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This study aims to obtain the scoping map of scientific production in the acculturation field since the 1980 s and overview the applications of the acculturation framework in the last five years. Using Biblioshiny, Phase 1 employs bibliometrics techniques to depict how the scholarship in acculturation has been produced, disseminated, and communicated across different academic fields. A series of research questions are asked to investigate the topic trends, the contributions of the countries and journals, and the impact and productivity of authorship and articles. Phase 2, then, uses a systematic review method to investigate how empirical studies have applied and operationalized the acculturation framework. The results of Phases 1 and 2 indicate that there are discrepancies between theoretical directions and applications in terms of dimensions and acculturation indicators.  相似文献   

This research aims to uncover the strategies/activities that shape the construction of relational identity through analyzing the turning points occurring during the process of intercultural friendship. Forty-five interviews were conducted with members in 15 intercultural friendship dyads. The results reveal that seven types of activities were identified: (1) positivities/providing assistance; (2) rituals, activities, rules, and roles; (3) self-disclosure; (4) networking; (5) exploring cultures and languages; (6) emphasizing similarities and exploring differences; and (7) conflict/conflict management. The strategies of exploring cultures and languages and of conflict/conflict management were thoroughly discussed to advance our understanding of the development and maintenance in intercultural friendship.  相似文献   


This paper tells the worldview of a generation that grew up in the Communist revolutionary ideology. For the people of this generation, the world was always divided into two worlds, the East and the West. Throughout China’s modern national history, the West, led by the United States, has been the imperialist aggressor and invader; on a global scale, it has been the hegemonic power that rejected and blockaded China; in social structure and ideology, it was capitalist, countering socialist China, and ever ready to subvert the New China. According to Mao Zedong’s three‐pronged theory of ‘enemy, friends and us,’ the West belonged to the ‘enemy’ side. The Bandung Conference in 1955, and prior to it, the Peace Conference for Asia and the Pacific Region held in Beijing, had a great impact on high‐school students in Mainland China. We viewed these conferences as promising signs that the New China would rid itself of isolation, and felt very close to those countries of ‘neighbors and friends.’  相似文献   

In culturally diverse societies, ethnic minorities are faced with the challenge of negotiating between their national and ethnic identification. Diversity ideologies address this challenge in different ways, by prioritizing national identification in the case of assimilation, and ethnic identification in the case of multiculturalism. However, existing research has highlighted the risks and drawbacks of both ideologies, presenting polyculturalism and interculturalism as new alternatives which construe identities as more complex, dynamic, and interconnected between groups. Given that little is known about these ideologies from the minority perspective, the present study investigated their endorsement among ethnic minorities, as well as associations with their ethnic and national identification in the USA. Results show that, in general, pro-diversity ideologies (multiculturalism, interculturalism, and polyculturalism) are all supported by ethnic minorities, in contrast to assimilation. Moreover, ethnic identification is associated with support for multiculturalism, national identification is associated with support for assimilation, and both are associated with polyculturalism. For interculturalism, associations with ethnic and national identification depend on its subcomponents, which seem to address and bring together the other three ideologies. Interculturalism may therefore be a promising way forward to minimize the risks of assimilation, multiculturalism, and polyculturalism, while also maximizing their benefits to minorities and societies at large.  相似文献   

A growing gap between national metrics of arts participation and the many, evolving ways in which people participate in artistic and aesthetic activities limits the degree to which such data can usefully inform policy decisions. The National Endowment for the Arts’ Survey of Public Participation in the Arts (SPPA) is the primary source of arts participation data in the USA, but this instrument inadequately evaluates how members of minority and immigrant communities participate in the arts. As the USA nears a historic demographic shift to being a majority–minority nation – non-Hispanic White individuals will no longer be a demographic majority by about 2041 – obtaining more accurate measures of artistic activities that are meaningful to a more diverse population will be of increasing importance for public policy-making. To better understand the extent to which the SPPA's questions capture the range of artistic activities engaged in by members of immigrant communities, we cognitively tested a subset of the survey's questions with Chinese immigrants to the USA as a pilot case. We found that interviewees participate in a range of culturally specific and non-culturally specific arts activities that they did not report in response to the survey's questions. In this article, we draw upon these interviews to discuss the reasons underpinning the gap and suggest implications for updating research tools and future research. A better understanding of the gap between measured and actual “arts participation” will lead to improved measures and information to support artistic expression and arts more reflective of contemporary society.  相似文献   

Psychologists’ interest in humility has increased in recent years. This paper provides the first review on the role of humility in the context of diversity. The results of the nine studies reviewed here, which were identified through a systematic literature search, show a lack of agreement among researchers on the conceptualisation of humility and how it can be measured. Additionally, humility has been found to be associated with less prejudice towards Syrian refuges, sexual minorities and religious groups. It also seems to play a positive role in the context of religious conflicts, disagreements and conflicting views. These promising findings on humility in relation to various domains of diversity are discussed, and the limitations of this review and recommendations for future research are provided.  相似文献   

