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王龙洋 《编辑之友》2016,(7):103-107
文章探讨了近代报刊对大众文化兴起的影响,并通过分析近代报刊与大众文化的商业化、大众化写作以及对都市文化想象空间建构的内在关联性,讨论了报刊与大众文化之间的双向互动关系.报刊的商业性和大众性驱动了作为载体的大众文化的兴起,并影响了大众文化的样式.大众文化反过来又强化了报刊的大众化和商业化.  相似文献   

段颖惠 《编辑之友》2017,(6):93-96,108
清末报刊在业务上有很大改进,创办刊发及编辑排印的报纸化,稿件编排和栏目内容的多样化,语言形式和传播方式的大众化,体现出从书籍到报纸的真正转变.清末报刊业务的改进,不仅奠定了近代报业发展的基础,且方便了读者阅读,推动了报刊向社会大众的传播.清末报刊的发行与销售已遍及全国大部分地区,阅报者不再局限于上层社会和知识分子阶层,部分扩展到社会大众.相较于维新时期,民众对于报纸的态度有很大改变.同时,报刊对新思想、新知识的宣传提倡,很大程度上对清末社会变革产生了积极的推动作用.  相似文献   

我国拥有较多的农村人口,农村报刊市场前景无限,但近些年来,我国农村报刊市场却在不断边缘化,被大众媒体忽视.分析现有农村媒介环境,梳理当下农村报刊市场的现状,借鉴日本报刊的编辑发行经验,从阅读习惯、报刊内容以及发行方式等方面改善我国农村地区报刊市场的发展状况.  相似文献   

正当前,多媒体阅读日新月异,遍地开花,尤其是网络阅读成为大众阅读的常态,这必然给少儿报刊的生存带来巨大挑战。就少儿报刊而言,全国有200多家1200多种,诸侯纷争,各自为战。这意味着,在数字传媒崛起的宏观背景下,少儿报刊的生存环境更加复杂。新形势下的少儿报刊市场竞争,必然遵循"丛林法则",实现优胜劣汰,并最终导致新的势力格局出现。如何使少儿报刊保持传统纸媒品牌的特色和优势?如何把当下传统纸媒品牌优势转化为未来可持续性  相似文献   

报刊是传播信息的最普遍的大众媒介,它反映的知识内容新、传递快,能及时报道国内外最新消息、最新科技成果及动态。如何使这一些有价值的报刊得到利用,必须开展各式各样的宣传介绍工作。  相似文献   

<英语课程标准>明确指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的任务首先是激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣.<二十一世纪中学生版>以其独特的优势,不仅能吸引学生的学习兴趣,帮助他们了解世界和中西方文化的差异,而且为中学英语课程的开发提供了必要的补充,为学生创造了一个阅读的空间.把报刊阅读引入中学英语教学,通过课前活动、课上活动、课后活动三个步骤,采用多种方式,指导学生、组织学生进行阅读,探索报刊阅读辅助教学的新模式.  相似文献   

代红 《新闻爱好者》2018,(11):64-66
传统报刊必须适应现代传媒语境才能展现自身的价值,为实现这一目标,就必须实现将传统报刊与新媒体深度融合。报刊微信公众号作为报刊与新媒体融合的途径之一,越来越受到重视。当前报刊微信公众号营运策略主要有三种:基于趣缘群体的公众号目标群体的调整、主动顺应读图时代读者阅读习惯的信息编写和适应不同阅读对象的语言表述方式。  相似文献   

现代报刊的发展、繁荣对中国现代文学的影响深远.它不仅改变了现代文学的传播形态,且对现代读者和作者产生了影响;它不仅拓展了中国现代文学读者群体,培养了新的阅读习惯并形成一个的构建在共同阅读空间基础上的现代性想象空间,开拓了现代文人的交往时空,延展了文人体验世界深度和广度,从而使得作家能够构建一个虚拟的现代性想象空间,丰富了现代文学写作的范畴.  相似文献   

朱春阳 《传媒观察》2003,(11):25-26
对于一份新创报刊而言,如何入市获得快速扩散是市场价值实现的关键环节。新报刊获得读者的认同,一方面要靠对读者阅读需求的满足,另外一方面还要考虑报刊定价对读者接受报刊的影响。价格作为新报刊营销中的重要手段,其灵活性和易操作性优势使其成为新报刊营销中最敏感也  相似文献   

