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澳籍华人艺术家姚迪雄1988年创作的63米长卷《2000袋鼠图》和2001年创作的100米长卷《人与自然——澳洲魂》,为之赢得了世界性的声誉。姚迪雄并未因此而陶醉迷离,他依然保持自幼坎坷人生形成的冷静生活态度和“天山牧马人”对马的挚爱之情。  相似文献   

张和平:生于1964年。职业画家,现为中国美术家协会会员,毕业于山东艺术学院。 1992年,参加中国美术家协会首届油画研修班; 1994年,应邀参加马来西亚、新加坡"中国风情油画展",其作品《草原》之一、之二被马来西亚美术馆收藏; 1995年,应邀参加新加坡画廊举办的个人画展;  相似文献   

暮春时节,中国绘画大师傅抱石的女儿、著名旅日画家傅益瑶在中国美术馆举办了她去国25年的首次画展。傅益瑶,1947年生于南京。此次画展向观众展示了她的150幅水墨画作品,其尺幅之大、题材之广、构思之宏伟、布局之巧妙、笔墨之精妙,令人叹为观止。中国水墨画自12、13世纪传入日本后,经15世纪雪舟等杨的大力提倡,曾一度风行;近代,水墨画在日本的影响却日渐式微。傅益瑶以弘扬水墨画为己任,承继并实践其父当年的努力,以创作水墨画为终生使命。在她的系列佛教艺术绘画中,长卷《佛教东渐图》、25幅的《圆仁入唐求法巡礼图》、36幅的《祖道传东》…  相似文献   

When you pass by the street, the crowd or old houses, you will notice those lonely figures. As we grow old, we will lose many precious things. We hope to arouse memories of the past and think about the reality as well through this exhibition.[第一段]  相似文献   

在现代文化大潮中,观众企盼一支富有实验性与创造性的艺术新军。可喜的是,在近日一个绘画展览上,我们见到了这一类型的青年艺术家——李永安及其作品。“实验室艺术”的概念,是西方评论家在后现代信息社会中提出来的。西方的实验室艺术沿着西方的文化传统在20世纪显示翻天覆地的变化。21世纪的今天,中国画家面临极大挑战。如何发展我们的“实验艺术”?如何使中国百姓接纳我们的“实验性艺术”?如何摆脱西方文化中心主义的桎梏,又创作出富有中国民族特色的国际化的“实验性艺术”?青年画家李永安用她的艺术实践回答着上述重大的问题。李永安…  相似文献   

客家,人杰地灵,善画芸芸;然堪称画仙乃凤毛麟角。武平李灿是也。  相似文献   

The exhibition “Impressionist Masterpieces from France‘s National Collections”, which marks the start of the Year of France in China, debuted in Beijing in October 2004 and moved on to Shanghai and Hong Kong after six weeks in the Chinese capital. The exhibits consist of 51 masterpieces by major French impressionists, such as Claude Monet‘s series of paintings “Waterlilies”, Edgar Degas‘ series “Ballet Dancers” and Pierre-August Renoir‘s series “Women, Children.” This was the first large-scale exhibition of impressionist paintings ever displayed in China.  相似文献   

He established his status in the arena of contemporary Chinese oil art with his landmark works “Spring Wind Comes Again” in the late 1970s. His creation later encountered popular artistic trends in the 1980s such as “nostalgia style”, “scared art” and “neo-realism”. Many of his artworks, including “On the Harvested Land”, “We Sang This Song Before”, “The Land with Prickles” and “The Body Under the Sky”, explored common feelings and formatic elements of his contemporarie…  相似文献   

王佳楠,人称若水散人,生于中国北方,1982年毕业于中央美术学院,1988年赴英国做职业画家至今。现为世界画坛上重要的中国画家之一,常年在世界各地的博物馆和画廊举办画展,现居于伦敦、北京、法国三地,作品被多家博物馆、基金会等机构收藏。  相似文献   

Rong Tie was educated in the Central Academy of Fine Arts, majoring in calligraphy, in 1996, he began his postgraduate study in calligraphy at Capital Normal University. He studied in the “elite class” at China Institution of Arts Studies in 2002 and became a visiting scholar at Peking University in 2003. His titles include: National First-Class Artist, academician of the China Artists Association, deputy secretarygeneral of the Traveling and Friendship Center of the China Artist Association,  相似文献   

