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This essay examines contemporary art as a tool of political resistance against existing and emerging ideologies as well as controversial and discriminatory cultural norms. On the example of the 2017 Venice Biennale, this research project analyses art, and more specifically, selected nation-specific exhibits, as pieces of critical pedagogy, representative of ideological and cultural resistance. Concentrating on the comparative analysis of art exhibits from US-American, Russian, and German national pavilions, this research project explains what their respective art communicates, what the main messages are, and elaborates on the impact, the salience, and the affect the exhibits have on their numerous audiences today, when the sphere of international and intercultural relations is challenged like never before. This essay further demonstrates that the exhibits challenge and critique the past and the present of their respective national cultures and attempt to refocus and humanize the future in the globalized world.  相似文献   

From Athens to Beijing, Olympic torch ignites our passion, Relaying peace and dream. From Beijing to the rest of the world, color of art highlights our zeal, Calling for youth and power.  相似文献   

The 60th anniversary of the Bandung Conference adopted the Bandung Message 2015, suggesting Asia and Africa be committed to eradicating poverty, narrowing the gap in living standards, and fostering closer cooperation across the regions. Whilst the historic 1955 Bandung Conference can be understood as a reaction to the Cold War system in the form of an alternative framework for cooperation among nations that resisted the hegemony of economic and military alliances dominated by specific countries, present day Asia witnesses significant attempts to reshuffle the world order; such as the Asia-Pacific system and China's “One Belt One Road” project. Equally, there are also signs of a determination towards openness and to cross boundaries in a spatial sense that may lead to the reshuffling of both institutions and everyday lives. These attempts are aimed at realizing a different Asia and a different world, rather than becoming part of a world order led by a specific country. The “people” of Asia have experienced colonization and forced emigration, drifting around the region while, at the same time, fleeing from one place to another, resulting in numerous interactions with diverse social systems and cultures. In this process they have shaped new spaces, places and social relations within the shifting landscapes of imperialism, the Cold War and globalization. These could be defined as a “historicized Asia” in which various movements, ruptures and hostilities generated by imperialism and the Cold War overlap, but at the same time crystallize the reality of Asia in the era of globalized capitalism. In this context, it is important to explore the way Asia is being constructed within the everyday lives of people as well as from the top; to focus on a different Asia that sits outside modern constructions of ethnicity and nation state, and to locate Asia in the context of its relationship with Africa and Latin America in this historic moment of the 60th anniversary of the Bandung Conference. Therefore, this is the time we may need to question whether or not “Asians in Asia are still alive and well.”  相似文献   

<正>From October 15 to November 15,2010,the National Theatre of China(NTCC) launched "The 4th International Festival-Splendid Asia(FNTC)".Four prestigious drama ...  相似文献   

Fiber artworks record existence experiences and cultural evolution of human kind. They carry inherent life logics and bear cultural continuity and richness of life evolution.Their connotations are highly individualized and closely related to human ideals, reflecting value commonality and humanitarian concern. Recently, “From Lausanne to Beijing: the 5th International Fiber Art Biennial Exhibition” was held in the art school of Tsinghua University, a one-month event co-hosted by the art school and the fiber art committee under China Art and Design Society.  相似文献   

After the three and half years of facelift, the Cemuschi Museum ,was finally reopened one year ago.Guided by Mr. Gilles Beguin, director of the museum, we visited the museum which has the second largest collection of Asian art in France, only next to Museum Guimet.[第一段]  相似文献   

Aquarter of century ago, Shenzhen was just a small township bordering with Hong Kong, with only a tiny population of 30,000. Since the reform and opening up policy was launched in 1979, Shenzhen has been designated as a special economic zone and has seen a startlingly high speed of economic growth. As the fastest-developed, newly-emerged metropolis in the world and probably the largest venue for architectural experiments, Shenzhen has seen its GDP rocketing by 1500 times within a short peri…  相似文献   