尹航  蒋多 《中国出版》2023,(4):66-69
辛亥革命时期正值中国传统出版业向近代出版业过渡的重要阶段,在近代中西文化冲突、汇流与融合中,报刊以其不可取代的大众媒介作用和传播特性,扮演着记录者、参与者乃至建构者的角色。报刊传播的革命触媒效应得益于两种力量的推波助澜。一方面资产阶级革命力量纷纷利用报刊这一宣传工具夯实其舆论阵地,另一方面上海作为出版中心所形成的大众读报时代景观提供了重要的公共话语空间与媒介互动场域。近代报刊的萌芽、成长与繁荣,是在与革命互为因果、相互激荡的过程中实现的,技术革新推动报刊商品化、制度转型引领报馆企业化、供需调节导向报业市场化三个层面的共同作用,促使报刊成为近代出版革命的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

档案和报刊,同为研究中国近代史的重要资料。“文革”前,档案资料整理出版较少,也没有象《历史档案》、《民国档案》那样的专业性期刊。就“戊戌变法”来说,1953年出版的“中国近代史资料丛刊”《戊戌变法),仅辑录了少量奏稿和附上《故宫博物院所藏有关戊戌变法的奏折原稿目录》45件,1958年,中央档案馆明清档案部编有《戊戌变法档案史料》②,分综合、荐举新政人才等项目,载有大量奏折,  相似文献   

大学和大学出版,其目的都是为了传递知识。大学出版社以出版学术著作为己任。大学与大学出版的互动,有助于出版业的发展。近年来,中国大学出版社发展迅速,但在学术出版上有待继续努力。  相似文献   

"Small" presses are those which, because of the nature of their operations, put out short runs (250 to over one or two thousand copies) of the best efforts of regional poets and writers. There are a number of these adventitious industries alive and well in the Northwest. Regional and academic librarians should know of and support their efforts because they perform a vital function culturally speaking. They help to set the parameters of a genuine regional literature clearly and advantageously because they can and do foster a certain professional competition at their level.  相似文献   

Research into Greek press history has not yet gone through all the necessary stages, including cataloguing, content analysis, synthesis and comparative study of the data. Only recently have researchers attempted to utilize information obtained from the press as an authentic source of information leading to better understanding of political and cultural phenomena and attitudes, and the reactions of public opinion—aspects of historical research that were not previously considered. The revitalized thinking that allowed the linear narrative presentation of previous years to evolve into more complex interdisciplinary approaches has helped broaden the thematic focus and brought the study of the press into the research limelight.  相似文献   

本文以西藏"3·14事件"为出发点,从五个方面深入分析了西方新闻媒体的真实属性,包括:西方新闻自由的历史由来;西方新闻学的理论归宿;西方媒体与政府的关系;西方媒体与市场经济、利益集团的关系;西方媒体仍是后冷战的武器.  相似文献   

This research studied the way immigration is depicted by the neighborhood press of Barcelona. Mainstream media tend to give visibility to immigrants when problems arise. Through this visibility based on problems, and the processes of framing, a virtual social identity is constructed and given to the immigration population. However, the neighborhood press of Barcelona, inscribed within the Catalan regional press’ own idea of journalism, offers a different approach to this issue due to its history, neighborhood and commitment to the region. Through a frame analysis, three main frames gave a depiction of the immigrants different from the one the mainstream media use. The results show that this differentiated depiction still stereotypes immigrants while not granting them enough visibility even when there is no blaming or attack. In this sense, while accounting for the differences, the neighborhood press of Barcelona misses a chance of depicting immigration in a more accurate way.  相似文献   

近年来,报业大战烽烟滚滚,相互争夺十分激烈,激烈的程度甚至要用“残酷”二字来形容了。试看今日我们的新闻界,可有哪一家报社的老总不在为发行和广告操心的?可有哪一家报社的老总不在绞尽脑汁企图出奇制胜的?至于那些目前对市场还不太适应的报纸,也无不都在努力改造自己,希望在市场中找到自己的位置,能够在市场中占有一席之地。  相似文献   

In late nineteenth-century USA, technological developments in paper production—a shift from a reliance on scarce cotton rag to plentiful wood—drastically reduced the price of newsprint. That decline helped overturn the reigning economics of the daily newspaper and resulted in the rise of new cheap papers with vastly expanded circulation. This novel mass press encompassed almost all Americans in the public sphere as represented by its pages. Focusing on newspapers in Detroit, this study examines the manifold consequences this shift had for the press's economics, its news agenda, and the implicit identity of the audience it addressed. The rise of a mass press in the late nineteenth century, however, was not specific to Detroit or the USA. As comparative historians have highlighted, the emergence of a mass press in Europe and elsewhere was a turning point that deeply marked the historical evolution of press systems around the globe.  相似文献   

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