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This study aims to investigate the resources and methods used in information instruction provided at private university libraries in Jordan. It also investigates trends among Zarqa Private University students towards the achievement of its objectives. Data was collected via two questionnaires. The population of the study consisted of 19 administrators of private university libraries; 14 of them (73.7%) responded positively to the study, and of 600 first year students who were in the first semester of the academic year 2007/2008, 512 of them (85.3%) responded positively. Study findings have revealed that information literacy instruction programmes are not comprehensive in all target libraries. No more than five (35.7%) of the responding libraries offer the required lectures that inform students about the importance of libraries and libraries’ departments, the practical training of online access to databases through internet, or training on the usage of periodical indexes. The curricula offered by more than 78.6% of the respondents lacked courses or exercises that support library usage. Findings of “information literacy instruction programmes offered to students of Zarqa Private University, reveal that the programmes concentrate on theoretical aspects more than practical aspects. This study introduces some recommendations related to its findings.  相似文献   

This case study explored the perceptions of academic stakeholders about the development and delivery of information literacy (IL) programs in four universities, and identified elements necessary to establishing IL credit courses in Vietnamese higher education. The following research questions framed this study: 1) How do library administrators, instruction librarians, and faculty perceive the current implementation of information literacy instruction (ILI) programs for undergraduates studies in universities libraries in Vietnam? 2) What are the challenges to including IL as a credit course in the curriculum as perceived by library administrators, instruction librarians, and faculty? Respondents were purposefully recruited from four universities, including library administrators, instruction librarians, and faculty. Three online surveys were distributed to 537 individuals through Survey Monkey with 149 replies and a final receipt of 133 completed surveys. Interview and focus group data collection included 23 face-to-face interviews and nine focus groups. Findings showed IL is considered the domain of librarians and has not influenced Vietnamese campus culture. IL activities at four university libraries take the form of lectures, workshops, and basic IL skills modules. Few ILI activities are subject discipline-related. Respondents reported challenges to an ILI credit course revolve around the lasting impact of teacher-centered instruction and rote learning, misperceptions about the effect of IL on student learning outcomes, degree of support of IL by academic stakeholders, degree of faculty–librarian collaboration, and scarcity of resources. Recommendations are given for academic librarians in Vietnam implementing ILI programs and considering developing IL credit courses.  相似文献   

This case study explored the perceptions of academic stakeholders about the development and delivery of information literacy (IL) programs in four universities, and identified elements necessary to establishing IL credit courses in Vietnamese higher education. The following research questions framed this study: 1) How do library administrators, instruction librarians, and faculty perceive the current implementation of information literacy instruction (ILI) programs for undergraduates studies in universities libraries in Vietnam? 2) What are the challenges to including IL as a credit course in the curriculum as perceived by library administrators, instruction librarians, and faculty? Respondents were purposefully recruited from four universities, including library administrators, instruction librarians, and faculty. Three online surveys were distributed to 537 individuals through Survey Monkey with 149 replies and a final receipt of 133 completed surveys. Interview and focus group data collection included 23 face-to-face interviews and nine focus groups. Findings showed IL is considered the domain of librarians and has not influenced Vietnamese campus culture. IL activities at four university libraries take the form of lectures, workshops, and basic IL skills modules. Few ILI activities are subject discipline-related. Respondents reported challenges to an ILI credit course revolve around the lasting impact of teacher-centered instruction and rote learning, misperceptions about the effect of IL on student learning outcomes, degree of support of IL by academic stakeholders, degree of faculty–librarian collaboration, and scarcity of resources. Recommendations are given for academic librarians in Vietnam implementing ILI programs and considering developing IL credit courses.  相似文献   

调查了吉林大学医学生信息素养现状,分析了上过与未上过信息检索课的医学生信息素养差异性及其存在的根本原因,找出了医学信息检索课教学中存在的问题并提出了相应建议.  相似文献   

大学生的"网瘾综合症"与信息素质教育   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
本分析了大学生“网瘾综合症”的现象和产生的原因,指出“网瘾综合症”对大学生所造成的不良影响,提出当前在网络环境下有关对我国大学生进行信息素质教育的一些看法。  相似文献   