Research on the union formation of the children of immigrants, the so-called second generation, focusses primarily on marriage and cohabitation. Even though dating relationships are often the first romantic relations and lay the foundation for more committed relationships, very little is known about dating among second-generation young adults. This is unfortunate because dating across different origin groups may point to changing or shifting group boundaries, that may only later be reflected in interethnic marriages. In this paper we aim to fill this gap in the literature by exploring the dating behavior of Turkish second-generation young adults in five European countries (the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France) using the comparative TIES survey data. Our results show that it is common for the Turkish second generation to date a partner with a non-Turkish background. And, moreover, that it is important to distinguish between different types of intra-ethnic partnerships. Although only few parents are reported not to approve of the relationship of their child, a substantial part of the second generation seems reluctant to inform their parents about their dating life. With regard to the role of parents, it seems that their influence on the origin of dating partners is limited. In order to enhance our understanding of the meaning of (intergroup-) dating, its determinants and outcomes, future data may focus more on meeting places and the role of peers in a longitudinal way. We argue that dating is an important indicator for intergroup relations that deserves further attention in increasingly diverse societies.  相似文献   

The present paper demonstrates the use of metric multidimensional scaling analysis to determine messages which could be utilized to enhance tourism for a particular region. An example utilizing the case of Israel is studied here in order to illustrate these techniques. Thirty professors and their spouses were interviewed to obtain ratio estimates of differences among 16 concepts associated with the focal concepts of “Israel” and “my vacation.” Data were analyzed using the metric program GALILEO (T.M.), which rendered a ratio-scaled configuration of the concepts in a multidimensional space. Further, using an algorithm called the Automatic Message Generator (T.M.), messages were formulated which would move “my vacation” closer to “Israel.” The techniques and the results are presented so as to make them relevant to those persons in charge of the generation of messages in the tourism industry. It is argued in this paper that the use of these techniques may facilitate the task of assessing and changing the attitudes of individuals with regard to their vacation preferences.  相似文献   

This study examines the acculturation, experiences of discrimination and wellbeing of a representative sample of over 3000 adult second generation of immigrants in Canada; 43% were born in Canada, while 57% immigrated before the age of 12 years. Four acculturation profiles were created using two sense of belonging questions: those who have strong sense of belonging to both Canada and own ethnic group (integrated); those who have a strong sense of belonging to Canada only (assimilated); those who have strong sense of belonging to own ethnic group only (separated); and those who have weak sense of belonging to both Canada or own ethnic group (marginalised). In the study sample, 75% are in the integration group, 15% in assimilation, 6% in separation, and 5% in marginalization. Wellbeing is assessed with two questions about life satisfaction and self-rated mental health. Those in the integration group have a significantly higher level on both measures of wellbeing. The experience of discrimination is significantly associated with being in the separation group. The effect of discrimination on wellbeing varied by acculturation profile: marginalization amplifies the effect of discrimination, while assimilation mitigates it. Social and demographic factors also affect wellbeing, particularly having low levels of education, income and employment. Implications for the settlement process are suggested.  相似文献   

Second generation immigrants in Western societies negotiate between cultural sets: the inherited and the acquired culture. For second generation Muslims the negotiation involves personal dimensions such as identity and it deals with the assimilative pressures of the society where they have grown up: a context where their ethnic and religious identities are combined and mixed. From an ecological perspective, these processes happen in the communities where everyday life and cultural transmission take place.This study examines from an ecological perspective the negotiation of identity in young adult second generation Muslim, how their ethnic, national, and religious ties are intertwined with the pressures from the community they perceive as the most important. We started from the community that the participants felt was most important for them and explored the different ways in which their religious, ethnic, and national identities were related to their most important community. Twenty young adult Moroccans settled in Italy since age 6 years were involved in semi-structured in-person interviews. The interview responses highlighted how complex these individuals find managing their ethnic and religious identities and how this process is related to their conception of religiosity and the forms it takes in everyday life (e.g., a system of values vs. a set of practices).  相似文献   

The Silk Road has played an important role in facilitating intellectual exchanges and cultural integration between East and West, economic globalization and diversity of human civilizations. In the new era, thanks to ever-closer economic and cultural ties between China and other countries along the Silk Road, this ancient route has been rejuvenated and embraced new development opportunities. Building the Belt and the Road is therefore our inevitable choice following the trend of the development ofthe time.  相似文献   

