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王睿悦 《音乐世界》2010,(19):66-67
松本润的帅是一种浑然天成,《花样男子》中的王子道明寺,《虹色夏恋》中的帅哥演员楠大雅,哪一个都是松本润的魅力侧面。忙碌于电视剧和演唱会的他,偶尔也想闭上自己的眼睛,轻松地加快一下脑海里最美好的曾经。  相似文献   

Erasing Memories     
A new study suggests that receiving an electrical shock to the brain shortly after recalling a troubling event can help a person forget many of the upsetting details. The study is to show that memories are plastic. That means they can be changed and sometimes even erased altogether. These findings could one day lead to new treatments for people who suffer from mental diseases like severe anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder. Such treatments may be able to target severely disturbing memories and help patients forget them.  相似文献   

你试过用鼻子来记事情吗?也许热狗的香味会让你发一场仿如置身棒球比赛的白日梦。又或者,烧棉花糖的味道使你忆起一个篝火之夜。科学家们现在知道嗅觉能触动强烈的回忆。要是能把这些回忆存在小瓶子里不是很棒吗?  相似文献   

对于母亲的种种记忆,不论她们是否尚在人世,总是细小而琐碎的,包括她们的言谈话语,外貌,甚至身上的气息。她们的一件衣服也会和一个抚摸,一通斥责一样让我们的思绪翻腾。记忆中这些点滴不仅仅让我们回忆起  相似文献   

三种心理结构———感觉记忆、工作记忆和永久记忆在口译活动中分别是记忆运作的前提、关键和基础。要提高工作记忆的工作效率,就要完善组块(或称断句)技巧,改善永久记忆,同时注重心理素质的培养。  相似文献   

侗族水文化与文化记忆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侗族族源主要为江海之滨的古百越族,经迁徙来到湘黔桂边地,逐水而居.侗族热爱山水环境,其物质生产活动、神话传说、古歌和民俗事项多与水有关,形成了以水为魂的栖居观和上善若水的文化性格.水为侗族文化记忆中的重要原型意象,山水侗寨是触发文化记忆的场景地.在工业化和现代化的进程中,侗族也面临着文化失忆的危机,需要保护记忆的载体,重建精神家园.  相似文献   

本文是一篇怀念美国前总统里根的文章,让我们通过普通百姓的眼光来看一下美国民众心目中的伟大形象。  相似文献   

<正>This summer had better be better than the last, I mumble to myself as I wipe a thin sheen of sweat off my brow. The paper towel is soaked through, so I crumple it in one hand before tossing it out an open window.Oops. I shouldn’t have done that—littering is what hooligans do.  相似文献   

To identify social schemas that are associated with self-esteem in adolescence, the contents of approximately 1,400 memories from a longitudinal sample of 41 males and 43 females were correlated with a Q-sort measure of self-esteem. Each memory concerned an important or problematic encounter, and was coded for social motive, affect, and identity of significant other. For young women, memories about wanting to help female friends were associated with chronically high and increasingly high levels of self-esteem from ages 14 to 23. For young men, memories about successfully asserting oneself with male friends were associated with chronically high and increasingly high levels of self-esteem. Low self-esteem in women, both chronic as well as decreasing, was associated with memories about failing to get approval from friends. Decreasing self-esteem for males was associated with memories about wanting love from female friends. The results confirm and refine prior findings that adolescent self-esteem is localized in relationships with peers rather than parents, and is based on different relational schemas for females than for males. The findings may help to identify contexts for preventative interventions to enhance adolescent self-esteem.  相似文献   

The Work of Preaching. By Arthur I. Hqyt. New edition. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1917. Cloth, pp. 389, Price $1.50.

Speech‐making. By R. D. T. Hollister. Ann Arbor, Michigan, George Wahr, 1918. Cloth, pp. 386.

Amateur and Educational Dramatics. By Evelyn Hilliard, Theodora McCormick, and Kate Oglebay. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1917. Cloth, pp. 169. Price $1.00.

The Aesthetics of Motion. By George H. Browne. The Turner Publishing Co., New Ulm, Minn. Pp. 46.

Winning Orations (in Contests of the Inter‐Collegiate Prohibition Association). Edited By Harry S. Warner, Chicago, Inter‐Collegiate Prohibition Association, 1917. Paper, pp. 184. Price 35c.

War Shock. By Eder, M.D. P. Blakiston's Sons &; Co., Philadelphia, 1917 Pp. 152.

Oral English. (The bulletin of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn). Vol. 12, No. 8. October, 1917. Paper, pp. 55.  相似文献   

《还乡》采用“双重视域”的艺术手法再现上世纪五六十年代大陆的政治风潮。小说中同时存在两种评断是非的标准:一种是爱憎分明的倾情投入,一种是太上忘情的冷静审视。从而既有身临其境的现场感,又有超越私人恩怨的形上审视,突破了以往对上世纪五六十年代“红色记忆”书写时“非左即右”的简单模式和政治偏见,在还原历史现场和时代人心的方面取得了相当的艺术成就。  相似文献   

有关儿童错误记忆的研究是心理学研究中的重要领域.促使儿童产生错误记忆的影响因素主要有易受暗示性、压力、访谈技术、认知不成熟等.源检测理论和模糊痕迹理论是目前解释儿童错误记忆产生机制的两种主要理论,前者认为根据记忆的特征判断记忆的采源可以检测记忆的真实程度,后者则认为记忆痕迹的强弱决定了个体记忆编码与提取的准确度.目前有关儿童错误记忆的临床与实验研究都存在一些缺陷,研究者应当更加注重自然情境下儿童错误记忆的真实表现.  相似文献   

穆旦诗歌中的宗教话题一直以来备受关注并多有阐释.其诗歌中相关的“上帝”话语并非西方严格意义上的宗教信仰,而是诗人处在当时特定的历史剧变之中并亲身经历了同时代人所少有的像战争溃败和野人山撤退这样酷烈的生命体验之后,作为一个敏感而有良知的现代知识分子所做的自我拯救和精神探索.写于1945年诗歌《忆》正是其力图缓释个人内心压力与祈求精神救赎的典型文本.  相似文献   

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