敦煌艺术中的千手观音   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢生保  谢静 《寻根》2005,(4):4-15
今年春节晚会上,中国残疾艺术团表演的舞蹈《千手观音》.精美绝伦,感动着全国亿万观众。近来人们纷纷谈论着《千手观音》和那21位坚强、美丽的聋哑演员。而《千手观音》究竟原于哪里?千手观音究竟在佛教艺术中扮演怎样的角色?笔者满怀对《千手观音》的敬佩之情,写下此文,让广大读者对此有更深刻的认识!  相似文献   

战国秦汉时期,中原的青铜文化已近“夕阳”,而地处西南边陲的云南青铜文化却刚刚步入“正午”。云南古代盛产铜矿,对此古代史籍中不乏记载,如:俞元(笔者注:今云南玉溪、江川、澄江一带)……怀山出铜。(《汉书·地理志》)贲古(笔者注:今云南个旧、蒙自一带),采山出铜、锡。(《后汉书·郡国志》)1987年,金正耀先生以铅同位素比值检测法,对著名的河南安阳商代妇好墓中的部分青铜器进行了检测,结果表明其原料与云南东川出产的铜矿的铅同位素比值最为接近,进一步证实了云南铜矿开采时间早、且输往内地的历史。丰富的铜矿资源是云南古代青铜文化辉…  相似文献   

刘克明 《寻根》2001,(3):101-105
中国绘画艺术有着数千年的历史,画史画论,各家录,十分丰富。这些画史画论不仅是对中国古代绘画艺术理论的系统总结,也是中国科学技术史的重要历史献。大量古代绘画作品所体现的数学内容以及画史画论中有关科学技术及数学方面的记载,为我们研究中国古代的绘画与数学的关系,提供了实物资料。  相似文献   

The exhibition of "Olympic Fine Arts 2008" opened in Beijing International Exhibition Center on August 11 in celebration of the 29th Olympic Games. The event was initiated by the International Olympic Committee and co-organized by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the Organizing Committee of Beijing Olympic Games. With the theme of "China and the world" and the slogan of "Art makes Olympics better", this international gala for art precisely expressed and continued the spirit and concept of "Olympic Contest for Sports and Art", an event that was held in Sydney and Athens respectively,  相似文献   

A bookplate is usually a small print or decorative label pasted to a book to indicate its owner. As a form of higher art, bookplates are praised as "gems on paper" or "pearls in print". First appearing in the 1 5th century, bookplates are collected as timehonored artworks. In Europe, collecting and appreciating bookplates is recognized as one of qualifications for intellectuals. In China, bookplates have gained increasing popularity among collectors thanks to the upgraded aesthetic level of Chinese people.  相似文献   

敦煌书法艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石坤 《寻根》2005,(4):23-29
敦煌藏经洞发现的敦煌古代遗书总数超过5万件,从内容上讲,它是研究我国古代政治、经济、军事、文化等的最直接、最珍贵的材料,而从这些遗留下来的文字本身来讲,它同样是我国文字书写艺术史上难得的珍品。因此,作为敦煌艺术的一个组成部分,理应为世人所瞩目。  相似文献   

The central place occupied by donkeys and mules in the life of the medieval Islamic world often necessitated medical care. Three veterinary treatises were chosen for the present study owing to the special attention attributed to these animals by their writers. The identity of the writers is of some interest: two of them were rulers of Yemen, whereas the third was the chief veterinarian of the Mamlūk Suln Mu[hdot]ammad Ibn Qalāwūn. In dealing with the treatment of donkeys and mules, these writings are mainly concerned with breeding, preventive medicine (including nutrition, exercise and diet), and the diagnostics and healing methods of ailments peculiar to donkeys and mules, including behavioural problems, infirmities of hooves and problems resulting from carrying heavy loads. The dedication of special sections of these treatises to donkeys and mules is an indication of their importance in the economy of Egypt and Yemen. They reflect the high professional level of veterinary medicine during the Mamlūk period.  相似文献   

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