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《品德与社会》是一门以儿童社会生活为基础,促进学生良好品德形成和社会性发展的综合课程。它倡导设计、建构学生发展需要的各类活动,使学生在积极参与的主体活动中实现自身品德的和谐  相似文献   

瑞吉欧教育的倾听教学法,通过创设倾听环境,倾听和理解儿童的想法,探寻儿童行为意义,促进了儿童身心健康发展。倾听教学法对我国幼儿教育的启示在于,教师需要科学认识倾听的教育意义,反思自身在教育实践中的倾听问题,调整自身的儿童观和教育观,不断改善倾听行为,以更有效地支持儿童的发展。  相似文献   

黄雅芳 《新教师》2022,(3):67-68
<正>“儿童哲学”是目前较为新颖的一种教学思想,其提倡从儿童的角度出发,尊重儿童的天性,组织开展满足儿童实际需要、强化儿童学习感受的教学活动,促使学生在愉快中学习知识,促进学生全面发展。教师引进儿童哲学思想,应充分利用教材中的活动资源,站在学生的立场,思考儿童的日常生活与认知水平,分析儿童的兴趣爱好与意愿倾向,优化设计以儿童哲学为核心理念的课程教学活动,以此提升课程教学效果,实现道德与法治课程育人目标。  相似文献   

作为当前素质教育的组成部分之一,学前美术教育课程的开展为儿童健全人格的发展指明了正确方向,同时作为儿童人格发展的重要实施环节,学前美术教育的开展也构成了学前阶段艺术教育的组成部分,这对儿童身心健康发展意义重大.从人格培养角度出发,学前美术教育需要考虑到美术课程实施给学生带来的心理体验,能否切实起到愉悦儿童身心的目的,促进儿童健全人格的形成.本文针对学前美术教育与儿童人格培养之间的关系进行了深入探讨.  相似文献   

现代幼儿教师的多元角色定位   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
幼儿教师在其职业生涯中需要扮演多种角色.对幼儿而言,幼儿教师应是促进儿童个性化发展、丰富儿童精神世界和情感生活的"导师";在幼儿园教学管理中,幼儿教师应是能够协调各种人际关系的艺术家,能够促进家园之间形成教育合力;对教师自身而言,幼儿教师则应扮演好"学习者与学者"的双重角色.  相似文献   

在人格发展的过程中,不同的时期会有不同的需要,而需要满足情况如何将对人格发展起着重要的作用。基本需要的被剥夺或过分给予将导致人格发展出现停滞、倒退;执迷单一需要将引发神经症人格;只有需要的适当满足才能促进人格的完善。  相似文献   

要实现儿童创新人格的发展,其重要的环节便是“学会表现”。学会表现,不是简单地“作秀”,而是将每一个人自身内在的精神面貌通过某种外显的方式展示出来。表现是每一位儿童的天性。通过课堂表现性学习、课外表现性活动等途径来培养小学生的表现意愿和表现能力,并最终促进小学生创新人格的发展。  相似文献   

以尊重儿童发展需要和遵循儿童发展自身规律为核心教育观的现代儿童发展哲学思想日趋成熟,在教育教学实践中也得到切实的应用。本课题研究,以儿童发展哲学为视野,研究幼儿自主性发展体验场的构建和利用。通过本课题的研究,必将能促使我园教师坚持从有助于幼儿自主性发展的目的出发,努力开发和利用园内外各种可利用的教育资源,并按照幼儿的身心发展规律以及学习方式和特点,构建和利用好能满足幼儿自主性发展需要的体验场。  相似文献   

一、体育教师的人格价值得不到客观公正的认可 教师的人格价值是指教育活动满足教师自身发展需要方向的价值,强调教师的社会地位、尊严、权利和自我实现以及在条件许可的范围内对自身正当需要的满足。教师在得到尊重、受到鼓励的前提下更能够把他们的观点和策略付诸实施,也更能够促使其认真对待自己的本职工作。教学因此可以得到促进。教师的自身素质因此可以得到提高。  相似文献   