台湾地区大学图书馆的发展及其启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
论文介绍了作者访问台湾地区的见闻,着重分析了台湾地区的大学和图书馆的建筑、管理、服务和馆际合作等方面的运作情况,阐述了对我们工作的启示。  相似文献   


Millennials, or Generation Y learners, are one of the largest constituencies academic libraries serve today. Understanding how and why these technology-savvy students learn increases the efficacy of information literacy instruction and ensures that libraries remain relevant in the digital age. This article addresses the complexity of the millennial learning phenomenon and its implications for instructional design and teaching in physical and virtual library environments. To situate millennial learning in the context of academic library instruction, this paper takes a large-scale, holistic approach that includes consideration of millennials’ learning styles, emerging technologies, and a multitude of other issues affecting Generation Y learning.  相似文献   

对广州大学城10所大学图书馆的信息资源进行了问卷调查,旨在为“广州大学城高校图书馆文献资源共建共享策略研究”提供参考数据。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 美国大学与研究图书馆协会(ACRL)2015年通过了《高等教育信息素养框架》,如何依据文件因地制宜地展开实践是高等学校图书馆和信息素养教育馆员关注的焦点。[方法/过程] 采用案例研究方法,研究南开大学图书馆信息素养教育团队根据ACRL《高等教育信息素养框架》开展的嵌入式信息素养教育活动,展示包括对文件内容的解读、可行性分析、与合作者开展实践教学和分享成果等从宏观到微观的一系列实践路径。[结果/结论] 提出实践《高等教育信息素养框架》必须要结合高校实际情况,确定适宜的教学内容和实践方式,注重与院系合作者的深入协作,现场教学中应通过分析学术情境引入“阈概念”等实施要点。  相似文献   

高霏霏 《图书馆》2021,(2):43-48,62
在数字学术环境下,信息素养教育与科研学术过程的结合更为紧密,为使信息素养教育在数字学术环境中获得可持续性发展,教育内容取向与教育策略选择成为关键因素。利用内容分析法明晰数字学术所表征的数字学术环境,在分析此环境对信息素养教育主体与教育对象影响的基础上,梳理并探究数字学术环境中信息素养教育的内容与策略,内容取向以沉淀式累积与动态式提升的角度来探究教育过程中的知识与技能,策略选择以意识—技能—情境教育的相互融合支撑来保障数字学术活动的开展。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对当前我国高校毕业生就业难的问题,为提高图书情报专业毕业生的就业核心竞争力,对图书情报专业院系就业信息服务的开展进行探析。[方法/过程] 对美国伊利诺伊大学图书情报研究生院向其学生提供的工作列表信息、信息性面试、就业指导、专业组织和邮件列表信息以及密切联系招聘单位等就业信息服务进行分析研究。[结果/结论] 提出可供我国图书情报院校开展就业信息服务的启示:广泛深入地开发就业信息资源,系统连续地搜集就业信息,开展多样化的就业信息服务,提高就业信息服务的效率以及准确及时地提供与传递就业信息。  相似文献   

2006年3月,北京师范大学图书馆与美国高校图书馆员代表团进行了座谈。双方就高校图书馆员的教师角色问题、电子资源与印本资源的关系问题、信息技术对图书馆的影响问题,以及Google数字计划给图书馆带来的影响等问题进行了座谈。由此,交流了经验,双方都得到了有益的启示和收获。  相似文献   


This article presents a survey of digital reference trends in the United States with an emphasis on services for Slavic and East European studies. It is based on the author's experience as a Slavic reference librarian at the University of Illinois (Slavic Reference Service) and the Library of Congress (European Division). Topics include the conflict between print and digital resources, coping with electronic serials, full-text databases and websites, digital communication tools such as e-mail, chat, and web forms, the proliferation of websites from Eastern Europe and the NIS, and opportunities for bibliographic instruction via the web. The article concludes with suggestions for keeping current and ideas for possible reference collaboration among Slavic and East European studies librarians.  相似文献   

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