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The authors' purpose was to examine the relationship between three forms of cultural capital—the embodied, the objectified, and the institutionalized—and student performance in mathematics and science. Their analysis of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2011 data from 32 countries and regions revealed that parental expectation (the embodied cultural capital) had the strongest association with student performance. Parental education (the institutionalized cultural capital) and book possession (the objectified cultural capital) were also significant, with some exceptions. However, their relationship with student performance was relatively weaker. This suggested that the significant relationship between cultural capital and student performance holds in the 32 countries included in the sample, about 4 decades after Bourdieu first introduced the concept (i.e., students with higher parental cultural capital are more likely to perform better in mathematics and science).  相似文献   

Applying two-level structural equation modelling techniques, the current study examined the dimensionality of socio-economic status (SES) and its relationship with mathematics and science performance at student and school levels. Data were drawn from population 2 (13-year-olds) of 17 countries in the Third International Mathematics and Science study (TIMSS). A set of items about the ownership of household materials was used to measure the dimensions of SES. For most of the countries, a general economic dimension and a cultural dimension were identified at the student level. The cultural dimension had the greatest impact on students' mathematics and science achievement. At the school level, however, only a general economic dimension was found in most countries. This dimension was interpreted to represent community wealth. It was found to be highly related to school mean maths-science achievement, except for the countries where an additional cultural dimension is identified. This cultural dimension can be interpreted as the community cultural resources and atmosphere, and is strongly related to average school mathematics and science achievement. The current study confirmed that the ownership of a set of household materials can be used as SES indicators in exploring its multifaceted feature at both individual and school levels. A similar model structure is found in different countries by applying these indicators, despite the fact that the content of the set of household possessions is different. The findings show that the latent structure of SES at individual level is different from that at the school level, and that SES dimensions have different effects on mathematics and science achievement at individual and school levels.  相似文献   

信息与计算科学专业是教育部于1998年将原来的计算数学及其应用软件专业加以更名而成立的一个新的数学类专业,主要以信息为依托,数学、信息科学与计算机科学相交叉,培养大学生经过数学、信息论和计算机科学的训练与熏陶,能在信息科学与计算科学领域从事科学研究、软件开发、项目管理和教育教学等工作。本文结合信息与计算科学的专业认识,探索在专业数学基础课程教学、计算机科学课程教学、信息与大数据课程教学、校企合作培养课程教学中的教学法,为推动信息与计算科学专业的发展和完善提供参考,以便提高人才培养的质量。  相似文献   

This study explores several factors that account for cross-national differences in mathematics and science achievement for middle-school students from 39 countries based on the Third International Mathematics and Science Study. The results suggest that economic development level, as measured by GNP per capita, has a positive but relatively weak association with mathematics and science achievement. In contrast, variables reflecting a society's value on education, specifically the education of mathematics and science, demonstrates strong effects on students' achievement. These variables include students' perceived rigour of mathematics and science - a proxy of academic standards of mathematics and science, students' school attendance, the length of a school year, students' educational aspiration, and the average number of parents living with the student. The evidence presented in this study supports the argument that education reform aiming at improving mathematics and science achievement can hardly be successful without the efforts of the whole society.  相似文献   

Typically, mathematics and science are seen as linked together, where both subjects involve numbers, critical thinking, and problem solving. Our study aims to develop a better understanding of the connections between student’s achievement scores in mathematics and science, student gender, and self-efficacy. We used the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2007 eighth grade data to answer our research questions and were able to demonstrate that when controlling for self-efficacy, there is a statistically significant difference in the achievement scores between males and females by subject, where females score higher Algebra, but males score higher in the other mathematics subjects. Likewise, we were also able to demonstrate that there is a statistically significant difference in the achievement scores in Earth Science, Physics, and Biology, between males and females where males score higher in science subjects. In both mathematics and science examinations, we controlled for self-efficacy where in mathematics females hold lower self-efficacy then males and in science there is no difference between females and males in terms of self-efficacy. We conjecture that mathematics and science classrooms that consider self-efficacy may impact student’s achievement scores by subject, which can ultimately impact career choices in mathematics- and science-based fields.  相似文献   