一百多年前,恩格斯在批判"宇宙热寂论"时作出了重要的科学判断和科学预言.一百多年后,现代科学取得了空前的巨大发展.现代科学成果已进一步证明了恩格斯的科学判断和科学预言的正确性.现代科学揭示出:宇宙物质具有能态的普遍性、差别性和对应性;能态梯级定性定律是一个极为普遍的规律;宇宙间存在着正向态演与反向态演对立统一的基本矛盾运动;这个基本矛盾运动导致了宇宙间气势磅礴的、不可抗拒的、永恒循环的态演洪流大变化,这个态演洪流大变化就是宇宙物质最普遍的基本变化;这个最普遍的基本变化趋势,使物质的一切形态及其属性都处于产生、发展、消亡、再产生乃至无穷尽的相互交替的循环转化中.宇宙态演是必然的、永恒循环的、无始无终的.这就是宇宙态演观.这就是"宇宙态演论"."宇宙态演论"不仅进一步领悟了恩格斯这位伟大的唯物辩证法大师的高超的逻辑灵感,而且还进一步批驳了一百多年前的"宇宙热寂论"和现代的"世界末日论".  相似文献   

本先回溯了《儒林外史》面世之初关于其“主旨”的两种重要观点,它们影响了整个20世纪学人对该书主题的评述。具有现代意义的批评是从世纪之初鲁迅、胡适开始的。直至建国前,学人的研究基本上沿着这一途径不断深入。建国后尤其是在1954年前后,发表了一批论,显示了学人努力运用进步的政治观念和先进的艺理论研究这部小说的水平和成绩。进入60年代后学术研究开始冷寂。“革”期间,少数人对这部小说的“主题”进行曲解。粉碎“四人帮”后,学术界拨乱反正,对《儒林外史》的研究渐趋正常并逐步走向繁荣,对《儒林外史》主题的概括力求体现出时代精神,又符合作品本身的蕴涵。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,成都农村的阶层结构与全国农村的阶层结构一样发生了变化,阶层结构复杂化了。作以职业为基础,以组织资源、经济资源、化资源的占有量为标准来划分新的阶层结构,认为成都郊区的农民有6个阶层,各个阶层有着自身的特点。随着阶层结构的变化,化观念也发生了变化。正确认识这一变化,有利于整合各种力量以促进经济、社会稳定发展。  相似文献   

仇富心理及其表现是中国古代社会阶级矛盾与对抗的一种集中体现,影响巨大.本文主要从社会心理学与政治经济学相结合的角度,以中国古代人治的社会制度必然产生的权力失控与权力滥用为切入点,探讨了在中国数千年的历史中仇富心理源远流长的原因和后果.  相似文献   


This article examines sleeping practices and their spiritual meanings in English society. Sleep is one of the most fundamental experiences of everyday life, and this article examines how its temporal and spatial dimensions were shaped by a wide range of confessional groups according to theologies of salvation and resurrection from 1660 to 1700. The practices, rituals and objects that surrounded and sanctified the bedside highlight distinctive forms of sleep-piety that were supported by shifts in the provision and use of domestic space, by the pastoral objectives of Church divines and dissenting ministers, and by a flourishing genre of published spiritual guides that promoted private household devotions. This comparative study of sleeping practices nuances existing historical narratives about the fragmented religious landscape of these years. Most importantly, however, it offers a justification of the centrality of pious sleeping routines to the everyday experience of devotional practice by tracing the ways in which religious beliefs were embodied through subjective physical performances of sleep.  相似文献   

傅憎享 《寻根》2004,(5):95-99
骂娘被鲁迅先生首定为国骂,乌龟/王八是众口一词、语频颇高的共名,可谓之次国骂。台湾学者李敖先生著有《王八一落千丈考》,试图寻求它何时跌落?为什么跌落?其后,再未见论龟谈鳖的雄文。或以为它太俗,而难登大雅之文坛。其实,为它寻失落之根由,是寻根严肃的重大课题。关于王八,  相似文献   

卢盛江 《寻根》2007,(1):25-31
玄学影响中国文学,一个重要的途径,是通过影响中国文人的处世态度、生活情趣、价值观念,进而影响到文学。从魏晋士风可以看到,玄学思潮振荡之时,士人性格确实有很多新的特点,主要有任诞率真、以入俗为超俗、淡泊宦情、追求高雅超逸风度几种类型。在玄学对士人心态的影响中,竹林七贤有着重要的作用。一《晋书》卷四十九阮籍等传末史臣叙论说:“嵇、阮竹林之会,刘、毕芳樽之友,驰骋庄门,排登李室……至于嵇康遗巨源之书,阮氏创先生之传,军谘散发,吏部盗樽,岂以世疾名流,兹焉自垢?”这是说,任情任诞之风的兴起,嵇、阮领其先。嵇康其实不同于后…  相似文献   

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