科学家把儿童发育期需要肤体接触称为“皮肤饥饿”,并证明从新生儿开始的肤体接触和成人对孩子的抚爱,能使孩子获得皮肤欲的满足,并促使儿童皮肤依恋期的健康发育,促进儿童的身心发育和健全个性的形成。此外,这种情感的需要会促使小孩探索环境、兴趣、爱好的发展,建立和谐的人际关系。幼儿从家庭进入幼儿园,大多会产生不安和恐惧心理。尤其与父母分离会使幼儿产生分离性焦虑,长此以往,会发展为“自闭症”。然而,几乎所有发育正常的小孩都喜欢有人去抱他,孩子也都乐于成人的亲热。这就不仅要求给予幼儿良好的生活环境,更需要主动关怀、多接触…  相似文献   

Research on the transition to school has shown successful adjustment to be characterized by a high degree of effort, initiative, and positive interaction with peers and adults. These behaviors often have their root in the earliest transactions between infant and caregiver, particularly the infant's experience of having his/her cues and signals responded to in a consistent, sensitive way and the secure attachment which develops from such care. Through experiences with caregivers in the first year of life children begin to develop "working models" of others and self, models which influence how that child behaves at later ages, and which in turn influence how others respond to that child. Children who are deprived of the opportunity to develop a secure attachment often fail to develop the initiative and social skills which would facilitate their transition to school. Teachers' low expectations and negative responses to the child in the first years of school may perpetuate the child's negative working models and decrease the child's chances for subsequent school success. The challenge to us is to contradict the negative working models many children bring to school. This implies l) considering the meaning of the child's behavior within the context of his/her relationship history and current life experiences, 2) consistently and persistently caring for a child even in the face of apparent rejection of our efforts, 3) looking for opportunities to reframe how we and others perceive the child, and 4) being alert to subtle ways in which we and others may be perpetuating negative working models held by both the child and his/her parents.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to examine whether fathers' involvement with their child with disabilities is correlated with some of the demographic variables. Data were collected from 243 Polish fathers who were married and who had at least one child with disabilities. The issue was assessed by two measures: a Questionnaire and the Father Involvement Scale. The results of the multiple regression show that fathers' involvement is significantly (P < 0.05) correlated with the level of fathers' concentration on the needs of their child with disabilities, the level of fathers' cooperation with their wives, the number of years during which parents cared for a child with disabilities, time devoted by fathers daily for their child with disabilities, fathers' self‐esteem, fathers' education, the level of disability of a child, the level of fathers' skills in dealing with their child with disabilities and the level of fathers' knowledge about their child with disabilities. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at: http://youtu.be/XpTojch0j9Y  相似文献   

A qualitative research project was carried out to explore the views of children with special educational needs, their parents and teachers about one aspect of educational psychology practice: the dynamic assessment of cognitive skills. The research was carried out in a highly diverse and inclusive borough in East London, by Nicola Lawrence from Hounslow Educational Psychology Service, and Sharon Cahill from the University of East London. The views of nine children were sought through semi‐structured interviews regarding the process of dynamic assessment, supported with tools and techniques to facilitate discussion. The views of eight parents and seven teachers were also sought, through semi‐structured interviews and focus groups, regarding the psychological reports produced from dynamic assessment. Of the original findings acquired through thematic analysis of the data, those pertaining to the perceived impact of dynamic assessment of cognitive skills are reported. Dynamic assessment was reported to impact positively upon the child's emotional well‐being, self‐perceptions, approach to learning and social relationships, both directly, and through the subsequent intervention of parents and educators. Dynamic assessment, as well as providing instructionally useful information for parents and teachers, encouraged them to move beyond locating the problem within the child, to reconceptualising their special educational needs in context. As a result, parents and teachers became more positive and optimistic about the child, the current situation and the child's future. Dynamic assessment impacted upon the child's holistic needs, parenting and the development of inclusive practice in the classroom. It is concluded that from the perspective of service users, dynamic assessment forms a worthwhile and valuable part of educational psychology practice.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore how children with learning disabilities (LD) perceive their quality of life (QoL) and to compare self‐reports and proxy reports regarding their QoL. Children with LD, their typically developing peers, their parents and teachers responded to the child, parent, and teacher forms of KINDLR Questionnaire for Measuring Health‐Related Quality of Life (Ravens‐Sieberer & Bullinger, 1998). Findings showed that children with LD reported significantly lower QoL scores than those reported by typically developing peers. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and t‐test results showed that agreement between child reports and parent‐proxy reports was either low or moderate on each QoL dimension. Findings of the study may be used to raise awareness regarding the social and educational needs of children with LD in Turkey.  相似文献   