The lack of females entering STEM careers is well documented. Reasons for the gender gaps at all stages of the educational pipeline include both internal factors such as self-concept and external factors such as the influence of parents, media, and educators. Using latent growth curve analysis and nationally representative longitudinal survey data, this study compares differences in the relationship between a critical external factor (perceived early parental support), student mathematics and science achievement trajectories, and persistence in STEM career by gender. Mathematics and science trajectories were positively related to STEM career persistence for males and females. Perceived early parental support was related to growth in mathematics achievement for males but not females. There was no relationship between early perceived parental support and growth in science achievement for either males or females. These findings indicate differences in the relationship between parental support, achievement, and career persistence depending on content area and gender.  相似文献   

Multiple‐choice, short‐answer, and extended‐response item formats were used in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study to assess student achievement in mathematics and science at Grades 7 and 8 in more than 40 countries around the world. Data pertaining to science indicate that the standings of some countries relative to others change when performance is measured via the different item formats. The question addressed in the present article is the following: Can the instability of ranks in this case be attributed principally to item format, or are other important factors at work? It is argued that the findings provide further evidence that comparing student achievement across countries is a very complex undertaking indeed.  相似文献   

“精英数学”和“大众数学”不是两种完全对立的数学观,它们只是强调的侧重点不相同,一个完整的数学教学观应该在两者之间寻找一个平衡点。“形式数学”是对“生活数学”的超越,因此,对于一个发展中的学生而言,他学习数学的“生活经验”应该越来越抽象。“接受学习”和“发现学习”都可能是有意义的学习,教师应该根据知识的类型、学生的发展水平综合考虑选择何种数学学习方式。  相似文献   

This study applies theory linking students' self-perceived competence with academic achievement, using data from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Within-country data generally show a positive relationship between student achievement and self-perceived competence in mathematics and science. However, when one examines this relationship between countries, the opposite relationship occurs, i.e. countries with higher student self-evaluations usually performed poorly on the TIMSS tests and vice versa. Similarly, countries with a high proportion of students perceiving the subjects as being easy performed poorly on the TIMSS tests and vice versa. This pattern exists for both mathematics and science at grades 3, 4, 7 and 8. The authors suggest that this pattern may reflect low academic expectations and standards in low performing countries and high academic expectations and standards in high performing countries.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship among ICT infrastructure (i.e., computing devices and Internet), one-to-one computing program and student ICT activities in school. It also looks into the differences of how ICT is being used in the teaching of English, mathematics and science at the elementary school level in relation to the availability of computing devices, Internet connection and one-to-one program. A total of 360 Grade 5 students from three schools (120 students from each school) in the western part of Singapore participated in a questionnaire adapted from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) ICT Familiarity Component for Student Questionnaire regarding students’ ICT use. One of the participating schools has implemented a school-based one-to-one computing program for all its students for the past nine years, with the school providing the necessary computing devices for all its Grade 1 to 3 students and a student computer ownership program to encourage all its Grade 4 students to procure their own computing devices to be used till completion of elementary education at Grade 6. The regression analyses suggest that how ICT is being used plays a more significant role in predicting the frequency of ICT use for the various subject areas than ICT infrastructure and one-to-one computing program. Further analysis also reveals that one-to-one computing program and availability of computing devices have a significant interaction effect on the frequency of ICT usage for English but not for mathematics and science—the presence of computing devices seem to have an impact for the usage of ICT for English but not the other two subject areas. The findings concur with earlier studies that there are differences in frequency and how ICT is being used in the teaching of English, mathematics and science.  相似文献   

This mixed-methods study investigated the relationships among preservice teachers’ efficacy beliefs, pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and their domain knowledge (DK) as related to mathematics and science teaching. Quantitative results revealed that participants’ PCK was significantly correlated with their mathematics and science efficacy beliefs. Additionally, participants’ mathematics and science DK did not predict their mathematics and science personal efficacy beliefs, however, their PCK score predicted participants’ outcome expectancies. Interview analysis revealed five inter-related key themes, labeled as: Previous academic experiences, Mathematics and science PCK beliefs, Personal efficacy, Outcome expectancies and Emotions. These common themes describe participants’ views of their quality teacher training and thinking about planned instruction. Educational implications are discussed in relationship with study findings.  相似文献   

数学究竟是什么   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自古希腊以来,数学哲学就试图诠释"数学是什么".随着数学的不断发展,人们对数学认识的不断深入.数学是一个复杂的多元体,任何从数学的某些特征对数学进行的描述都是不完善的.它们要么过于狭窄,要么过于宽泛.数学是关于模式而不只是关于数或形的科学.数学观与数学教育活动密切相关.有什么样的数学观,就有什么样的数学教育观.  相似文献   

