International athletes also performed the kick with a significantly higher repeatability for duration and kinematics, specifically during the pre-loading phase that precedes the attack phase. We conclude that theduration of the kick and repeatability of lower limb kinematics could be useful in selecting top-level karate athletes and monitoring their training status.  相似文献   

文章通过查找相关文献资料,记录比赛录像数据,运用数理统计法、对比分析等方法对中国散打运动员王洪祥和日本空手道运动员冈本铁也在2010年武林风中日挑战赛上的散打攻防综合技术、单个技术、组合技术动作进行比较分析。结果表明:王洪祥综合技术运用成功率较高,穷追猛打,攻防兼备,而冈本铁也则在防守方面非常严密,抗打硬拼;王洪祥单项技术以右手后冲拳、左高鞭腿为主,冈本铁也则以防守、低鞭腿、灵活顶抗为主;王洪祥拳腿闪躲组合技术运用灵活巧妙,凭借精妙组合KO对手,冈本铁也组合运用凶猛,但在力量方面有所缺乏。这场中华百姓英雄KO全日本空手道冠军经典之战的技术分析,为今后中国散打运动员训练和参加国际对抗比赛提供参考依据。  相似文献   

This field experiment investigated the relative merits of approaching the penalty kick with either a keeper-independent or keeper-dependent strategy. In the keeper-independent strategy, the shooter selects a target location in advance and disregards the goalkeeper's actions during the run-up. In the keeper-dependent strategy, the shooter makes a decision resting on the anticipation of the goalkeeper's movements during the run-up. Ten intermediate-level soccer players shot at one of two visually specified targets to the right and left side of the goal. In the keeper-independent strategy condition, participants were told that the visually specified target would not change. In the keeper-dependent strategy condition, participants were told that in half of the trials the visually specified target would change side at different times before ball contact, indicating that the direction of the kick needed to be altered. The results showed that penalty-taking performance was apt to be less than perfect in the keeper-dependent strategy condition. A decrease in the time available to alter kick direction resulted in a higher risk of not only an incorrect but also inaccurate shot placement. It is concluded that anticipating the goalkeeper's movements may degrade penalty kick performance, mainly due to insufficient time to modify the kicking action.  相似文献   


This field experiment investigated the relative merits of approaching the penalty kick with either a keeper-independent or keeper-dependent strategy. In the keeper-independent strategy, the shooter selects a target location in advance and disregards the goalkeeper's actions during the run-up. In the keeper-dependent strategy, the shooter makes a decision resting on the anticipation of the goalkeeper's movements during the run-up. Ten intermediate-level soccer players shot at one of two visually specified targets to the right and left side of the goal. In the keeper-independent strategy condition, participants were told that the visually specified target would not change. In the keeper-dependent strategy condition, participants were told that in half of the trials the visually specified target would change side at different times before ball contact, indicating that the direction of the kick needed to be altered. The results showed that penalty-taking performance was apt to be less than perfect in the keeper-dependent strategy condition. A decrease in the time available to alter kick direction resulted in a higher risk of not only an incorrect but also inaccurate shot placement. It is concluded that anticipating the goalkeeper's movements may degrade penalty kick performance, mainly due to insufficient time to modify the kicking action.  相似文献   

Anticipation is an important performance factor in karate kumite. A new approach analysing anticipation in realistic combat situations by motion capturing with a high temporal resolution is presented. The advantage of this approach is that both karate athletes interacting sports specific can be recorded synchronously; thus, the presented method has the potential to analyse visual information pickup due to coordination pattern of interaction between real athletes. The aim is to demonstrate the usability of the current method for anticipation research and to investigate if the distance between two athletes and their attacking technique play a role in the reaction of the defending athlete. Furthermore, relevant cues lying within each attacking technique and little individual differences are shown. Four male karate athletes took part in this study. Logistic regression indicated that both factors (distance × attacking technique) play a significant role in reaction. However, a correlation between these factors shows that only the attacking technique is a good predictor for reaction. Results show that the attacking technique jabbing punch (jap. Kizami-Zuki) was easier to anticipate than the attacking techniques reverse punch (jap. Gyaku-Zuki) and the round kick (jap. Mawashi-Geri).  相似文献   

第16届世界杯足球赛定位球进球分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
第16届世界杯足球赛定位球进攻造成的进球中,角球进攻进球比往届明显增加,前卫队员是定位球进攻进球的主要得分手,头顶球是定位球进攻重要的破门得分手段。  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to compare the three-dimensional kinematics of the lower extremities and ground reaction forces between the instep kick and the kick with the outside area of the foot (outstep kick) in pubertal soccer players. Ten pubertal soccer players performed consecutive kicking trials in random order after a two-step angled approach with the instep and the outstep portion of the foot. Three-dimensional data and ground reaction forces were measured during kicking. Paired t-tests indicated significantly higher (P < 0.05) ball speeds and ball/foot speed ratios for the instep kick compared with the outstep kick. Non-significant differences in angular and linear sagittal plane kinematic parameters, temporal characteristics, and ground reaction forces between the instep and outstep soccer kicks were observed (P > 0.05). In contrast, analysis of variance indicated that the outstep kick displayed higher hip internal rotation and abduction, knee internal rotation, and ankle inversion than the instep kick (P < 0.05). Our results suggest that the instep kick is more powerful than the outstep kick and that different types of kick require different types of skill training.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify critical kinetic variables that lead to increased ball velocity during a side-foot passing kick in soccer. Seven experienced male soccer players and eight inexperienced players participated in the experiment. They were instructed to perform side-foot kicks along the ground with maximum effort with an eye on the target line. The joint angles, angular velocities, and torques of the kicking leg were determined based on the three-dimensional kinematic data. The mean ball speed of the experienced group (21.4 +/- 1.5 m/s) was significantly faster than that of the inexperienced group (16.0 +/- 1.0m/s; P < 0.001). The motions of the inexperienced players tended to be less dynamic than those of the experienced players. The most noticeable difference in the kinetics of the kick was found in the hip flexion torque throughout the back-swing phase until the leg-cocking phase. The mean peak value of the experienced group (168 +/- 20 N x or m) was significantly greater than that of the inexperienced group (94 +/- 17 N x or m; P < 0.001). To increase ball speed during a side-foot passing kick, the generation of hip-flexion torque during the earlier stage of kicking is critical.  相似文献   

作为跆拳道比赛的主要得分项质疑,后踢技术属于一种高难度的进攻技术。它简单,速度快、攻击力强,常常有令对手应对不及的效果。但后踢技术对赛手的肌肉爆发力、控场力、反应力、时机把握能力、赛场判断力的要求非常高,只有那些反应灵敏、判断准确、经验丰富的赛手才能成功施用并取得极好的攻击效果。选手在日常训练中要积极学习,多多训练,以备不时之需。  相似文献   

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