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In the 1950s and early 1960s, the British teenager was presented as a symbol of generational rebellion in the popular press, social investigations, and much political debate. We draw on oral histories, newspapers and the archives of prominent social surveys to question this presentation. By examining how working-class teenagers and their parents experienced and remembered the post-war years, we identify a disjuncture between the literature on moral panic and the widespread evidence of intergenerational cooperation between parents and children. Many working-class parents, enjoying newfound economic security, felt able to encourage their children to enjoy more adventurous lives.  相似文献   

On November 16, 2010, Chinese acupuncture was proclaimed as a Masterpiece of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity at the 5th UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee  相似文献   

The imposing oil painting “Bonaparte Crossing the AIps at Grand-Saint- Bernard Pass” by French portraitist Jacques-Louis David, Antoine-Francois Dezarrois' chalcographic rendition of Leonardo da Vinci's mysterious “Mona Lisa”, and soul-stirring streetscapes of Paris over the last century captured by master photographers such as Henri Cartier-Bresson and Marc Riboud have been shipped to the National Art Museum of China in downtown Beijing, to the delight of art lovers.  相似文献   

The appointment was delayed. I didn‘t want to disturb Hu Xiaodan when I saw he was so busy with his work. Sporting a crew cut and lightweight casual clothes, he looked more like a university professor than the ““““the pride of Chinese fashion designers““““. It was hard to picture him as the cenfroversial figure in the circle of fashion design, and he spoke with quiet conviction about his dedication to ““““borrowing““““ ideas from the Chinese culture.  相似文献   


This study explored 150 EFL teachers’ perceptions of critical cultural awareness (CCA) considering their teaching context, academic degree, and professional development programs. The participants all completed the CCA questionnaire, fifteen of whom also sat a semi-structured qualitative interview. Our findings showed, a) EFL teachers’ perceptions of CCA located at a medium level, b) the PhD participants showed significantly higher engagement in CCA than their BA and MA counterparts, c) private language institute teachers reported higher levels of CCA than their state-run school counterparts and d) local professional development programs did not emphasize culture teaching in general and CCA in particular.  相似文献   


This essay offers an experience of how the author comes to understand the terms ‘Third World’ in a specific social, historical, and political context in Taiwan. For the author, his deepest understandings of the ‘Third World’ did not come from theoretical readings, but from several concrete personal experiences.  相似文献   

The Viennese publisher Christian Brandstatter spent half his life in hometown cafe since he couldn't find a better way to pass the time.In this article,he inter...  相似文献   

CHINA’S reform of culturalundertakings started in 1979,when the Communist Partyof China(CPC)proposed a generalreform and opening to the outsideworld and began China’s economicrestructuring.The key and difficultreform was in the operation of per-forming troupes.The reform under-went four stages.  相似文献   

Some scholars specializing in racial issues attempt to explain ethnic “identity” and its awakening as the intrinsic logic that runs through Stuart Hall’s academic life. My paper disagrees with this explanation and finds three problems in it: first, it has not fully understood the applicable object of Hall’s politics of “identity,” thus it leads to the inappropriate employment of the theory; second, it does not fully recognize the involvement of Hall’s academic research, and exaggerates the effect of Hall's early experience on the development of his academic thoughts; third finally, there is a tendency to use essentialist reductionism in the attempt to find an essential Hall or the essence of Hall. I argue that one needs to comprehend three key words in order to understand the “guarantee-free” Hall, that is, “resistance,” “openness” and “articulation.” Therefore, if one wants to grasp Hall’s “identity,” one must go back to the social history and its evolving process where Hall existed.  相似文献   

China International CulturalAssociation (CICA) is a nationwide socialgroup under the direct guidance andsupport of Chinese Ministry of Culture.Since its founding on July 3, 1986, CICAaims to enhance understanding andfriendship between Chinese people andpeople of the rest of the world and hasconducted nearly one thousandexchange events and projects, includingperforming arts, design arts, publication,personnel exchange as well as variouskinds of multi-lateral exchange. Thoseevents and proj…  相似文献   