全美数学教师理事会(NCTM)在2000年出版发行了《学校数学教育的原则和标准》,与之前相比,此文件中“问题解决”这一过程标准,在坚持以前的一些基本观点的同时,进一步明确“问题解决不仅是学习数学的一个目标,也是学习数学的一种主要方式”;而且增加了新的目标——“使学生能够检验和反思数学问题解决的过程”。由此可见,“课程标准”的制定必然有一个继承和不断改进的过程。自我国的数学课程标准将“解决问题”作为课程目标提出以来,在课程设计和教学实践中出现了一些变化和问题。在借鉴他国经验的同时,应根据我国的国情,继承和发展我国在“解决问题”方面的各种理论和实践成果,研究出培养学生解决问题能力的课程设计方案。  相似文献   

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) shows that US school students have a lower level of achievement than students from many East Asian countries. Therefore, media, researchers and policy‐makers in the United States have often argued that US competitiveness in mathematics and science will decline. This paper aims at verifying this conclusion by analysing data on medallists at the International Olympiads for high school students. The analysis suggests that US competitiveness may not be endangered.  相似文献   

This was a study of differential item functioning (DIF) for grades 4, 7, and 10 reading and mathematics items from state criterion-referenced tests. The tests were composed of multiple-choice and constructed-response items. Gender DIF was investigated using POLYSIBTEST and a Rasch procedure. The Rasch procedure flagged more items for DIF than did the simultaneous item bias procedure—particularly multiple-choice items. For both reading and mathematics tests, multiple-choice items generally favored males while constructed-response items generally favored females. Content analyses showed that flagged reading items typically measured text interpretations or implied meanings; males tended to benefit from items that asked them to identify reasonable interpretations and analyses of informational text. Most items that favored females asked students to make their own interpretations and analyses, of both literary and informational text, supported by text-based evidence. Content analysis of mathematics items showed that items favoring males measured geometry, probability, and algebra. Mathematics items favoring females measured statistical interpretations, multistep problem solving, and mathematical reasoning.  相似文献   

数学作为一种文化现象在教育中占据着重要的地位,在现代社会生活中发挥着愈来愈重要的作用;数学科学精神与人文精神的统一,数学科学教育人文化,是数学的最佳教育形态.  相似文献   

We investigated relationships between the learning environment and students’ mathematics anxiety, as well as differences between the sexes in perceptions of learning environment and anxiety. A sample of 745 high-school students in 34 different mathematics classrooms in four high schools in Southern California was used to cross-validate the What Is Happening In this Class? (WIHIC) learning environment instrument, together with an updated Revised Mathematics Anxiety Rating scale. Mathematics anxiety was found to have two factorially-distinct dimensions (namely, learning mathematics anxiety and mathematics evaluation anxiety) which yielded different patterns of results for sex differences and anxiety–environment associations. Relative to males, females perceived a more positive classroom environment and more anxiety about mathematics evaluation, but less anxiety about mathematics learning. Some statistically significant associations were found between anxiety and learning environment scales for learning mathematics anxiety but not for mathematics evaluation anxiety.  相似文献   

在数学教育中渗透人文教育,弘扬人文精神,是素质教育的要求,是我国新课程改革所规定的数学教育的目的,更是数学教育发展的必然。人文数学是数学与人文的结合,是用数学的精神、原则、思想和方法对学生进行文化陶冶和人格塑造,让数学教育在传授科学的同时起到提高人的文化素养和教化人格的作用。教育者可从创设特色人文课堂情境、引导学生自主学习、重视学生的个体差异三个方面实现人文教育在数学教学中的渗透,进而实现科学与人文在数学教学中有机的结合,进而促进学生人文素养的提升。  相似文献   

International comparative studies in education provide a fresh perspective on K-12 education policy by enabling countries to learn from each other’s approaches. The recently conducted Teacher Education and Development Study—Mathematics provides a worldwide lens by which to examine the role of subject-matter in the preparation of US teachers of mathematics for primary and lower secondary students. More specifically, a previous study looking at the international top-performing teacher preparation programmes identified a common set of learning experiences (topics/content) related to mathematics. This empirically derived international benchmark is used in this paper to examine the quality of the mathematics preparation of future US teachers in various university and college programmes.  相似文献   

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