Hepingli, a working-class residential district developed in the 1950s in Beijing. At 9 am everyday, Duan Xiaoying appears in a first-floor apartment in the district after driving his daughter to school and his wife to office respectively. This small apartment is the legacy of his diplomat father who liked doing woodwork for leisure. Duan recalls that his first oil painting box was made by his father. Now the apartment becomes his studio where he spends the whole day for oil creation. Duan us…  相似文献   

Against the background of the red imperial city walls in early spring of Beijing,renowned Spanish artist Pablo Picasso sips a mouthful of tea from a Chinese-style cup and gazes at passers-by with his sagacious eyes. That is an image on the thematic poster for the touring Picasso exhibition -- the largest and most valuable ever to visit Asia.  相似文献   

由中国美术馆、中华文化联谊会、中国美术家协会主办的《欧豪年七十岁回顾展》于春暖花开时节,在中国美术馆开展。文化部孟晓驷副部长和首都艺术界知名人士及记者出席了开幕式。欧豪年系当代颇有影响的中国画画家,1935年生于广东茂名,早年移居香港,17岁师从岭南画派大师赵少昂。1970年定居台湾,于中国文化大学美术系执教至今。《欧豪年七十岁回顾展》共展出其100多幅作品,涉及山水、人物、走兽、花鸟、书法及诗文等众多题材,从中可领略他半个多世纪艺术创作的深厚功底及不懈的艺术追求。欧豪年的绘画重写生,他并不沉湎于即事取景,而是着重造…  相似文献   

In China, artists born in the 1970s can always be identified by the variety and individuality of their works, Unlike the earlier generations who shared simllar strong social and political beliefs,the younger generation of artists doesn‘t really form schools with distinctive common features, such as the “scar arts” in the late 1970s, the “neoclassic” in the 1980s and the “new generation” as well as the “political pop arts” in the 1990s.  相似文献   

It is said that one‘s paintings always reflect himself. But Ann Yen seems to share only one similarity with plump ladies in her paintings -- both look relaxed and joyful. It was a happy experience to talk with Yen. Her hearty laughing and sincere talking greatlv imoressed me. lust like those olumo ladies in her paintings.  相似文献   

Zhang Daqian is celebrated as a legendary Chinese painter of international renown in the 20th century, With extraordinary skills, he is considered the most outstanding artist in carrying forward the traditions of Chinese ink painting. Zhang began to stand out in the 1920s and obtained a leading status in the then painting arena in the 1930s His replicas of ancient master artists' paintings are so superb that they can be hardly distinguished from original works. Mr. Xu Jichuan, a prestigious collector, recalled an interesting experience as evidence to highlight Zhang's unparalleled ability to replicate ancient painting masterpieces.  相似文献   

客乡闽西自古书画人才辈出,明中后期的李源所作《风雨归舟图》,现藏于北京故宫博物院。清代有“扬州画派”巨匠新罗山人华喦、“扬州八怪”之一黄慎以及上官周、伊秉绶、李灿、应元、丘伦、陈公信、廖海村等数十位名人。近代有丘涸李云霄、宋省予、罗晓帆、罗丹、胡一川等闻名遐迩。其中,丘沺以诗书画皆精而在同辈人中享有极高的声誉,惜其英年早逝,宣传极少,鲜为外界所知。  相似文献   

菲利波·利比(1406——1469)是意大利佛罗伦萨画家中的杰出人物之一,他是一个弃儿,被人送进卡尔米内的卡尔梅利泰修道院,并于1421年立誓。但是,宗教信仰显然不是他的意愿,不久传出绯闻,说他和一位修女相爱,这位修女就是卢克雷齐娅;她为他生了一个儿子,取名菲利波诺。他们终于抛弃了自己不贪图人间情爱的誓言,结为夫妻。[第一段]  相似文献   

由日中友好会馆策划和主办的《现代中国画家杨力舟、王迎春的水墨世界展》于夏初之际在日中友好会馆美术馆举办。  相似文献   

I got to know Zhang Qiang by accident.He is a Chinese oil painter living in Tokyo,Japan.His career as an artist began with a woodprint works entitled “The Great Leader”depicting Chairman Mao reading in his study.  相似文献   

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