This paper is one of the attempts to show how each East‐Asian regional country’s memory of the war has been related to the post‐war literatures and movies restricted by the structure of the Cold War. In particular, this paper takes up the issue of how the structure of Japanese culture after World War II was heavily influenced by the Cold War. When Japan was under the Occupational Forces, Japanese writers and film directors settling on the subject matter of the war were not free from the strain of the systematic censorship by GHQ. Translating into mechanisms of their works using the body or woman (comfort woman) by squarely facing the facts of the East‐Asian history, this paper reconsiders the body of post‐colonial Japan.  相似文献   

丁文  甄春亮 《世界文化》2005,(10):25-26
一场突如其来的意外事故,让妻子的眼睛彻底失明了,她的世界从此陷入了黑暗之中.  相似文献   


This article explores the nineteenth-century origins of the sniffer dog in one of the most notorious homicide investigations in British history, focusing on Scotland Yard's attempts to use the reputed olfactory powers of pure-bred English bloodhounds in the hunt for London's East End serial murderer Jack the Ripper in 1888. This episode has been historiographically overlooked in part because the dogs were never actually deployed. However, the failure to unleash dogs on the Ripper's trail turns out to be critically significant, opening up a space through which the historical contingencies and social meanings of dog-breeding and training practices can be explored and scrutinized. As a crime-solving tool, utilized for the purpose of investigating metropolitan crime, canine detection posed distinct problems. Proponents of bloodhound detection had to contend with various cultural, material and practical challenges, in order to guarantee the canines as reliable hunters in an environment that was contaminated by slum odour.  相似文献   

《上古时期的“衣”与“裳”》(作者:柴静、白友涛,载《文史知识》1997年第 3期,下称《衣》文)一文认为:“上古时期‘衣’指下衣——裙,也用来泛指衣服;‘裳’指上衣.”我以为此说不确,不能不辩.《衣》文提出的第一个理由是:“从服装的起源来看,最早出现的衣服是下衣,人们对于‘衣’字的最早概念当指下衣.”“在上衣还没有出现的时候,说衣是上衣当然极不合情理.后来随着时间的推移、历史的进步,人类开始使用上衣来遮蔽前后心及臂膀,就出现了‘裳’.”实际上最早出现的衣服未必是下衣,原始人使用服装的最初动机并非遮羞,因为这并不是第一需要.在至今还处在原始社会的部落中,曾经发现过不少不穿衣服的原始民族,却从来没有发现过没有装饰品的原始民族,因而许多人类学家认为装饰才是原始人使用服装的最初动机.至于遮羞的观念,恐怕要到私有制产生以后才有,原始人并不像文明人那样因赤裸身体而感到羞耻(参见上海古籍出版社编《中国文化史三百题》).退一步说,就算最早出现的是遮羞的下衣,也不能证明上古时期“衣”指下衣,“裳”指上衣.因为语言符号中的形式和意义的结合完全由社会“约定俗成”,正如荀子所说:“名无固宜,约之以命,约定俗成谓之宜,异于约则谓之不  相似文献   

Over the past years, cultural indus- try clusters mushroomed rapidly all over China, which is partly due to the state's policy guidance of encourag- ing cultural industry development. However, among over 2,500 clusters, more than 70% are in a loss, with less than 10% that are making profits.  相似文献   

The dimension of cultural characteristics is essentially ignored by the growing literature on organizational diversity, focusing on demographic diversity and general perceived similarity instead. This study aims to identify the similarities in cultural characteristics among ethnic groups in Malaysia. Ergo, conducted within the context of interethnic relations in Malaysia based on a phenomenographic approach; thence, found four categories namely the community embeddedness, the survival culture, the conformity culture and the respect culture. These exemplify the interethnic relations based on cultural characteristics and norms similarities. The cultural characteristics similarities between major ethnics in Malaysia in this study are indications of dynamic and interactive exchange occurring between ethnics. The consequences of these findings are discussed and elaborated in this article.  相似文献   

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