Teacher–student relationships have been linked to autonomous motivation and achievement. However, relatively little is known about whether satisfying students’ psychological needs mediates the association between teacher–student relationships and student happiness. Furthermore, this relationship needs to be examined in samples of students from different ethnic and racial backgrounds. In this structural equation modeling study (N = 1,961), we found that teacher–student relationships were positively and moderately associated with the satisfaction of psychological needs for autonomy, relatedness, and competence. Satisfying psychological needs, in turn, was moderately positively associated with happiness. These findings held across African American, Asian American, and Latinx subsamples. For the overall sample, students in higher grade levels perceived that their psychological needs were met to a lesser degree than students in earlier grades. However, only the Latinx subsample replicated this effect. Teacher–student relationships may promote happiness via meeting psychological needs.  相似文献   

Employment patterns and child-care characteristics and concerns of mothers and infants (12–15 months) with special needs (n = 166) were described and compared with a group of typically-developing children and their mothers (n = 139). Compared with the latter group, fewer mothers of children with special needs had reentered the work force by one year; infants began child care at an older age, and for fewer hours; care by relatives was more common, and formal arrangements were less common. The groups did not differ on any measures of observed quality of care. Special needs were an important concern in making employment decisions and finding child care for of the sample.  相似文献   

高校大学英语教师发展需求调查   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
高校大学英语教师发展需求的调查显示:大学英语教师具有强烈的专业危机感,处于理想和现实的夹缝之中,他们在专业上渴望归属感,在身份上渴望自我及社会认同,在学业上渴望卓越,在个人发展上渴望成长的空间。  相似文献   

The current study explored parental processes associated with children's global self‐esteem development. Eighty 5‐ to 13‐year‐olds and one of their parents provided qualitative and quantitative data through questionnaires, open‐ended questions, and a laboratory‐based reminiscing task. Parents who included more explanations of emotions when writing about the lowest points in their lives were more likely to discuss explanations of emotions experienced in negative past events with their child, which was associated with child attachment security. Attachment was associated with concurrent self‐esteem, which predicted relative increases in self‐esteem 16 months later, on average. Finally, parent support also predicted residual increases in self‐esteem. Findings extend prior research by including younger ages and uncovering a process by which two theoretically relevant parenting behaviors impact self‐esteem development.  相似文献   

After war and armed conflicts, the child victims of these events need protection and reintegration. In reality, the physical and psychic consequences of wars on children persist for some time after the war. In this regard, we must prepare the reintegration of these children into society. To reintegrate these children, we must think of both a general course of rehabilitation followed by special rehabilitation according to the child’s needs. In this respect, initially, we must initiate psychosocial help to restore the psychological and social development of children and to mitigate the harmful effects of wars. We noted that the content of psychosocial assistance for the child victims of war depends primarily on their particular needs and cultures and their traditions. General rehabilitation must thus rest on the capacity of the children to overcome the difficult conditions in the aftermath of wars. In this regard, the communities, the families, the schools, the teachers and the children themselves must take part in the process of curing these children and their support. Here, we can use certain possible models of creative therapy. For example, the cultural media such as arts of interpretation and arts visual as well as the accounts of the children themselves, the creative word can decrease the psychological problems of the child victims of war and facilitate their rehabilitation in the community.  相似文献   

教育行动研究是幼儿教师成长的重要途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育行动研究是教师研究自身教育实践中的问题、改善教育活动质量的一种教育研究形式,这种研究形式使幼儿教师可以在自己的教育实践中,开展研究工作,在研究状态下进行教育工作。这对幼儿教师的成长起着重要的作用:可以提升幼儿教师的社会地位和学术声誉,促进其专业发展;唤起幼儿教师的主体意识,促进教师主动发展;幼儿教师的教育行动研究将会成为我国幼教改革“胶着期”的突破口。  相似文献   

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